🌬 thermal tape: the principle of action, advantages, installation

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teplosberezheniya issue of concern to many people. To solve this problem alone insulated wallsOthers put the energy saving windowsAnd someone establishes a system of "warm floor". Relatively another option has appeared recently on the market - a polymer film is heat saving. In this review online magazine HouseChief.ru experts will tell that is a thermal tape, which is also called "the third glass," how it works, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to mount it.

If the heating is cold in the house, you should think about additional measures
If the heating is cold in the house, you should think about additional measures

Read article

  • 1 Which require thermal insulation film
  • 2 What is a thermal tape and the principle of its action
  • 3 When the heat-storing material is used
  • 4 Advantages and disadvantages of heat-storing material
  • 5 Proper installation of the thermal tape
    • 5.1 suds
    • 5.2 Installation-self-adhesive film
    • 5.3 Glue shrink film
  • 6 A few words in conclusion

Which require thermal insulation film

Experts believe that about 60% of all heat loss in a home occurs through poor-quality window construction, and about 30% - through the windows. This problem can be eliminated by installing window with triple glazing or to use thermally insulating film, the second embodiment will be cheaper. By the way, earlier often could see the windows, which in the cold season, nailed a conventional polyethylene film. This was done in order to reduce heat loss, although this method can not be ventilateThrough the window there was nothing visible, and it was just unsightly. In thermal insulating film the same function, but it is much easier to use, is fastened on the inside, and does not obstruct ventilation.

Here's a old way of additional warming will likely prompted the scientists to create a heat-saving material
Here's a old way of additional warming will likely prompted the scientists to create a heat-saving material

What is a thermal tape and the principle of its action

insulating material manufacturing technology is based on the physical characteristics of the solar light, consisting of the UV and IR rays. Thermal tape - is a complex structure consisting of several layers of polyethylene terephthalate whose thickness reaches 80-200 microns. Each layer has a subtle metallic coating applied by plasma discharge in an argon atmosphere. For the coating can be used silver, gold, and alloys of nickel and chromium.

Due to the special technology of drawing, metallized layer does not prevent the penetration of the rays of the visible spectrum into the room and changes due to the refractive index of light transmission of the film. Infrared rays heat transfer is carried out, and the thermal insulation material, refracting, reflecting them in the house or apartment, so there is heat-saving effect. UV rays that make up a considerable range of the spectrum of sunlight, the material reflects, not allowing them to get inside.

High ductility thermal insulating film stuck on the surface of the pane, greatly increases its strength. In addition, if it is broken, it does not crumble into small pieces, and will remain on the film. However, the protective properties of more side effects because it is designed to save energy.

The principle of operation of energy-saving coatings
The principle of operation of energy-saving coatings

When the heat-storing material is used

Many manufacturers are advised to install thermal insulation material only during the heating season - October to March. At this time, there is the effectiveness of such protection. The sunlight coming through the windows in winter time It does not bear with heat, so the reflection of ultraviolet rays will not cause discomfort, since the thermal tape completely transparent and have no effect tinting. In the same time Infrared radiation from heatersOn the contrary, is reflected by the film remains inside the apartment or house. This is precisely the heat-saving properties of the thermal tape.

Heat-storing material is 2 types: shrink (the most common variant), which It stretched under the influence of warm air from a conventional dryer, and mounted with soap solutions. Thermal insulation of the first type, bonded to the window frame by means of a special adhesive tape having an adhesive layer on both sides, More and performs the function of "third window". In this case, between the heat-saving material and glass occurs air "pocket" similar to what is inside the glass, and this creates a good protection against heat.

Thermoresistant paper
Thermoresistant paper

Advantages and disadvantages of heat-storing material

Using thermal tape has a lot of positive qualities, among which it is worth noting:

  1. Increase in strength. Heat-strength glass material increases to 8 kg / cm². When broken glass does not crumble into fragments and remains adhered to the film.
  2. Saving. After sticking the film on the double glass pane, it becomes comparable to the energy efficiency with a two-chamber design.
  3. Protecting interior from fading.
  4. Almost 100% delay UV rays.
  5. Blocking of infrared radiation in the range 30-99%.
  6. Depending on the type of material one-sided light transmission.
Thermal tape is well protected from sunlight and retains heat
Thermal tape is well protected from sunlight and retains heat

However, the thermal tape has disadvantages. The most basic - almost complete reflection of UV rays, which adversely affects the houseplants. Therefore, if you are using a heat-film, then provide for his plants Photolamps additional illumination, which give radiation spectrum required for their normal growth and development.

The second drawback - the lack of efficiency of the spring and autumn. At a time when the central heating is not running, the thermal insulation coating will prevent the penetration of heat in the room from the sun's rays.

Also, the film has the unpleasant property as a reflection of radio waves, which may affect the a reception signalComing to a mobile phone or a television receiver. This is due to the fact that the production of thermal insulating films used metal plating.

Since the thermal tape delays the UV rays, the ornamental plants in the windows need to provide additional lighting
Since the thermal tape delays the UV rays, the ornamental plants in the windows need to provide additional lighting

Proper installation of the thermal tape

There are several ways of gluing teplosberegajushchih material, depending on the type (shrink, based on the adhesive or mounted using a soap solution). Thermal tape is sold in rolls or sheets. Regardless of the method of installation you will still need an assistant.


The first thing to clean wash windows and wipe dry them. Next, from the consumer necessary to put the atomizer surface soap solution, which can be prepared from a colorless baby shampoo or dishwashing liquid. The well-moistened glass overlay film, pre-cut to the desired dimensions. First, the upper edge glued, and after a soft scraper for washing windows or rubber roller from the film squeeze excess soap solution (primarily middle - from top to bottom, and then - from the middle side). Try to avoid the formation of large air bubbles, because in these places the film is not glued. Small defects disappear by themselves and the material is fully straightened.

Wash the window and apply a soapy solution
Wash the window and apply a soapy solution

Installation-self-adhesive film

Adhesive tape mounted virtually the same as in the previous embodiment, but with some minor differences. The protective layer is removed immediately, but small strip unstick from above. Attaching the top cloth, soft clean cloth is necessary to smooth film, preventing the formation of bubbles and folds. Simultaneously, the assistant has to remove the protective layer is slow. We must act without haste, because the re-stick tape will not work without defects.

Gluing heat-saving material to perform better together with a partner
Gluing heat-saving material to perform better together with a partner

Glue shrink film

Installation of heat shrink material is different from the above embodiments. To do this you will need: scissors, a knife, an ordinary hair dryer and, of course, mate. If you have old wooden frames, it is necessary to close up all the gaps with foam. Ideally, the handle can be removed and a thermal insulating material paste on the window frame. We then proceed to the following algorithm:

  • on washed and dried frame pasted double-sided tape;
  • teplosberegajushchih material cut out to fit the window, adding at least 20 mm on each side;
  • remove the protective strip from the double-sided tape;
  • slowly glue the insulation material on the tape and do not worry about the wrinkles;
  • because of heat-shrink material is then to give it the necessary smoothness and transparency is necessary with a conventional dryer blow the surface thereof. Initially, it is not necessary to pull the tape too tight, after it reaches a desired tension;
  • if during the operation of the film has been damaged, do not rush to throw it, because it is easily restored with the help of an ordinary transparent tape.
After warm hairdryer film acquires the desired tension and transparency
After warm hairdryer film acquires the desired tension and transparency

A few words in conclusion

We have considered that such a film is heat saving, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as methods of its mounting. Deciding to insulate their homes and considering the material as an option, weigh all the "pros" and "cons." Thermal tape is not an ideal way of saving and require annual replacement. You decide.