What Russian does not like to relax in the bathhouse or sauna? If the owners of country houses with it, as a rule, there are no problems, the townspeople with this difficulty may arise. Use of the sauna - not just a way to relax and have a good time, it is also good for health. More recently it was difficult to imagine that enjoy steamy it is possible not only in the private and public baths. Now, thanks to advances in technology, you can easily and quickly build a mini-sauna at the apartment or private home, especially since the prices are quite affordable for most consumers. In this review online magazine HouseChief.ru we consider what kinds of mini-saunas are, their benefits and that it is necessary to install them at home.

Read article
- 1 Features a mini-sauna for the apartment
- 2 Advantages and disadvantages
- 3 Classification of domestic mini-saunas
- 4 types of microclimate
- 5 Do I need permission for the resettlement of the mini-saunas
- 6 What is the best sauna for the apartment and where to place it
- 7 Varieties of mobile saunas
- 7.1 fitobochka
- 7.2 fabric design
- 7.3 Apartment with a sauna stove
- 7.4 Infrared Saunas for apartments
- 8 Construction of home saunas: expert advice
- 9 Tips for acceptance of bath procedures
- 10 A few words in conclusion
Features a mini-sauna for the apartment
In a city apartment it is best to install a mini-sauna, not a bath. You can not worry about the water drainage, which is abundantly used when taking bath procedures. Besides, for the production of steam used in the bath furnace for solid fuelsWhich may not be used in city apartments for the purpose of fire safety. Minisauna in this respect is optimal and safe one. It can be purchased at the store or build your own, especially on the Internet, you can find a lot of drawings for the various designs to suit all tastes.

Advantages and disadvantages
Most people believe that the arrangement of the sauna is only possible in a country cottage or a big city apartment. We will try to dispel this misconception. Modern manufacturers of plumbing and heating equipment offer the consumer a mini-sauna, which can be installed in a standard apartment with a small area. To accommodate such structures often enough 1 m², and their installation is possible to Gazebo, at bathroom or on-site pantry, which are available in most homes of the old buildings.
Installing a mini sauna in a city apartment has its own advantages:
- to conduct health treatments at any time;
- preparation of the sauna to work carried out quickly and independently;
- the operation of the mini-sauna consumes little power;
- easy installation;
- small size and weight;
- the cost of equipping the sauna in the apartment less than its Installation on a country site or in a private home ownership.

However, the mini-sauna has its drawbacks, namely:
- reduction of the useful area;
- special permit is required if the system has been installed means carrying out redevelopment in the apartment;
- you need a strong improvement ventilation systemReinforced wiring and connectivity powerful electrical equipment.

Classification of domestic mini-saunas
Mini-saunas factory production for installation in apartments and private homes are presented in the Russian market in a large range that allows you to select the design for every taste and purse. They differ from each other:
- Capacity.
- Dimensions.
- The place of installation.
- Type of heating equipment.
- Design.
- Type microclimate created.
- Capacity.

types of microclimate
Pets minisauna are functional design for creating a certain climate which promotes healing and relaxation. Models designed for installation in apartments, can provide 3 different types of climate, namely:
- dry. In this case, the air in the sauna warms within 85-110 ° C, and the humidity level not exceeding 10%;
- wet. The air temperature is 90 ° C at a relative humidity of 24-42%;
- steam. In this type of sauna temperature should be not more than 62 ° C, and the humidity is ensured by the compact steam generator.
The optimal thermal conditions for the human body in the sauna air temperature is 40-45 ° C at a relative humidity level of 100%. To create in the sauna dry and wet climate experts recommend to comply with one simple principle. In the summation air temperature and humidity should have 110. For example, if the temperature in the sauna is 70 ° C, the humidity should be 40%.

Do I need permission for the resettlement of the mini-saunas
Deciding to build a mini-sauna at the apartment, you have to be prepared for some claims and objections on the part of some public services. So before you buy and install the structure need to obtain a permit, especially if you intend to hold redevelopment. Consider a few basic requirements:
- In the old apartment wooden houses minisaunas device is strictly prohibited, whereas in monolithic and brick buildings can set them.
- Oven sauna should only be electric, and therefore need a power cable for the eyeliner three-phase equipment.
- Sheathing sauna it should be made of a clean timber, especially processed protective antifungal, and fire protivoplesnevymi compositions.
- You must install fire detectors.
To install a sauna in your apartment, you will need permission to GPS, the State Housing inspection, SSES, HOA, Rospotrebnadzor and inspection of the State Administration Architectural and Construction Supervision. Gathering the necessary documents take a long time and some of the financial costs, but allowing you most likely will be given.

What is the best sauna for the apartment and where to place it
Although home saunas new to us, their range is quite large (homemade and factory production), which is a bit difficult to choose the appropriate design. Mini-pair installed in the apartment can be divided into 3 groups:
- prefabricated factory production models (the presence of the technical certificate, warranty service and professional installation);
- saunas made custom-design indicating the dimensions such as the heater, the number of seats, etc .;
- design, made independently according to their own or a borrowed from the Internet to the drawings.
For problems with the operation of the first group of saunas, carries the manufacturer responsible, but for the other two categories will have to answer to you. By flooding the neighbors below or fire an administrative offense may be reclassified to the criminal. Therefore, deciding to install at home a mini-sauna is necessary to assess all possible risks.

Varieties of mobile saunas
We have already mentioned that the range of ready-made and home-made mini-sauna is quite large, and it allows you to choose for your apartment the most appropriate design. Now consider the varieties in more detail.

Home mini-sauna is most conveniently located in the following areas:
- bathroom. The most appropriate in terms of sanitary and hygienic premises, which has already laid all relevant plumbing communication;
- glazed and warmed balcony or loggia. Not used Useful area of functional areas;
- basement or attic. Suitable for private houses, because in this case it is possible to equip large sauna without prejudice to the premises.

This type of mini-saunas, as the name implies, has the form barrelsInside which are arranged heating elements capacity of around 2 kW. Set design can be in any corner of the free shared bathrooms and a spacious bathroom, because fitobochka height does not exceed the average height of a man, and it can be placed in an area of 1 m².
Design features a mini-sauna allow partially open fitobochki, go inside and sit on the seat made of wood, while the head is still sitting outside. The most popular models of these saunas are made of cedar wood and equipped with a built-in steam generator and is controlled by a special remote control. Some fitobochki equipped with special devices, such as sprays for oils, balms and herbal infusions, so you can make wellness and relaxation treatments.

Note! Despite its compact design and simple operation, the installation of the sauna is better to entrust the company where you purchased fitobochki.
fabric design
This type of sauna comprises a robust collapsible frame made of metal covered with a special two-ply material. The outer layer is made of fabric, usually impregnated with satin and internal - Thermo fiber with a non-stick coating. Inside the sauna steam generator is installed.
For the operation of this type of sauna is necessary to reinforce the wiring and make installation of damp proof sockets. This is due to the fact that the powerful electric heaters are used for the sauna, since the structure is not the best thermal insulation characteristics.
The advantage of such a mini-sauna is that the disassembled structure almost does not occupy space and can be stored in cabinetOn the balcony or under the bed. A disadvantage is the large power consumption due to setting of powerful heaters.

Apartment with a sauna stove
As mentioned earlier in this article, can not be used for solid fuel heating appliances for home mini-saunas. Therefore, as an essential element for the pair to choose an electric heater, and the stones, it is desirable to buy in a specialty store, and not collect in the river or some career. Power heater is selected according to the size of the sauna and the soaring number of people. So for a small steam room for 1-2 people is enough elektrokamenki power 3-4 kW, which means that it can be connected to a household power socket with a voltage of 220 V. However, the sauna is better to allocate a separate line with a residual current circuit breaker (RCD).

Infrared Saunas for apartments
This type of mini-saunas can hardly be called new, but most people still call into question the usefulness of the procedures in it. From traditional steam rooms they are distinguished by the presence of infra-red heating elements. They are a compact design, which is not normally used pairs, ie a "dry" sauna, which can be installed even in the bedroom.
Experts say that in saunas with infrared heaters warm the body more intensively than in the ordinary guy, and the body more efficiently cleans due to increased perspiration. The duration of the procedures should not exceed 20-30 minutes. Even this was enough time to lose the energy expended on the 10 minute run at the stadium. Infrared sauna excellent help with weight loss, reduce stress and fatigue from sports activities.
Infrared heating elements are mounted on the walls and in the floor, which increases the effectiveness of the bath procedures. However, some medical limitations should be considered. Such saunas contraindicated for people suffering from cold, infectious diseases and cancer, as well as high temperature.
Modern infrared sauna often combined with showerThat makes it possible to take water treatments in conjunction with body warming. The cost of such structures depends on the size, extra features, the number of heating elements and material finishes.

Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
"Even the expensive mini-saunas, meeting all safety requirements are not always suitable for use in the apartment, since, in accordance with the law, at home on the square may be installed structures are not more 2 m². "
Construction of home saunas: expert advice
Having decided to equip in a mini-sauna at home, you should approach this issue very seriously because of the convenience, safety, and permits for the installation will be forgotten. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:
- Heating element type. In saunas installed in apartments, prohibited the use of solid and gas heaters. Therefore, there are two possible options: heaters or infrared radiators.
- Heat generator. Experts recommend the use of saunas installed in apartments of apartment buildings, heat, power does not exceed 6 kW. To more precisely define the desired value repelled from the fact that, for 1 m³ of air heating in steam must 0.5-1 kW of power. From this we select the corresponding heat generator to its saunas.
- electric heating elements must necessarily be equipped with special temperature sensors, which cut off power when reaching a predetermined temperature. It is also necessary to install RCDs.
- In the room where the mini-sauna is installed, you need to equip powerful system ventilationAnd fire detectors.

Tips for acceptance of bath procedures
Sauna is healthy, thus relieving stress and relax after a hard day's work. However, improper use of it can only bring harm. To bath treatments benefited and fun, follow a few simple tips:
- The sauna in moderation. Frequency of bath procedures largely depends on the health of each individual, so the decision is made on an individual basis. Someone can even bathe every day and someone recommended the sauna is not more than 1-2 times per week;
- best performed procedure bathroom early in the morning or in the evening before going to sleep. Before visiting the sauna is recommended to take a shower, which allows to clean skin and pores of dirt. It is also desirable to wash after the pair and a time to stay at rest;
- sweat glands start to work intensified after 10 minutes in the steam room. It is therefore necessary to set the optimal heating temperature comfortable, to saunas in the booth could spend at least 15-20 minutes;
- before and after the sauna should drink plenty of water. Because during the bath treatment there is a large loss of fluid, its margin is required necessarily to fill in order to avoid health problems.

A few words in conclusion
Sauna allows you to relax and improve their health, so its installation in the apartment has its undeniable advantages. Such designs are compact in size and in most cases reasonable prices. In addition, if you wish, you can make them yourself. We hope that this article was helpful for you and will come in handy when you decide to install a sauna in his apartment. Share your impressions in the form of comments.