πŸ‡ Cage for rabbits with their hands: step by step guide

Business for animals - this is probably the most profitable business, which is practiced by many people in rural communities. More often than not engaged medium-sized fowl breedingFor example, rabbits. To this occupation brought a certain income, special attention should be paid to the place where pets will live. Therefore, be sure to check how to perform a cage for rabbits with their hands. Step by step guide provides important nuances that are indispensable in the manufacture of cages for pets.

Sometimes the factory farm for rabbits is too blacked out and uncomfortable
Sometimes the factory farm for rabbits is too blacked out and uncomfortable

Read article

  • 1 Types of cells in rabbits with their hands: fotoprimery and description
  • 2 Rules for selecting the cell installation space for rabbits: the nuances for beginners
  • 3 How to make decorative rabbit cage with his hands
    • 3.1 Drawing with dimensions of homemade cages for rabbits
    • 3.2 Instructions for the production of cells for decorative rabbits with photos
  • 4 As with their hands to make rabbit cages in two tiers
    • 4.1 Harvested own drawings
    • 4.2 Instructions for the production of housing for rabbits
  • 5 Cage for rabbits from the grid: an elementary algorithm
    • 5.1 The dimensions in the drawings
    • 5.2 Step by step guide to video
  • 6 Rabbit Mikhailova cells: Doing their own hands
    • 6.1 Possible drawings and diagrams Mikhailova cells
    • 6.2 stand assembly
    • 6.3 walking and nesting area: manufacturing features
    • 6.4 As mounted the upper tier and the roof
    • 6.5 Rules of registration of the lower tier
  • 7 Which is better to buy a cage for rabbits: a review of popular options

Types of cells in rabbits with their hands: fotoprimery and description

To make rabbit hutches correctly, it is important to select suitable materials for this.

Liquor and nesting better do not translucent
Liquor and nesting better do not translucent

In general, all the cages differ by type. We take a look at them closer.

  1. Cage for pet rabbit with the mother liquor. It is a high building, which is divided into two parts. One is used for feeding, the other for the rest of animals. separated plywoodThere is a manhole for convenience.
  2. Kennel Mikhailov and Zolotukhin. The features of this design is considered to be stacked, and the lack of a mesh tray. There is a movable feeder that facilitates podsypanie stern.
  3. Aviary with Fencing for walking animals. It is a structure of a wooden frame. Typically performed on legs. There is enough space for walking. Such cells can be installed simply on grass. Such active development of rabbits makes them healthy and hardy.
Designer cage on rack is ideal for decorative rabbits
Designer cage on rack is ideal for decorative rabbits

In the regeneration of cells it is important to understand that they should be strong with no holes. This will protect pets from penetrating them and predators rodents.

It is important that in the cells opened, and liquor, and a compartment for walking
It is important that in the cells opened, and liquor, and a compartment for walking

Rules for selecting the cell installation space for rabbits: the nuances for beginners

That animals feel good, choice of location of the enclosures must be produced with the utmost responsibility. This applies not only to open outdoor environments, but also in placing fences in the room.

  1. Accommodation pets outdoors is subject to certain requirements. They determine how much will be healthy and reproductive family. For example, when an open-air arrangement should take into account that the humidity should not exceed 75%. Otherwise, the animals will begin to wither and die.
  2. Do not place the cells in areas of strong drafts. This has a negative effect on litter and cause disease ears and eyes. This requirement is important to observe even the regeneration house for animals within eared shed.
  3. Do not create too insulated and sealed enclosures. For example, the temperature is above 23 Β° C promotes active growth of bacteria within cells in biological waste. After which begins the mass infection of rabbits family.
  4. Observe the temperature of the host animal when installing the housing in the area. The lower limit should be 10 Β° C, no less. If this condition is not met, it is necessary to include heaterAlso wooden cages for rabbits is allowed to warm foam.
  5. Not recommended for a long time to leave the cells on the ground and in the open sun. Pets are not well perceived long stay in such conditions. Again, it affects their health.
  6. rabbits content must be combined: in warm weather on the street, and when it is cold - in the room.
The triangular cells are designed for outdoor conditions. They are placed on the green grass
The triangular cells are designed for outdoor conditions. They are placed on the green grass

Do not forget about lighting cells. If they are located in a room, it is necessary to equip several lamps. In the dark, the animals see poorly, often malnourished.

How to make decorative rabbit cage with his hands

Many simply do not dare to create large farms, but prefer to take care of the tiny animal. For the organization of home decorative pet you must take into account some step by step recommendations.

  1. It is worth to use a durable material for construction. Plastic fencing in cells better not to apply, as pets can damage the wall and escape.
  2. The natural sawdust are suitable as filler and bedding. It is not necessary to put the pieces of torn paper or carpet. They contain harmful substances that cause poisoning in animals.
  3. Floor must be flat, or pets will fall between the sticks, as their legs are no pads.
  4. As the tray you want to use a shallow trough, it is useful for toilet waste and rabbits.
Feeders and drinkers must be equipped so that the rabbit can quickly adapt to them
Feeders and drinkers must be equipped so that the rabbit can quickly adapt to them

Ideal for use when creating whimsical animal cells, natural wood and metal. It is forbidden to use for the treatment of varnish and paint. Even the slightest waterproofing can affect the health of miniature beauties.

