Chopper food waste for Shell: choice, model, price

Every day, at any the kitchen (Be it in an apartment, house or restaurant) accumulates a large amount of food waste. As a rule, the problem of their disposal is solved in the simplest way - discharge into the bag and take out it in the trash at the entrance of the house. However, in most European and Western countries, this problem is solved differently: in almost every house or apartment is set for food waste shredder shell or dispouzer. This convenient device, and is dedicated to our today's review.

Chopper food waste for sinks
Shredder waste eliminate the unpleasant odors and save space in a trash bag

Read article

  • 1 The device and the chopper principle of action for the sink
  • 2 Types of grinders of food waste in sink erator Kitchen
  • 3 Nuances selection dispouzera Basin
  • 4 Buy Sink Chopper food waste: the best manufacturers of kitchen dispouzerov
    • 4.1 BoneCrusher
    • 4.2 Whirlpool and Bosch-Siemens
    • 4.3 Franke
    • 4.4 InSinkErator
  • 5 Proper use dispouzera
  • 6 Safety rules at work with a chopper in the sink in the kitchen
  • 7 Reviews of food waste grinders for sinks
  • 8 Nuances independent installation chopper food waste
  • 9 Probable damage and repair of food waste shredder
  • 10 How much does a chopper and where to buy it?

The device and the chopper principle of action for the sink

Dispouzer is a device enclosed in a sturdy housing in which is mounted a crushing disc driven by electric motor.

The principle of operation of the device is very simple. In the grinding chamber the food waste is fed through the drain hole washWhere under the influence of centrifugal force, they are pressed against the walls and recycled. Used for crushing a stationary float, mounted on the cylinder walls or special cutting disk. After processing, the waste water flow through the merge directly into drains.

Apparatus food waste shredder
Apparatus food waste shredder

Types of grinders of food waste in sink erator Kitchen

There are two kinds of household food waste shredders:

  1. with a constant load (electrical);
  2. with batch processing (hydraulic).

Nuances selection dispouzera Basin

When choosing a kitchen chopper should pay attention to the following characteristics, in particular on the engine power. It affects not only the cost of the device, but also its performance. Not the last role is played and the size of the body. Than he Overall, the greater the amount of waste it may skip over itself.

It is difficult to overstate the necessity and usability dispouzera
It is difficult to overstate the necessity and usability dispouzera

Deciding to purchase and install in shell waste shredder is necessary to pay attention to the number of working modes of the device. Some of these modes involve multiple of speeds, which is made possible thanks to efficient processing of different densities food waste. Also, some manufacturers of kitchen appliances offer consumer models that are equipped with various nozzles that significantly expands the capabilities of the device.

Dispouzera most ideal option - it is a grinding machinery vysokachestvennoy sound insulation, from Auto Protection overload, reverse function and antibacterial inner coating which will inhibit the proliferation of unpleasant odors.

Buy Sink Chopper food waste: the best manufacturers of kitchen dispouzerov

Currently, the appliance manufacturers offer a wide range dispouzerov. Each chopper model has its pros and cons. It offers an overview of the best manufacturers to help make the choice of a suitable device.

Now you can buy a shredder waste for every taste and budget
Now you can buy a shredder waste for every taste and budget


Dispouzery this manufacturer unlike their competitors have a body made not of metal but of durable plastic. Also the brand devices are equipped with a separate power button, which is installed on tableSeparately from the device.

Whirlpool and Bosch-Siemens

These known manufacturers produce excellent domestic shredders, which are able to cope easily with almost all kinds of food waste. The inner surface has a special coating device, which prevents the occurrence of unpleasant smells.


Dispouzery this brand stand out among the similar equipment from other manufacturers an effective noise reduction. Also hallmark shredders Franke is a special pneumatic system, which eliminates the waste as it arrives in the receiving chamber.


A distinctive feature of this shredder manufacturer is the presence in the auto reverse system, which helps prevent the formation of the pipes of various types of blockages. Also, all models are equipped with dispouzerov overload protection, so that the device is turned off when exceeding the allowable load.

Proper use dispouzera

Flowing placed under the sink, it takes and brings great benefit
Flowing placed under the sink, it takes and brings great benefit

The use of waste heat recovery there is nothing difficult, but for the performance and extended service life should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. enable crane and to ensure a sufficiently strong water pressure.
  2. Press the power button dispouzera (shredder hydraulic type automatic restart).
  3. Food waste is placed in the sink drain hole.
  4. After the waste will be disposed (this signal will disappear specific noise), to disable the device.
  5. After dispouzera give off water rinse unit for 25-30 seconds, then the shut tap.

Safety rules at work with a chopper in the sink in the kitchen

The safety of using electrical appliances, especially equipped with cutting elements, has always remained an important issue. Manufacturers today's shredders for the sink approached this problem seriously enough, creating dispouzerov model completely safe for the user.

For normal operation dispouzera need good water pressure and not to process too solid waste
For normal operation dispouzera need good water pressure and not to process too solid waste

For safe operation of the shredder is worth considering that the kitchen dispouzer is primarily intended for the disposal of food waste. You can delete the small chicken and fish bones and the remains nutshell.

To chopper debris basin served for a long time need to adhere to the following requirements, namely to exclude getting into the receiver device materials such as:

  • glass, metal, wood and plastic;
  • polyethylene and other packaging containers, as well as rubber, etc .;
  • hot oil, hot water and cool;
  • hair, yarn and fiber ropes, which can wrap around the motor shaft and output chopper failure.

Important! garbage shredder socket shell have to be equipped with earthing and have a high-quality moisture protection.

Reviews of food waste grinders for sinks

When choosing a good shredder worth listening to feedback from friends and other consumers
When choosing a good shredder worth listening to feedback from friends and other consumers

px2x2 Russia, Ekaterinburg: Flowing Evolution 100 InSinkErator food waste.

Advantages: Does not work out loud

Disadvantages: Not found

Even in his youth in American films seen in the sink device, which are milled - garbage out there, clean, peel, and even bone. When there was a personal kitchen, thought to comfort and save stupid ordered the same shtukentsiyu. I stopped on the model Evolution 100 InSinkErator.

More on Otzovik:

Kubikmdv Russia, Moscow: Shredder waste InSinkErator Evolution 200 - Machine-beast! I recommend!

Advantages: Excellent technique

Disadvantages: At first scared to use because of the noise and the fear that zasosot) have to get used

Great helper in the kitchen. Powerful. First scary t. K. Shumit and rattles during grinding. Need to get used to it. Even throw chicken bones. Number of carried out of the garbage at home decreased significantly. No stale food waste: cleaning vegetables, drag the current cover is not necessary from the melon and watermelon in the trash!

More on Otzovik:

A prime example of how not to connect the electrics dispouzera
A prime example of how not to connect the electrics dispouzera

Corsica Russia, HH: Chopper food waste Bone Crusher 800 - Good, powerful and quiet enough.

Strengths: Powerful, quiet and cheaper insink.

Disadvantages: generally not.

Flowing we bought this to his parents. I wrote a review of our insikerator 100, which we have bought. A week later my mother, who against all superfluous and likes to do things the old fashioned way she asked such a thing. Although we have a dishwasher it is still not persuaded.

In general, we had to buy our shares for (and maybe just at the old prices) for the 18 m. P. although everywhere it was about 23-25 ​​m. p. Parents are no longer found in as many.

More on Otzovik:

Nuances independent installation chopper food waste

Installation of kitchen food waste shredder in the home is not a big deal. Usually included with the device has all the necessary components, the only thing that is needed is minimal care and skill with a screwdriver, keys and electricity.

Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?First and foremost you want to detach from the shell and neck segments sewer system.
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?Remove the protective grate drain.
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?Assemble according to the instruction dispouzera neck.
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?Set neck shredder waste in the sink. If the sink is less dispouzera neck, you have to work on its expansion.
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?By means of a special nut fix grinder neck on the sink.
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?Set lock for mounting directly of shredder waste.
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?On the device to install the knee to connect sewage pipe.
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?Dispouzer attach to the neck and close the lock.
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?Attach the chopper to the sewage system through a set of pipes. It is necessary to use a pipe with smooth walls, since the corrugated pipe between the segments will accumulate food waste, which in turn will cause the occurrence of odors and clogs.
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?Set in the neck of the rubber divider. Connect the device to plug spill-proof and grounded outlet.

Recommendation! After installation of the chopper food waste due to temperature changes can disrupt the bond density, so after 10-14 days is recommended to check all threaded fastening and, if necessary, their tighten.

Probable damage and repair of food waste shredder

As with any home appliances, shredders tend to occasionally fail. Sometimes the damage can be fixed by yourself, otherwise it is better to contact the service center, and if the device is still under warranty, it is recommended, if any failure to contact specialists. To eliminate some of the damage should also follow some tips to use.

Since dispouzer relate to Class I electrical safety, the power socket the device should have grounding. The fact is that despite the fact that housing shredders, mainly made of plastic, there is a possibility of electric shock through the water jet.

Important! Before proceeding to inspect or repair the shredder must be sure to disconnect it from the mains!

One frequent breakdowns is wedging cam device which is due to reach mechanism too solid waste. To resolve this problem sometimes simply remove the obstacle by pulling it or pushing inward.

Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?

Another problem is that some owners are trying to save water. Little when destroying waste stream leads to that the knee accumulate waste, because they do not have time to go into the drain, and the result is a blockage. If it does happen clogging the pipes, you must stop the device and remove the impediment to the normal passage of the drain water. Usually this procedure is described in the instruction manual.

Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?

Also during operation dispouzera frequent leakages, which are eliminated by replacing gaskets or tightening threaded joints.

In principle, self-troubleshoot the shredder waste is not a good idea. Well, when you just need to fix a leak or to take a hard object, which could not cope dispouzer, and if the cause of the motor winding or other serious problem? It is best to turn to professionals who not only fix a breakdown, but also give a guarantee on the work performed.

How much does a chopper and where to buy it?

Most modern people prefer to make purchases at online stores rather than in traditional retail outlets. This is because the Internet a richer range of models and lower prices. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the average prices in the dispouzery from different manufacturers:

Picture Model (country of origin)Average cost (as of December 2017), rub.
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?In-Sink-Erator Evolution 200 (US)29 000
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?Franke WD75 (Germany)14 450
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?Zorg ZR-38 D (Czech Republic)11 165
Chopper food waste Basin - a fad or a necessity?BoneCrusher BC 810 (US)21 290

The cost of shredders for shells may vary depending on the manufacturer, the model features. Deciding to buy dispouzer, pay attention to the more powerful and high-quality devices that can handle almost any waste, and will last long enough.

Submitted video will help make the right choices of kitchen waste shredder: