The choice of a cot for the baby - matter that requires consideration of a number of requirements for quality, safety, functionality and comfort. Ergonomic and compact set of furniture is designed to equip a children's room the most modest dimensions, either organically highlight children's area.
Adding additional components such as changing table and a pendulum swing mechanism provide maximum comfort. The increased demand for models of similar design is explained practicality. The freely available at your fingertips parents kept needed for baby things, and the upper lid of the chest used by adults for swaddling.
- The device is a cot with a chest of drawers
- functions
- Pros and cons of a cot with a chest of drawers
- care Regulations
- installation
- How to Choose a crib with dresser
The device is a cot with a chest of drawers

The main principle that distinguishes the design of the piece of furniture - the connection of the classical bed for a young child with additional functional extension. The variants differ in the parameters: design, color, quality, materials used, additional elements.
Composed of elements:
- Bed frame and grille,
- Chest frame, the base, side walls and worktop,
- Drawers
- Mattress.
In the first months of life grudnichok spends more than 10 hours a day in his bed, so, regardless of the model, it is presented with a maximum of safety:
- For this furniture carcass kit using materials that do not contain harmful formaldehyde and other toxic substances. For children's furniture materials are preferred MDF, particle board, plywood or solid wood.
- Due to the high side walls with bars child is safely in the crib. The recommended height of the sidewalls of at least 50 cm from the level of the mattress. The height should be adjusted depending on the growth of the baby as it develops.
- The angles of the structural elements are rounded, without chipping or roughness not traumatic.
- The distance between the rails of the sidewalls should not exceed 5 - 9 cm to the head or extremities of the child does not get stuck between them.
Due to the organic combination of elements of the consumer receives a package from the crib, dresser, changing table, made in a single design.

A distinctive feature of this set of furniture - versatility, thanks to which the child is placed in the nursery, and adults are provided with necessary things changing.
The design functions as:
- Equipped and safe place of sleep and waking the baby.
Since grudnichok sleeps up to 14 hours a day, this piece of furniture has become the main destination of his placement: here growing up the child begins to explore the world, takes on the free movement of skills, establishes contact with adults.
- Storage of linen, clothes, diapers, personal hygiene items. It is important to design drawers housed required for the baby set of things.
- Place dressing. Spacious countertop chest used as a place for changing diapers and clothes.
Pros and cons of a cot with a chest of drawers

- Lifetime. Starting to use the crib from birth, as the child grows, adults gradually alter design: the height of the flanges is adjusted, removed bumpers and side walls, separated from the common dresser frame.
As a result of a single set of furniture are some items for arranging the room, which will be used over the next few years.
- Savings. By purchasing a set for the birth of a child, will not need a complete replacement or upgrading composite objects furniture- bed and chest of drawers organically fit into the interior of a child as an individual elements.
- Rational use of the area. Compact design is particularly relevant in tight spaces, when placing the crib in the master bedroom, a small size room where the child lives.
Disadvantages include design feature of the included chest - drawers its smaller volume compared with a stand-alone boxes. It is not possible to accommodate all the baby stuff.
Some models are equipped with large chests of drawers, which leads to an increase in the occupied area, that does not always look natural.
When selecting models take into account the overall dimensions of all furniture components.
care Regulations

Space reserved for sleep and waking the baby, is contained in the absolute purity, free from dust and moisture. Every day with a damp cloth to wipe the surface of furniture, use of modern means of disinfection, preventing a rapid settling of dust on it.
For long life surfaces require protection from drying and, conversely, from excess moisture. Cleaning produce a dry, soft suede cloth dampened with acetone, and polish without other supplements.
To protect against the spread of germs perestilayut bed several times during the day.
Observance of simple rules ensures the safe use of structures over the long term:
- The crib is going strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions, which provide for the purchase. It completely met safety standards. Improper assembly will void the warranty on the purchased furniture and increase the risk of harm to the child during the operation.
- Before assembly, check the items below. Do all parts specified in the instructions, have been provided. If the build process have questions regarding the installation of cribs, immediately communicate with the seller for clarification.
- When assembling and subsequently carry out regular checks on the crib stability and strength.
- Weekly checked on the safety of the furniture: securely fastened bolts, whether roughness appeared, if the surface is damaged. Tightening the fasteners so that their baby is not got it, on top of the set screws, plastic plugs.
- For safety reasons, recommended to refuse from the sides of the child reaching the age of 4 months, or when it will begin to be lifted. Choose a model with a thick, flat flanges.

The baby grew up healthy and fully developed, the following parameters are taken into account when deciding where to install the structure:
- Place for a bed with a chest of drawers is selected away from doors and windowsTo protect baby from the cold and drafts. Choose a place away from a heating duct to avoid overheating your baby. To install the recommended design room with a balcony.
- Undesirable penetration of sunlight into the box.
- In the first months of life is recommended to place the piece of furniture next to the parental bed in walking distance.
- For security purposes, over the place of cot hang shelves, cupboards, painting and so on.
- The room should be well ventilated. Without carpet, heavy curtains, open bookshelves. These pieces of furniture collected a lot of dust, and promote the reproduction of pathogenic microbes that cause childhood diseases. Potted plants are best removed from the room where the baby is.
- Design a baby at a safe distance from the outlets, TVs, audio equipment.
How to Choose a crib with dresser

The choice of furniture depends on the following parameters:
- The requirements for an appropriate design of the room. Choose a model that organically fit into the interior.
- The requirements to the dimensions, shape, quality.
- When purchasing consider that further elements of the furniture set used separately from each other. Size and design chosen model combined with the surrounding environment. Preferred classic style design model without the use of bright colors.
- Before you buy your favorite model, it is checked for functionality. Is it convenient to open the boxes, there is enough space left for free access to the crib and dresser, whether the size of bed and height suitable.
On the eve of buying look at the reviews of other buyers on the model chosen. If the reviews contain well-founded assessment of the negative, it is better to abandon the purchase.
- Materials used in the manufacture must be hypoallergenic, resistant to corrosion, not contain substances harmful to the child's body.
- By making a purchase, fill out the registration form, which will allow in the case of failure to make warranty repairs.
Design requirements:
- Preferably choose construction with bottomed rack - it will allow air to circulate freely, protect from unwanted accumulation of moisture during sleep.
- One or all of the walls of a cot set aside or lowered. This simplifies the process of laying and dostavaniya baby. Easy and silent removal procedure walls will not disturb the sleeping crumbs and do not wake up with motion sickness.
- The side wall of the bed is equipped with a silent and reliable lock position fixing.
- Adjustable height of the bed. By adjusting the height of the bed bed is used for babies from birth to school age. For infants exhibited higher levels of the bed to be comfortable for adults to get and put the baby at no extra load on the spine. As they grow older, and the child grows bed level is lowered.
- Recommend choosing a model with a minimum distance between the rails skirting.
Expert Opinions on different distances between the rails - from 6.5 cm to 9 cm. The main thing that the fence is not dangerous for the kid who wants to stick his head between the bars, handles or legs.
Requirements to the mattress:
Orthopedic mattress -predpochtitelny option for this type of children's furniture, as it supports the spine. During sleep, the baby is in the correct position. Orthopedic mattress beneficial effect on the nervous system, protecting against high blood pressure, pain in the joints, bones.
Special retardant impregnation of the mattress and prevents the accumulation of dust mites appearance, protect against the development of allergic reactions and other diseases.
The baby can fully grow and develop, the choice of the crib with dresser require a preliminary examination of the situation: the selection of the installation location, design and definition of the colors, sizes. The design is checked for serviceability and safety in operation.