If you want a reliable design, pay attention to window sills made of artificial stone. Such a material with characteristics similar to natural, but it has a lower cost. Offer to deal with the existing varieties and see photos of finished solutions interior.
Artificial stone looks like a natural
Read article
1 Window sills made of artificial stone - a photo of interesting options in the interior
2 Advantages and disadvantages
3 Types and performance
3.1 Sills of acrylic and polyester artificial stone
3.2 Quartz sinter and injection molding
4 leading manufacturers
5 Variants of finished window sills made of artificial stone
6 How to order windowsills made of artificial stone: trade secrets
6.1 The shape and dimensions
6.2 Production of artificial stone sills: basic process steps
6.3 End finish countertops and window sills made of artificial stone
7 Tips for choosing a suitable model
8 How to install window sills made of artificial stone: the nuances and subtleties of the process
9 Operation and maintenance: basic nuances
10 At what price you can buy a window sill made of artificial stone - Factors affecting the value
11 Consumer reviews on the window sills made of artificial stone
Window sills made of artificial stone - a photo of interesting options in the interior
If you are interested in the ability to install a similar design, offer view picture window sills artificial stone, which will assess the advantages of using such products in the design interior different rooms:
Advantages and disadvantages
Opting for such products is due to:
durability. When a ten-year warranty period, they can be used much longer with proper maintenance and timely care;
availability. In comparison with analogues of natural stone, artificial sills cost is relatively inexpensive;
the possibility of installing the design of any desired size and configuration suitable colors;
maintainability. A defect can be removed during the restoration;
dense structure not allowing grease, liquids and dirt to accumulate on the surface;
resistance to temperature fluctuations;
environmental friendliness.
Presentable - an important advantage
Attention! The surface protective layer with almost no fear of mechanical action.
The disadvantage is the higher cost compared to most popular materials, as well as the appearance of characteristic traces after hot dishes.
The product will cost more expensive than other materials
Types and performance
For the manufacture of window sills made of artificial stone can be used different raw materials which affects the costs and characteristics of the finished product. We offer to meet with existing varieties, to make it easier to navigate in the proposed range of manufacturers.
Various materials can be used to manufacture
Sills of acrylic and polyester artificial stone
For the manufacture of window sills of the acrylic artificial stone composition is used, which is based on acrylic resin. The introduction of special fillers ensures optimum performance of the finished product. Finished design has a long service life, presentable appearance and unique design. Possible to produce a surface consisting of multiple color layers.
Acrylic products can have a different configuration
A polyester material is polyester resin. These products are cheaper analogues of acrylic and have a specific smell. Have a rectangular shape, as to form a product of arbitrary shape is not feasible from this formulation.
polyester resin product configuration is limited
Quartz sinter and injection molding
Manufacture of quartz agglomerate is performed by vibropressing. The finished products have the high performance. The surface is not afraid of exposure to chemicals and mechanical impact. Decorative additives provide presentable appearance.
Attention! 93% of the composition of the quartz agglomerate sills of natural stone.
The composition provides a high performance
Cast marble is of limited use in the manufacture of window sills. The material has high strength characteristics. Finished products have a long service life.
Cast marble will last for many years
leading manufacturers
Compliance with the technical requirements in the production process guarantees the high quality of the finished product. When choosing an option for your home, pay attention to the products of the following manufacturers:
Corian. The American company was among the first to produce such material. It offers products thicknesses 4, 6 and 12 mm;
Montelli. Chinese equivalent. Presented two lines: Ultra and Basic;
Staron. High-quality material is made in South Korea. Presented in a large range and is an affordable cost;
Akrilika. The products of the German manufacturer has a higher value and quality in comparison with analogues. Presented in a variety of colors;
Tristone. Company of South Korea offers products with a different stylistic grouped by collections of the same name, which greatly simplifies the selection process.
Tristone offers a collection in a different style
Variants of finished window sills made of artificial stone
It can be quite difficult to design a window sill made of artificial stone. In this situation, look for ready-made products and services offered by many manufacturers. Their dimensions are standardized.
How to order windowsills made of artificial stone: trade secrets
If you can not find a suitable option among ready-made designs, manufacture of artificial stone sill to order. This is a good opportunity to become owner of the unique design, blends harmoniously with the interior of the apartment.
Size and shape are selected individually
The shape and dimensions
When the custom size items selected individually. When the standard thickness of 20-30 mm can be ordered large transverse dimensions. The maximum length is usually no more than 6 m and is chosen taking into account the dimensions of the opening into which the product will be installed. The width can be 0.1-1 m.
Attention! Most demand width 11-16 cm.
Configuration is selected depending on stylistic premises and free space. Offer see photo of stone window sills of different shapes and sizes:
Production of artificial stone sills: basic process steps
Production sills of artificial stone in the following sequence:
developed a sketch. At this stage, taking into account all suggestions regarding the configuration and size of future products;
called zamerschik;
worked drawing;
selected texture and color;
sill cut from a single sheet or assembled and glued together from separate fragments.
The finished surface is polished
End finish countertops and window sills made of artificial stone
End finishing is selected taking into account the stylistic design of the room. Instead of the usual embodiment tabletops and window sills of artificial stone contoured shape can be chosen with different projections. To create them using milling, engraving and more.
end configuration can be of any
Tips for choosing a suitable model
To book a cheap high-quality artificial stone sill, use these tips:
select a product whose thickness exceeds 1 cm. Considered optimal size of 2 cm;
give preference to products known manufacturer;
Make sure that the color of the purchased items will be combined with window frame and other subjects interior;
decide on the form. The design must fit harmoniously into the allotted space for it.
The right choice - a guarantee of long life
How to install window sills made of artificial stone: the nuances and subtleties of the process
Proper installation will not only provide a presentable appearance design, but will also increase its service life, reduce heat loss, prevent the penetration of moisture from outside. The general rules of the installation should include the provision of:
the minimum gap between the radiator and the surface - 15 cm;
minimum protrusion sill - 5.4 cm;
the angle of inclination of at least 5 °;
the gap between the wall and the sill end of 2-3 mm.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"If the belt acts as more than a third of its width, the installation should provide additional support."
If you decide to install window sill made of artificial stone with their hands, watch the video, which will help to understand the intricacies of the process:
Operation and maintenance: basic nuances
Qualitative designs are easy to use and has low maintenance. In the process of cleaning should be:
used for regular cleaning soap solutions or special disinfecting substances intended for care of a material surface;
promptly remove the resulting pollution;
abandon the use of substances containing abrasive and solid objects;
prevent excessive (above + 185 ° C) heating surface. At this temperature, the material may begin to deform;
in a timely manner to remove a defect.
Timely care retain a presentable appearance
At what price you can buy a window sill made of artificial stone - Factors affecting the value
If you decide to buy window sills made of artificial stone, the price of similar products is formed according to:
color scheme and content. The introduction of the brilliant and krupnofraktsionnyh items increasing prices;
surface type. Matt on average are 10% cheaper than glossy;
thickness. The larger the cross-sectional dimensions of the sill of the artificial stone, the more expensive the purchase cost;
end processing method.
Attention! Identical products made by different manufacturers will have different costs.
Thus, the price per square meter of artificial stone sill may fluctuate in the range of 230-430 dollars.
Consumer reviews on the window sills made of artificial stone
Reviews of windowsills depends on the quality of material used. We offer to meet with feedback on artificial stone:
A review of the artificial acrylic stone Grandex:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6168517.html
Review product of artificial stone Evrokamen:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6168632.html
Share in the comments, if you were able to buy inexpensive window sills made of artificial stone and what the manufacturer you prefer.