A calculator for calculating the required power of the gas boiler

It is growing in popularity among homeowners in the private sector picking up gas heating. Such boilers an excellent job with their tasks and at the same time quite economical, as compared to electrical. But like any other equipment, such boiler you must choose correctly. The main parameter in this case will its heat capacity, which should be enough to warm all premises. At the same time it should not work at full capacity, and therefore need a small margin. Presented below is a calculator for calculating the required power of the gas boiler will easily perform all the calculations.

A calculator for calculating the required power of the gas boiler
To calculate the power of the gas boiler with the help of online calculator is easy

A calculator for calculating the required power of the gas boiler

How to use online calculator

the computational complexity does not make, but be aware that this work will take some time. After calculating each room have individually. We examine all the points.

  • specify room space. It is equal to the length times the width. This indicator and enter it in the first field;
  • We enter the number of walls that face the street. They create a large heat leakage;
  • Now it should be noted on any part of the world they go - north get less sun, and therefore less heat;
  • Specify the leeward wall. It is known that the cold wind cools the surface very quickly;
  • Next, you need to remember what was the coldest winter temperatures for the last 2-3 years and enter it in the appropriate field;
Gas equipment requires a serious approach - it should not work at full capacity
Gas equipment requires a serious approach - it should not work at full capacity
  • Note what insulation of external walls. Good wall insulation do not miss the heat, and thus the power of the heater will need less;
  • The next two steps - is an indication of what is above and below the calculated room. Perhaps there is a heated room, perhaps cold and damp basement or attic;
  • Be sure to contribute data about the windows - wood or they are insulated windows;
  • The number of windows is important as well, because these are sources of heat leakage;
  • Now to contribute data on the number of windows. If they are not, then fill out this and the next two graphs do not need. If available, then we enter the number, and the lower the height and width;
  • The last point indicates the presence and quantity of doorsWhich faces the street or non-insulated balcony.

Now just press the button "calculate the heat output to the room." Result is obtained in kilowatts has given a 15% margin.

According to this table, you can try to calculate it yourself
According to this table, you can try to calculate it yourself

additional calculations

The same actions are performed with all rooms. For convenience, you need to take a piece of paper and raschertit table about this type:

The room: area, ceiling height.

That is located above and below

Exterior walls: quantity, orientation, degree InsulatedWindow: quantity, type of, dimensionsThe door on the street or on the balconyThe required output in kW (Including 15% Service provision onnogo)
  • Living room
  • The area of ​​14.1 m².
  • Ceiling - 2.9 m.
  • Bottom - insulated by Ground.
  • Top - cold attic
  • Two, East and South.
  • Windward.
  • The high degree of thermal insulation
  • Two windows,
  • PVC frames with single glazing.
  • The size of 1200 × 900 mm
no2.14 kW
in total21.3 kW

Having considered using an online calculator, each room separately and adding the resulting values, we get the power we need boiler.