Kitchen design, including in technical terms, every woman focuses. On this depends the convenience and speed of cooking, as well as the best menu. Modern embeddable oven gas cabinet helps create delicious pastries and a variety of dishes, which are prepared on plate impossible. In this case, it fits perfectly into the already installed kitchen set. We offer to get acquainted with the features of the equipment, possible functionality and the actual cost of this type of oven.
Built-in equipment - the optimal solution for the kitchen
Read article
1 Types of gas embedded ovens
1.1 dependent
1.2 Gas oven independent
2 Advantages and disadvantages of different types of gas cabinets
3 Which oven is better - gas or electric, comparing the pros and cons
4 Main technical characteristics of gas ovens
4.1 The size and volume
4.2 Design and color
4.3 Power
4.4 control type
4.5 The presence of the convection function
4.6 The presence of a self-cleaning function
5 How to choose a gas oven built-in closets - expert advice
6 Brass gas built-in wardrobes: a review of the most popular makes and models
6.1 Korting
6.2 Hephaestus
6.3 Bosch
6.4 Ariston
6.5 Electrolux
7 At what price to buy cheap gas oven is built - a review of prices and offerings
Types of gas embedded ovens
Manufacturers offer various kinds of gas embedded ovens. They have various design, installation procedure and requirements for the installation site. May be independent and dependent. Offer to deal with each type separately.
Built-in ovens may vary
Such ovens are mounted directly underneath the hob. With the last they are connected by wires and have a single control panel. The choice in favor of dependent business model in the event that was originally scheduled to accommodate such an option oven and hob. Purchase a set of compatible technology to optimize the cost of household appliances.
Attention! Given that the oven and the hob must be compatible, the list of options is reduced significantly.
Dependent models are located directly below the panel
Gas oven independent
Such models are completely unrelated to cooking hobs can be installed in any convenient location. Establish independent gas oven can not only under tabletopBut also on the chest. The latter option is preferable for families with children. If desired, you can purchase a gas cabinet manufacturer, and hob another, including electrical.
To install the independent any location selected
Advantages and disadvantages of different types of gas cabinets
Those planning to buy gas Built-in oven, it will be interesting to learn the basic skills, which should include:
effective performance of tasks;
availability. Price of gas cabinets a third less electrical;
dependability of embodiment;
elimination of load on the electricity network;
ease of operation.
Among the shortcomings should be noted:
Food complexity simultaneously several dishes;
the risk of gas leakage;
low maximum temperature.
Which oven is better - gas or electric, comparing the pros and cons
With a large assortment and extensive functionality it can be difficult to decide which oven is better, gas or electric. It possesses certain advantages of both types of equipment.
The advantages of gas built-in equipment costs include:
low operating costs due to the relatively low cost of gas;
lower cost gas built-in equipment, compared with electrical cabinets;
ease of management and maintenance;
characteristic flavor characteristics of prepared meals;
the ability to install in any home, including adequate weak wiring.
Attention! Most of the cheap gas cabinets there is no convection. As a consequence of prepared food evenly baked through.
The disadvantages of cabinets running on gas, should include the risk of a fuel leak. Availability function gas control and ignition device may not be 100% guaranteed that gas leakage will be promptly seen. Furthermore, gas oven capable of warming up to a maximum of 230 ° C, and the electrically - 300 ° C.
The advantages of electrical cabinets should include:
more uniform heat distribution within the oven. This improves the cooking process;
rapid heating to a predetermined temperature;
rich functionality and wide range of programs.
The main drawback of such equipment is a significant cost on your electricity bill. Given this fact, many refuse to buy electric built-in closets in favor of gas equipment.
Electric ovens have their advantages
Main technical characteristics of gas ovens
Choosing built-in oven gas cabinet, should pay particular attention to the specifications. It affects not only easy to use, but also the possible menu. We offer to meet the basic specification, which builds orient when choosing a suitable oven.
