If you want to create a unique jewelry, to become the owner beautiful table or transmitter, then you should definitely know what the transparent epoxy resin to fill, and where it can be used. We offer to find out how to use this material, as well as any product can be made with it.
Create a unique product can be very
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1 Epoxy resin - what it is
2 What can be made of epoxy resin: interesting examples
2.1 Jewelery epoxy
2.2 Furniture made of wood and epoxy resin
2.3 Restoration of epoxy resin products, wood and stone
2.4 Epoxy resin to fill the floor
2.5 Other applications
3 The chemical composition and the components for epoxy resin
3.1 Curing agents and plasticizers
3.2 Fillers and solvents
4 Transparent epoxy resin for potting: performance
5 What to buy a transparent epoxy resin to fill: popular brands
6 How to use an epoxy resin: important points
6.1 How to make an epoxy resin: the basic rules
6.2 Pouring epoxy resin products
7 safety measures when working with epoxy resin
8 Making your own hands products from epoxy resin - nuances
Epoxy resin - what it is
Epoxy resin - is an oligomer comprising epoxy groups. Compound its hardener promotes the formation of crosslinked polymers.
Transparent structure opens up great opportunities for creativity
What can be made of epoxy resin: interesting examples
If you decide to do creative work, we offer to see what can be made of epoxy resin. We have collected for you vivid examples that can be used as an idea for a future incarnation.
Beautifully designed product can become an ideal gift
Jewelery epoxy
If you want to become the owner of a unique decoration, should know what it is - jewelry resin. It is a modern chemical material is used extensively by many masters to create handmade ornaments. It allows you to create a product that mimics glass. Offer see photos that demonstrate how the jeweler epoxy resin can be used.
Furniture made of wood and epoxy resin
Sharing wood and epoxy beneficial effect on the performance characteristics of the finished product. Under the influence of epoxy glue for wood wood stabilized and is no longer afraid of the negative external products. this furniture It can be operated in a variety of conditions, without fear of its damage or loss presentable. Offer see furniture made of wood and epoxy resin.
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Restoration of epoxy resin products, wood and stone
Violation of the integrity of the coating is not grounds to throw out a particular item. Applying epoxy to the damaged base, it is possible not only to restore its integrity, but also add luster.
Restore the integrity of the product epoxy resin and wood, you can use a properly sized composition. Such an opportunity we can use when carrying out repairs in the bathroom.
Epoxy resin to fill the floor
Beautiful floor can become the main decoration of any room. It does not want to lay carpet or provide any additional methods of protection. The formed coating will resist external factors well. Offer see the photo to see it can be used epoxy to fill the floor: it can help to shape self-leveling floor with a unique pattern.
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Other applications
Epoxy has a sufficiently large area of ​​use. It is used:
while doing waterproofing and repairs;
for sealing electrical appliances. For best results, it should be understand as epoxy glue;
to strengthen plaster;
protection products operated in a hostile environment.
The composition is effective for waterproofing of the floor
The chemical composition and the components for epoxy resin
To obtain the required properties of the special components are added during the preparation of the solution. Offer to find that it was able to add and in what quantity.
Curing agents and plasticizers
To initiate the polymerization reaction of the resin is mixed with the hardener. The phenols, tertiary amines and their analogs can be used as the agent. The amount of hardener depends on the characteristics of the main component and the desired result.
One hardeners, allowing polymerization reaction to run
To the finished product during use does not crack, possess sufficient flexibility in the composition of the prepared mixture is introduced plasticizer. The introduction of this component will prevent the formation of cracks during the drying process a large volume of products. As the plasticizer used substance based on dibutyl phthalate.
Plasticizer maintains the integrity of the forming surface
Fillers and solvents
In order to impart a desired set of properties and desired hue or color of the epoxy resin various fillers are introduced. Most often, preference is given to:
aerosil, Allowing to prevent the occurrence smudges on vertical surfaces;
microsphereThat increases the formulation viscosity;
talcProviding formation of a smooth surface and sufficient strength;
titanium dioxideThat increases the resistance of the material under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and imparts a white color coating;
aluminum powder, Which imparts a characteristic silver-gray color;
graphite powder, Allowing to obtain the desired color and to ensure the formation of a perfectly flat structure.
To reduce the viscosity sometimes administered solvents. However, their amount should be minimized, since they lead to a reduction in strength of the formed coating.
The entered number of filler affects the color of the future product
Transparent epoxy resin for potting: performance
The material has good performance characteristics:
high strength;
It forms a perfectly flat and smooth surface;
It retains the volume after curing;
It does not crack under the influence UV;
sufficient abrasion resistance, including under the influence of abrasive;
moisture resistance.
Attention! In the frozen state of epoxy is safe for humans and does not emit toxins.
You can see the decorative elements inside the product
What to buy a transparent epoxy resin to fill: popular brands
If you are looking for, what and where to buy epoxy resin, offer to get acquainted with the most popular brands. Each composition has its own distinctive features, which are worth to know in advance. Properly selected composition will provide high quality and beautiful products.
Price transparent epoxy resin for filling will depend not only on the specific brand selected, but also on the amount of the purchased material. Before you buy a selected composition, count, taking into account the indicative rate, how many staff will require. If you are looking for a suitable composition to fill countertops, look for MG EPOXY STRONG. The composition has optimal characteristics for the formation of products of this type.
Review of the epoxy resin MG-EPOXY-STRONG
More on ForumHouse: https://www.forumhouse.ru/threads/403960/page-2
If you plan to repair the boat, pay attention to the Sea-Line Epoxy Resin. The composition may be used to restore the integrity of the boat body above and below the waterline. It can be applied by brush or roller. Epoxy Resin Epoxy Crystal + is an improved transparent epoxy, which can be used to create products and bulk filling coating. It is supplied with the dye. Advantages:
It has high transparency;
at room temperature, the viscosity - 550 MPa;
finished composition can be used for at least 5 hours at 25 ° C;
polymerization requires 36-38 hours.
If you need to buy a transparent epoxy resin to fill the stone, concrete, glass or wood, pay attention to EPOXY GLASS. Two-component composition, manufactured in Italy, has good performance and is suitable for manufacturing various products.
Next up, a noteworthy - "ED 20". It has a wide range of applications. It comes in capacities of large volume. However, due to the increased viscosity of the composition it can be difficult to remove the bubbles from the finished product. Over time, the finished coating can lose its transparency and acquire a characteristic yellow color. Those planning to create a piece of jewelry, you should pay attention to Pebeo Gedeo Crystal Resin. It allows you to create three-dimensional product with the inclusions, having a height of 2 cm.
Review of the epoxy resin Pebeo Gedeo Crystal Resin
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6316795.html
How to use an epoxy resin: important points
To manufacture beautiful and durable products, you need to know how to use an epoxy resin. Consider cooking fineness composition and characteristics of various filling products.
The resin should have a suitable viscosity for casting products
How to make an epoxy resin: the basic rules
Transparent epoxy resin for filling wood and other materials are sold as a set. The material includes a base and a special curing agent, the addition of which triggers the beginning of the chemical reaction. Taking into account the irreversibility of the process, it is necessary to adhere to the instructions supplied with the particular composition.
Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
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«Different manufacturers of the components, the dosage may vary. "
Now, how to make an epoxy resin. Measure out the required amount of base and curing agent. The prepared resin is poured first capacitance, and then the hardener. The components are mixed. As a result, should get a homogeneous mass.
Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
Ask a Question
«Do not mix the resin and hardener at high speeds to avoid the appearance of bubbles that contribute to the formation of voids. "
The amount of added curing agent is provided in the instructions
Pouring epoxy resin products
The sequence of manufacture of the product depends on its size and destination. For small special forms used for pouring an epoxy resin made of plastic. For larger set formwork made of plywood, Covered with high density polyethylene.
Attention! Molds (shape) or formwork must be sealed. If used to verify the integrity of the water before pouring the composition form, be sure to dry.
Inside the form laid decorative elements of the desired species, to ensure that they are suitable for a particular product. If necessary, the size and configuration of the decor is corrected. Form aligned. Decor is extracted.
A first layer of filled resin. Its thickness depends on the depth of the decorative elements. So that they were at the very bottom, the thickness of the first layer should be about 1 mm. Also worth stock weights, to avoid floating leaves or wood.
After the decor takes place allotted to him, made the subsequent filling layer. Their thickness is 1-1.5 cm. Fill each subsequent layer need not before 16-18 hours after the pretreated fine sandpaper surface. Once the product is formed, the upper layer should be polished. Enjoy the furniture and jewelry can be 5 days.
Before pouring the composition should be mixed
safety measures when working with epoxy resin
Working with an epoxy resin, it is essential to perform certain safety requirements:
work is carried out in a well-ventilated area;
hair should be under a cap or scarf to eliminate the possibility of accidental contact with the hair in the formed product or composition to the hair;
Avoid getting on skin. Chances of allergic reactions;
work glasses to protect the eyes. Especially in the final polishing article;
do not expose the composition or dust inside the body. This can cause food poisoning.
We have to work with gloves
Making your own hands products from epoxy resin - nuances
To create a work of art, it is necessary to know certain nuances that contribute to high-quality manufacturing of products made of epoxy resin by hand. You should know that:
resin in a warm room hardens quickly;
surface heating can cause deformation of the product to be made;
under the rays of sunlight or direct flame transparent material may turn yellow;
fill should be conducted at a temperature above + 22 ° C;
remove formed bubbles from the worktop by using burners. At the same time, thermal effects should be seriously limited;
hardened composition can exfoliate in the cold;
the composition should be mixed as much as possible better quality, to avoid the appearance of not frozen zones.
If you have already produced some products of an epoxy resin, share in the comments that you have got and what makeup you use.