If wood burning for a long time and give a lot of heat, they feel good. Different wood have different qualities. Therefore, you should know what is better to use the stove with wood because the definition of a breed of wood, will depend on the efficiency of your heating facilities.
The structure of each tree species, their density - different. These characteristics determine the duration of burning and smoldering. Moreover, the dense structure, so when burning wood such give more heat, but they light up too long. But the logs with a small density can ignite very quickly, but then again - they give a little heat and burn quickly. So, you can not stock up for the winter firewood only hardwood, but also need to use lighter wood (eg for fast ignition).
Plus, great importance is the fact that you have correctly chop them and arranged the place of permanent storage for high-quality savings in rainy autumn and winter days.
By properly prepared wood, natural home heat spreads around the room, creating in the house particularly pleasant, family atmosphere. Extraordinary sense of comfort if you want romance, fills the room, when I hear the crackling logs, a soft hum in the chimney.
What are the firewood for the stove are considered "correct"
Not all of the same tree species wood. One breed - good for the building, the other - for smoked meat products, and the third - for heating. Therefore, for any wood characterized by certain characteristics.
An important place in the process of heating the furnace takes design. For example, for use in fireplaces furnace pleasant smelling breed, but without the presence of a large amount of resin, since this substance - a possible cause smoke room. In addition to this, the resin is "shooting" of wood, which can cause a fire.
"Correct," the wood is characterized by:
- good heat dissipation;
- high flammability.
In addition, after complete combustion of logs must be formed small amounts of ash.
Important! These properties are determined not only breed, but also dry wood quality since, for example, the use of raw material is fraught with poor combustion and isolation in a large amount of smoke.
Therefore, to ensure the highest quality material for heating, the trees need to file down in the winter. This is due to the movement in their juice, which is the minimum - in the winter.
Tip! It is not recommended to use firewood in winter, filed off in the summer, because with the onset of cold weather they are still wet.
The properties of different species of trees
Generally, in furnaces for burning firewood used hardwood, which differ sufficiently dense structure.
Therefore, they have - big heat, they burn well. This group includes also the majority of fruit trees, the burning of which is accompanied by the release of pleasant odors. Names Names correspond firewood trees.
First of all, an oak - is the embodiment of strength, power of the ancient Slavs. The tree we are also appreciate. It relates to a solid, elite breed.
And only after that, the oak - it is wood.
Tip! If you want to cook authentic pizza, then this should be used oak wood.
Typically, fuel is waste wood or business middle-aged trees. They are able to give a lot of heat for a long time. Unlike younger counterparts, they have a strong heat, and the room is not filled with the sharp smell of smoldering wood.
After combustion of the firewood is too old trees usually remains much ash, the heat transfer coefficient - lower, and the room may be filled with "heavy" air.
Important! If the wood is really good, after their combustion space is filled with excellent tart forest smell, which causes an increase in the overall tone of the body and have a positive effect on the state health.
That's what we appreciate and oak firewood.
Linden wood - ideal for sauna stoves. And it's true, because oven melted It can be compared to a generator of extraordinary flavors that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract and lungs. Such wood is not easy ignited, but if it broke out, the heat is stored for a long time.
Its thermal qualities, they are able to maintain no more than 2 years.
As oak, birch and relates to solid rock. Therefore, birch wood - excellent fuel for furnaces. Although, according to its thermal characteristics, they are inferior to wood from an oak about 10%, but they surpass Pine counterparts by 24%.
The disadvantages of birch wood include the presence of large amounts of tar, which contributes to the accumulation of soot, in the combustion chamber and the chimney. Resin is mainly concentrated in the crust.
Tip! Help to clean the combustion chamber soot aspen firewood.
When used as fuel wood birch room immediately filled unique aroma. In addition, there is a complete air disinfection. Therefore, for the prevention of respiratory diseases it is recommended to heat birch wood. Although we must note that the healing properties of wood saves over 2 years.