Drawing with dimensions of homemade cages for rabbits

When you are familiar with all the rules and stocked with necessary equipment, you can begin to develop a drawing (of the project), which will be the basis of production. Let us, first of all, we shall understand with a cell size of rabbits, produced by hand. Usually enough parameters 100 Γ— 60 cm. If necessary, you can make a larger frame, for example, if you plan to breed animals family. If too little space, you can do two or three-tiered cages for rabbits with different capacities equipped slopes, lazami and so on.

As manway can make a ladder or fragment broad sewer pipe
As manway can make a ladder or fragment broad sewer pipe

For example, you can examine the drawing below. This is the best version of the content of the rabbits in the home.

Carefully study all sizes to cells receive pro rata
Carefully study all sizes to cells receive pro rata

Instructions for the production of cells for decorative rabbits with photos

Having defined the size, you can begin to work. The whole process was the most clear following each photo-step.

IllustrationDescription of the action
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsPrepare a list of all the tools. It will come in handy for metal scissors, paint knife, pencil, tape measure, screwdriver and electric jigsaw. As a base use wood.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsPutting a frame made of wood on the accepted size, combine it screws or screws. In the middle of the place several bars at the same distance.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsOn top of the basics fasten the mesh, cut off the excess with scissors for metal. Edge fix a stapler.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsWe produce wall of plywood, fastened to the lower edge of the bar and by means of screwdriver fasten the workpiece.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsTo the sides of the cage bars are fastened, which will hold back wall.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsThe edges of the side walls assemble the full length bars, twisting them with screws on the inside. They will be fixed roof.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsSet the front mesh wall, previously attaching the mesh to the bars. The bars should be outside as rodents eventually spoil the wood. We use two identical side sections. Reserve a place in the middle of the door.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsTo fasten the outer side of the door hinges and latch.

If necessary, fasten the cage legs and was covered with a material to a dwarf rabbit it was convenient to move around.

On a note! If the cell will be in the street, and maybe getting into the precipitation, it is necessary to make the roof of sheets of slate, mounted on an incline.

As with their hands to make rabbit cages in two tiers

Bunk rabbit cells are generally considered one year. However, they are often used when the animals are kept on the premises. Such designs are easier to repair due to low weight and transport capabilities.

Not all cells are suitable for keeping rabbits. Some need to plant in small portable devices
Not all cells are suitable for keeping rabbits. Some need to plant in small portable devices

Harvested own drawings

To create a two-story cage, you need to perform the correct drawing. It is cheaper to make your own hands, relying on the place settings, where there will be an aviary. It is advisable to set the low buildings, it was convenient to feed the pets. The recommended height to a second tier of cells should not exceed 1.5 m.

Design enclosures heated in winter
Design enclosures heated in winter
In developing the compartment, make sure that the height is optimal for feeding and cleaning
In developing the compartment, make sure that the height is optimal for feeding and cleaning

The height of the ground floor of such structures should be together with legs 70 cm.

Instructions for the production of housing for rabbits

The gap between the compartments cells can serve as a small utility vault
The gap between the compartments cells can serve as a small utility vault

Zapasomsya necessary material, and, based on the workpiece drawing, the cells begin production in two tiers.

  1. 8 will need long and as many short sticks of wood. Immediately prepare racks, their height is determined according to the drawing above.
  2. All the bars form a single frame, which is connected by means of several parts tightening the screws.
  3. Do not forget to leave a distance between the tiers. It will be sufficient clearance to 10-15 cm.
  4. Similarly, the upper collecting cage. You can follow the construction technique of the previous section.
  5. Leave a gap in the middle for mounting V-shaped trough. They are fixed with screws to the end bars of each cell on the same tier.
  6. Cut along the back wall of the frame size, and fix with screws. As the bottom can also use a similar sheet of plywood.
  7. Convenient door to do with opening the way to the top. So it will be easier to clean inside the cell.
Latch is better to use the old model. They are much safer today
Latch is better to use the old model. They are much safer today

Upon completion of the construction of two identical cells, their dock together. To sustain the gap to a point, which interconnect long screws and overlaying strips on the back side.

On a note! In order to facilitate the process of assembling the frame for rabbits, you can use the old window frames. However, instead of glass sew mesh still needed. This is done so that in the summer time, the animals did not die from the heat.

Cage for rabbits from the grid: an elementary algorithm

Constructions of steel mesh are convenient and practical. In them it is advisable to keep a large number of families. In order to properly build, you need to know the exact dimensions of the compartments, which would be enough to create a new offspring and their further development.

