Stages overhaul of apartment: an interview with Gennady Oshmjany

Familiar situation - repairs to do, time is running out, but the apartment is still "the horse is not lying." Before embarking on repairs, You need to understand how to begin and from what stage he is. This is the main topic on the agenda. Of course, you can read on the Internet, to dig into the literature and eventually try to understand, but we decided to talk to a professional who kindly shared their knowledge and experience.

Gennady Oshmyan - how to organize the repair of apartment
About the correct organization of repair of an apartment says Gennady Oshmyan

Gennady Oshmyan - Technical Director repair and construction company TrendDom. It works in the field of repair of apartments and town houses for over 10 years. He graduated from St. Petersburg University of Civil Engineering, specialty "Construction". He worked as a foreman in the "ProfStroy», Rossi. Currently he heads the technical organization of the repair and construction work in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.

Read article

  • 1 On the stages of work
  • 2 On the choice of contractor
  • 3 On the control works
  • 4 Summary

On the stages of work

- How to start this difficult case and from any steps in relation to any apartment is renovated?

- Ideally, you first need to be ordered design project. This is to ensure that all your wishes, whatever you want to lay on the paper. And so you can see and imagine what you'll get. And only then, based on that, we have then start planning and phasing of the work.

- What are the steps following the design?

- After the design comes the following draft stage. This is done when plaster, strainer, erected walls, Diluted Engineering, electrician, sanitary engineering. Accordingly, when we agreed on everything, then we start the finishing stage.

- What time is set bath plumbing?

Sanitary Ware, bath, installation, mixers mounted on stage finishing. But ordering everything you need in advance to all at the stage of laying pipe did not have the situation that something somewhere does not fit.

- Is it possible to start repairs without a design project?

- Sure. But you have delayed the process. When you do not know what do you want, the more builders also can not know. Sometimes it happens that elevated septaYou came and looked. Wrong. Demolished. Farther. This can be repeated several times. Therefore it is better already decide that you want to see, and then it will be much faster.

- Why repair is so expensive and is it possible to save something that is acquired back-breaking labor and whether it is possible in principle?

overhaul really expensive, because everything is done completely from scratch. When the apartment in the "secondary housing", there is, as it were, walls, there is floorsThat in most cases you can simply refresh. There's nothing there. We have to recreate it all over again: floors, septa, walls. Accordingly, it is an additional cost.

Clearly thought-out plan of work - the key to success
Clearly thought-out plan of work - the key to success

On the choice of contractor

- How to choose a reliable contractor?

- Well, here everything is simple. You see, choosing a contractor on the market that have proven themselves already see the work carried out, which they did, to see the quality of work. Accordingly, these companies are staffed by employees, has its engineers have a technical supervision service, have team of professionals. And not like, say, in some, there came one Dzhamshut - I said, for all, and tilerAnd for the electrician. Therefore, a reliable company every expert gets the job done: electrician electrician makesPlumber makes plumber. Respectively, plaster, Painters others do.

- A ITR - what is this?

- Engineering - a foreman who directly observes the quality surveillance, which is implemented to perform a phasing operation and correct observance of the technology. Because, if done correctly and according to the technology, your repairs It will serve you for a long time. Nothing ever falls off, nothing anywhere will not crack. It all depends on the technology works. Because the main teams - they do not know how to do it right and because of this, there is the whole marriage and then the person is beginning to crumble. That is purely because of the fact, because people do not understand. We must do the right thing. Hence it will be quality.

- How to distinguish the pros from the amateurs?

- Profi, first when it comes - he overalls. When a person comes to work, it must be specially equipped. Plus he has a good working tool, A professional tool. Those who are not professionals, tend to buy a cheap, low-power, single-use instrument. Because of this suffering and quality. Professionals always work with good facilities.

- How many people should be in the team, and who are these people?

- As a rule, integrated team. Necessarily have to be an electrician and a plumber should be. It's individual people, because the engineering - is the heart of the apartment actually. If water will flowThen it's trouble. Let's say, the 20th floor, and what might happen, everybody understands. Same thing with the electrician. If something wrong to do, it may cause fire. So here are two categories of people who need to be clear - the electrician, the plumber. Well, as a rule, a couple of people who can be painters and plasterers, tilers. Man 2, 3, well, a total of 5 people optimally.

- And the foreman.

- Yes, and the foreman. Control is necessarily necessary.

From the contractor's qualification depends on almost everything
From the contractor's qualification depends on almost everything

On the control works

- How to control the work to the customer? How often coming to the object as a foreman to check and what to do if the superintendent is called "left the booze?"

- Well, in our company such by definition not been and can not be. About this very strictly. First - check... So let's say we work is structured. We have customers every week send a photo report. In our company there are clients who bought repairs and not even in the country. They are photo reports every week. And when they come, you will receive keys, call in an apartment and can live immediately. Accordingly, each customer can at any time to check the progress of the work. Come and personally see everything. He is the owner and he is not required to coordinate the visit. We have, in addition, organized and its internal control of the work undertaken.

- Is it possible to install video surveillance in an apartment for any time of day to see what's going on there?

- It's not a question. Everything is possible. We do not even have such a service. If the customer requires it, this option for an additional charge. we set camcorderAnd a person can in the online mode, anywhere in the world, see everything.

- What's better? Give all work "turnkey" or to divide the work between the different contractors? What are the pros and cons of these different approaches?

- When people try saveThey begin to look for different contractors cheaper. But, as practice shows, they pay 2 times more expensive, because it necessarily takes place inconsistencies, incoherence. When one contractor, it is always possible to ask, and he, as a rule, will bring to mind the work and as a result will be quality. When contractors are different, they will always shift the blame on each other - this is not so made, the nakosyachil, and generally will not find all, who is to blame. In the end the customer is left with poor quality work and ask not with anyone.

- How to secure against "fakapa" and avoid missed deadlines, not left with nothing?

- There is really simple. In terms of our customer agreement spelled phasing delivery of works, when there are rough and finishing respectively. And on a certain number we focus. This is the first. And yet we have such a function - we insure all our repairs, respectively the customer receives compensation in the event of force majeure.

- How it works?

- Insurance repair of leaks from missed deadlines. Accordingly, the person is sure that he will get the result, which he wants to get.

- Is it necessary to enter into a contract with a contractor and whether it is possible to work without a contract?

- Contract - it is our responsibility to you and therefore our guarantee.

- We conclude therefore mandatory) Gennady, thank you for the interview. It was very interesting and informative.


So, it became clear that the repair not an easy thing. It requires a clear and careful planning, including performers qualifications. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Design project.
  2. Estimates.
  3. Purchase of materials and logistics.
  4. Rough finish (walls, floors, electrical, plumbing).
  5. Fine finishing.

We hope that now the sequence of actions during overhaul became clearer. It's time to move from words to deeds! Good luck to you repair!