๐ŸŒฑ Top 5 new products with AliExpress: changes in the country

Middle of summer - the hot time for gardeners. Many virtually live in the garden, furnished his summer residence. Today we offer 5 new products from by AliExpress, that will transform your cottage, make it more comfortable for living and recreation.

Summer - the perfect time for fans sadovodstvaFOTO: static.tildacdn.com
Summer - the perfect time for gardening fans
PHOTO: static.tildacdn.com

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  • 1 The original holder of the hose
  • 2 Clips for fixing stem
  • 3 Form for garden paths
  • 4 flexible fence
  • 5 Nylon mesh for climbing plants

The original holder of the hose

You are tired of constantly stumble on the hose? Buy a special holder. Convenient device perfectly cope with their functions, providing a convenient and stylish storage of this essential gadget garden.

Interesting appearance allows the use of different parts of your uchastkaFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Interesting appearance allows the holder in different parts of your site
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Clips for fixing stem

If you worry about the safety of your plant, bending under the weight of the ripening harvest, then fasten them to the supports by means of special clamps. So you will protect their culture from breaking.

Clamps firmly prizhmut trunk in relation to the stronger brother or fixing oporeFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Catches tightly prizhmut barrel relative to the more sturdy or fellow locking support
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Form for garden paths

If you have not taken care of beautiful tracks in the country - now is the time. A convenient form for the manufacture of tiles will make the unusual design of your own. Suffice it to prepare a cement mortar.

In addition, you can use colored sand to get a block of different tsvetaFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
In addition, you can use colored sand, to get the blocks of different colors
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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flexible fence

A simple solution for the formation of the cozy fences in the country. The fence does not lose shape, perfectly blends with the landscape dacha. Inexpensive. In addition, it can be easily removed. Suitable for decoration of flower beds both round and oval-shaped.

Perfect and simple solution for the design of flower beds and decor sadaFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Perfect and simple solution for the design of flower beds and garden decor
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Nylon mesh for climbing plants

To create a beautiful gazebo is no longer necessary to build bulky tapestry. You just need to build a solid frame and have it pull the net.

Solution is sufficiently effective and nedorogoeFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Solution is sufficiently effective and inexpensive
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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