many owners suburban real estate bred poultry. The best option - it's chicken. They are undemanding in terms of content, but it is necessary to build a good chicken coop. Enough for a small family to have 10 laying hens. This will require to make a chicken coop with his hands for 10 chickens. The drawings and detailed instructions will help you build a quality facility.

Read article
- 1 How to make a chicken coop with his hands for 10 chickens: drawings and requirements
- 2 Features design the chicken coop
- 3 Features installation of a simple chicken coop in the country with their own hands: the stages of construction and photos
- 3.1 Nuances of creating a foundation
- 3.2 The walls of the henhouse
- 3.3 Roof, ceiling and floor of the structure
- 4 How to make a chicken coop ventilation for 20 chickens with their hands: Drawings
- 5 How to arrange the chicken coop inside?
- 6 lighting Features
- 7 Heating
How to make a chicken coop with his hands for 10 chickens: drawings and requirements
To begin the construction work should be familiar with the basic requirements for such construction:
- built accommodation. Henhouse rectangular shape should be placed from east to west. Chickens better rush if enough daylight so the windows should go to the south;
- when you create a warm chicken coop with their hands should be remembered that the room should not be hot, because when the temperature going above 25 degrees chickens will not be held. But in winter you need to create heat. The frost will need thermal insulation and construction heating design. The temperature should be at least 12 degrees;
- build better positioned at a distance from the noisy places;
- humidity can cause disease in birds, so ventilation is necessary;
- room dimensions are selected considering the fact that the two chickens are placed per square meter. In cramped conditions chickens worse than rushing.
Useful advice! When designing the house, be aware that over time, individuals can increase livestock and require more space.

At arrangement of the room should be equipped with window shutters plywoodAnd paddock provide plot a tree or under shed.
coop cage
Features design the chicken coop
Be competent to design the chicken coop with their own hands to help drawings and photos. It is important to choose the right size of the construction, which depend on the planned number of birds. type of construction depends on how many birds will live in it, and from the variety of materials.

When designing a plan worth opening the door inward, and the floor is settling down with a slope to the entrance. This will facilitate the cleaning process. It should consider the interior design of the room. There must be a sufficient number of feeders, Drinkers and perches. For such a structure should consider the heating, lighting and ventilation system.
Features installation of a simple chicken coop in the country with their own hands: the stages of construction and photos
When deciding how to make a chicken coop with his hands, it is worth to get acquainted with the basic installation steps.
The table shows the basic steps of erecting a simple house.
Picture | stages |
![]() | erection foundation (Only for designs with large livestock) |
![]() | installation of walls |
![]() | Selection and installation of floor coverings |
![]() | Installation of the roof structure |
![]() | Improvement indoors |
It is possible to build a chicken coop from scrap materials. In order to save, you can use the premises without erection foundation or apply the foundation on the posts for which will fit brick residues or cobblestones. Sex can make earthen or earthen, and the roof is made of durable plastic, sheet metal or slate residues.

Nuances of creating a foundation
To coop with his hands for 20 chickens, whose photos can be seen in this report, will need more durable foundation. Depending on its type: ribbon or a bar - need concrete mixture, the composition of the cement or brick.

The base is being built in accordance with certain rules:
- cleared portion and removed the upper layer of soil, about 25-55 cm;
- as a cushion is used sand and gravel;
- shuttering boards made of, its width is 25 cm;
- for reinforcement used rods;
- used concrete brand M300.

Erection construction can begin after curing of the concrete mass. It should be borne in mind that the size of the area should be equal to the dimensions of the future of the chicken coop.
To create a columnar base required markings, which is done by using metal rods and rope. Then the perimeter mounted cabinets, which are placed at a distance of a meter. In this case, supports must protrude from the ground by 25-30 cm. They are strengthened by means of cement bricks solution.
The walls of the henhouse
By building a chicken coop with his hands for 10 chickens, it is necessary to prepare the wall drawings. As raw material for the timber wall in demand. Apply for blouses walls boards. In this case, be sure to insulate the joints. Furthermore boards, use battens or plywood. Good material is considered to be sun-dried bricks. The combination of straw and clay allows you to save heat.

timber It fits under the standard scheme. As insulation for separating the beams of the foundation and used roofing material, which is laid in two layers. Floor joists and beams are made of, which puts an edge. Wherein the voids and crevices are sealed timber and residues from lnodzhutovym fiber.

Roof, ceiling and floor of the structure
To create a winter hen house with his own hands for 10-20 chickens is very important quality flooring and roofing.

