Beginners bathhouse usually do not understand very well how to use the stove in the sauna wood. Newcomers rarely manage to move the effective kindling - in this case a lot of nuances. Each step - from the workpiece or wood acquisition to maintain the required temperature in the steam - requires a good theoretical basis. This article will help to achieve quick results.
Preparing for a bath with firewood furnace
Preparation begins with firewood. In this case, too, a lot of nuances, but they will be discussed below. If you omit this aspect, the start of the process - cleaning of premises. It is a prerequisite that enables the oven to melt bannuyu with the least effort, while avoiding problems with fire.
preparation of steam
Start training is:
- cleaning of foreign objects;
- dry and wet cleaning of the premises;
- thoroughly ventilate the room - it is recommended to open the doors and windows.
Do not neglect regular treatment with steam antiseptic. Wood needs protection - this will increase the life of the wood trim and objects.
Prepare the oven to kindling
for sauna oven must be in the correct state. Matter how well prepared the stove, it depends on the comfort and safety of tourists. Scored chimney may enter into the steam room of carbon monoxide.
Scheme oven preparation:
- Clean the grate and ash pit of coals and ashes;
- Wash the stones;
- check cravings; To do this, open the door of the furnace and the ash and smoke damper; then Hold a lighted match to the furnace - if the flame is tightened inward thrust works; smooth flame indicates clogged chimney, which in this case necessarily have to be cleaned.
If there is a boiler, check the availability of water in it. Even if no one will use the water without her boiler to burst from the heat.
Important! Never light fires stove with clogged chimney. It is very dangerous!
Preparatory work done, pull right - you can start igniting furnace.
See also - can you flushing brick charcoal stove?
How to break the stove?
We need a "seed" for full kindling. Oven melt using 4 narrow small logs, chips / chip and paper (newsprint better - it flares better). kindling algorithm:
- on the grate parallel to each other putting a pair of logs; spacing - 10-15 cm;
- among the wood, place crumpled paper and sprinkle it chips or slivers;
- the lower logs diagonally put two more logs;
- ignite paper with one or more parties.
Not always possible to ignite the wood the first time. This requires a certain skill. To assist impossible to use liquid fuel. In an extreme case it is allowed to use a dry alcohol. But if the wood dry, the fire is lit with minimal problems.
Once flame flare, it is necessary to close the door of the furnace, and then partially cover flap blower. After that, you can focus on the sound - if the furnace goes out of characteristic buzz, everything was done correctly. If the sound is weak or absent, it is necessary to melt again.
This is just the beginning - a wood stove requires regular pop-logs. Doing this will also need to mind.
Bringing the steam to the desired temperature - keep kindling
To properly melt the bath, you need to periodically "feed" the furnace of firewood. First makeup - about 15 minutes after "seeding". Open the oven door and poker Smooth out the remnants of the solid fuel. After that uniformly lay portion of the wood - leave free about a third of the furnace.
Firewood is desirable to have a closer look to the flap, but not close to her. The minimum distance increases the heat transfer and reduces the full warm-up steam. However, contact with the fuel door can lead to unpleasant consequences.
The next toss logs - an hour and a half. This depends on the type of wood and your skill. Ideally slots should be as large as possible, but without a loss in heat transfer. Within a few hours the room gets warm. Thereafter, the flue damper can be a little cover - it will give a small savings of firewood.
Summer kindling bathhouse takes 3-4 hours. In winter, the process is delayed until 5-6 hours. When the heating treatment is finished, it is necessary to open the furnace damper and check out the latest in the presence of carbon monoxide; if over the coals dancing blue tongues of fire, there is a problem - it means after the bath procedures will need to clean the chimney; If everything is in order, then you need to close the ash pit, the furnace and the chimney.
Kindling over, but this is not final. After warming up the room you need to ventilate again. Open for 10-15 minutes window and door. After placing the saturation of fresh air, close the door, but do not touch the window. Let it brew for bath - that's enough for a couple of hours.
During this time, the room did not have time to cool down, but the heat will be uniform and soft, and the steam - easy. It remains to cover up the window and proceed to the most pleasant - bath procedures.
On a note! Signs of furnace closure - the temperature is not less than 60 degrees, the burning of wood until a smoldering coal, hot stones in the heater.
To speed up the process it is not necessary to water the stones. This will lead to the formation of steam, but the desired effect will not give. Stones vzbryzgivayut already during the bathing relaxation.
What wood are suitable for lighting of bath furnace?
The choice of wood affects the speed and quality of kindling, as well as the budget of bath procedures. Forget about:
- rotten be lazy - they form a lot of ash, but poorly lit and give a little heat;
- old wood - their combustion is accompanied by unpleasant odors;
- wood, impregnated chemical composition - these emit harmful substances.
What kind of wood is preferred?
It is better to choose wood from hardwood - oak, hornbeam, maple, ash. They are characterized by the highest heat. On this parameter fruit trees give way mentioned, though too bad burn. Larch is different even lower emissivity, but is used to protopki often. This is due to the availability of such fuels.
Not recommended for use from the needles of the wood. Pine and spruce provide relatively little heat, but still isolated in the process of burning the resin. Recent settle on the rocks and in the chimney.
In addition to heat, it is necessary to look at the wood moisture. "Fresh" cleaved characterized humidity ratio in the range 35-50%. That's a lot - such logs bad burn. The indicator should not exceed 20% - in this case the desired effect is ensured.
Tip! Before buying or firewood Calculate costs and benefits.
A little more specific about the characteristics of different tree species in the table below:
tree species | Advantages and disadvantages of wood |
Aspen | Pros:
Alder | Pros:
No cons. |
Spruce | Pros:
Oak | Pros:
Birch | Pros:
No cons, except for a slightly lower heat than some other options. |
Calorific value parameters - in the illustrations.
We describe how to sink bath. Yes, even with these recommendations will require training to gain skills. But realizing the algorithm of the process, we can already begin to self-heating of the bath. Our tips will help you get a good effect with minimum effort and cost.