Washing is an integral part of the kitchen environment, and it is daily subjected to heavy loads: washing dishes and vegetables, drain the hot water and rinse the croup. In recent years it began to be widely used for kitchen sinks made of stone: artificial and natural, which harmoniously combines the reliability, durability, practicality and good looks. From the review HouseChief.ru edition, you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of such shells, some manufacturers better how to care for them, the cost and customer feedback.
artificial granite sink looks perfectly in any interior of the kitchen
Read article
1 Sink made of artificial stone: the pros and cons of such a structure
2 Composition and performance of the artificial stone
2.1 Kitchen sink artificial granite and marble
2.2 Design of acrylic
2.3 Kitchen sink of agglomerate
3 Types of artificial stone sinks in the kitchen
3.1 Waybills, Mortise and integrated sinks made of artificial stone
3.2 Single and double sink made of artificial stone for kitchen
3.3 Angle and straight sinks
4 Leading manufacturers of kitchen sinks made of artificial stone
4.1 Franke (Switzerland)
4.2 Blanco (Germany)
4.3 Alveus (Slovenia)
4.4 GranFest (Russia)
4.5 Polygran (Russia)
5 What to look for before you buy the kitchen sink made of artificial stone
5.1 Determine the cleaning material
5.2 Color, shape and number of cups
5.3 range of accessories
6 Installing a kitchen sink
7 The basic rules of care of artificial stone sink
8 Prices for cleaning of artificial stone for kitchen
9 Sinks made of artificial stone: consumer reviews
10 A few words in conclusion
Sink made of artificial stone: the pros and cons of such a structure
Before considering what wash made of artificial stone types, the rules of selection and care, get acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of these sinks should include the following:
stylish design and beautiful appearance, which allows the product to fit almost any decor;
a wide range of models that allows you to choose a sink in shape and color;
resistance to aggressive environments;
absence of pores, in which clogged dirt, grease and moisture falls;
ease of maintenance;
high operational characteristics;
virtually no audible noise of running water;
long service life.
Strength and durability - the main advantages of artificial stone sinks
After listing the virtues of kitchen sinks made of artificial stone, it is worth mentioning a few of the shortcomings of similar products, namely:
High price.
Intolerance to temperatures from + 180 ° C.
High cost - the main drawback of the artificial granite sinks
Composition and performance of the artificial stone
There are several types of artificial stone, which differ in composition and performance, but they all share:
mineral filler imparting structural strength, particular color and texture (granite, marble, or quartz grit);
Binder Material - polymer resin;
gelcoat - a special protective layer.
The strength of the material depends on the component ratio
used "vibratory casting" technology for the manufacture of artificial stone sinks. The ratio of components is 80% filler dye and 20% binder resin polymer. Sinks artificial stone have high performance. The most important feature of this material is very low coefficient of thermal expansion.
integrated sink
Kitchen sink artificial granite and marble
Composition of artificial granite differs depending on the manufacturer, but the optimum ratio of the filler and binder component (8: 2) is always observed. The thickness of the shell of this material is at least 10 mm. Artificial granite consists of the following components:
Granite crumb.
Silicon (as a filler).
Quartz sand.
Polyester resins.
To improve the aesthetic characteristics of the manufacture of artificial granite used dyes and fine glass.
Artificial granite has excellent aesthetic characteristics
For the manufacture of artificial marble manufacturers use the marble chips and polyester resins in a ratio of 4: 1. The filler is applied colored quartz or sand as well as shingle.
Sink for the kitchen made of imitation marble
Design of acrylic
Acrylic is a fully synthetic material which consists of mineral matter (60-70%), dyes and synthetic fibers (30-40%). In appearance, acrylic sinks are not inferior to the models of the natural stone, but they are lighter and are much cheaper. The disadvantages Products made of acrylic include low wear resistance, poor tolerance of shock, strong pressure and high temperatures.
Design of acrylic
Kitchen sink of agglomerate
For the manufacture of sinks from the agglomerate using a special composition of granite chips, marble or quartz (70-90%) and polymeric resins as a binder. These shells are very similar to natural stone models: they are as smooth and cool. Kitchen sinks of different agglomerate wear resistance, strength, temperature tolerance gradients and mechanical impact.
Kitchen sink made of quartz agglomerate
Types of artificial stone sinks in the kitchen
Kitchen sinks made of artificial stone differ in the type of installation, the number of bowls and shape. These differences must be considered when choosing a design for your kitchen.
Sink made of artificial stone is easy to care for
Waybills, Mortise and integrated sinks made of artificial stone
Overhead sinks made of artificial stone - the most accessible and inexpensive option. In this case, the sink is mounted on a special pedestal headset. However, there is a possibility of moisture on the sidewalls under sink cabinets and swelling of the material from which it is made. Due to the simplicity of installation and low cost of overhead models are very popular.
Waybill sink for the kitchen
To install mortise models of artificial stone sinks must be made in the worktop kitchen units hole of appropriate size. Sink this type can be mounted on a working surface of any thickness and made of various materials. Along the edges of the holes fastens sealant shell is lowered into the recess and fixed by special clips.
Flush sink made of artificial stone for kitchen
Kitchen sink integrated into the working surface, is the most expensive one. This is due to the fact that the sink is built into countertop at the stage of manufacture and only on the individual projects. It can be glued or cast.
Corner integrated kitchen sink
Single and double sink made of artificial stone for kitchen
Sinks also divided by the number of bowls. There are single, double and even triple sinks made of artificial stone. Traditional models have only one cup. However, dual compartment sink is more practical, because one thing is to wash the dishes, and the second - to rinse.
Angle and straight sinks
Kitchen sinks are diverse forms. The choice of a particular model is largely influenced by the configuration of the headset. Direct classic cleaning of artificial stone for kitchen with round or oval bowl - an excellent option for small and medium size.
The classical model of kitchen sinkDirect sink with two bowlsCorner sink made of artificial stone for kitchen
Leading manufacturers of kitchen sinks made of artificial stone
When choosing a sink for the kitchen in addition to the size, shape, aesthetic appearance and value of the product must take into account the manufacturer of sanitary ware. Ballroom rated top 5 companies whose products are in great demand and popularity.
Franke (Switzerland)
The Swiss company Franke AG, founded in 1911, is a leader in the production of sanitary ware and household appliances. The range of products, there are sinks made of artificial stone Fragranite DuraKleen. This patented composition of pigmented quartz and polyacrylate resins. Surface cleaning has antibacterial protection and is stable to temperatures up to + 280 ° C.
Model range Franke sinks
Blanco (Germany)
Blanco German company, was founded in 1925 and specializes in the manufacture of medical and kitchen equipment. This brand produces a wide range of sizes for kitchen sinks. Blanco patented special composition silGranit, which includes granite chippings, quartz sand, glass fiber reinforcement, colorants, and acrylic copolymers.
Blanco sink made of artificial stone for kitchen
Alveus (Slovenia)
Alveus brand, owned by the company PC Inox, produces sinks, appliances and kitchen accessories, and part of the group of companies Kovinoplastika Lož d.d. The range Alveus there are more than 300 different models of kitchen sinks width of 400-1000 mm, including corner. PC Inox company produces shell of artificial stone Algranit, consisting of 70% quartz sand and 30% acrylic as a binder.
Sink Alveus
GranFest (Russia)
Brand GranFest there relatively recently (since 2000) and has already managed to catch the consumer. The company produces kitchen sinks made of artificial stone, faucets and plumbing accessories. The range of products there are models with square, rectangular, circular and angular bowls. Dimensions of artificial stone washing for the kitchen range from 400 to 1040 mm depending on the configuration.
Sink made of artificial stone GranFest
Polygran (Russia)
The company "GranFors", which owns the brand Polygran, is one of the first Russian manufacturers of kitchen sinks made of artificial stone. Despite the crisis, Poligran managed to keep their consumers and significantly improve performance characteristics of the products, and not to lose their main advantage - high quality at an affordable price.
Sinks made of artificial stone Poligran
What to look for before you buy the kitchen sink made of artificial stone
To buy sinks made of artificial stone did not bring disappointment, it is necessary to define some parameters. must be considered room space, kitchen Design and the amount of dishes, which is supposed to be washed daily. Consider the criteria to be followed when choosing a sink made of artificial stone.
By the choice of washing should be treated seriously
Determine the cleaning material
The ratio of the artificial stone components depends sink strength and its resistance to mechanical stress and chemically aggressive environments. The most durable are considered models of artificial granite. They can withstand the subject drop weight of 2000 g with a height of 1500 mm onto the surface cleaning. Also are durable and quartz shell. The most capricious considered artificial marble product, since they are easy to appear scratch and chipped.
Each manufacturer of a part of artificial stone
Color, shape and number of cups
Sinks made of artificial stone in color close to natural. Most manufacturers offer a range represented by 4-12 shades. Usually it is dark (anthracite or chocolate shades), light (white and beige) and gray tones. However, there are patterns of red, blue, green, orange.
