Properly selected design and color make the ceilings in bathroom one of the main decorations of the room. You can always choose the option with the ideal design solution and design. We offer to meet with the existing varieties of paintings, photos ready-made solutions and testimonials of people who have already installed in the apartment such a system.
Stretch ceilings make the room harmonious interior bathroom
Read article
1 Is it possible to do in the bathroom tension ceiling: a truthful answer to the actual question
2 Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom
3 Types of suspended ceilings for a bathroom and toilet on the material manufacturing
3.1 Fabric stretch ceilings
3.2 Film vinyl ceilings
4 Types of suspended ceilings in color and texture
4.1 Matte and glossy surface
4.2 satin species
5 Single-level and multi-level ceilings in the bathroom
6 Lighting in the bathroom with the stretch ceiling: the main types of lamps used
6.1 Point lighting for suspended ceilings in the bathroom: the main features of
6.2 Lamps, pendants and chandeliers in the bathroom
7 Ventilation in the bathroom of a stretch ceiling
9 Features installation of stretch ceiling in the bathroom: a sequence of actions
10 Which is better to install the suspended ceiling in the bathroom Tips for choosing
11 What is better for the bathroom: rack or suspended ceiling: the opinion of the editorial board
12 How much is the suspended ceiling for the bathroom - price review
13 Consumer reviews about tension ceilings in the bathroom
Is it possible to do in the bathroom tension ceiling: a truthful answer to the actual question
Before we understand the existing varieties, it is necessary to respond immediately to the concerns of many question whether it is possible to do in the bathroom and a suspended ceiling. The answer is simple: it is possible. Preference is given to advantageously design PVC film.
If you are interested, make whether the suspended ceiling in the bathroom of the fabric, it is also doing. But in this case very carefully choose the material as a high risk of occurrence of characteristic streaks and spots due to increased humidity in room.
Ceiling system made of PVC is not afraid of moisture
Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom
Like any other structure in the stretch ceiling in the bathroom has its pros and cons that should be taken into consideration at the time of purchase. For the most part should include:
high moisture resistance. The polymer film of sufficient thickness is capable of reliably protect flooding of the bathroom floor from the top;
durability. The service life of a correctly installed system is 15 years old;
Stretch fabric looks beautiful
a large assortment of enabling the development of Project bathroom. One system can simultaneously select a matte and glossy material or combine different colors;
simplicity care. The antistatic properties of the web anti-settling of dust and dirt. For the surface cleaning of dirt formed damp cloth may be used;
quick installation. You can install your own hands without prior training base.
In the opinion, the disadvantages of stretch ceiling in the bathroom should include a high risk of accidental mechanical damage to the coating film.
Mechanical damage can ruin the appearance of finishing
Types of suspended ceilings for a bathroom and toilet on the material manufacturing
Design of stretch ceiling in the toilet and in the bathtub presupposes frame and well-stretched canvas. the latter can be used a variety of materials for manufacturing. We offer to meet the available options.
Stylish solution for the bathroom
Fabric stretch ceilings
For the manufacture of fabric paintings It used a natural material with the addition of a certain amount of polyester. The presence of micropores ensures smooth passage of air through the suspended ceiling. the fabric can be dyed in any suitable color if desired.
Such a material for the bathroom should be selected with great care. Excessive moisture can cause it to get wet, if the fabric was chosen without special polyurethane impregnation. In the presence of the latter material will not only have sufficient moisture resistance, but also be able to withstand mechanical stress.
Fabric ceiling often consist of a single sheet. Manufacturers offer a fabric width of up to 5 m, which allows you to choose the best option for any room. It can be mounted glued material, but it is not only cost more, but will also have enough presentable appearance.
It will be appreciated that this design requires periodic cleaning to ensure unimpeded passage of air through the micropore. It can absorb odors. In case of accidental damage to the tissue to restore the integrity of matter is impossible.
Offer see photos already implemented projects, so that you can evaluate such a presentable cloth:
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Film vinyl ceilings
Film structure assembled using a solid film of polyvinyl chloride. Such material:
able to withstand significant loads without loss of properties. PVC film is able to collect a water that accidentally leaked from the neighbors above, and then removing it will return to its original state;
presented in a wide colorsThat allows you to choose a suitable option for any interior;
may be opaque, glossy, Mirror, embossed, perforated. Create a simulation of various natural materials.
Among the shortcomings should be noted that it can not be installed in an unheated room. At temperatures below 5C it can crack. In addition, the limited width of the difficult installation in large rooms. To obtain the desired web width fragments stick together and the seam may be visible under certain lighting conditions.
Offer see fotoplenochnyh suspended ceilings in the interior of the bathroom:
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Types of suspended ceilings in color and texture
Those who plan to make repairs in the apartment, often wondering whether it is possible to make the suspended ceiling in the bathroom of a certain color or texture. The answer is simple - it is possible. Manufacturers offer a wide range of fabrics, so you can choose the right option for a specific interior.
The colors chosen for a particular fabric interior
Matte and glossy surface
Choosing a suspended ceiling in the bathroom, you should make a choice between a glossy or matte finish. Mat made of fabric and films. May have a smooth surface or with the characteristic texture. This is the best option for the bathroom, decorated in a classic style. The advantages of matte paintings should include a smooth and quiet room lighting.
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Varnish web has good reflecting effect. It is made of PVC film. Such a system is able to blend well with almost any decor. Appropriate in the bathroom will be even black stretch ceiling.
Due to the low coefficient thermal conductivity It serves as an additional heat insulation. Not afraid of the impact of household chemicals. It promotes visual expansion space. Especially mirror suspended ceiling. For Bathroom small area such an option would be the best solution.
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satin species
Satin webs occupy an intermediate position between the gloss and matte material. They have a characteristic muffled shine with a soft reflective effect, emphasizes the benefit remaining elements of the interior. Such material is advantageous looks in multilevel systems. Satin is presented in a variety of colors.
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Single-level and multi-level ceilings in the bathroom
Mounted system may consist of one or several levels. In the first case the frame is mounted on the web which is then stretched. Appearance of the system depends entirely on the color and texture of the selected fabric.
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Multi-level design are combined solution involves the use not only of polymer or tissue webs, but also gypsum boards. Recent first attached to the galvanized profile, forming a box selected shape. After that, the gaps formed stretched canvas.
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Lighting in the bathroom with the stretch ceiling: the main types of lamps used
The level of lighting in the bathroom with a stretch ceiling should be sufficient to perform hygiene procedures. not infrequently lighting used for space zoning. That the result fully consistent with expectations, we suggest to familiarize with lighting fixtures that can be installed in the bathroom.
Location lamps can be quite varied
Point lighting for suspended ceilings in the bathroom: the main features of
TO Spotlights resort when it is necessary to provide uniform illumination of the bathroom. Because of the small angle scattering such light sources are directed.
Manufacturers offer stationary and rotating spotlights for ceilings in the bathroom. The first type can be rotated by a specific angle. They can also be:
Tip! To optimize power consumption using LED or energy-saving lamps.
On each square must account for a down light
Lamps, pendants and chandeliers in the bathroom
With such lighting devices You can create a shadow-free lighting of the room. The light source is advantageously used LED or energy-saving lamps. Lamp power is limited to 40 watts, halogen - 35W.
Lamps fitted with shades suspended type and attached to the main ceiling, which eliminates the requirement to its weight. It is mounted at a minimum distance of 10 cm from the ceiling.
Tip! Choosing carob chandelier, pay attention to the fact that the lamp was located within the ceiling, and the model itself did not have protruding elements and sharp corners.
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Ventilation in the bathroom of a stretch ceiling
High humidity and installation of the film web may have a negative impact on the room climate. To avoid this, it is sure to be placed in suspended ceilings in the bathroom mechanical ventilation. If any air draft will increase, and therefore it will be possible to provide sufficient ventilation in the room. Offer see photos, it looks like in the hood of a stretch ceiling in the bathroom:
In developing the design of the ceiling, you can use a variety of solutions. If you plan to install such a system at home, look for ready-made solutions. We have prepared for you a photo so you can see how looks the one or the other option in the interior.
ceiling design is individually designed
Monochrome and ceilings with photo printing
Monochrome ceilings are quite popular. They can be not only white, but also any other color:
If you want to install suspended ceiling in the bathroom with a pattern, you should use the possibility of printing. It can be used to form any pattern on the surface of the pull-on material:
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Ceilings with 3D-effect and curved surfaces
We offer to meet with photos already implemented projects, the development of which was preferred ceiling 3D:
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At least look beautiful design with curved surfaces:
We think you are also interested in the following video:
Features installation of stretch ceiling in the bathroom: a sequence of actions
All the installation work can be performed in-house. To do this, first worked out the design features of the future system, and then acquired all the necessary for the installation of stretch ceiling in the bathroom.
The film should be heated
Installation is performed in the following sequence:
fixing a metal profile with the mandatory control of the spatial position of each element of the future framework. Fasteners should be located at a distance of more than 15 cm. Profile should be cut at the corners and bent, and then removing the burrs and removing dirt, wind special tape;
installation of the system components lighting;
fastening fabric to the frame. For this purpose the material is first heated by means of the gun, and then fixed around the perimeter;
mount baguettesWhich not only give structure finished appearance and provide a more reliable connection web and the frame.
Which is better to install the suspended ceiling in the bathroom Tips for choosing
difficult to determine which one is better suspended ceiling in the bathroom, decorated in a specific color scheme and style. To make the right choice, you should pay attention to:
design and color of the main tile tiles. This standard solution is not allowing you to add a bath of individuality;
the color of the frieze. If contrasting colors of the last base material;
plumber and home furnishings. If the color is different from the white ceiling, you can choose the material of the same color;
decor items. If any in the room;
floor material. This will expand the room visually, but will do it later.
Color stretch ceiling tiles can be matched with color
What is better for the bathroom: rack or suspended ceiling: the opinion of the editorial board
simple answer, what is better for the bathroom ceiling: lath or tension, can answer only the consumer. Rack and pinion design differ simplicity of installation and can be easily installed by hand. For install the tension required heat gunThat may cause some difficulties. In general, these two types are proven in operation in wet conditions.
For mounting tensioning system requires heating of the material
How much is the suspended ceiling for the bathroom - price review
If you decide to give preference to suspended ceilings in the bathroom, the price of the finished structure will depend on the area of the premises, the producer and the material web. The cost of the latter is usually specified per square.
So, matte white MSD cheaper white satin Pongs. The first offers a Chinese company, the second - the German. Both are made of PVC film have a width of 5.5 m with a thickness of 1.8 - 2.2 mm.
At the same time, white matt fabric suspended ceiling Pongs is twice as expensive satin.
Consumer reviews about tension ceilings in the bathroom
Once you have looked at many photos of suspended ceilings in the bathroom, reviews of real customers, you will always be interested in:
More on Irecommend:
Review of the Italian stretch ceilings Cerutti:
More on Otzovik:
Review of Stretch Ceilings Pongs:
More on Otzovik:
Share in the comments, if you have a suspended ceiling at home, why do you prefer it to the structure.