It happens that the young favorite of randomly left on the carpet or couch Wet gift in the form of sharp-smelling puddles. It is not necessary to abuse favorite cat, HouseChief edition offers a number of effective tips on how to get rid of the smell of cat urine.

Read article
- 1 Why cat mark so sharply and reeks
- 2 Because of people's techniques will help get rid of the smell of cat urine
- 2.1 Potassium permanganate and vinegar
- 2.2 Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
- 2.3 Iodine and citric acid
- 2.4 Other funds
- 3 Ready Professional
- 3.1 OdorGone and OdorKill
- 3.2 Urine-off Cat & Kitten
- 3.3 Zoosan and Dezosan
- 4 What should not be used to get rid of the smell of cat urine
- 5 The most effective clean cat urine odor from different surfaces
- 5.1 Floor
- 5.2 Upholstered furniture, mattresses and bedding
- 5.3 Shoes & Clothing
- 5.4 carpeting
- 6 preventive measures
Why cat mark so sharply and reeks
Chemistry - the science of all sciences. It is in terms of chemistry and we can understand why cat urine so corrosive and her scent washed with great difficulty.
leave questions animal training and determine how to remove the unpleasant stench. The composition of cat urine include urea, urochrome and having no color crystals of uric acid. Here is the latest ingredient washed away just like that and does not want to, soluble in water is very hard, and even if it is wet, the smell comes back with renewed vigor.
Fresh puddle of clear need to immediately soaked her, and not scour! But if this is not the floor, carpet or sofa, Then dry cloth should be pressed as much as possible. Thus, the main mass of liquid absorbed by the cloth, and will not be smeared, thereby increasing nasty smelling stain.
Because of people's techniques will help get rid of the smell of cat urine
First of all I would like to take advantage of the fact that the improvised is at hand: it's soda, manganese, vinegar, lemon acid and other components.
Potassium permanganate and vinegar
Potassium permanganate is used as a tool that helps eliminate odor. However, potassium permanganate can be used only on the floor or tileBecause it will stain the surface.

Place rubbed, and then gently wash off with water movements. If it remains a single crystal, the scent remains, the cat and it will freshen again.

The vinegar should be diluted with water at a ratio of 1: 1. This folk remedy applies on the couch and on the carpet and on the floor. The solution should be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed therefrom battlefield odor.
Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
Baking soda does not apply where only a success, and that's as a neutralizer Koshkina urine it works fine.

Top soda poured hydrogen peroxide. Sonorous hear the hiss of the reaction of soda and peroxide, ammonia starts eroding. Should not rush to remove the substance, let it stay overnight. On the morning of the dried up soda is removed with a damp cloth dipped in a soap solution.
You can do otherwise: soda mixed with 15 g of peroxide and all dissolved in any liquid soap. After treatment, the mixture is removed from the spots with warm water.
Iodine and citric acid
In addition to these available tools there are others. For example, lemon, citric acid and iodine.

Of one lemon to press the juice and mix it in a glass of water. An acid solution to wipe the stinking place and do not wash off. Cat sniff out unpleasant and strange smell for themselves and re-mark is already gone.
If you need to clean the stinking smell of cat urine dark textile surface, you can use the iodine and water.

Iodine is stirred and is used to treat the label space. Wash away the remnants of tools in 3-4 hours. For light fabrics such method is not suitable because the iodine stain them.
Other funds
Glycerin is sold in small vials in the pharmacy for just pennies. A simple remedy is able to clean the furniture upholstery from Koshkin surprises.

Good means can be called soap. It should be rubbed on a fine grater and pour warm water. Soap soak and turns into mush.

The mixture should be rubbed and washed off with water only after half an hour.

The smell of alcohol does not dissolve, but serve as a misleading substance for cats may well. The cat does not favor the composition of alcohol, and will not leave his mark there, which already smells like vodka.
Vodka should be neat, it is not necessary to wash off. But it is necessary to understand that in this case the alcohol spirit will hover around the apartment.

Mattress It can be purified from traces of cat urine, its bay transparent soda and salt sprinkled good stain layer. After some time, it is better in 2-3 hours, place is washed by warm water.
Ready Professional
If all of a sudden people's method showed adequate performance, or do not even want to try, you have professional products both domestic and imported industry. Their task is not only to neutralize the stench, but also scare away the animal from the treated site.
OdorGone and OdorKill
The drug is patented in the US under the name OdorGone, packed in Russia. Means consists of a mixture of water and natural extracts.

To handle the room 15 m², it will take 8-10 sprays. OdorGone considered bactericidal, and acts on the chronic odors.
English means Odor kill strongly against the smell of the cat and dog feces, and other tasteless smells like cigarettes, burning wool.

Odor kill to dissolve in the water and get the composition process floors, walls, plinth, Tile, rugs, blanketsFurniture. 400 m² will need to buy 4 liters of product.
Urine-off Cat & Kitten
Urine-off Cat & Kitten gave the world the American developers. Means is biofermentnym and is suitable for absolutely any surface. By the action of the drug devastating effect on the source of the stench, blocking pheromones: the animal does not see the point again mark the territory.

Use composition can be in a house where there are small children.
Under the influence of urine means decomposed into water and carbon dioxide.
Zoosan and Dezosan
Zoosan considered Detergents, which disinfects the surface. We are interested in the line for the room with a few pets. The composition is free chlorine, fluorine and phosphates, therefore safe means for small animals as well as for children.

The drug acts effectively removing odor due to the decomposition of its source.
There is a drug called Dezosan. It is effective in promoting detergent cleaner. If the stain is stale, you'll need to make two-fold process.

What should not be used to get rid of the smell of cat urine
Who would not say that, as part of any chlorine should not be used for the purpose to remove the smell of cat urine. Besides the fact that it at least will not help, so also may well damage the surface and damage the health of the inhabitants of the apartment.
The most effective clean cat urine odor from different surfaces
To know exactly how to most effectively bring scent of cat urine, need to understand what approach calls for a one or another surface.
For laminate, linoleum, Parquet suitable vinegar with water and lemon juice. They do not change color, do not spoil the treated surfaces.

Upholstered furniture, mattresses and bedding
Textile items suitable potassium permanganate, if the fabric is not painted or initially very dark as well as lemon juice and vinegar solution.

Shoes & Clothing
With shoes that many cats love to be labeled, bring a pleasant smell is difficult, but possible. Of course, if the perpetrator is caught in the wet crime, then remove the effects of easier. In this case, the inside of the shoe put crumpled newspaper. Once the stain is absorbed, the paper discarded, tightly wrapped it in a package. Boot washed in water with soap.

Shoes many times washed out soap, rub the inside of vinegar and dried. Canvas shoes need to extend.
If the fight was not successful, then acquire any facility that eliminates odors of urine and wash with it shoes.
Clothes stinks prostiryvayut and rinsed with vinegar solution.
With the carpet should be removed also stain and odor until the puddle of fresh. In any, case, will have to work: we take for this purpose vinegar, lemon juice, soap.
Old stains from the carpet cleaned with vinegar and water, poured on the label and thickly sprinkled with salt.
preventive measures
To resolve the problem of foul-smelling, in addition to the training necessary to use animal repeller industrial production. Such drugs are sold in pet stores.

You can also try to place on locations selected for pomechivaniya cat, covered dish with holes into which to pour pepper and coffee.
Citrus peel repels cats, interrupts the smell.
The most radical method may be mentioned animal castration.
Engage your pet and time conquer all the smells, then the problem goes away and never comes back.