Low temperatures uncomfortable for the garage owner and does not benefit the car. Electric furnace for heating the private / industrial garage does not matter to cope with heating functions while requiring considerable financial costs. It is expedient to heat the premises of this type of units that meet the garage features.

On peculiarities garage heating
There are 2 main problems commonly encountered by motorists wishing to heat the "parking":
- "Wrong" and the ratio of the volume of floor space;
- absence of external insulation and internal complexity of the device.
ratio settings
There is a law that increases the ratio of area to volume decreases in body size. Relatively speaking, if in mid-size two-story private house on 1 m3 It has 0.8 m2Then in a typical garage 1 m3 - 1.7 meters2. This means that small room heat loss will be twice as high.
To create in the garage 8-degree "microclimate", the equipment will need power about 1200 Watts. To maintain a temperature of 16 degrees, it requires the heater 1800 watts. Costs for heating per unit area also come about two times greater than in the case of the cottage.

Even powerful and cost-inefficient furnace will typically the garage, if you do not take care of the insulation. The walls, floor and ceiling, unable to keep warm, make the venture a heater inappropriate.
The best thing to do external insulation. But more often it responds to a considerable burden on the budget. In addition, for many car owners, this option is not available at all - garages are sandwiched between others.
Remains internal insulation. But it is not so simple. If you perform a thermal protection against the surface of the room, condensation will be formed between the elements. For some time, this will allow the insulation to heat the garage quite effectively. But soon the building will come into disrepair.
The garage heater is mounted with a gap of 3-5 cm. Between the insulator and the floor, too, left a similar distance. By condensing it does not save, but the latter in this case does not cause substantial harm to the garage. The disadvantage of this solution is that at a constant heating in the room is too humid. And this is serious impact on vehicle condition. Owners of garages have to still think about the external insulation or to accept additional heat losses.
The inner lining of the recommended materials, poorly conducting heat. As an option - particleboard / fiberboard or ondulin. Insulation made of plastic can not be done - in an emergency it will lead to the formation of large amounts of toxic gases.
Before wall insulation additional protection. Plastered brick walls (e.g., vermiculite mixture), and the metal - primed and painted bilayer.
thermal hat

Even if you have good insulation heat will not be delayed, if not to create so-called thermal cap. Much more rational to heat than the entire garage volume and workspace. Without giving thermal energy in contact with the walls, through which it is easy to leave.
In other words, it is necessary to concentrate the heated air in the center of the garage. A cold layer will serve as a reliable thermal protection. Warm air rushes up first, without reaching the ceiling while - where he is faced with energy cold quenching air streams. Then, the heated air escapes to the side, only slightly touching the garage walls. Thus, it becomes warm, almost the entire space.
Remember! Warming of itself does not solve anything. As well as without it is impossible to achieve the optimum heat effect
Heated even an observation pit. This can not be achieved without creating a thermal cap. Without convection processes work in the pit is very uncomfortable - hands are in a relatively warm and your feet get cool in the cold bottom of the zone.
To achieve this effect, you need to use the stove for heating private garages, characterized by small capacity, but the possibility of the formation of intensive low-density airflow.
Suitable embodiments of furnaces for heating garages
There are several options furnaces for the garage, which to some extent can be considered appropriate.

Looking ahead, we can say that this is the best solution for small stand-alone facilities. Canadian engineers developed the oven for other purposes, but it just so happened that she was almost ideal for garage heating. Buller is relatively inexpensive, perfectly warm and neprozhorliv.
In fact, it is a descendant of the famous stoves. In the context of heating buleryan garage would be more correct to call the convection unit. On sale you can find the stove capacity from 2 to 200 kW - there exists a solution for facilities of any size. Efficiency of such constructions is 80-90%.
Like an oven in a private garage you can use any Buller. But the best option would be a tent "polubuleryan". It is distinguished by a nozzle aimed not diagonally, as in the other designs, and straight up. This provides a more efficient formation of thermal caps - air termopotoka mushroom.

In buleryanov, unfortunately, there is a drawback. Because they have developed for lumberjacks, with their help it is possible garage heating with wood. Only. While that may not have come up with this type of equipment that would work on peat or coal. And at the same time it would give a comparable effect.
But the benefits override units flaw
- perceptible heat transfer - after 5 minutes after the start; and even earlier;
- download audio wood enough to 8 hours of heating;
- possibility of use as a fuel even podsyrevshie logs; wherein the efficiency decreases slightly.
If car owners do not have a strong desire to make the heating equipment for the garage with his hands, buleryan suitable like no other unit. Buller own produce as possible, but it needs to have a number of special machines.

