The high cost of finished goods can be a serious obstacle to the installation of greenhouses. In this situation, you can make a greenhouse out of the profile pipe with his hands. Photo designs and drawings can be easily found on the Internet. However, without the proper knowledge to assemble the greenhouse will not be easy. Especially for those who have decided to master this task, the editors prepared a detailed review of the instructions. Offer to get acquainted with the peculiarities of developing drawings, the execution order of installation and the choice of a place for the greenhouse.
Greenhouse with non-standard sizes to make better their own hands
Read article
1 Advantages and disadvantages of building your own hands greenhouse profile
2 How to choose a greenhouse
3 Selection of the design type greenhouses shaped tube
4 What material to sheathe hotbed of shaped tube with his hands: and photo features options
5 Preparation of drawings with dimensions for greenhouses of a shaped tube and creating estimates
5.1 Creating a skeleton drawing of the shaped tube for tent greenhouses
5.2 Create a drawing for making their own hands hothouses of arch shaped tube
5.3 Create a drawing for making their own hands under the greenhouse foundation of metal sheets
5.4 How to calculate the right amount of building material when creating a greenhouse of metal sheets with their own hands
6 As their own hands to build a greenhouse of the shaped tube
6.1 What tools are needed for work
6.2 Assembling of the carcass greenhouses shaped tube
6.2.1 How to give a profiled pipe frame greenhouse arc view
6.2.2 How to cook with their hands out of the greenhouse frame shaped tube
6.3 As his hands sheathing frame greenhouses of profile pipes
6.4 Site preparation and installation of greenhouses
Advantages and disadvantages of building your own hands greenhouse profile
Surely each of you thought about whether or not to undertake such a task. For better motivation give several reasons that will become a good stimulus for the creation of such constructions:
Uniqueness. With self manufacture of greenhouses shaped tube design drawing is studied specifically for a particular site. It is always possible to change not only the size but also the shape of the greenhouse.
Availability. Often, the cost is reduced by half.
Strength. At the stage of project development from greenhouse shaped tube is easier to make the necessary changes to refine than the ready-made solutions.
Construction costs are greatly reduced
Among the shortcomings should be noted a longer construction time, as you have to spend time not only on the assembly of individual elements, but also on their production.
Each element should be to make your own
How to choose a greenhouse
When choosing the location of the greenhouse should be aware of the following rules:
winter greenhouse should be set closer to home in order to simplify the connection to the heating system and reduce the cost of purchased equipment and consumables;
Attention! Pristennye location is the least costly.
Costs for the construction of minimum
should abandon low-lying, open areas or places with a strong bias;
the presence in the area of zones with different soil should give preference to the sandy soil, not conducive to the stagnation of water. Clay soil require special preparation before installing a greenhouse;
should abandon the places where the ground water located 1.5 m above the surface.
Anastasia Ivasheva
Landscape designer VENUS DESIGN studio
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«Observe your site and choose to install the greenhouse well-lighted place, which is not stagnant rainwater and have protection from strong winds. "
Having defined the place of installation, it is necessary to correctly position the greenhouse relative to the cardinal. The choice will depend on the design features mounted design:
Shed a greenhouse roof slope to the south;
longitudinal axis gable or arch directed from the north to the south. Deviation should not exceed 15-20 °.
The location should be aware
Selection of the design type greenhouses shaped tube
Getting the manufacture of a shaped tube greenhouses with their hands, the drawings are designed for the tent or arch structure. Arched greenhouse presupposes special production, as impart the desired shape by yourself is difficult. The advantages of such design is the simplicity of assembly in the presence of the curved parts. The disadvantages - limited functionality because of the impossibility of planting around the walls of higher plants.
To make their own arc quite difficult
Tent greenhouses feature a simple design execution. They contain no curved elements, which greatly simplifies the manufacturing process. Despite the presence in the sale of ready-made products, many seek to make it on their own tent of greenhouse shaped tube. The structure of this species can be planted plants of different heights.
Attention! Tent greenhouses are more expensive than the arch, since their construction requires more basic and covering material.
