Top 10 most read articles by HouseChief: content, list

Traditionally, at the end of the year, it is customary to sum up some results. And our editorial office was no exception. We invite you to once again recall the brightest articles of the outgoing year, which were published on the pages of our magazine and received a great response from our readers. Our top 10 most popular HouseChief articles for 2019 includes works by various authors, including those published based on materials sent to the editor.

Read in the article

  • 1 One tray, two tray, you will have a brick block
  • 2 7 habits that betray poverty even in a luxury apartment
  • 3 How to install a cork floor alone without a man's help
  • 4 7 crazy simple ideas that can transform an old summer cottage
  • 5 Do not give it to me ever - the most useless household appliances
  • 6 "Pribluda" for skewers - a useful homemade product
  • 7 The bolt is broken - how to unscrew it without damaging the internal thread
  • 8 Garden hearth made of trash
  • 9 Top 20 interesting life hacks from experienced summer residents
  • 10 The second life of disposable items in the kitchen

One tray, two tray, you will have a brick block

This story began with an unexpected acquisition: our reader and her husband on occasion bought an old cottage with a small house. The owners left everything to the family, including all kinds of rubbish, which they took to the dacha for several days. Among the trash was a large stack of about 200 cardboard egg trays. Regular egg trays - how can they be useful for something? But it turned out to be an excellent material for making brick blocks. Our reader's story has generated a lot of discussion and innovative ideas. Dozens of comments appeared, in which people exchanged experiences, whether they are ready to repeat this experiment.

Top 10 most read articles by HouseChief

Details are in this HouseChief article.

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7 habits that betray poverty even in a luxury apartment

What could look worse than ostentatious poverty? Only ostentatious wealth. If you try and go out of your way to demonstrate your status in the interior of the apartment, then these strained efforts will betray you headlong in front of the guests. The topic of one of the most popular materials of this year caused a great response from everyone who read it. Many have expressed their opinion on what exactly is considered ostentatious luxury, and what is true wealth.

Top 10 most read articles by HouseChief of 2019

Are you ready to get rid of habits that will not make you, even if imaginary, but a rich man? Perhaps, bypassing these pitfalls, you will gracefully avoid a fiasco and find an interior that will be envied without a shadow of sarcasm.

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How to install a cork floor alone without a man's help

The rubric "This is not a woman's business", which has been gaining popularity over the past year, once got material about how it is possible to make a bed for a mother and children alone, without any help. cork floor. A job that requires a lot of strength and experience turned out to be within the power of a single mother with three children! The woman in paints describes all the difficulties she had to face in the process of solving this difficult task. But history teaches that you should never give up.

Top 10 most read articles by HouseChief of 2019

If you are also not from a timid dozen, then read this material.

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7 crazy simple ideas that can transform an old summer cottage

Tips and tricks materials were quite popular. As you know, the summer cottage has always been the cherished dream of many townspeople. For some it is an opportunity to have fresh vegetables and fruits on their table without chemicals, and for others it is a place, where you can comfortably relax with family and friends in the fresh air on weekends, holidays or vacation. However, our summer cottages often need renovation after winter. In this material, we talked about how, in fairly simple ways, using the materials at hand, to transform your summer cottage and make it more attractive and comfortable for relaxation. There is still plenty of time until spring to take advantage of our advice and transform your summer cottage!

Top 10 most read articles by HouseChief of 2019
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Do not give it to me ever - the most useless household appliances

If you have never asked yourself the question - why did I buy this, then most likely a perfect pragmatist. For the rest, less balanced part of our readership, the problem of buying useless things in the house has become very burning.

Top 10 most read articles by HouseChief of 2019

In the comments under the article, real verbal battles flared up between those who agreed with our list and those who categorically did not like this list. What category would you categorize yourself in?

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"Pribluda" for skewers - a useful homemade product

Shish kebabs, probably, are loved by everyone, without exception, so in every house, regardless of the season, there is a set of skewers and a bag of coal on full alert. As soon as the weather is good and the company gets together, we always go out into nature. There are only a couple of problems with the storage and transportation of this very kit.

Top 10 most read articles by HouseChief of 2019

But where to hide too long skewers is a question that one very interesting idea helped to solve. Which? You will learn everything from our article.

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The bolt is broken - how to unscrew it without damaging the internal thread

Articles about urgent repairs or solving some urgent problems are in great demand. For example, during the repair of a car, in addition to troubleshooting a malfunction, additional problems have to be solved. The most common one encountered by motorists and locksmiths is bolt head breakage.

Top 10 most read articles by HouseChief of 2019

This article has become a real salvation for those who faced this problem. We talked about how to quickly solve the problem and unscrew the broken fasteners without damaging the internal thread.

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Garden hearth made of trash

Disposal of garden waste is a problem for every gardener. Someone acquires expensive shreddersIn order to use branches and leaves in compost, someone takes everything to landfills, and most are simply burned to then use the ash as fertilizer. Incineration is not entirely safe, especially in light of the recent global fires in the country.

Top 10 most read articles by HouseChief of 2019

Where to put the accumulated garbage? In the article, we told how to make a hearth from an old barrel, which would not only help to cope with the disposal of garbage, but also look aesthetically attractive. What came of it, read the link!

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Top 20 interesting life hacks from experienced summer residents

There is no summer resident who would not be proud of his garden, just as there is no fan of the country house who would not have accumulated a lot of wisdom over the years. We have collected some of them in a separate article. They talked about the tricks of organizing plantings on the site, caring for plants, options for non-standard feeding and other life hacks that can be very useful in the country. We paid special attention to simple and budgetary ideas that help in everyday life and in caring for plants.

Top 10 most read articles by HouseChief of 2019

If you want to be fully armed and record some of them, follow the link.

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The second life of disposable items in the kitchen

Manufacturers often release a product so that it cannot be reused. This is a deliberate action designed to maximize profits. But with down-to-earth readers like HouseChief readers, such tricks won't work!

Top 10 most read articles by HouseChief of 2019

In the article, we described how you can reuse even disposable items. It turned out to be very useful and practical. One of the ideas is to use a closed spice mill, it is not quite cheap to buy one, and it is absolutely impossible to refuel, but this is only at first glance.

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And what articles of our magazine have become the most interesting for you in the past year? Be sure to express your opinion and name the publication!