The color palette of the shells is mainly limited to natural shades
For small kitchens It is to choose the narrow, but deep cleaning round or square shape. A better option is the angular sink. But for a large space are no restrictions on the form of washing there. If you live in an apartment 2-3 people, you will need to choose a sink with a wide and deep bowl.
The shape and size of the car wash is chosen according to personal preference and the number of family members
Kitchen sinks from the artificial stone may not have 1, 2 or 3 of the bowl. Selecting multiple capacitances washing justified if you have a lot to prepare and, accordingly, often to wash the dishes. In addition, in one side of the folded and clean dirty dishes, and the other is intended for cleaning vegetables.
Two cups - the best choice
range of accessories
In order to sink last a long time, it is recommended to buy special accessories, especially if you get inexpensive model that will help to protect the surface from mechanical impacts. It is advisable to buy a special basket which will not allow the shell to split from fallen objects, and provides convenience when washing fruits and vegetables. Also need to stand hot pots or pans.
Accessories for washing chosen based on the needs
Installing a kitchen sink
Ideally, installation of artificial stone washing skilled charge, particularly if installation occurs in a worktop of the same material as the shell. This work is complex. However, if the sink waybill or cuts in the working surface of MDF the plastic-lined, the installation can be performed simply by following the following algorithm:
first, the reverse side countertop operate layout on a template, which usually comes from the sink. Next, drill a hole and is cut along the contour with the help of jigsaw;
saw cut surface should be treated with sealant, and at the front of the countertop cutout on the perimeter to establish a special tape sealer;
install the sink in the countertop and secure the entire structure by means of special screws with clips;
further sink mixer set and connect it to the water supply. On the drain hole is placed siphonWhich is connected to the sewer systemAnd the sink is ready for further use.
The main thing to make a correct layout
The basic rules of care of artificial stone sink
To sink last a long time and has not lost its performance, you need to follow some simple rules. Here are some recommendations on how to care for a sink made of artificial stone:
Avoid falling heavy objects on the surface of the shell.
It is not recommended to put on a very hot wash the dishes.
It is desirable to clean the surface with a soft sponge and in any case not to use steel wool.
To clean the shell it is desirable to use a detergent containing no chlorine and abrasives.
Sinks made of artificial stone are easy to care
Prices for cleaning of artificial stone for kitchen
As we already mentioned, the choice of the kitchen sink made of artificial stone affects its cost. The table below shows the rating sinks made of artificial stone for the kitchen with an indication of the price as of October 2018.
Model and manufacturer
The average cost, rubles. (As of October 2018)
Franke OID 611-62
Washing - 620 × 500 mm
Bowl - 350 × 430 × 180 mm
10 647
Franke Pamira Rog 610-41
Washing - Ø 510 mm
Bowl - Ø 400 mm
Sink Depth - 195 mm
12 850
Blanco Metra 6 S Compact
bowl depth - 190 mm
Width washing - 780 mm
Sink Depth - 500 mm
16 815
Blanco Enos 40 S
bowl depth - 190 mm
Width washing - 680 mm
Depth - 500 mm
11 000
Washing - 560 × 460 mm
Bowl - 500 × 400 × 200 mm
18 200
Washing - 1000 × 510 mm
The main bowl - 360 × 370 × 220 mm
Additional bowl - 166 × 350 × 150 mm
27 700
GranFest Practic GF-P760L
Washing - 760 × 500 mm
Bowl - 400 × 430 × 205 mm
6 000
GranFest Corner GF-C1040E
Washing - 1040 × 570 mm
Main Bowl - 325 × 410 × 185 mm
Additional bowl - 245 × 300 × 150 mm
7 500
Diameter washing - 450 mm
bowl depth - 200 mm
The diameter of the cup - 360 mm
2 900
Width washing - 500 mm
washing Length - 960 mm
bowl Width - 410 mm
bowl length - 340 mm
bowl depth - 200 mm
Additional bowl - 180 × 330 × 130 mm
5 900
Sinks made of artificial stone: consumer reviews
When choosing a kitchen sink made of artificial stone customer reviews play an important role. Check out the views of the consumers, who have already had experience of operating this or that model of the kitchen sink.
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5127868.html
Kitchen sink Franke OID 611-62
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6420176.html
Sink Blanco Metra 6S Compact
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_1663454.html
Kitchen sink GranFest PRACTIC GF-P760L
A few words in conclusion
We have considered that such an artificial stone, what are the advantages of kitchen sinks made from this material and what to look for when buying. We hope that this review will be useful for you when you decide to buy a sink for your kitchen. Suggestions and comments, you can leave comments in a special form.