Furnace for a bath with his hands: species, laying schemes, chimney installation, assembly instructions

Who does not like Russian bath? This is where you can really relax from the cares of the world and immerse themselves in the relaxing atmosphere of the body and soul. However, not every bathhouse boasts swift heating and optimal retention of desired temperature. So that the steam room was the optimal mode by making oven for a bath with your hands, you have a good understanding of its design features. We offer to meet with them and the order of their self-production.

Oven - the most important element in any bath
Oven - the most important element in any bath

Read article

  • 1 Basic requirements for the stoves for Russian bath
  • 2 Types of stoves for bath on wood
  • 3 Instructions for the production of their own hands the furnace for a bath brick
    • 3.1 What are the tools and materials needed for the job: the main list
    • 3.2 Preparatory stage
    • 3.3 Laying the foundation: do not save on materials!
    • 3.4 How to perform masonry: ready poryadovkoy
      • 3.4.1 laying scheme
      • 3.4.2 The order of stacking brick rows and internal furnace elements
    • 3.5 chimney installation
    • 3.6 Plastering and lining brick furnace for a bath with his hands
  • 4 Furnace for a bath with his hands: instructions for the manufacture of metal construction
    • 4.1 Harvesting and cutting material
    • 4.2 Welding with their hands bathhouse furnace metal
    • 4.3 Assembling their hands for the individual furnace member made of metal baths in a unitary structure
  • 5 Properties manufacturing furnace for the bath with the water tub
    • 5.1 Stove in a bath with half the water tub
    • 5.2 Oven with built-in water tank
  • 6 How to make the most simple embodiment of the furnace for the bath: video instructions
  • 7 At what price you can buy a stove for baths - overview of the current offers

Basic requirements for the stoves for Russian bath

Working through the drawing furnace bathIt should be remembered that the following requirements apply to such structures:

  • high thermal capacity, allowing to provide warm air from the ceiling to the 95-100 ° C, at a floor - up to 45 ° C. The numerical values ​​of this parameter depends on the area of ​​the structure and the material of which the wall;
  • small size. Russian stove for baths should occupy a minimum of space;
  • heating a sufficient amount of water. On average, one person is required not less than 15 liters;
  • the possibility of accumulation of heat for a long time;
  • security. During operation of the heating structure inside the bath must not penetrate smoke and gas.
To climate was suitable, the furnace must meet certain requirements
To climate was suitable, the furnace must meet certain requirements

Types of stoves for bath on wood

To get a sufficient amount of steam during operation bath, fiery stones in the furnace poured water. As a result, inside the pair optimum microclimate created and maintained temperature. Depending on the location of the stones Stove in the bath, can be divided into the design with:

  • outdoor heater. A good option for the bath small area. Rapidly heats the air to a high temperature and then rapidly cooled. Stones are located above the combustion chamber;
  • closed heater. In such the bathing furnace top row of stones located on the same level as the steam door. To quickly warm up the room, the door is opened. Oven with a closed stove, depending on the design features can retain heat for several days, so it is a good choice for an ever-operated buildings;
  • combined.
When you open the sauna stove stones are placed above the firebox
When you open the sauna stove stones are placed above the firebox

Attention! To heat the bath with a closed stove requires at least a couple of hours, but the result will be stunning! Soft, even heat that persists for a long time.

Closed stove has advantages
Closed stove has advantages

Instructions for the production of their own hands the furnace for a bath brick

Warm up slowly a metal, such oven cools down longer and more evenly heats the steam room. Let us consider in detail how to make their own hands Oven bath brick, which would require material and tool, and in what sequence it is necessary to carry out the construction work.

Fold the oven can be their own hands
Fold the oven can be their own hands

What are the tools and materials needed for the job: the main list

Getting to the construction work, it is necessary to have in place:

  • brick. Fireproof - for heating and red - for the other elements;
  • sand;
  • clay;
  • gravel;
  • cement;
  • stones;
  • rebar (rods and nets);
  • doors and grate;
  • asbestos cement slab.

Tip! Choosing a refractory material, give preference to the one that has a standard size.

Of the instruments should be kept in stock:

  • trowel;
  • construction level;
  • cord;
  • plummet;
  • hammer-pick;
  • building polygon with sides of 40 cm;
  • rammer;
  • generally;
  • capacity;
  • grinders with circles for a stone.
Enumeration of the tool used can be extended
Enumeration of the tool used can be extended

Preparatory stage

The first step is to determine the location for the oven. If it will be in the wall between the vestibule and steam room, it is necessary to cut out part of the wall. Choosing to install angle steam space must be protected walls of the mineral structure thermal insulationAnd overlaid them with a red brick.

Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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«By choosing the place to be guided by the mounting features of the chimney. "

On the wall doorway prepared right size
On the wall doorway prepared right size

Laying the foundation: do not save on materials!

Large weight of the structure places high demands on base. Installation work is performed in the following sequence:

  • preparing pit depth of 0.5-0.6 m, of which the dimensions 0.2- 0.25 m greater than the dimensions of the future construction;
  • pour sand layer thickness of about 15 cm, and tamped its pour water;
  • pour gravel layer thickness of about 20 cm;
  • pour concrete slab by adding a preset formwork concrete mortar.

Tip! Arrangement foundation should start after counting regulatory burden per square meter for the volume of the furnace heaters and process structures.

The base should be strong
The base should be strong

How to perform masonry: ready poryadovkoy

Despite the apparent complexity of the process, perform brickwork with their hands, everyone can. To do this, you should become familiar with the features of the work.

Run laying his hands under the force of each
Run laying his hands under the force of each

laying scheme

Getting to the construction of the stove in bath with their hands, not necessarily develop an individual project. You can use ready-made solution, which is painted in detail the procedure for laying of each row. laying scheme may differ significantly. For self-production is best to choose a simple design.

Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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«should be performed on a dry clutch for checking poryadovkoy plan and compliance with the chosen design dimensions of the room. "

Focusing on poryadovkoy, you can add high-quality design
Focusing on poryadovkoy, you can add high-quality design

The order of stacking brick rows and internal furnace elements

furnace masonry start with zero series that operate continuous, but provides poluokoshko. With it, in the future it will be possible to create additional thrust and clean the chimney shaft. A laying bricks in the next row is performed with an offset of 30-50 °, to ensure stability of the erected structure. For the halves or quarters of brick You can use the grinder.

Attention! Only whole brick should be used in place of formation of the chimney or mine.

On the third level is formed by the flap and the ash door is mounted, on the fourth - the door soot samples. In the sixth series of the mine with the help of a jumper is divided into two parts. In the twelfth number one of the mines lay, and the second becomes the primary. By 25-26 series oven is fully formed. It remains only to lay out chimney.

The procedure for laying bricks must be respected
The procedure for laying bricks must be respected

We offer watch a video on this subject.

chimney installation

To prevent condensation, instead of installing the metal tubesBetter to use brick chimney. Moreover, its inner surface must be free of irregularities, to avoid premature soot collection. Width Hajla on average - about ¾ of bricks.

Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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«Do not reduce the chimney wall or its cross-section. The latter should be 60-65% of the squaring of the chimney. "

The length of the chimney from the grate to the tube end -. at least 5 m above it must act for at least a roof 0.5 m. Installation of a short chimney will cause that the smoke will not be cool, and the heat will be for outside bath.

By the chimney imposed certain requirements
By the chimney imposed certain requirements

Plastering and lining brick furnace for a bath with his hands

To give the assembled structure finished appearance, brick oven bath his hands can oblitsevat or plaster. To do this, use the structure for performing this type of work. The final result will depend on the characteristics of the mixture used and the skill person performing such work. We have prepared for you a photo sauna stoves, which can be used as an idea in the development of their own design.

1 of 6

Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous

Furnace for a bath with his hands: instructions for the manufacture of metal construction

If you decide to make a metal stove for a bath with his own hands, first become familiar with its features. They quickly heat up and cool down. That is why to the design features of such products subject to special requirements.

Metal furnace may have a different size and design
Metal furnace may have a different size and design

Harvesting and cutting material

To produce a metal structure to be made of sheet steel, the thickness of which - 1,5-2 mm. Sawing operate as follows.

IllustrationDescription of the action
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealousPerformed a sketch of the future product. Draws all the details, and specify their size. It calculated total area of ​​all the elements determining the required amount of material.
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealousAll dimensions are transferred to the metal. Necessarily controlled angles.
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealousSuccessively cut off all the elements of the future product. Cutting metal is used grinders. Burrs are removed properly.

Welding with their hands bathhouse furnace metal

Once all the elements will be cut in size, they can begin to mix. welded The stove made of metal with their hands as follows.

IllustrationDescription of the action
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealousTo provide the desired spatial arrangement of parts relative to each other adjacent elements prihvatyvaet and then applied to the main seal.
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealousAll welded assembly units of the future of the furnace.

Assembling their hands for the individual furnace member made of metal baths in a unitary structure

Once the basic design is cookedMake installation of the remaining elements in accordance with the drawing. On the stove for a bath of metal with their hands set chimney, Hung doors.

At the final stage is set chimney and hung door
At the final stage is set chimney and hung door

Offer see photo furnaces for baths made of metal.

1 of 4

Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous
Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous

Properties manufacturing furnace for the bath with the water tub

The used washing water in the Russian bath is heated on a stove. Getting independent manufacturing products, should be defined with its design features. The furnace for the bath is with built-in and half water tank. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. We offer to meet with characteristics similar items in more detail.

The tank needs to heat water
The tank needs to heat water

Stove in a bath with half the water tub

Suspended tank - sealed container with lid. The latter can be hinged or removable. Water provides a set of special crane. Mounted hinged on the water tank side of the oven to the bath or to the rear wall. The stainless steel hooks may be used as fasteners. However, most often they are simply welded.

Stove with mounted tank
Stove with mounted tank

Oven with built-in water tank

The iron bath furnace may have a built-in tank, inside which is a hot tube, providing heating water. Preference is given to similar structures for several reasons:

  • water is used for heating the heat, previously extends beyond the structure;
  • less time is required to heat water to the desired temperature;
  • tubes chimney last much longer.

The disadvantage is the complexity of the installation and monitoring of the water level.

Oven with built-in tank
Oven with built-in tank

How to make the most simple embodiment of the furnace for the bath: video instructions

If the above example seems too complicated, offer to find out how to make the furnace for a bath, having a simple design concept. With such products are able to handle even the novice master. To make it easier to deal with technological features, we offer to get acquainted with video instructions manufacturing oven with his own hands for a bath of tubes.

At what price you can buy a stove for baths - overview of the current offers

If homemade furnace for the bath of metal or brick do not like, you should pay attention to products for industrial production. They may have different sizes and design features. If you plan to buy a stove for a bath, the average prices of some models are presented in the table.

ModelCharacteristicsThe average price (as of June 2018), rub.
Kuban 20
Kuban 20
Tank - 20 liters. Weight - 49 kg. Steel furnace.29 200
barbarian mini
barbarian mini
Weight - 78 kg. Weight of stones - 50 kg. Maximum heated volume - 16 cubic meters.20 200
Maximum heated volume - 12 cubic meters. Steel body. Weight - 39 kg.19 900
Weight - 100 kg. Maximum heated volume - 20 cubic meters.56 000
Tiger Oriental Beauty
Tiger Oriental Beauty
Weight - 125 kg. Cast iron firebox and body. Maximum heated volume - 30 cubic meters. Mass stones - 120 kg.52 500

If you have not yet decided on the characteristics and the size of the furnace for a bath, we offer to read the reviews of those who have already acquired a certain model.

Review of "Rus 9" model

Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_5153947.html

Review about "August" model

Enjoy Your Bath! How to assemble the furnace for a bath with his hands, so that the neighbors jealous
More information on https://otzovik.com/review_4068050.html

Share in the comments, in favor of what furnace you have chosen and why.