The main thing about thermostats - control elements of floor heating systems

Triumphal march across the planet floor heating systems for many reasons. Among them, the use of comfort, versatility, installation, heating uniformity. However, such a supplementary heat source or main heating would not so popular, if not the economical operation of the system. In our time, the ever-increasing energy prices similar figure plays almost the leading role.

Thermostat for floor heating - an important component of ensuring the automatic control system. Without it, the floor heating ceased to be "smart", and turn on and off the electric power consumption would have to manually. Such a method is not only inconvenient, but also would lead to a reduction of efficiency and increase maintenance costs of a warm floor. Therefore the role of the thermostat can not be overestimated. Let's find out what they are, and what is the difference.


Thermostats are distinguished by their principle of operation, functionality, ease of use. Today you can choose from the following types:

  • Mechanical - analog devices (simple and reliable in the work). This is the most inexpensive models;
  • Digital - electronic thermostats. More precise temperature in the installation, equipped with a display;
  • Programmable - thermostats for setting different time setting mode on and off. Functionality of such solutions is much higher than the first two. Some models are equipped with a wireless module and can be controlled from a distance via the Internet;
  • Regulators of room temperature - such devices are used in the case of floor heating as the main heating system. Devices can be combined with that of other heating devices, such as infrared heaters.

How to choose

The functional and "tricked" the device, the higher will be its price. The use of the comfort you need to pay. Therefore, the presence of the display, the ability to program different modes or control the operation of the system through the Internet will have to pay a lot more money than a modest mechanical thermostat. On the other hand, if you are not going to use the "bells and whistles", you can safely take the analog and save decent.