Apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of original ideas

How often housewives faced with the challenge cleaning in the kitchen? In particular, very difficult to give in to cleaning the walls in the working area and wash. But this work can be much easier with the help of special decorative materials. Today, we try to figure out what might be Kitchen Apron glass (a photo catalog of interesting solutions will be provided below), as well as to understand the nuances of what is in the installation of aprons and what materials they are made. It makes sense to make a small and step by step instructions for installation of these panels, called skinali.

Apron Kitchen Glass: photo catalog
Glass Apron on any kitchen looks great

Read article

  • 1 What is a glass apron for the kitchen: general information
    • 1.1 Benefits kitchen aprons Glass
    • 1.2 Disadvantages of this fabric
  • 2 Selection aprons Glass kitchen: price and other criteria
  • 3 What could be skinali Kitchen: image gallery and models
  • 4 There are varieties of kitchen skinali
    • 4.1 Stalinite and that it represents
    • 4.2 Laminated glass or laminated glass - pros and cons
    • 4.3 Plexiglas: how it differs from other
    • 4.4 Ceramic tile or glass surface - which is better?
  • 5 Fixing skinali to the kitchen wall
  • 6 Methods of applying printing on the panel
  • 7 Apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of possible solutions
  • 8 How to calculate the required size of the glass apron
    • 8.1 Online calculator for calculating the necessary area of ​​the kitchen apron
  • 9 Step by step installation instructions with their hands
  • 10 Summing up

What is a glass apron for the kitchen: general information

Skinali can be divided into several types, depending on the material for their manufacture. The main ones are:

  • Tempered glass - stalinite;
  • Laminated glass - triplex;
  • Plexiglas.

A separate item, you can specify and ceramic tiles - about it we also will talk today. But the main theme is exactly skinali.

Good to know! The main objective of such a choice of finishing material - it's clear on what to look for and what advantages and disadvantages there are in this or that kind.

Benefits kitchen aprons Glass

The main advantage of these panels is their appearance which is easily and fine fit into any interior. They look like perfectly combined with nickel-plated and chrome-plated surfaces, and a glossy.

It can be made in any style
It can be made in any style

Installation skinali the kitchen is simple, while it takes a minimum of time. Stitches on such products is usually no, or their number is minimal, and this is a big plus in their washing and cleaning. The range of colors on the shelves of Russian stores is quite wide, that allows you to choose the right at any interior. In addition to the workshops can be ordered and exclusive option.

Especially attracts consumers the ability to install a panel LED stripWhich is quite capable of providing the necessary illumination of the work area. We suggest you review a small catalog of images of kitchen aprons Glass:

What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions

In general handyman may independently issue and glass, inserting under pictures, photos or even recipes that just looks pretty stylish and modern.

But if there is a dignity that can not escape from the disadvantages. Could not go past them and us.

Disadvantages of this fabric

The main negative aspect skinali is the high cost. For example the price of tempered glass on the apron for the kitchen, along with the installation of about 5,000 rubles. per m2. It does not apply to low-cost materials such as Plexiglas, but brings quality, short-lived and not as presentable.

It is quite complex and the selection of such a material. To make or choose it begin, usually after installation kitchen units to eliminate errors in the measurements. In addition, if you order the production of skinali with photo printing, the delivery time can be from 7 to 14 days, depending on complexity.

However, these negative qualities do not affect the popularity of this fabric. The main thing - it is the end result, which (with the right choice of ornament) is almost always perfect. And the durability of the glass on the apron for the kitchen quite long (provided that for him not to beat hammer).

In this kitchen it seems to be that he was in Italy
In this kitchen it seems to be that he was in Italy

But how do you choose the right apron on kitchen set? After all, a lot of companies are similar products. Now we look at the criteria for such selection.

Selection aprons Glass kitchen: price and other criteria

The cost of this material depends on several factors:

  • Thickness of glass. The most convenient and durable apron is at the value of this parameter to 6 mm. Stalinite bit firmer remaining options, and therefore its use is permitted under 4 mm;
  • Number of mounting slots and ease of installation. These parameters are important as in independent work, and when you call a specialist - the amount of payment for his work may be higher with higher complexity;
  • Picture. Where you can go wrong with the coloring - it must be suitable for the interior. In addition, a variety of its variants may have different costs.

To dear reader, it was clear what could be the colors in general, offer to view some photos glass kitchen aprons.

