Currently, the increasing popularity occupy the studios. If, until recently, this trend of Western fashion was considered something rare or bizarre, but nowadays it is quite common. Apartments, representing a single space, without corridors and partitions, liking creative people who prefer all-exclusive, unusual and unconventional. The first studio appeared about a century ago in the United States. The apartment has been limited only by bearing walls on the perimeter. The division of space of the room was lacking in principle. The division of space into zones carried out easily by partitions, mobile screens and pieces of furniture. At any time you can change the interior, not having spent a penny. Consider how you can arrange the design studio of 24 m2.
- Features studio apartments
- We prepare the design project
- Zoning plan or competent
- choice of style
- color solutions
- Materials and methods of finishing
- lighting Features
- Selection of functional furniture
- A few words about the bathrooms,
- conclusion
Features studio apartments
The secret to the popularity of the studio apartments in the property market that cost them less than classic rooms with walls, and opportunities for the design of the original design is incomparably more. The advantages of the premises with open space in front of the usual one-room options include:
- The opportunity to frequently change the interior;
- Repairs in the studio is much cheaper than in classic apartment, due to the lack of interior walls and small size premises;
- Competent and skillful zoning room to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere as much as possible;
- Opportunities to realize the most courageous design plans - the placement of furniture, household appliances, the use of different materials and decorative elements;
- Cleaning of compact spaces is different complexity and time-consuming.

However, the interior of the apartment studio has its drawbacks:
- The lack of personal space and privacy. In fact, the studio - it is one big room. So it is suitable either for singles or childless couples to stay. For families with children is hardly suitable;
- The spread of sounds and smells throughout the apartment.
We prepare the design project
The main problem to be solved in the solution space studio apartments of 24 square meters. m - is placed on a small area of a maximum of necessary things, not to overload with the interior of various objects. Whatever the design of the room, you need to adhere to these basic rules:
- Ignore the division of space in the area can not be! For example, the kitchen area is well-separated from the rest of the space bar, multilevel floor or ceiling;
- Overload an already furnished small apartment do not need. Welcomes the use of the built-equipped, as well as lightweight transforming furniture;
- Balcony or loggia can be used as an adjacent functional space. As a rule, there is placed a place for work or leisure, that allows you to save space in the apartment;
- The presence of dark tones in the interior undesirable. The exception to this rule may be hi-tech style, the dosage presence of black color will be justified. Using bright, positive, sunny tones when selecting tones furniture, ceiling, wall and floor coverings can expand housing visually;
- The small studio is conveniently zoned space with lighting: lamps, chandeliers, ceiling, groups of spotlights and highlights.
See also:Design project of apartments with their own hands

Zoning plan or competent
The main studio functional areas are:
- Kitchen;
- sleeping;
- Living room.
dining table come the bar can be used to distinguish between the kitchen and living areas. And variants are possible with the placement of the dining table in one of the two zones. Planning can be as follows:
- Bachelor style apartments. In this case, the bedroom area is missing. This one bedroom, a living room - a popular option for a single person or married couples. As a place to sleep using sofa with a convenient mechanism of transformation. Room at the same time it seems more spacious, have a place to put the coupe cupboard or wardrobe. The absence of a bedroom on the limited square meters can also compensate for a comfortable multi-functional kitchen.
- Placing a berth in the common space. This design - for introverts who do not plan to take guests to the often odd. Sleeping area can distinguish with a decorative screen, blinds, shutters or the stack.
- Limiting areas with sliding partitions. This makes it possible to clearly distinguish between all three functional areas.

choice of style
The first thing that comes to mind when you select a style - minimalism. However, this is not the only option. At the same time, there are basic rules, which it is desirable to adhere to, regardless of the stylistic choices:
- Uniform design for the decoration of the living room and kitchen area. The same goes for bathrooms and balconies (when used as a functional space);
- Using brilliant and mirror surfaces creates the illusion of space;
- Less dark colors! Filling the room with light, you visually enhances it;
- The allegation that the furniture you need to place on the walls and the center is sure to leave a free - wrong. The room will comfortable enough. Fix position can use the coffee table, and several middle puffs;
- The simpler the design of the furniture used, the more it will be possible to create a charming design in a limited space;
- Curtains with lambrequins and bulky items are not suitable for a small room.
See also:Design studio for young men