A more expensive option, compared with arched greenhouses
What material to sheathe hotbed of shaped tube with his hands: and photo features options
To make it easier to select a suitable covering material, offer to get acquainted with the options. Preference may be given to:
glass. Excellent throughput of such a surface allows free passage of sunlight. Inside the fixed structure creates optimum temperature for growing many plants. However, the high cost and complexity of the installation work forces to consider other options. Due to excessive fragility of a risk of damage to the coating formed with subsequent high costs for repair work;Glass has a good capacity
polyethylene. Available embodiment, claimed in the construction of greenhouses of different size and complexity. However, low strength polyethylene causes a short service life of the coating;coating life is limited
non-woven materials, Which include: spunbond, lutrisil acrylic. This shelter is able to last for about five years, protecting crops from external influence and creating optimal conditions for growing. It is optimized for protection against drought or heavy rains. The low cost allows you to perform a replacement without significant cost to the family budget;Spunbond protect against drought and excess moisture
polycarbonate. Best Mode for greenhouses profile 20 × 40 mm. Characterized optimum ratio of strength and weight characteristics. Providing a sufficient passage of sunlight and good keeping heat within the greenhouse, the polycarbonate is superior in wear resistance of the glass is 200 times. Due to the presence of a knife or scissors, one can cut the size of polycarbonate in their own hands.
Tip! When selecting a suitable covering material should take into account the financial possibilities and the desired performance characteristics of the greenhouse.
Polycarbonate - the best choice
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Greenhouses and polycarbonate greenhouses. What kinds of polycarbonate greenhouses, selection criteria of polycarbonate greenhouses, leading producers of finished greenhouses made of polycarbonate, the popular varieties of greenhouses made of polycarbonate with an opening roof - read publication.
Preparation of drawings with dimensions for greenhouses of a shaped tube and creating estimates
Most often, the future greenhouse sketch is developed taking into account the standard dimensions. However, in greenhouses detailed design drawing of a profile pipe with dimensions specific adjustments can be made in view of its location. We offer to meet with the features of creating drawings for structures of various shapes.
Detailed drawing facilitates the manufacture of their own hands
Creating a skeleton drawing of the shaped tube for tent greenhouses
In the development of the greenhouse frame drawing of a shaped tube with a tent roof to be defined with an angle of inclination of the roof. The choice is made taking into account the wind and snow loads typical of a particular area, and typically 30-45º. The height of the side walls is selected from the range of 1.7-2 m.
When calculating the dimensions of the roof set angle and the width of the future roof construction. The length of the ramp will be numerically equal to the hypotenuse of a right triangle, one of the legs is equal to half the width of the greenhouse. In this case, the slope length will be half the width of the greenhouse, divided by the cosine of the angle of slope, and height - the product of half the width of the greenhouse by the tangent of the angle of the roof. For example, for greenhouses width of 3 m with an angle of inclination of the roof at 45º calculations are made as follows:
Skate length = 1.5 m / cos45º = 2,12 m. Additionally overlap length provides Finally 0.1-0.3 m length of slope at 0.3 m would puffing is equal to 2.42 m.;
roof height = 1.5 m × tg45º = 1,5 m. If the height of the side walls is 2 m, the total height of the structure is equal to 3.5 m.
The width of the doorway should choose 0.7-0.8 m. Dimensions vent for ventilation should be 0.5 or 0.3 × 0.5 × 0.5 m. Winter greenhouse is provided vestibule. Vertical posts must be placed through a 0.6-1 m. By selecting the largest distance possible to reduce the cost of manufacturing the carcass. Less will increase the service life of a covering material.
To calculate the arch greenhouse is necessary to know the formula of circumference
Create a drawing for making their own hands hothouses of arch shaped tube
Getting to the calculation, should determine the future height of the greenhouse. It is generally 1.9-2.4 m. Arch itself, is essentially a right half circumference. By developing blueprint greenhouses of metal sheets with his hands, it should be noted that the length of the circumference is correct
L = 2 × π × r, Where
π – 3,14;
r - radius of the circle. In this case, the height of future greenhouse.
Anastasia Ivasheva
Landscape designer VENUS DESIGN studio
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«Standard polycarbonate length and profiled pipes - 6 m. From this, it is necessary to calculate the height of the future structure. The width is equal to two heights. "
To calculate the arch greenhouse is necessary to know the formula of circumference
Create a drawing for making their own hands under the greenhouse foundation of metal sheets
The need for resettlement of the foundation under the glasshouse due to light weight design of the profile. As a result, a sufficiently strong gust of wind can fly a greenhouse. Develop drawing substrates must be after the size of the greenhouse frame shaped tube to be determined. His hands usually equip foundation, whose height is 0.3-0.8 m. The remaining options to choose 0.2-0.3 m larger greenhouse size.
The dimensions of the greenhouse and grounds linked
How to calculate the right amount of building material when creating a greenhouse of metal sheets with their own hands
To calculate the required amount of material required detailed diagram of greenhouses shaped tube. His hands can be made in various designs. The calculation is performed taking into account the structural features and geometrical parameters of the structure. Putting all the length of frame members, followed by the value obtained is divided into the standard length of a profile pipe.
Anastasia Ivasheva
Landscape designer VENUS DESIGN studio
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"When planning the construction of their own hands hotbed of metal sheets from polycarbonate, should take into account the standard sizes of sheets: 2,1 × 6 m and the need for laying overlaps with 0.6-0.7 m."
Calculation of the required number of metal profiles produced according to the scheme
As their own hands to build a greenhouse of the shaped tube
To build quality greenhouse profile with your hands should follow certain work performance technology. We offer to meet with the main stages, so you can build a structure capable to serve for a long time.
Stages of construction depend on the design features
What tools are needed for work
The list of tools that would be needed in the manufacturing process of a particular greenhouse may vary. To assemble the frame, in addition to a metal profile, it is necessary to prepare:
Welding apparatus with a capacity of more than 3 kW, if the elements planned to connect by welding;
measuring tool. Required for the polygon availability control the angle at which the individual elements are joined, and construction level - for the determination of their spatial position.
Tools should be available prior to the start of work
Assembling of the carcass greenhouses shaped tube
From the quality of the performed work depends not only on the appearance of the mounted structure, but also its service life. Assembling of the carcass greenhouses shaped tube can be made in different ways: by means of threaded connections and welding. To discover the nuances of manufacturing elements arch greenhouse and order frame welding.
Greenhouse frame assembly must be carried out according to the rules
How to give a profiled pipe frame greenhouse arc view
To form an arc of a profile pipe greenhouse can be turned to a specialized company. There will perform the necessary manipulations on special equipment. Those planning to do everything with your hands, offer to find out how to bend the profiled pipe for greenhouses without deformation. To get started is to prepare a Radius template, and then use one of the following methods:
The first method. Sieved river sand and dry, calcine it to the metal sheet, achieving complete evaporation of moisture. By installing the one hand wood Chopik shaped tube, fill inwardly prepared sand. You can then give proftrube desired shape without risk of deformation. Use method can be at any time of the year.
The second way, Relevant for the winter. Instead of sand, use water that is poured into the tube and wait for it freezing. The preform bend pattern.
The third way. Using the grinder on the profile tube are made incisions for 2/3 the width at equal distances. Recent chosen taking into account the bending magnitude of the roof. Thereafter proftruba bent and welded cuts.
You can use special equipment to bend the pipe
How to cook with their hands out of the greenhouse frame shaped tube
If you decide to cook a greenhouse from profile pipe with your hands, work can be done in the following sequence.
Description of the action
Should be prepared and cut to the size required amount of the desired profile of the pipe section.
We expose the level in accordance with the drawing side wall elements.
Control the spatial position of each element.
Sealing members together. process mode is selected depending on the wall thickness and the material from which the profiled pipe.
We produce a second wall with the same dimensions.
As his hands sheathing frame greenhouses of profile pipes
If the covering material is selected polycarbonate, work can be performed in the following sequence.
Description of the action
Perform layout sheets without removing the film.
Cut the sheets to size using a knife, and building pattern.
Fasten the ends of the sheets by means of screws label side outwards. Remove the protective film before mounting.
The surplus covering material is cut off with a knife.
Cuts through the doors, vents and hinges.
The ends connect to the frame.
Cover with a side wall, providing overlaps at 5-7 cm above the end and between the sheets.
Site preparation and installation of greenhouses
The sequence of site preparation and installation of greenhouses is the same for the finished product, and made their own hands. Offer see video from the thematic detailed description of the process.
Offer to find out the view of the greenhouses ready shaped tube.
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If you decide to make their own greenhouse from a profile with their own hands, drawings and video to help raise quality construction. Share in the comments, what forms of greenhouses you prefer and why.