Characteristics are individually selected
The size and volume
The size and volume of the oven - an important criterion when selecting a suitable option. They depend solely on the size of the space in which you plan to install appliances, quantity of prepared food and the owners preferences. Popular enough tight gas ovens, which can be easily mounted on typical apartment kitchen. This is the best option for a small family, which is rare at the same time preparing several dishes.
Those planning to bake great cakes, instead of brass embedded 45 cm wide gas cabinet is paid to the more spacious model 60 cm wide. This oven can be set to a medium-sized kitchen. For a large room or a large family should buy oven 90 cm wide. The volume of purchased products has an impact on the size of baked dishes. If you intend to use the built-in appliances from time to time, the volume of 50-60 liters will suffice.
Wide models are optimal for large families
Design and color
In selecting an appropriate option must focus not only on the design features, but also the appearance of the acquired cabinet. It must fit harmoniously into the interior of the kitchen. The most popular products in the classic style with the characteristic form of a modernist style, the austere and laconic lines. Ovens in high-tech style have decorative elements made of stainless steel. Provence will appreciate the ease of form and light tone the body, country - sand, copper and gold tones with decorative elements made of brass.
Color built-in model must be selected taking into account the color gamut color space and other household appliances. Manufacturers offer not only traditional white ovens. You can buy a gas oven black, steel gray or, for example, red.
The color solution may be any
This characteristic affects the maximum temperature at which the food can be prepared. For multifunction models is set to connect the power and grill. The first allows you to determine the strength of the current, in which home appliances will work stably. The second describes the grill possibility. The higher the value, the faster the prepared dish will be ready roasted.
Power affects the possibility of built-in closets
control type
oven control system can be:
combination consisting of elements of the first two types.
Mechanical control system is most popular. It involves the use of a set of rotary switches. Simple and reliable in operation, but is limited in its functionality.
Electronic or sensor system has more features, compared with the manual. To switch programs using the buttons and the touch screen. The system allows you to more accurately adjust the mode of operation of the oven, including the development of their own cooking program.
Type of control affects the usability
The presence of the convection function
With this feature is provided within the cabinet forced air circulation. gas built oven with convection equipped with special fans, which are installed on the back wall. Their inclusion is usually carried out separately when selecting the required cooking program. The cooking time of the same dishes in the presence of forced circulation function is reduced by approximately 30%. Gas cabinets wind recessed with convection provide better roasting meat. It is covered with an appetizing crust on top, and bottom grill is not as intense.
Convection - a guarantee of uniform heating
The presence of a self-cleaning function
After cooking the oven should be cleaned of the collected dirt. Availability Self-cleaning function greatly facilitates the process. She may be:
hydrolysis. Inside the cabinet is installed with the water pan. After the heating oven formed by pairs facilitates softening formed contaminants. After the procedure of self-cleaning dirt removed with a sponge;
pyrolyticAt which the oven is heated to a sufficiently high temperature. Such thermal influence promotes combustion of deposited dirt. After closure procedures residues are removed with a damp cloth;
catalyst. The most complex type, involving applying to the inner surface of the built-in oven special enamel. When heating the enclosure to considerable temperature catalyst causes cleavage dirt and grease. Residues are removed with a damp cloth.
Self-cleaning - an important function
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How to choose a gas oven built-in closets - expert advice
Oven manufacturers offer different features. Classic models feature two modes of heating with natural air circulation. That is why many seek to acquire multi-functional embedded gas oven. How to choose the right model? Let us listen to expert advice.
A preferred embodiment is the model with forced air circulation. Convection gas cabinet can improve the quality of prepared food. To move the fan air flow is blown out the flame, the burner should have a characteristic hollow shape.
Victor Polyakov
retail consultant "M-Video"
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"Choose a model with automatic ignition, to a random extinction immediately lit up with flames again."
It should be possible to purchase a model with additional components: a skewer and grill. Even if you plan to use them from time to time. Rotisserie will cook fish or meat of large size. Special motor will provide a timely reversal of bird.
Additional features include:
telescopic rails. When present, can be completely pulled out of the gas cabinet pan without fear of accidental burns;
child protection. When its presence can not be afraid of accidentally turning off the oven during cooking;
additional windows. Preferred model with four glasses. This door will provide the best thermal insulation of the internal space. You can not be afraid of heat table or lockersAdjacent to the built-in oven.
Brass gas built-in wardrobes: a review of the most popular makes and models
Today you can buy built-in ovens many manufacturers. Except for Gorenje. Gas ovens now this company is not available. They decided to give preference to an electric model. We offer to meet with the most famous brands and some models that may interest you.
Goods offered by Korting, characterized by high functionality and ease of management. The company aims to pay special attention to safety and tries to reduce the harmful impact on the environment. Among the wide range is popular enough closet Korting OGG 742 CRSI volume of 60 liters. You can choose one of three modes. There convection and grill. Function gas-control increases safety during operation. Door with three panes maintains the temperature within a predetermined level. Catalytic cleaning removes dirt gathered in a timely manner. Telescopic rails provide ease of use an oven.
Korting OGG 742 CRSI
A well-known Belarusian manufacturer offers a range of ovens. For anyone kitchen units you can pick up embedded oven gas Hephaestus with suitable dimensions and functionality. Gas oven 621 GEFEST DHE 01 is able to be a good choice for those who love to cook. The model has a volume of 52 liters at 59.5 cm width and 56 cm height. Implements several modes of operation. It provides rapid heating. Mechanical control. Oven door with two glasses. Part of the skewer supplied allow to cook a delicious dish of chicken. Self-cleaning function and telescopic guides are not provided.
You will be interested in reviews of other models.
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Under the trademark to produce high quality machinery rubble. Choosing a gas oven Bosch, you can safely buy any favorite model: the stated characteristics will be fully responsible real. You can also read reviews of real customers and listen to expert opinion.
Please note embedded oven gas BOSCH HGN10G050, referring to the category of comfortable and affordable appliances. Attractive design allows harmoniously fit into the interior of any kitchen. Complete with a skewer and grill. It is protected from accidental gas leakage. It can operate in four heating modes. The door is made up of three panes, reliable in operation and to prevent accidental burns.
For the control cabinet using rotary switches. Oven capacity of 60 liters. Model width - 58.8 cm. Self-cleaning function and telescopic guides are not provided.
bosch HGN10G050
The company offers a wide range of ovens. You can purchase a model with different pricing categories and with the appropriate functionality. Brass gas cabinet Ariston is able to please the design, color and functionality.
Hotpoint-Ariston GA2 124 BL HA is a good option to buy. Mechanical control. Maximum temperature during the processing can reach 205 ° C. The oven can be operated in two modes. It has a volume of 71 l. Door with two glasses.
Hotpoint-Ariston GA2 124 BL HA
Consumer electronics is of high quality build. Is presented in a large range, allows you to choose the desired model type mimicking characteristics. Fans of the broad functionality are sure to enjoy Electrolux EOG92102CX. The model has an acceptable value in a wide range of functions, including defrosting and installation trochanter. Volume of built-in oven of 69 liters and a width of 59.4 cm. Enamelled inner surface considerably facilitates withdrawal process. Five removable telescopic rails make it easy to prepare meals. The cabinet has a mechanical control. The door consists of two panes.
electrolux EOG92102CX
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At what price to buy cheap gas oven is built - a review of prices and offerings
If you want to buy a gas oven is built inexpensively, we offer to meet with an average cost of some models.
Model / Image
Features of the oven
The average price (as of May 2018), rub.
Fornelli FGA 45 Stretto
Independent. Convection, grill, electric ignition, telescopic slides.
23 300
Independent. Rotary Switches, grill, electric ignition.
17 000
Independent. Rotary Switches, grill, electric ignition, telescopic slides.