Probably, aspen wood, few people are interested. And why, you ask? The answer is simple: this wood is not easy ignited, gives very little heat, which instantly turns into ashes, and they burn too quickly, giving at the same time too little heat (about 40% less than birch). Therefore, if there is a problem, and what better than the wood can be used for heating in the oven you should know: any, but not aspen. However, they have another advantage: they can conduct cleaning of chimneys, as they leave the combustion process in a minimum amount of soot.
"Royal" - this is also called the wood of gray alder. For what it's such an honor? Even in historical annals mention that alder wood furnaces stoked in the royal chambers.
During combustion they emit almost no soot, and on heat - only little inferior birch and oak.
Alder wood has little resin, it is easy to ignite, gives a lot of heat. Since almost no burning of the smoke is released, the furnace is carried out such wood "black", which is sometimes also used in the baths. Plus, during combustion of wood, the room is filled with a pleasant aroma, which is effective in the treatment of colds.
Important! If used for heating in the oven alder wood, the whole family is cheerful, energetic and healthy. Checked!
In addition, they produce a great heat for barbecue. With the help of alder sawdust smoked meat and fish dishes.
Dried wood can be stored without losing its heat and other qualities, for 3 years ex.
Willow and poplar
For firing furnaces are used as wood willow, poplar and with. They are characterized by rapid burnout, low emissivity. Therefore, to save them, given the low cost, it will not work, because to get a large amount of thermal energy necessary to burn a lot of wood.
Willow and poplar are considered to be low-grade wood. It is worth it, too, is relatively cheap. Therefore, the wood of these trees are in extreme cases - if there are no other options.
Of fruit trees
These wood are quite rare. After all, it is not always cutting down old garden, or - the wind broke a pear or apple. Despite this, they are most often used for burning in fireplaces, furnaces. During the combustion of wood fruit trees, wonderful flavor distributed around the room. They are characterized by good heat dissipation, with their help, you can quickly heat a room.
Despite the fact that the wood of coniferous trees POLENOV is a large amount of resin, they are also often used for heating in ovens. The advantages of this type of material for stoves include the provision of invigorating scent of resin and essential substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory tract.
They are most often used in the baths. For fireplaces, they are not like because they can sometimes "fire", which is undesirable from the point of view of fire safety.
Do we know how to properly store the firewood?
Buy good wood - half the battle, because you need to know how to properly save. Most often to store firewood equip woodpile.
Important! It is not recommended to store firewood indoors, as to the logs for a long time retain their original properties, you need good ventilation, the best - natural.
Important! Before laying the fuel, it is necessary to prepare a place for the woodpile, guided by two criteria: the optimum preservation of wood and ease of use for the hosts.
Wood is good to keep, consider the following points.
- Place for the woodpile should be placed higher. This means that it is not recommended to equip the lowlands, where the possibility of accumulation of water, which can lead to rotting material. Wet fuel is poorly lit, its heat will be minimal, and the smell in the room when burning is not exactly pleasant.
- In the case of stacking rows of logs, it is necessary to provide constant active ventilation, to which they must be separated by some distance.
- Must be protected from above against possible rain. To do this, you can build a shed, in the best case - a complete roof. Although there are methods of stacking, when rain or snow can not penetrate inside, and wet wood.
- Freshly sawn winter trees do not need to lay in a woodpile, as they have for a good 4-6 months to dry.
- Almost 2 times longer needs to dry wood, which was cut down in the spring or summer.
For the convenience of the owners of the wood in the heating season, you must:
- provide good dry and constantly keep them in that state, which is designed and stack of wood;
- distance from home to the location of the woodpile should be small, to the owners at any time can easily get to it;
- and importantly, harvested wood, chop firewood in advance, without waiting for the cold weather. Otherwise - not very pleasant to deal with such matters in the cold.
Today it is difficult to do without firewood. Even if your private home, cottage heated by gas or electricity, all the same you have even fireplace, sauna or a simple brick oven. Therefore, among the many wood, you have to choose those that have warmed your house, and with it - your whole family. If the winter night will be warm in the house, so it will be warm and in your hearts. Comfort you, warmth and comfort!