Using corrugated roller blinds or shutters are much more appropriate.
As for styles, then experts recommend fashionable and comfortable Scandinavian design studio apartment 24 square meters If you describe it in two words -. It's comfort and the utmost simplicity. Scandinavian style is to use the maximum of natural materials - stone, wood, leather, glass and textiles. It is also important the presence of open spaces. Furniture takes less than half the usable space, which adds to the shelter of comfort and functionality.

Another suitable for a small area of an option - it is a strict "high-tech" high-tech design. For such an interior characterized by the use of furniture with the mechanisms of transformation, built-in appliances. At the same time, housing has to be very convenient and comfortable. Hi-tech - this is an exception to the rule, when the use of black color is allowed in a small area. At the same time, it should not be dominant. The cores are shades of gray and white. All items must have a clear geometric contours (hood in the shape of a square or triangular, rectangular table top).
style "Provence" looks unusual and beautiful. This delicate interior, with an abundance of light textile and small floral prints. Natural light tint palette creates an impression of spaciousness. A wooden furniture and air curtains on the windows make the interior very cozy.

It is believed that the style of "loft" is appropriate only in large rooms. Oddly, but in a small studio of industrial style elements will look very organic. Bright monochrome furniture, wall decoration "Brick" or rough plaster, mirrors and paraded communication will look very organic.
"Contemporary" - a combination of different styles. The more common name of this design - "modern style." This simple and concise elements of the situation, coupled with unusual accents and decor. Perhaps the inclusion of elements of design "classic".

color solutions
As already mentioned, the color palette should be light. The most popular options for the modern interior:
- The pastel shades of blue, yellow, beige or green;
- Black-and-white contrasts;
- Grayscale, dilute one or two bright accents;
- Natural bright colors (orange, bright yellow, fuchsia, lush green, sky blue).
See also:Design options for one-room apartment of 33 m2
Materials and methods of finishing
The choice of materials for small apartment square footage depends on the style and financial capacity:
- Floor coverings can be used to isolate functional areas. For example, the kitchen may be ceramic tile, and in the bedroom zone and (or) living - linoleum or laminate;
- Types of finishing the ceiling - the usual staining water-based paint, the use of gypsum and tension structures. The last 2 options look pretty, but there is a minus: they reduce the already small 2.5-meter ceiling height;
- For walls optimal light wallpaper (possibly in combination with an artificial stone) or decorative plaster. Allowed the use of low drywall partitions.

lighting Features
The best source of light during the day - natural. In the evening, convenient to use lighting, which visually enhance the area. kitchen area is convenient to cover point devices or LED strip.
Selection of functional furniture
For studio apartments conveniently acquire multifunctional furniture. If there is no room for cabinets, it can be used as a storage system. Furniture for sleeping place should be as compact as possible. The best option would be a sofa with the mechanism of transformation or folding bed. The number of items of kitchen furniture is minimal. It is desirable if the environment itself, and built-in appliances. System shelves and doors in kitchen cabinets - the most advanced.

A few words about the bathrooms,
To solve the problem of insufficient space possible ways:
- Renounce in favor of the bath shower;
- The use of small bathroom fixtures, including bathtubs and sinks with angular position;
- With stiralki locate two possible choices: purchase maximally compact washing machine or to transfer it into the kitchen area;
- Use a hanging toilet, as it takes, compared with the traditional, less space.
Design solution should be as thoughtful, to bathroom was not just beautiful but also convenient. Naturally, the toilet and bathroom are located together. Login can distinguish an artificial stone.

As you can see, there is every opportunity to turn a tiny space of twenty-four "square" in a nice, cozy and functional accommodation. You can choose the appropriate option in taste preferences and material possibilities. It is advisable to use the services of a designer to optimize the space. You can see examples of the finished repair and on the Internet.