Facade plaster for outdoor work is popular among other finishing materials. This is for many reasons, which we will examine in more detail. And if you decide to plaster facade or just looking to such material, then before immediate use need to carefully examine all of its properties and characteristics.

Read article
- 1 Stucco facade of the house - the pros and cons
- 2 Facade plaster for outdoor work: types and characteristics
- 2.1 Mineral plaster for facades
- 2.2 Acrylic plaster for external works
- 2.3 Silicate decorative plaster for external works
- 2.4 Silicone plaster for facade
- 3 How to Choose the facade plaster for external works
- 4 Preparation facade surface plaster different wall surfaces
- 4.1 insulation
- 4.2 Preparation of walls under facade plaster for aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks
- 4.3 Brick
- 4.4 Concrete
- 5 Rules applying stucco
- 6 Plastering technology to create decorative surfaces
- 7 Application of facade paints, plaster for external works
- 8 Approximate prices for facade plaster
Stucco facade of the house - the pros and cons
Create aesthetic facade and protection from external weather influences the main wall material - the main task of plaster, with which it fully consults. In addition, it has the advantages of:
- Resistance to weather, temperature and humidity effects - the main feature that characterizes the exterior plaster for homes of any kind. Of course, each material has a limit, "endurance", and after a certain number of cycles to surface begins to deteriorate, crumble and lose color. But in our world forever?

- water vapor permeability- the most important characteristic of the material, and showing the ability to pass through a level of moisture and vapors outside. It is vapor permeable finish on par with ventilation prevents condensation to build up inside the building, appear in the corners of the mold and stuffiness. But not all types of mixtures have good "breathing" properties. It is particularly important to select vapor permeable facade finishing composition for cellular walls of the wall material.

- Sound and heat insulation, as well as any other cladding material is also present in the plaster, only very limited value. However, with proper insulation and thermal insulation can be properly selected to achieve excellent results.

- Decorative qualities at the front finishing mixture on top. Species diversity helps to choose not only the correct type of finishing material, but also navigate with the texture of the resulting surface, and the exterior paint will give any wall surface like the tone.

- The cost of finishing the facade decorative plaster - another positive feature, as with respect to other materials for decoration of the exterior walls of the building it is considered to be the lowest. The market offered views in different price ranges, from budget to luxury options.
- Separate application of the working mixture of the facade, of course, possible. But, like any other construction work, this kind of decoration requires certain skills and knowledge.
The following points can be recovered from the negative qualities:
- Susceptibility to cracking due to shrinkage of the main wall material. Especially such a film is shown when applying a plaster layer on a non-settled wall of aerated concrete - as a result of severe cracking.

- Fragility. Plastered surface, depending on the quality and type of material used, can stay in its original state is not more than 6 years, after which need repair or painting.
- Low strength does not protect the wall from severe mechanical shock. And indeed the surface finishing of the strong impact crack.
For the analysis of characteristics concretized like a finishing material should be considered in detail every kind.
Facade plaster for outdoor work: types and characteristics

The market provides such a variety of plaster decoration materials for facades that do not even know what to stop your attention. We offer a small overview of the species, revealing the purpose of each type of characteristics of the mixture.
Mineral plaster for facades
Mineral compositions for finishing manufactured based on cement or gypsum binder element. Self-similar product prepares to snap. How to do it step by step to tell the video below.
Pre-mixed, in addition to the essential ingredients in its composition also have a large proportion of additives and plasticizers which increase flexibility, cold resistance, durability and other characteristics. Also cement mortars characterized by excellent water vapor permeability and adhesion to the substrate.

Plaster, gypsum-based, although designed for outdoor use, yet are "afraid" of direct water ingress. Also similar finishing material has an unsightly appearance, so it is often used for rough layer, and as a finishing - decorative plaster. Gray surface, which is fully covered.
Acrylic plaster for external works
Acrylic plaster for outdoor work relates to decorative mixtures. Apply a thin layer on any level surface or on a rough cement plaster layer. Characterized by good elasticity, excellent aesthetic effect and maximum durability.

High cost, flammability, poor water vapor permeability, inertness to the dust, which is badly washed sediments - all this balances the advantages of acrylic finishing mixtures. Yet there are fans who love it and are actively using, for example, in the video below.
Silicate decorative plaster for external works
The silicone mixture produced based on water glass, and various additives. They also refer to the façade decorative plaster, applied a thin layer. The difference is similar to the form of the fabric good vapor-permeable properties. Therefore, it is silicate plasters applied to houses made of aerated concrete and gazoblokov. Also, it is recommended to be used together with basalt and mineral fiber insulation.

Are not susceptible to contamination and a high level of purification rainfall - another plus silicate plasters. But the high cost of many are turning away from buying such a finishing material.
Silicone plaster for facade
Silicone finishing composition - champion finishing mixtures of elasticity and antistatic. It is best to tolerate changes in shrinkage silicate and aerated concrete homes. But do not hope for a miracle, when the building was built of blocks of low quality, so even "in haste."

Good moisture throughput capacity and the inability to absorb it makes silicone plaster for better finishing basements and facades of houses in a humid climate.
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How to Choose the facade plaster for external works
Though you know all the features of the plaster, the purchase comes a small stupor "that rely on when buying, like all the goods... good." For accuracy in determining the correct choice consider finishing mixture according to the following criteria:
- Postpaid. As shown, a smooth plastered surface endures less shrinkage processes of building and internal processes, so it is often cracked.
- Durability. According durability isolated leader - acrylic blend, second on the right is assigned to the silicone and silicate compositions when the mineral mixture thus differ short period of operation, even with the addition of antifungal additives.
- Pigmentation. The most resistant to fading is considered to be the surface, covered with paint the facade frost-resistant for outdoor use, which can be updated as fading.
Note! Light colors attract less dust of the road, and more precisely, it is similar to the facades less noticeable.
For a more detailed analysis of comparative study the table, which shows the evaluation of the properties of different mixtures of finishing.

- Brand Zone. the manufacturer's name speaks for itself, so for many it is this criterion is decisive. Caparol, Ceresit, Knauf - a recognized leader in quality plaster products in their area, known as the high price tag. Atlas, Kreisel, Baumit, Polimin - the second on the quality of the brand, but the price policy, this fact is not much affected. Bolaris, Volma, basis, Synergy - vivid examples of budget plaster mixtures. Naturally, the quality of similar products at very different from German or European manufacturers.
- Based on the foundation. It is reasonable to choose the type of mixtures for finishing, depending on the wall material. ideal cement composition of concrete and brick, which will go after the stucco exterior decorative type Bolix MPKA15DM. is not recommended in finishing log the use of such finishes as any plaster is moisture in times worse than wood. For walls of lightweight concrete is most effective silicone plaster facade. For finishing of stone and wooden walls with clay plaster is most suitable sawdust-clay mixture, which can be made independently.
The video below will tell all the secrets of such a finish:
If we are really at an impasse with the choice of plaster for facade homes, watch the video below on this topic:
Preparation facade surface plaster different wall surfaces
The algorithm for any plastering wall surfaces are identical. But their training is significantly different. Therefore, we consider how to produce similar work in different cases but a log house, as it turned out, that for such plaster walls - not the best finish.