Decoration roof It has some special features:
- better use of the roof gable type, which will be protected from the accumulation of moisture and snow;
- the coating material: tile, Slate or roofing felt;
- insulation is performed using mineral wool or Particleboard.
The gable roof can be built small loft, which can be folded bedding for chickens and feed. After installing the roof beams, blanketed ceiling covering. It uses the board and is used for heat insulation and concrete block coal slag.

With the construction of the chicken coop must be well warm floors. If they freeze, the room is cold. For the floor we recommend using thick planks. First, the raw boards are stacked, and then a layer of vapor barrier material and the treated boards are placed on top.
Note! The regeneration of a pent roof, it is necessary to provide that the slope was not looking in the direction of the site for walking bird.

How to make a chicken coop ventilation for 20 chickens with their hands: Drawings
Particular attention should be paid to ventilation in the hen house with his own hands. Ventilation device responsible for the supply of fresh air. This is especially important during the cold season, as birds rarely outdoors. Budget and easy option - it is natural ventilation, which is airing construction. In this case, the pull box should be small and placed on the ceiling or above the door. In such a scheme a number of disadvantages, as with the air masses will leave the room and warm. At the same time you need to heat a large amount of resources.

A more robust embodiment is exhaust system. It makes sense to install if the hen house inhabited by 20 chickens. Such a structure can be built with their own hands:
- at roof made two holes for pipe, the air passage inlet must be located away from perches;
- instead of the pipe can be made special boxes made of wood, but they need to be painted and putty;
- pipes for fresh air is at a distance of 35-40 cm from the roof and the pipe for exhaust rises to 1.5 meters above the roof;
- for obstruction of the upper ends of the precipitation tubes equipped with tiny umbrellas.

For uniform circulation pipe is better to arrange in opposite sides of the room. This uses fanWhich is mounted in the window. Include such a system need to manually. There are also special sensors that allow you to control the humidity in the room.

How to arrange the chicken coop inside?
After the completion of the main work is done by equipping the interior of the premises. Of great importance is convenient device roosts. Thus calculated perches length and their number. These elements perform better in wood. Perches are ground to a round shape that chickens are not injured. Perches should be installed at a height of 65-75 cm, and between the perches should be 55-65 cm. Under the roosts it is recommended to place special pallets or trays. This will facilitate the cleaning process. Perches is better to make removable, so it was convenient to make sanitization.

In the form of boxes should be equipped with sockets to be blacked out. They are placed in a separate place located, and boxes on top cover. recommended equip slot separate entrance for change litter and egg collection.

Another important element of considered feeders. They can be made of wood and set on a small hill. Mats made of peat, straw or sawdust. They come in different depths. Deeper litter pollution at dig. Furthermore, an additional litter heater for the chicken coop in the winter.
Helpful information! It is important to remember that protects the purity of the aviary of epidemics. Walls better cover layer of lime to protect the room from the parasites.

lighting Features
a good lighting It allows for the growth and physiological development of birds. You can create a well-landscaped and lit a chicken coop with his hands for 10 chickens: drawings, detailed diagrams and photos to help do this. Quality lighting has an effect on the following parameters:
- number, size, density, and weight of eggs;
- development of chickens;
- digestibility of feed consumed;
- periods incurring eggs and their duration.

When planning the lighting system you need to know some of the features. Hens have difficulty seeing in the dark, so in the evening, it is not necessary to turn off all the lights at once. When all the bird perches arranged on the need to disconnect the remaining lamps.
For hatchlings require bright lighting in the 35-45 lux. Then, as the growth of poultry light intensity decreases gradually to 6-8 lux. For adult birds need a light at 10 lux.
It is recommended to enable the soft light, as a sharp turn off the light bird may be frightened. Especially true for species that are bred to produce the eggs. Chickens should also be accustomed to the darkness on the third day of life, so that in case of light off the birds did not trample each other.
Useful advice! If the birds are aggressive and pull out each other's feathers, the low intensity of illumination allow to solve this problem.

Before you choose heating option, You need to take care of the insulation barriers. In the house there should be no drafts, so if the walls and the roof is blown, then heaters will not help.

It should insulate doors and windows, as through these openings out most of the heat. It is also worth to build a deep litter. This structure consists of a layer of slaked lime and 10 cm shavings, sawdust and straw. natural insulating materials are also used: peat, foliage and even manure. Natural composting allows you to generate heat.

If you approach the construction of a hen house is responsible, then this construction can be made comfortable and secure. Using inexpensive materials, you can create high-quality and well landscaped home for birds.