The bottom of the cage must be covered with special cushions that you can buy at the pet store
The bottom of the cage must be covered with special cushions that you can buy at the pet store

The dimensions in the drawings

The size of the cells, as well as the magnitude of rods can vary depending on the type of design. If we believe the standards, it is recommended to make the walls and the upper part via the grid with bars 2 mm. With respect to gender, there is efficient use of the web with the wire size of 3 to 4 mm. The cell size should be 20 Γ— 20 mmΒ². This will prevent possible injury of limbs in animals

Sloping trough (one into two sections), easy to clean and do the replacement feed
Sloping trough (one into two sections), easy to clean and do the replacement feed

Step by step guide to video

operation mechanism is quite complicated, since it is necessary to understand clearly what size details you need to cut and where to leave some margin. To avoid confusion in the process of self-production, be sure to watch the video on how to set up cells in rabbits with their hands.

β„–24. cells can place on stands, pre-set by the steps

Rabbit Mikhailova cells: Doing their own hands

A large cage for the rabbit makes it possible to quickly and actively develop animal in a family where there are about 8-10 individuals. Since the animals are growing comfortable and less sick.

Possible drawings and diagrams Mikhailova cells

Drawer to collect the manure better cover waterproofing material

Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own hands
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own hands
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own hands
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own hands

Note what design feature. Learn sizes. In appearance, the cell is significantly different from conventional structures. Often settling in one building with four separate compartments with feeders.

At the bottom of the mini-farm is made conical bottom. It is designed for easy cleaning cells from faeces. Inside the feeder structure is provided, a compartment for water and jack rabbits.

stand assembly

How to make a stand in the cage for rabbits Mikhailov? This issue has to return all novice farmers again and again. For beginners it is important to follow some tips.

  1. Farm building should be collected from durable materials. It is desirable that it was a metal or solid wood bars.
  2. Better equip sewer compartment of veneers. He is at an angle. Good design must withstand the weight of the farm with pets.
  3. Further reinforcing cage stainless steel material if the rack is made of metal.
  4. In the mini-farms should be equipped Autodrinking bowls and feeders.
Breeding rabbits to perform better in on-farm Mikhailov type
Breeding rabbits to perform better in on-farm Mikhailov type

Such a structure is convenient for breeding of different breeds of calves. Animals are protected from the cold and downs. The design provides plenty of space.

Cells need a good clean from litter. Over time, they will come from the unpleasant smell
Cells need a good clean from litter. Over time, they will come from the unpleasant smell

walking and nesting area: manufacturing features

How to make a rabbit hutch with arrangement backyard premises - this is one of the important issues that should be solved by the creation of a mini-farm Mikhailov. Ideal to make this area as a feed, equip the bunker container for food and water bowl canister.

Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own hands
Equipping two mini-farm close by, you can make a single roof of shingles

Floor covering is best done from the rails. Its cross section should be 20 Γ— 45 mm. They are best added to upholster with metal strips. Paul makes an angle of 45ΒΊ. Such an approach would provide a convenient collection of faeces.

Such structures are suitable for keeping the inside and minks
Such structures are suitable for keeping the inside and minks

As mounted the upper tier and the roof

Homemade cages for rabbits intended for the maintenance of 25 individuals. The optimum area of ​​1.4 mΒ². This is enough for the full development of families. The internal volume includes multiple compartments, side and front wall should be made of nets with middle-sized sections. The rear part of the frame is performed by the closed method. It is better to use a single sheet of plywood. The roof surface is closed wavy slate previously bed as a ceiling sheet Particleboard. The farm is built with single roof.

Ventilation shaft is provided for all the cells of half-closed or closed
Ventilation shaft is provided for all the cells of half-closed or closed

Rules of registration of the lower tier

The lower compartment is set on the counter stage is divided into sections, one of the long sides remains closed. The department should be present: free-range space and nesting. The front side is opposite to what is set in the upper tier. Between all the compartments you need to equip the manholes having a light valve, which must be met hanging for ease of movement rabbits.

Which is better to buy a cage for rabbits: a review of popular options

When breeding pet rodents do not always have the time to build their own farm for them. Therefore, we recommend to pay attention to factory options cells, shown in the table below.

IllustrationName cellsFeaturesThe average price as of June 2019, rub.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsCage for rabbits (ISC-1)
  • Welded mesh;
  • two compartments;
  • metal carcass;
  • water-resistant plywood;
  • bunker trough 3 kg.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsCage for fattening rabbits (CR-CAP-O-4th)
  • 8 nipple drinkers;
  • 10 liter canister;
  • 8 feeders;
  • the presence of silicone hoses;
  • pan to collect manure.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsCage for rabbits with the queen cells and fattening EOC-IN-H2
  • intended to contain;
  • removable liquor;
  • dimensions 150 Γ— 150 Γ— 60 cm;
  • It has an open structure.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsCage for rabbits bunk (ISC-2H-2.0)
  • galvanized metal;
  • metal carcass;
  • there Senik;
  • 4 nipple drinkers;
  • 4 hopper feeders.
Comfortable cage for rabbits: Doing their own handsCage for rabbits, Duplex, fattening
  • Galvanized design;
  • queen cells are absent;
  • suitable for street maintenance;
  • fattened 2 specimens.

This publication HouseChief edition told its readers on how to build a rabbit hutch in various ways. If you have any questions, ask them in the form of comments. Be sure to evaluate the article and share your opinion.