How to outsmart buleryan?
Canadian wood-burning stove can be turned into the equipment in the wood do not need. But only on condition that Buller will use for short heating. Role play logs firebricks. Neutral does not fit - he does not have sufficient thermal conductivity.
Recommendation! Do not use red brick - the desired effect is not achieved with them
The scheme is:
- brick doing battle no larger than a pack of cigarettes;
- bout charged into the firebox so that a space remains between the chamotte for the circulation of air flows;
- heat the heat storage furnace via a burner; to heat the hot bricks, it takes about five minutes;
- close the door of the firebox, flue damper and power regulator.
These manipulations enough to warm the room relatively well and to achieve the conservation of heat for 1-3 hours.
Since buleryan to make their own is not easy, many "diy" prefer other options. About them further.
brick oven

Homemade brick oven with a size of 2x2.5 foundation brick cope with heating a typical garage. But they are difficult to recommend to those who runs to the "parking lot" rarely and briefly. The oven is warming up too long. Yes, the heat it gives even longer - for a few hours. But spending on kindling hour and a half, then to work for 30 minutes, quite irrationally.
Another minus brick variant - the inability to create a thermal cap. Termopotok, which creates a heater, characterized by low intensity, insufficient to form a thermally insulating air layer.
Make such structures made of refractory bricks, characterized by greater thermal stability than conventional red. As a binder used refractory clay, to which is added fireclay powder.
Garage design of this type consists of a maximum of 10 series. The firebox is made at the level of 2-4 th. The presence of the chimney - a prerequisite.
Stove Waste liquid fuel

With fuel no problems - it is not there will hardly have any car owner. In an extreme case, you can easily purchase it at any point of a car service - the cost of fuel is very modest.
The design of a typical machine assumes the presence of two sections. Sections are connected with the pipe perforations. The lower section is burned oil. This produces a small portion of the heat and combustion gas. Last through the pipe goes to another department. Due to the perforations in the pipe enters a certain amount of air that mixes with the combustible gas. It is this mixture and gives longer enough heat to heat the garage.
The lower compartment are usually made of thin metal sheet. The shape is not critical. With a view to being able to adjust the air flow is made by a special valve.
A perforated pipe and an upper section made of a thick metal. Thin walls will not withstand long exposure to high temperatures. Pipe with holes should be durable and more because otherwise it simply can not cope with the considerable weight of the oven in a small garage.
Chimney necessarily make the top of the second compartment. Side fume collection channel can not be done. The fuel is suitable for almost any working out, which is not typical for a simple high-speed ignition.
Such a furnace requires very serious attitude to safety. Perforated pipe - is beating flame. Therefore, the design should be kept away from flammable substances. If you spill gasoline with such a "hotbed", you can catch fire. For this reason, none of the fire did not give the official go-ahead for heating garage similar equipment.
Important! The responsibility for the use of such a furnace is completely of the owner of the garage
solid fuel burning stoves

The most popular and easiest option makeshift efficient stoves - stove. Make it possible directly to the garage from scrap materials. Will approach everything that has a suitable shape and strength characteristics. Desirably, the metal is at least 5 mm. The cylinder must have a diameter of 30 cm.
Traditional oven includes:
- housing;
- ash pan;
- lattice;
- firebox door;
- blower door;
- chimney (vertical or horizontal).
Scheme simplest manufacturing stoves:
- from suitable blanks make the fuel chamber;
- at the bottom of the grille set, and underneath the ash pan; for the latter can be used thinner sheet metal;
- top or side making the chimney; minimum cross-section - 10-12 cm, 2-3-allowed millimeter wall thickness;
- from the corners do support.
Recommendation! To enhance and accelerate the heating thermoeffect garage to the sidewalls burzhujki weldable small plate-wings.
In the illustration - a simple scheme buleryana predecessor. Heat dissipation design enhanced by the use of the afterburner with a duplicate pass. One fuel loading is enough for 3-4 hours. Power to a small extent can be adjusted by the door.

Suitable furnaces options in a private garage is enough to reflect on the choice. But in any case, first of all - safety. The most unpleasant mishap - fire. Safety will help forestall a fire, but if any is still there, it must be quickly eliminated. To do this, you need to have one, and preferably two fire extinguishers. Choosing appropriate, based primarily from the charge gas volume, which must be at least one and a half times the cubic capacity of a garage.