As facade insulation used basalt, mineral plate, foam or glass wool. Regardless of what material is selected, surface preparation for finishing is done according to the following steps:
- Installation and insulation adhesive umbrellas-anchors across the surface of the walls with ligation to 20 cm. You also need to carefully monitor the accuracy of smoothness, which should be no more than 3 mm, the surface is not bumps.
installation of insulation - Reinforcement consists in fixing alkali-resistant mesh, which has been previously treated with an adhesive composition. The angles are displayed perforated area. It is up to them and you need to produce the entire wall surface reinforcement.
Strengthening of the reinforcing layer - After a day left standing and the complete drying of the reinforcing layer can safely proceed to the plaster works.
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Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
"Warming and plastering should be done in the warm season at a temperature not lower than + 15 ° C. A reinforcement is best to choose a warm but cloudy day. "
Preparation of walls under facade plaster for aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks
Usually before plastering the wall surfaces of porous concrete it pre-insulated. Consequently, all the stages of preparing the substrate similar to the above. If the insulation is not carried out, then, for the porous structure a primer sufficiently deep penetration processing to reliably lay it on a layer of plaster.
Preparation of a brick wall requires more careful preparation:
- A metal brush is removed from the walls of dirt and filth.
- Be sure to deepen in the joints of 1 cm, which can be done with a chisel and hammer. This is necessary for better adhesion of the base and finish.
pointing - Depressions and bulges are sealed properly facade putty for exterior or removed with a chisel.
- straight vertical metal thickness of not more than 2 cm to the total output desired level.
exhibiting lighthouses - Be sure to be primed with a special compound wall and leave to dry for several days.
After all this work to begin plastering walls.
Concrete base is prepared according to the following algorithm:
- Removed all debris metal brush.
- According to the principles set out above are removed all the rough edges and potholes more than 1 cm.
- To increase the adhesion of the concrete surface is treated either ground or carried thereon incisions or mesh-netting mounted on the dowels.
- For greater certainty in the application of the evenness of the plaster layer can also be on a level wall mounted metal rails with a pitch of 40-50 cm.
It is also possible to process the entire surface of the sandblaster.
Rules applying stucco
Having dealt with the preparation of the surface, you can move on to the fun part - the unfinished plastering, a process which can be divided into several stages:
- Working mixture is prepared according to the instructions on the packaging in small batches. Reproduction work must take place only at temperatures above + 25 ° C and a minimum humidity.
- On spatula taken a bit of the prepared solution, and a sharp movement he pounces on the wall. Works are made from the bottom up.
Throwing by cement plaster wall - Rule is still exposed is aligned to the beacons, and the process of applying the mixture is continued to completion.
Attention! Upon completion of the plaster should be left to dry completely. This time may vary depending on the humidity and air temperature around.
Plastering technology to create decorative surfaces
Decorative plaster exterior decoration now has a good popularity, the more that do it yourself quite simply by means of special rollers and spatulas. Most often do:
- facade plaster "bark beetle", The price for it at the same time is not increased, except at the expense of acquired decorative roller;

- "Coat" today also applied with a roller, but supporters of the "old school" prefer it to apply from a spray;

- mosaic - a type of plaster, wherein the granular structure. Simple smooth trowel applied layer is not more than 3 mm.

Decorative mixture was applied to a small spatula and a thin layer - not more than 10 mm. After a short alignment, just 15-20 minutes, you can proceed to the application of the decorative pattern. The video below tells more about the intricacies of application of decorative plaster facade.
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Application of facade paints, plaster for external works
Kinds of paints for facades plastered surfaces as many as the mixtures themselves. The most effective when prokraske, durable, vapor permeability and excellent in adhesiveness are compositions based on silicone.

Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
"Silicone paints are suitable for absolutely any plaster compositions, not only for those that are based on silicon."
Paint can be applied as a conventional brush, roller or spray gun. The latter method - the most technologically advanced and provides the most uniform surface staining. However, if you try, you can achieve a uniform tone and manual finishing. Before painting the finished surface, make sure that it is completely dry and still did not manage to attract the dust layer. The rest of the staining process is monotonous and boring - you need only to fill out and a lot of patience. The video below will tell how painted facades.
Approximate prices for facade plaster
Cost mixtures facade decoration different. On the run-up in prices affects not only high-quality and filling component, but also the supply of the region. Somewhere it is a little more expensive, somewhere cheaper. Will present you the summary tables on the price on popular forms of plaster mixtures, and works on its application.

I liked the plaster as the main fabric, but take a doubt in their abilities? Do not be afraid, after the 10 square meters of hand "nabotsya", and the resulting surface is difficult to be distinguished from the layer of plaster imposed professional finisher.