🖌 Painting on wood: folk types, tips for creating it

The originality of folk painting of wooden products is relevant at all times. Today this creativity, which has not lost its aesthetic value, remains popular. In today's review, HouseChief invites you to learn about the possibilities of ancient craft in modern art, so wood painting is presented to your attention.

Read in the article

  • 1 Let's talk about the main types of wood painting
    • 1.1 Live Mezen and Petrikov painting on wood
    • 1.2 Fabulous Gzhel and Gorodets painting
    • 1.3 Cheerful Khokhloma and Zhostovo painting
    • 1.4 Other varieties
  • 2 Homemade Tips: How to Prepare a Wooden Blank for Painting
  • 3 The process of transferring a drawing to a wooden base
    • 3.1 We work on a stencil
    • 3.2 Point transfer technique
    • 3.3 Drawing from sketches
  • 4 We paint a wooden blank with our own hands with different colors and learn to consolidate the result
    • 4.1 Gouache
    • 4.2 Watercolor
    • 4.3 Acrylic paints
    • 4.4 Oil paints
    • 4.5 Aniline paints
    • 4.6 Tempera paints
  • 5 Ideas for painting on wood with photo examples

Let's talk about the main types of wood painting

Many people have heard of the Zhostovo direction, Gzhel, Khokhloma, but it is worth learning more, because there are other types of painting. You can try your hand at each type in turn, gaining valuable experience and aesthetic pleasure.

Live Mezen and Petrikov painting on wood

Mezen painting is dedicated to the ornament, which acts as the main decorative element. The plot is made up of cute inhabitants of the forest, as well as horses.

Painting on woodPHOTO: culture.ru
You can hear another name: palaschel painting

You can determine that the direction you like belongs to the Mezen variety by the following criteria:

  • the use of red and black colors in the ornament;
  • fragmentation of patterns in the form of stars, rhombuses, disks, dashes and crosses;
  • the picture appears to be moving due to the repeated patterns.

This type of painting is applied to an unprimed tree, using reddish ocher as a base.

Patterns are applied using black paintPHOTO: store.russianarts.online
Patterns are applied using black paint

The motif of Petrikov painting is vegetable, floral and berry. These are wonderful and fabulous pictures. There is no need to apply the contour, the main thing here is the sharp eye of the master and his skill. You need to work with a very thin brush, some of the masters deftly wield plant stems. Berries are sometimes painted with fingertips.

Festive paintingPHOTO: madeheart.com
Festive painting
The main elements of petrikovkaPHOTO: tnu.podelise.ru
The main elements of petrikovka

Fabulous Gzhel and Gorodets painting

Gzhel is remembered at first glance for the products that are designed using this technique. In such an artistic painting, the main colors are white and blue. Blue patterns and designs are gently set off by a white background.

The plots are complex, but the sketch is not used for themPHOTO: liveinternet.ru
The plots are complex, but the sketch is not used for them

It is interesting that initially toys for children and vessels for pharmaceutical needs were painted with Gzhel. But in the 19th century, the production of porcelain gave the direction a new life, but craftsmen still use Gzhel for painting wooden products.

Gzhel has its own characteristics. Rarely does this painting do without eaglet roses, landscapes with winter, fairy tales. The porcelain design must always be glazed and fired.

Tender gzhelPHOTO: kitchenonline.ru
Tender gzhel

The technique can be described in several stages:

  • first, a basic white background is applied;
  • large elements are drawn;
  • additional strokes are applied in a white tone, which will emphasize the contrast.

Now let's talk about the beautiful Gorodets painting. Its main nuance is the ability of a white stroke to bring animation to the plot. Black horses on graceful and slender legs, proudly pacing roosters with delicious tails, as well as picturesque scenes from merchant life, seemed to come to life on wooden products.

Gorodets motives are decorated with floral patternsPHOTO: nnwelcome.ru
Gorodets motives are decorated with floral patterns

Gorodets remained popular as arts and crafts on caskets, bread bins, spoons, caskets, children's toys, shutters, furniture and household items.

