Now many make a living without leaving home. The World Wide Web provides such an opportunity, and you may well find something for everyone. Most importantly - convenient to organize the workplace, that nothing prevented you focus. The theme of today's discussion on how to arrange a study in a small apartment or studio.

Read article
- 1 Why do you need an office, and so if it is important
- 2 Where you can equip an office
- 2.1 Cabinet in the living room
- 2.2 Cabinet in the studio
- 2.3 Workplace under the stairs
- 2.4 Minikabinet on the balcony or loggia
- 3 A few tips on equipment mini cabinet
Why do you need an office, and so if it is important
If you are just traveling through the network by scanning the video or read the articles, you can curl up with a laptop couch. Another thing, when you are writing articles or the most engaged in the design and layout. There is important and a comfortable fit, and ergonomic deskand good lighting.

You will not believe how comfortable workplace contributes to the inspiration! Lucky those who can allocate a separate room for these purposes. But often, domestic workers do not have this capability. So you need to find in a small apartment such a place that it is not continuous, never stopped anyone, and most importantly, to you no one bothered to concentrate.
Where you can equip an office
So, the task is set, let's look at the options of accommodation. Living room, bedroom, stairs or even loggia - everything can be a suitable platform.
Cabinet in the living room
The first thing that comes to mind - living room. It is usually more space and there is always a possibility to find a suitable area.
Explore the room and the place in which there is no couch or the doorway. A great option - place before window or at least close to it, to sitting at a desk man could at least occasionally glance in that direction. Sometimes it is very helpful to be distracted, so you get to work with renewed vigor.

Desktop in a small apartment or studio It may not be large. Optimal size - a little less than half the area of ββthe minikabineta.

Cabinet in the studio
If you have a studio apartment, there still is a common area. This is both simplifies and complicates the task. It is undesirable to place a workplace near the area foodBecause you'll be distracted by what is happening behind stove and food odors will not focus properly. Place near bed also not the best option. You will interfere with your soulmate sleep knock the keyboard and the light from the monitor.

You can find out by using simple techniques of zoning spaces. use sliding septa or screensCan be separated by a space bookcase. Place lighting devices so that their light does not interfere with sleeping.
Workplace under the stairs
If you have a small apartment, but there is a place in the closet or stairway - use it to organize the office. Of course, provided that you do not have an enclosed space annoying. Nis accommodation table It should be deep and still have enough height so that you can smoothly get up from seat. It is particularly important to pay attention to quality lighting: Use LED lights in several places, giving non-irritating eye daylight.

Tip! A study is very important to be equipped with a comfortable armchair. Proper planting protect you from back pain.
Minikabinet on the balcony or loggia
This is perhaps the best option - to place on the workplace gazebo or loggia. Such an arrangement is ideal in that you will not disturb anyone, you will be able to retire in case of need, and a great view from this room. If the plan allows, you can attach a terrace area to the room zoning nevertheless this space, such as a sliding partition or the curtain.

Tip! A pleasant working environment is very conducive to living green. Put in its minikabinete pots with plants. On the balcony or loggia, they will feel great.
A few tips on equipment mini cabinet
- use hanging shelves and lockers. For storing small things useful transparent organizers, They especially appreciate the needlewoman. To help you to be magnets for attaching metal tools.
- Organize different lighting scenarios. It would seem, what it is for a small workplace? But you will appreciate the convenience of such solutions. To work with the keyboard at night you come in handy small LED lamps powered by USB, necessarily need a large fluorescent light directed so as not to dazzle the eye. For those who work with small objects require directed illumination devices.
- Consider the possibility of a quick cleaning job. Not meaning that you have to unload the contents table in boxes. Just if your small office is located in plain sight in the living room, you need to think how to hide it for the time guests arrive. To cope with this task will help a screen or curtain. The original idea - to make the workplace in the open cabinet. Closed cupboard - and the room was in perfect order.
- Install lightweight tabletop. For minikabineta not use full countertop. Think about how to use it instead of the minimum size of the platform and the optimum shape. Countertops can be curved or folding, they can be an extension windowsill or suspended. A minimum width of 40 cm would be enough to accommodate the keyboard and the monitor, and can be hung on the wall at all.
- Use a comfortable chair. It is not necessary to purchase a bulky chair with armrests and headrest, only if you do not have a bad back. Use a chair from the set in your living room, but for the convenience of equipping it with a soft seat and overhead pillow at the back. If, however, the choice has stopped on a specialized chair, take the product without armrests.

You are already equipped minikabinet in his apartment and you have a couple of tips? Write about it in the comments, this is very interesting! And finally, we offer you to get acquainted with an example of workplace equipment in the loggia in this little video: