To the winter was warm and comfortable, it is necessary to choose the right heater wall outside the house under the siding. We offer to meet with the right kinds of thermal insulation materials, their characteristics and installation procedures.
Properly selected heater will get rid of damp and cold
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1 a heater to the requirements under the siding for the walls of the house
1.1 The coefficient of thermal conductivity and hygroscopic
1.2 Steam, and the density
1.3 Fire resistance and environmental friendliness
2 Characteristics of insulation under the siding for the facade, depending on the type of
2.1 stone wool
2.2 fiberglass
2.3 Ecowool
2.4 Styrofoam
2.5 Penoplex
3 Insulation for walls of the house from the outside under the siding: a review of the leading manufacturers
4 What is insulation under the siding better options for a variety of grounds
4.1 For insulation under the siding of wooden houses: the best option
4.2 For thermal insulation of a brick house outside under the siding: affordable solutions
4.3 House of foam blocks and aerated concrete
5 Features thermal insulation of the walls with their hands under the siding different insulating materials
5.1 House warming mineral wool under the siding: detailed instructions
5.2 Installation of insulation made of extruded polystyrene under the siding
5.3 Warming foam siding home under: video instructions
5.4 House warming ecowool under the siding
6 How much is the insulation under the siding - a review of prices
a heater to the requirements under the siding for the walls of the house
To the inside of the house was always warm, to a heater imposed certain requirements. Please find indicators that must be selected heat-insulating material.
Insulation used must meet certain requirements
The coefficient of thermal conductivity and hygroscopic
Modern insulation materials of different conductors of heat. This characteristic determines the thickness of the formed layer and the mounting technology. In numerical terms, this parameter reflects the thermal conductivity (λ), expressed in W / m × K
Attention! Preferred insulation material with the lowest λ, as it conducts heat less.
Thermal insulation characteristics significantly different
By hygroscopic insulator also imposed certain requirements. The material should not absorb moisture and accumulate water vapor. Otherwise, the heater density increase and decrease the insulating properties.
Water must not penetrate the insulation material
Steam, and the density
To characterize the ability of a material to pass a certain amount of vapor formed (in mm) square through a heater used vapor permeability coefficient per hour. This figure should be the maximum and correspond to the same coefficient of the wall material.
The steam must go outside
Attention! A low value of water vapor permeability coefficient broken natural ventilation, will damp inside.
Due to the porous structure of density insulating materials are usually small. Some manufacturers fill the pores with special compounds to thermal insulation characteristics without loss of insulation density and increase its strength.
The same heater may have a different density
Fire resistance and environmental friendliness
High-quality insulation under the influence open flameShould not be ignited. In this case, it will facilitate the suppression of fire, will not contribute to its spread. Its same insulator has ignited, the combustion process must not emit toxic fumes.
Fire resistance - an important parameter
In the process of production of thermal insulating materials commonly used substances that can be harmful to human health. It is important, whether these substances are allocated in operation.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«In order not to risk their health, look for eco-friendly high-priced products, the manufacture of which uses only natural substances. "
As used insulator should be completely safe
Characteristics of insulation under the siding for the facade, depending on the type of
The market is a wide range of insulation to the facade by siding. Each of them has its own distinctive features, which you can see below.
Thermal insulation materials are available in a large range
stone wool
Insulation, received quite a large spread. Such material has:
a density from 25 kg / m³ - the lightweight boards and up to 225 kg / m³ - the rigid;
the thermal conductivity of 0,035-0,041 W / m × K;
water vapor permeability of 0.5 mg / m × h × Pa.
Stone wool - enough popular material
Stone wool is chemically inert. It does not get wet and retains the properties when exposed to moisture and durability. According to the producers estimated its service life can reach 70 years.
When mounting material should be protected from exposure to precipitation
Attention! During the operation can not be allowed to accumulate moisture between the fibers of the material: it will lose its properties.
All items must fit tightly to each other
The cheapest form of cotton, with the following advantages:
thermal conductivity up to 0.041 W / m × K;
density 25 kg / m³;
retains properties at -60 ° C;
It does not absorb water;
does not burn;
chemically inert.
The disadvantage is a certain danger to human health because of the risk of inhalation of glass dust. Also in the production process used phenol formaldehyde resin, which includes hazardous substances.
Attention! Despite the high performance characteristics of glass, it is worth considering the risks associated with the health of people living in the house.
Installation should be done with extreme caution
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«If you do not want to purchase a separate insulation and lining material, pay attention to the metal siding with insulation made of polyurethane foam. "
Ekovaty used for manufacturing cellulose fibers, bonded to each other by means of lignin. Additionally, a heater is introduced as an antiseptic, boric acid, and flame retardants are also added.
loose material
Apply the composition, which is a loose mass, "wet", or dry adhesive. Using ecowool as insulation under the metal siding, you should choose the first option. In this case, the heat insulator is mixed with some water, and then applied to the surface to form a dense protective layer. The "wet" method allows you to get the coverage, not shrink.
Formation of a continuous layer
This insulation has low hygroscopicity. Do not miss the air, which can cause accumulation of condensation on the walls. It provides sufficient windscreen base. The advantages include:
low thermal conductivity (0.038 W / m × K);
Easy installation;
light weight, which facilitates transportation and attachment of the sheets.
foam sheets are lightweight
The disadvantage is:
low rates sound absorption;
high risk of damaging the sheets during transport and installation;
selection toxic fumes during combustion;
lack of biological inertness.
Installation is straightforward
extruded polystyreneSold under the trademark, it holds a leading position in the market due to high quality of production and optimum specifications. It is used for roof insulation, Walls, ceiling and gender. Wall insulation Penoplex outside with siding sheathing has advantages, as active material:
little weight;
It has sufficient strength;
universal. It can be used for thermal insulation of various surfaces, both old and new buildings;
allows the installation of siding on penoplex in all weather conditions;
environmentally friendly;
biologically inert;
It has a long service life;
easy to assemble.
The heat insulator of consistently high quality
Among the shortcomings should be noted:
combustibility. The composition of some grades are entered retardants, making the material self-extinguishing. However, during the combustion heater is allocated toxic black smoke;
destruction upon contact with the solvent;
low water vapor transmission rate;
plates deformation or damage to the top layer under the influence of UV;
low adhesion characteristics.
Installation is possible all year round
Insulation for walls of the house from the outside under the siding: a review of the leading manufacturers
Characteristics of heat insulating material is largely dependent on the technological conditions in the production process. Choosing a suitable option, you should pay attention to the production:
URSA (Ursa), A subsidiary of the Spanish manufacturer URALITA. Current products are of high quality. The manufacturer offers extruded polystyrene, fiberglass, as well as eco-friendly and non-flammable thermal insulation. Mineral insulation proprietary PureOne refers to materials of the new generation;
Material manufacturer offers its own design
Izover (Isover), From the French company "Saint-Gobain";
Heater with excellent characteristics
Rockwool (Rockwool). The manufacturer offers a wide range of high quality materials;
The thickness of the plates is chosen individually
What is insulation under the siding better options for a variety of grounds
Planning to perform thermal insulation of walls, it is difficult to determine what kind of insulation under the siding better. It all depends on what kind of material was used for the construction of walls. We offer this to understand in more detail.
The choice of insulation is made in view of the wall material
For insulation under the siding of wooden houses: the best option
A distinctive feature wood It is the high hygroscopicity. Processing of special structures to reduce this figure, however, it still remains relatively high. To eliminate the negative effects of moisture on the wall material, insulation of a wooden house under the siding should be performed by a heat insulator with good water vapor permeability. Mount it should be in such a way as to allow a small gap, providing adequate ventilation. As a heater for a wooden house outside under the siding is best to use mineral wool, having sufficient vapor barrier. The use of foam should be abandoned, as it does not let steam and moisture.
Wood requires constant ventilation
For thermal insulation of a brick house outside under the siding: affordable solutions
Thermal insulation of a brick house outside under the siding is most often performed using basalt wool. However it is possible to use polyurethane foam and extruded polystyrene. By the latest version necessary to resort to the most extreme case, and carefully follow the installation technology.
The optimal variant of warming
We offer watch a video about how to choose a heater under the siding to brick house.
House of foam blocks and aerated concrete
high vapor permeability block walls high requirements to the used insulation. The preferred option is mineral wool, which is due to the performance level will help to ensure sufficient air exchange between the street and the interior of the house. Perhaps spraying polyurethane foam. From polystyrene foam and should be abandoned. Using this heater can provoke the appearance of damp and mildew in the living room.
Mineral wool - the best option
Features thermal insulation of the walls with their hands under the siding different insulating materials
If you decide to perform wall insulation under the siding with your hands, you should definitely get acquainted with the technological features of the work. This will avoid the typical mistakes and will help to improve thermal insulation characteristics of the structure.
Observance of technology - the main condition for high-quality results
House warming mineral wool under the siding: detailed instructions
Work on mineral wool insulation under the siding home run in the following sequence.
Description of the action
On insulate the surface should be laid vapor barrier film. Neighboring layers should be arranged with overlaps in the 9-10 cm. Brick wall stands pre primed. Mount crate. The distance between the uprights must be 1-2 cm less than the width of mineral wool. All elements of the wooden lath must be pre-treated composition, preventing putrefaction.
The gaps formed lath laying mineral wool in the upward direction.
Puts layer waterproofing film, which will pass the steam out, but will not allow moisture to penetrate inside. Film clips fasten. Neighboring layers should be stacked with overlaps of 10 cm.
On top of the membrane fastened slats that will provide an additional ventilated gap. Reiki possess the same pitch as the vertical rack lath.
Fasten to the rail siding.
Instead of a wooden lath, you can install a metal
Detailed mineral wool insulation under the siding facade technology is shown in the following video.
Installation of insulation made of extruded polystyrene under the siding
With self-installing insulation under the siding Work is carried out as follows.
Description of the action
Fasten the plate to the wall dowels polystyrene. Starting from the bottom row. The sheets of adjacent rows are staggered.
Fasteners for siding can be attached directly to the dowels.
We fix the siding, adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations.
Instead of fixing with dowels, the panels can be laid in the crate
We offer watch a video, which explains how to fix the siding on penoplex.
Warming foam siding home under: video instructions
If you decide to give preference to this insulation, offer to watch the video, which tells in detail how to fix the foam under the siding.
The sheets are staggered
House warming ecowool under the siding
If you're wondering how to insulate a house siding ecowool, all the answers can be found in the following video.
How much is the insulation under the siding - a review of prices
When a large area of the house price insulation under the siding is quite important. On this depends the cost of thermal insulation works. If you still have not decided on the best option heat insulating material, note the next poll.
More on Forumhouse:
Your attention should be paid:
Rockwool Economy, 100 mm;
ISOVER Warm House, 50 mm thick;
Technonikol Roklayt, 100 mm;
Classic ISOVER 50 mm thick.
Review of the insulation ISOVER classic
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insulation ISOVER klassiks>
Review of the insulation Technonikol Roklayt
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Technonikol Roklayt
Attention! Estimating your expenses, pay attention to the price of the metal siding.
Share in the comments how you use the heater for the thermal insulation of your home, some manufacturers take advantage of and why.