The beauty of Gorodets paintingPHOTO: youtube.com
The beauty of Gorodets painting

Cheerful Khokhloma and Zhostovo painting

Khokhloma is immediately recognized by its characteristic colors: black, yellow, red, gold.

The background is painted in black or yellow, and already on it floral ornaments are depictedPHOTO: culture.ru
The background is painted in black or yellow, and already on it floral ornaments are depicted

The drawing is gilded, but not gold is used, but the ancient icon-painting technique with the application of silver with oil and bringing to the result with a high temperature. So drying oil will eventually give the desired shade of gold.

Sometimes green paint is used in Khokhloma.PHOTO: schci.ru
Sometimes green paint is used in Khokhloma.

The drawing is applied without sketches, including mountain ash, strawberries, branches, flowers in the plot, sometimes you can see animals.

Zhostovo painting adorned metal trays, but gradually it was appreciated and wood craftsmen. The main plot is considered to be flower arrangements depicted on a black background.

In the center, the largest flowers are drawn, and along the edges are already those that are smallerPHOTO: culture.ru
In the center, the largest flowers are drawn, and along the edges are already those that are smaller

Shadows play an important role, creating visual volume. Gold leaf, metal powder and mother-of-pearl are added to the dye, so it seems that the Zhostovo images shine with a special light.

Magical motives come to life under the brush of the mastersPHOTO: souvenirdvor.ru
Magical motives come to life under the brush of the masters

Other varieties

Many are interested in other types of decorative and applied painting: palekh, Fedoskino painting, painting of the Northern Dvina and Prikamye.

Palekh is characterized by the plot of Russian folk tales, always depicted on a black backgroundPHOTO: youtube.com
Palekh is characterized by the plot of Russian folk tales, always depicted on a black background
Fedoskino painting also used a black background, but the main character is a portrait of a manPHOTO: juicyworld.org
Fedoskino painting also used a black background, but the main character is a portrait of a man
The painting of the Northern Dvina uses a red or orange tone, and the base background is white and yellowPHOTO: mydocx.ru
The painting of the Northern Dvina uses a red or orange tone, and the base background is white and yellow

Homemade Tips: How to Prepare a Wooden Blank for Painting

Without preliminary preparation of the base, nothing good will come of it, therefore, this stage of work is treated with due attention.

First, a blank is selected, of course, without knots: they easily fall out when the tree is completely dry. The holes after them are putty and rubbed with sandpaper after the coating has dried.

Important! Experiments are not needed, there is a special putty for wood, and it should be used to seal defects and holes.

The tree dries naturally, and not near heating appliances, because this leads to deformation of the productPHOTO: priceguard.ru
The tree dries naturally, and not near heating appliances, because this leads to deformation of the product

After drying, they are passed over the surface with medium-grain sandpaper, and after that with fine sandpaper. Wood dust is collected and put in a small container. It can be used together with PVA glue as a putty mixture.

Now the product is primed with PVA glue mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with water and left to dry. After that, the surface is again polished with fine sandpaper.

The process of transferring a drawing to a wooden base

If you have a talent for painting, then you can immediately apply the intended plot according to the chosen direction on the basis. But, if there are some doubts about the success of the plan, it is better to transfer the finished drawing.

We work on a stencil

It is not difficult to find a suitable drawing on the Internet. You can print it out on a printer and cut the lines with a cutter or utility knife. It remains to translate the lines with a simple pencil.

This method is only suitable for very simple plots.PHOTO: gepur-shop.ru
This method is only suitable for very simple plots.

Good old tracing paper allows you to apply a plot of any complexity to a wooden surface. For convenience, the tracing paper should be secured with tape.

Advice! Please note that the tracing paper works in a mirror image, that is, the drawing will be displayed on the other side.

The third way to apply a pattern is to use an iron and thick paper. The plot is printed out with a laser printer and applied by seal to the tree.

It remains to iron the sheet with a hot iron, which will transfer the paint to the surface of the productPHOTO: rubankom.com
It remains to iron the sheet with a hot iron, which will transfer the paint to the surface of the product

Point transfer technique

This is a suitable option for those people who are drawing on "you". A lot of points are applied to the base, and they will already need to be connected with a continuous line. This technique is also good for drawing small plot elements.

Drawing from sketches

A carbon copy is used for sketches. Its coloring side must be attached to the workpiece, and the selected plot must be placed on top and drawn around the contour.

We paint a wooden blank with our own hands with different colors and learn to consolidate the result

Those who are not familiar with different types of paints will be interested in learning more about how to use them when working with wood, and what the result will be.

Advice! If you are a beginner master, take paints easier, and after honing your skills, you are already switching to expensive professional options.


Gouache is a paint for pleasure. It is as if it was created for working with simple subjects, is easy to apply, does not crack and does not get dirty.

Gouache is applied to the base, and then varnished, allowing each layer to dryPHOTO: mr-shkaff.ru
Gouache is applied to the base, and then varnished, allowing each layer to dry



Watercolor is not the best choice for painting wood surfaces. Nevertheless, many craftsmen successfully use it, avoiding the promised swelling of the tree from excessive moisture.

The plot element is painted with a wet brush without paint, and then the color is applied. First of all, large areas and elements are painted, and then small details are painted and detailed drawing is performed.

The painting acquires a certain lightness and airiness with smooth transitions from light to shadow, but relief will be absentPHOTO: gidpokraske.ru
The painting acquires a certain lightness and airiness with smooth transitions from light to shadow, but relief will be absent

At the end of the staining and drying of the paint layer, varnish is required.


Acrylic paints

Both beginners and experienced craftsmen love to use acrylic. The paint adheres very easily to wood, does not spread and looks very bright.

The plus is the absence of the need to varnish the craft, if it is just decorativePHOTO: ampottery.com
The plus is the absence of the need to varnish the craft, if it is just decorative

Acrylic paints

Oil paints

Newbies rarely work with oil. They need to be able to dilute them with drying oil or linseed oil, and only then start creativity.

Oil paints give a very long lasting and vibrant palette. They are suitable for any kind of painting. The product will dry for a long time, especially if the paint has been diluted with linseed oil. This is the most durable staining option.

Oil paints

Aniline paints

Will use aniline paints on a budget. They can be used to paint various objects made of wood, especially often they are taken for painting souvenirs.

The drawings are juicy, bright, and the work does not promise any difficulties. Before applying them, you need to prime the base twice.PHOTO: store.russianarts.online
The drawings are juicy, bright, and the work does not promise any difficulties. Before applying them, you need to prime the base twice.

Unfortunately, over time, aniline can fade, so the products are not placed in direct sunlight or varnished with an ultraviolet protection function.

Important! Aniline paints do not apply the same smear twice!

Aniline paints

Tempera paints

Tempera is a luxury paint that makes it possible to create a true masterpiece. It is used to paint those objects that can even be inherited, to make a special gift to someone dear.

Tempera is made on the basis of egg yolk or glue solutionPHOTO: rubankom.com
Tempera is made on the basis of egg yolk or glue solution

After drying, the paint is no longer washed off and does not crack. The paint consists of an emulsion and a coloring pigment.

Tempera paints

Tempera paints

Ideas for painting on wood with photo examples

Admiring the gallery of ideas for painting on wood is simply pleasant for the soul.

1 out of 8

Amazing and beautiful in folk art: painting on wood

PHOTO: vatikam.com

Amazing and beautiful in folk art: painting on wood

PHOTO: tvori-dly-dushi.ru

Amazing and beautiful in folk art: painting on wood

PHOTO: komirempalata.ru

Amazing and beautiful in folk art: painting on wood

PHOTO: nkhp.ru

Amazing and beautiful in folk art: painting on wood

PHOTO: newsvo.ru

Amazing and beautiful in folk art: painting on wood

PHOTO: mirkrestikom.ru

Amazing and beautiful in folk art: painting on wood

PHOTO: postroysia.ru

Amazing and beautiful in folk art: painting on wood

PHOTO: yujskiy-dom.ivn.muzkult.ru

Would you like to create such beauty at home, paying tribute to the history of folk craft?