What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions

Interesting! Pretty good mirror will look and aprons for the kitchen, where you can see the photo below.

What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions

What could be skinali Kitchen: image gallery and models

First, consider a single overall image with dimensions of 1 m2, manufactured from a variety of Materials to know about the price, but after a few photos of glass panels on the apron for kitchen.

Embankment Shanghai, which is seen in our table
Embankment Shanghai, which is seen in our table
MaterialThe cost of the glass, rub.Shipping cost, rubles.installation price, rbl.Total cost, rubles.
M1 6mm tempered2860155010015411
M1 6mm tempered with UV printing6175216115509886
Opti White 6mm tempered5720200215509727
Opti White 6mm tempered with UV printing90353162155013747

Important! These tables are shown only for one of the Moscow firms and the regions they can vary greatly, but the general idea of ​​the cost of the products can be obtained.

And now we present you a catalog of glass in the kitchen aprons with photo printing in illustrations.

What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions

Any work by printing on glass from the kitchen photo directory can be configured as a custom or purchased ready-made. But rather it plays a major role and that, on what it is made of glass.

There are varieties of kitchen skinali

To begin to understand what are the advantages over other in one way or another species. And for this it is necessary to dwell on each of them.

Stalinite and that it represents

Glass panel for kitchen stalinite manufactured from conventional material through quenching. Thus its resistance to shock increases. Yet if this glass is going to break, it can completely crumble. I'm sure many have seen as a side window of the car breaks down. Here there is a similar, which is not surprising - manufacturing technology they are similar.

The style of the cuisine at the height - not sap
The style of the cuisine at the height - not sap

From the main advantages is its resistance to temperature changes (in case of installation in gas cookers) And just a small baby is damaged. It has a blunt edge, on which it is impossible to cut yourself. Just like material value and durability to cleaning (even with abrasive agents) and longevity (10-15 years).

The possibility to change the size or location of the holes is not. After hardening it is simply impossible. The cost is higher than the average, or plexiglass, but it's worth it.

Laminated glass or laminated glass - pros and cons

manufacturing principle triplex the same as that of the vehicle windshield. The two layers are glued together by means of special film that provides durability and safety of the product. The film does not give splinters scatter and injure a person if mechanical damage. However, between the road and the glass to the apron there is a slight difference. For autoglasses applied transparent film, while for manufacturing laminated - color, specifically with the coloring, which is required.

With all the advantages of laminated apron has disadvantages such as high price, less transparency and a longer delivery time. For these reasons, its popularity is lower than that of the red-hot.

Plexiglas: how it differs from other

Plexiglas, perspex, Akrilayts, karboglass, limakril - this material is called in different ways, but the essence remains the same. I'm sure many are aware of its positive qualities. It is absolutely impossible to break, and at the same time its value is quite low. If plexiglas ignite, even in this case it will not release harmful toxic substances. Yes, and it is easier to install the remaining materials. It can be cut, driving under the flawed wall, drill holes in it for fixing or sockets independently. Making this apron takes minimum time.

And some people like and is
And some people like and is

However, the disadvantages of this material is quite significant. Purity he loses the other species, and the temperature is afraid, and thus it can not be set for hob. Cleaning abrasives plexiglass does not stand up. The same drawback can be called and a gradual loss of the already not too full transparency.

Ceramic tile or glass surface - which is better?

ceramic tile for the manufacture of the apron it is already a classic. It is rather comfortable material that can withstand high temperatures and quietly carries cleaning abrasives. However, in our time, in comparison with the products of the triplex he loses due to the fact that it is more difficult to mount. In addition, it requires special knowledge and skills. We should not forget that a clean laying of tiles can not be called. Let's compare this material in some respects.

MaterialResistance to temperatureEasy installationCleanable abrasivesThe average cost, rubles / m2

It turns out that the small difference between the tile and stalinite, better still, choose a tempered glass. But the methods of his installation, we are going to investigate.

Very important! Before installation skinali their hands need to fully explore all the rules and regulations. Otherwise there is a risk of damage not cheap material.

Fixing skinali to the kitchen wall

It can be mounted on glass apron and liquid nails or other durable adhesive composition, however, when such an embodiment is not output capability illumination of the LEDs of the panel, and it is at times reduces the aesthetic design. It is for this reason that we now consider two other ways - mounted and wall.

For the embodiment of the flow required holes in the glass, through which the panel and is attached to a wall by special anchor bolts. After their caps closed decorative caps. Between the panel and wall washers are installed, providing an even distance. It is for him, if you wish, you can set cable channel LED tape. Light strip can serve both as decoration, as well as in more practical purposes - work area lighting. Photo kitchen aprons can be seen below.

What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions

In the production of hinged mounting brackets are used, mounted on the wall. After their complete installation in which the panel is inserted and fixed. When viewed superficially, it all looks elementary, but this job requires maximum concentration and attentiveness.

Methods of applying printing on the panel

Photo printing can be done in different ways. It is the interior and exterior. More practicality has the first option, because in this case the glass itself protects the image from external influences.

You can also divide a print on:

  • Plenochnuyu. On the surface of the panel is glued special film coated with a pattern. Perhaps drawing and opacifying (monochromatic translucent) film;
  • UV method. In this case, use a special paint with a polymer that hardens under ultraviolet light;
  • Solvent. It uses special nano-ink, which can penetrate even stronger materials and to gain a foothold in them.

But no matter what kind of printing application chooses handyman, the main criterion here should be a match for room design.

Apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of possible solutions

Everyone wants in the design kitchen, all around pleasing to the eye. However, too bright colors can conversely, to spoil the overall picture. It is for this reason should first consider fully all. Many firms provide the customer a choice of ready-made products, but more often they work with photos and images provided by the client.

The Internet today you can find a lot of sketches and projects, or even finished products. But it not always is a manufacturer next to the user. We want to give some possible examples for dear reader could based on them to come up with something of their own, or perhaps choose from pleasing.

What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions

Does not that have to choose from? And if you had not thought of any ideas, then under the glass, you can put pictures of loved ones, beautiful places and highlights. Photos in this case placed in a chaotic manner. It looks like this is very unusual - what will surprise your guests.

How to calculate the required size of the glass apron

this work will not be difficulties, but require care and accuracy. Especially if the apron is selected for installation of tempered or laminated glass. To begin to determine at what height will be countertops kitchen units. It's one thing if it is a standard, and quite another when raised above provisions. This is what happens when you install in the kitchen washing machine or plate large size.

Having measured from the bottom level of countertops should draw a line below the 1-1.5 cm. This will be the bottom edge of the apron.

Very important! Be sure to check the level of the floor. Otherwise, in one corner of the lower edge of the apron can be higher countertop, which is unacceptable.

The upper edge should be at least 1 cm above the bottom flange wall cabinets. Thus vymeryat width apron. The length depends on the wishes of DIY. Apron can go beyond plateAnd may be only a segment of the working surface.

Especially for our readers, we have created a handy calculator, which is proposed to use.

Online calculator for calculating the necessary area of ​​the kitchen apron

Step by step installation instructions with their hands

Consider stepwise fasteners when lighter user manual editing using guides. In this case, the width skinali be equal to the distance between the top and lockers.

photo exampleResulting actions
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutionsSuch exemplary diagram fasteners. All components must be at hand, to not have to repeatedly run the shop in
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutionsAluminum guide countertop is cut to size and installed on it. With the help of dowel-nails fasten it to the wall.
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutionsBe sure to put silicone paste, which will not only be protected from moisture, but more spring urging skinali wall
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutionsCarefully insert the panel into the grooves of the lower guide. Here we must be careful not to damage the apron
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutionsIt follows that for glass installation silicone insert not come out of the groove and pressed glass to the outer peripheral edge of the guide
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutionsGently tilting the panel to dress the upper guide apron
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutionsLocation silicone inserts must be identical to the bottom. This will ensure the tightness. We must remember that in the kitchen most of the increased humidity
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutionsSecuring to the upper guide wall using the same anchor nails can be closed decorative cover cable channel. It is used for wiring, if necessary
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutionsThe final touch will be decorating. Is removed with a special protective film strips ...
What could be the apron for glass kitchen: photo catalog of interesting solutions... and the strap is attached to the mounted glass apron. If desired, the structure can be set within the LED strip. This will add to the aesthetics and charm panel

As you can see, work is not complicated. We just need to follow some rules and be careful.

Summing up

Of course, the classic tile of fashion never goes out, but the glass apron in the kitchen sometimes looks a lot better. Given that the cost of such products is acceptable, but you can install all their own.

We hope that today's article was helpful to our dear readers. The discussions can be set below the questions. Our team will be happy to answer them. Write, share your experiences, ask.

And finally, we offer watch a short video on the topic: