One of the causes of premature failure of structural elements at frame technology Construction is a violation to meet the requirements of the work in terms of providing the necessary insulation between the materials located inside and outside the object under construction, which leads to increased heat transfer in such areas. Cold bridges in the mansard roof, and how to avoid them, the reasons for their formation and remedies - the theme of this article edition.

Read article
- 1 Cold bridges in building - what is it
- 2 As the analysis and calculation of thermal bridges
- 3 Reasons for the formation of cold bridges
- 4 How to detect and eliminate thermal bridges in the roof framing
- 4.1 Removal of heat leaks into the zone mauerlat
- 4.2 Elimination of thermal bridges in the rafters
- 4.3 Removal of heat loss in areas with complex geometry roofing
- 5 How to insulate an attic with his own hands
- 6 Video: attic insulation - Review of 7 basic rules
Cold bridges in building - what is it
Cold bridge - a place in the building structure which has significant conductivity and simultaneously contacts the exterior or external enclosing elements (wall, roof etc).
The presence of cold bridge leads to heat losses from the inner space of the premises, condensation and, consequently, corrosion of structural elements (metal rust, Rotting wood, the appearance of mold and mildew on the surface heater).

As the analysis and calculation of thermal bridges
The probability of formation of cold bridges in the construction elements is calculated at the stage of project documentation. There is special software that allows you to analyze their thermodynamic behavior during operation.
To analyze existing installations for heat losses of thermal imaging survey conducted with the use of special equipment.
Note! Thermal imaging inspection is one of the measures included in the energy audit of buildings and structures, regulated by the Federal Law FZ-261 "On energy saving and energy efficiency improvements and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. "

Reasons for the formation of cold bridges
When the installation mansard roof causes the formation of heat leakage can serve two things: errors in the execution of works and use of substandard heater.
Note! Insulation of poor quality can not meet the specs of thermal conductivity, tend to shrink and premature wear during operation.
If on account of low-quality material is more or less clear, here are the mistakes in carrying out the work necessary to dwell in more detail.

The most common are such mistakes: mauerlat Bare, uninsulated ends of the rafters and purlins uninsulated.
The following areas of risk may form cold bridges.
- mauerlat zone. This structural element is a gateway node cantrail wall building performed from timber or other building material, and the lower ends of the roof system roof.
- Truss system.
The rafters of cold bridges may appear in places where the rafters are in different temperature zones (inside and outside a building), as well as composite structures using connectable with help fastening elements. - Bare crate.
Purlin rafters is laid over the surface and secures a roofing truss system (slate, ondulin, tile). - interface assembly gable and roof.
Additional elements to be placed on the roof - window chimney and others.
Regardless of the type and design of the roof, on its surface there are elements such as pipes ventilation systems and heating, Auditory, and skylights.
In these structural elements, there may be heat leaks that requires special care when installing a heater in their places of interfacing with the roof of the building.

How to detect and eliminate thermal bridges in the roof framing
In order to detect heat leak in the roof structure, you can go two ways.
- to conclude a contract with the organization doing Thermal imaging inspection of buildings and structures;
- perform a visual inspection of building structures.

Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
«Thermal imaging inspection is quite expensive, but if it is carrying the developer gets a complete picture of the existing thermal losses on All structural elements of the inspected object, and if necessary - can get recommendations to address identified comments. "

When performing a visual inspection of the presence of thermal bridges in a mansard roof can be detected by such indicators:
- wetting and the appearance of condensation and in the winter - the formation of ice;
- mold and fungus;
- increased consumption of thermal energy in room attic during the heating season.
Remedy revealed the presence of places of thermal bridges depend on their location.
Removal of heat leaks into the zone mauerlat
To prevent heat loss in mauerlat area should:
- insulate the assembly from the street;
- "Pie" of warming in this area should be carried out as follows: the trim rafters of the building - insulation of the outer wall - Wall - mauerlat - roof insulation - insulation of the attic.

Important! To prevent heat loss in mauerlat area in places of conjugation beam and the surface of the walls is necessary to perform the sealing of this space with foam or sealant.
Elimination of thermal bridges in the rafters
exit point for rafters surface of exterior walls must be sealed, which are used heaters, having a soft texture (mineral or glass wool) as well as adhesives and polyurethane foam.

Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
«the cold bridges in the rafters can be formed due to the density of the compound are not separate elements rafters. To prevent heat loss in such places need to check the reliability of the connection of structural elements. "

Removal of heat loss in areas with complex geometry roofing
Curvilinear roof and the presence of additional elements on its surface creates difficulty when working on the device insulation in such places.
To prevent the formation of cold bridges on such elements are used:
- at the interface of the roof and gable - special elements made of polystyrene U-shaped and L-shaped or membranes non-woven material layered heater;
- when installing roof windows necessary to provide the desired gap between the window and the roof structures and to apply sufficient quantities of insulation;
- at the interface with smoke and vent pipes It should be provided sealing compound layers of steam and waterproofingAnd laid insulation - in the desired volume with the required density and uniformity of laying.

How to insulate an attic with his own hands
In order to perform the insulation of the attic and prevent errors in this, follow the steps below.
- Initially determine how the laying of insulation will be carried out - inside or outside the building.
- Based on the selected method of stacking to determine the type and brand insulation used.
- Determine the type of insulation, become familiar with its stacking technology and calculate the required amount.
- Buy a heater and to prepare the necessary tools and accessories.
- Select the time to perform the work in accordance with his work schedule and in accordance with the weather forecast, if the work will be carried out.

Video: attic insulation - Review of 7 basic rules
To learn how to properly insulate the attic with his own hands and prevent errors at the same time tell the next video: