Many city residents have the suburban areas that are used for seasonal or permanent residence, and to hold workpieces, prepared from vegetables grown, used or cellars under capital structures or cellar, designed specifically for these purposes. How to organize a cellar on the site: types, how to choose the appropriate option, and how to make the cellar with their hands - the theme of this article.
Cellar - a cold room for storing food and beverages
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1 Types cellars in construction and method of placement
1.1 ground cellar
1.2 recessed cellar
1.3 Poluzaglublenny cellar
2 How to choose a kind of cellar and a place on the site of
3 How to make the cellar with their hands
3.1 Cellar in the ground
3.2 ground cellar
3.3 Poluzaglublennaya design
4 Construction of a finished cellar
5 Popular models are ready to give cellars
5.1 Kellari 5 of Kolomaki
5.2 «Tingard»
6 Features installation of finished plastic cellars
Types cellars in construction and method of placement
Cellar or vegetable store is putting cold type designed for the storage of food, agricultural products, and the results of its processing.
If the capital structures for such purposes, basements can be used for the buildings without a foundation and foundations lung type (finely recessed, screw piles), It is necessary to build a special building.
By design, the cellar can be of three types: ground, poluzaglublenny and buried.
Types of accommodation mean vegetable stores
ground cellar
Construction ground vegetable storage involves placing it on the ground in two versions:
freestanding and constructed in a placement;
near-wall placement - when the wall of a building is one of the cellars of the parties.
Such a cellar can be implemented as a boning walling, and without it.
Note! Boning ground cellars walling performed using primer and ASG followed decoration surface with a lawn or other elements of the natural decoration.
The advantages of such a structure are such indicators:
It excludes the possibility of flooding by melted water and groundwater;
ease of use and functionality.
Among the shortcomings should be noted the following:
derived from the use of a certain part of the land on which the taken storage;
changed appearance portion, which requires additional work by its design;
design requires measures to ensure waterproofing the interior against the penetration of rainfall.
Surface design does not require excavation work on a large scale, which greatly reduces the effort required in the construction of vegetable stores
Important! Surface structures can be constructed on any section regardless of the level of groundwater, soil type and its activity.
recessed cellar
The design of the recessed type vegetable storage involves placing below the surface. In this case, its merits are such indicators:
Plot the area is used more efficiently: cellar located below ground, and only the entrance is located at the surface;
the possibility of placing under any structure;
possibility of year-round use, regardless of the ambient temperature.
The disadvantages of this placement as follows:
high labor intensity, due to a large volume of earthworks;
the need for the device reliable waterproofing, Which increases the cost of construction.
Vegetable storage recessed walls made of concrete, bricks or blocks, can serve as the foundation of a light construction, being built on cellar
Poluzaglublenny cellar
Vegetable store of this type involves partial placement below the ground surface, while the bulk of the walling located above ground.
Advantages poluzaglublennoy design:
earthwork is considerably lower than in the construction of a sunken cellar;
waterproofing system is also less costly than in the construction of the buried vegetable store.
Of note design flaws greater amount of work as compared with the terrestrial one placement, and the need of quality of waterproofing and atmospheric meltwater precipitation.
Option poluzaglublennogo storage device
How to choose a kind of cellar and a place on the site of
When choosing a vegetable store design should further take into account several important criteria.
The presence of free space on the site.
The period of execution of works in relation to the construction of other facilities construction.
Area distribution and nature of the use of constructed objects.
Important! In cold areas, the construction of ground-based vegetable stores is inexpedient due to the need of capital construction enclosing structures (walls, roof), providing the desired temperature, which leads to considerable cost construction.
When choosing a cellar placement on the site should pay attention to the following points:
the level of groundwater;
soil characteristics at the location;
location relative to other structures located on the site, recreational areas, as well as fruit and vegetable growing area.
By properly selected placement depends on ease of use and safety of the cellar stored therein products
How to make the cellar with their hands
To do the right cellar on your country site, you need to thoroughly prepare for the implementation of these works.
Initially, you need to carry out preparatory work:
to determine the structure of vegetable storage;
select the location of the construction of the facility;
consider the required size cellars to its scope enough to accommodate planned to products and billets storage;
make a sketch of the construction of the planned buildings and calculate the material requirements;
purchase selected materials and prepare the necessary tools.
Correctly compiled sketch to avoid mistakes during the work
Cellar in the ground
The following tools and equipment required for the manufacture of a buried cellar:
shovels (bayonet, shovels), scrap and other tools to perform excavation work;
concrete mixer;
Hacksaw on a tree and a chainsaw;
metalwork and carpentry tools (hammer, claw hammer, chisel);
buckets and other containers;
paint tools (brushes, rollers).
Regardless of the materials of construction for the building envelope, the construction work vegetable storage recessed performed in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Performed marking territory on the job site.
Dug pit designed in accordance with the thumbnail object being built.
Compacted base and laying the drainage layer is performed.
Fills base unit and the lower waterproof layer.
Walling assembled with a waterproofing device.
Mounted floor deck.
Constructed entrance to the vegetable storage (staircase) and finishing are carried out, as well as decorative works.
ground cellar
For the construction of the ground structure requires the same instrument as in the case of recessed vegetable store, and work after the marking should be performed in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Cleared fertile soil rammer and made of a base.
Fills floor vegetable storage device with the waterproofing layer.
Constructed enclosing structures (walls, floor), as well as input from the cellar waterproofing device.
Boning performed ground-mounted object.
Poluzaglublennaya design
In the construction of the cellar poluzaglublennogo work is performed in the same manner as in the above embodiment. The only difference is that in this case, the excavation will be smaller than in the variant with the construction of underground structures, but the work on the ground increase. Unlike on land type options that work with the creation of the pit will be more, but otherwise they are absolutely similar.
Construction of a finished cellar
After the construction of vegetable storage should arrange to make it convenient to use and store the prepared food.
For storing blanks need to make shelves or racks, and for potatoes, beets, carrots and other vegetables - boxes or bottom of the barrel.
Typically in the manufacture of such articles various tree species used natural moisture, and metal profiles with anticorrosive treatment compositions (paint, putty, and the etc.).
Variants of such structures can be a huge amount, here are some of them:
Wooden pallets for storage jars and other containersBottom of the barrel for storage of potatoes, beets and carrotsShelves, drawers and shelves for wine, made from woodThe design and size of a vegetable storage shelves depend on the volume of products stored therein, cellars sizes and availability of building materials and manufacturer's fantasy
Popular models are ready to give cellars
At present, there was a novelty in the market of building materials - it plastic cellarMounted in the ground. Depending on the model, these products vary in size and configuration, type of plastic used and cost. Among the variety of models popular among developers use brands such as Kolomaki and Tingard.
Kellari 5 of Kolomaki
Plastic Kolomaki sectional cellar
Technical characteristics of the model shown in the following table:
Dimensions, mm (Diameter × height)
The size of the working chamber, mm (Diameter × height)
The volume of the working chamber, m3
The weight, kg
2000 × 2232
1900 × 1800
Steps of aluminum;
four series of vertical shelves;
System natural ventilation;
lighting with sealed input power cable.
Review of Kellari models from Kolomaki:
More on Otzovik:
Price Kellari 5 of Kolomaki as of the III quarter of 2018 is 250 000 rubles.
Vernal view cellars brand Tingard
Tingard under the brand name, a whole series of plastic cellars, differing in geometric dimensions, input design and price.
The following table summarizes the specifications of various modifications of the plastic cellars series:
Dimensions, mm (Length × width × height)
The dimensions of the hatch, mm (Length × width × height)
The weight,kg
1500 × 1500 ×2400
670 × 750 × 500
1900 × 1900 ×2600
2500 × 1900 ×2600
Feedback on plastic cellar Tingard brand is represented in following video:
The price of these products as of the III quarter of 2018 is 100 - 180 thousand rubles, depending on the model.
Features installation of finished plastic cellars
To learn how to perform the installation of plastic cellars, and on what features of work should pay particular attention to tell the next video: