Useful channels construction and repair on YouTube: Verified author

It's no secret that today, in an age of global information on the person just throws out tons of information. Find a truly useful resource is not so simple. That is why we decided to pick up, in our opinion, the best resources that would help find the necessary information on a particular topic.

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  • 1 Channel about the civil works of Alexei Zemskov
  • 2 Finishing SU and tiling work - Nikolai Bozhefatov
  • 3 Channel for those involved in the electrician. Author Alexander Gorshunov
  • 4 Plaster and drywall - channel "Painter TV»
  • 5 New technologies and equipment for repair: Channel Shayter Andrey

Channel about the civil works of Alexei Zemskov

On this channel, anyone from a novice in the construction industry can become a real professional. Channel author simple and understandable language tells us how to carry out repairs in the house, to begin the construction of communications, and in general teaches how not to make mistakes in the home and building affairs.

Among the most popular sections of building life hacking, tips for repair and electrician. In general, visit friends and be as domaFOTO:
Among the most popular sections of building life hacking, tips for repair and electrician. In general, visit friends, and stay at home
Go to Alexei Zemskov channel

Finishing SU and tiling work - Nikolai Bozhefatov

Nicholas - the master finisher. Actively teaches viewers the finer points of his work, a specialist with great experience. Teaches those who want to make high-quality tile work independently. It raises issues of preparation of surfaces, installation of electrical and plumbing.

On the channel a lot of useful content, which is regularly obnovlyaetsyaFOTO:
On the channel a lot of useful content, which is updated regularly
Go to channel Nicholas Bozhefatova

Channel for those involved in the electrician. Author Alexander Gorshunov

for electrical installation technician. On the channel a lot of materials to help make the wiring from the ground up, taking into account all the subtleties. Alexander is always ready to answer any questions your subscribers, offering unconventional, but effective decisions in a particular case.

Here you will find useful video with a detailed analysis of the mistakes that seriously save you power and nervyFOTO:
Here you will find useful video with a detailed analysis of errors, which seriously save you energy and nerves
Go to channel Alexander Gorshunova

Plaster and drywall - channel "Painter TV»

The channel you definitely get full higher education finishing. All the subtleties of wallpapering, finishing and surface preparation are described sufficiently clear and accessible language. You will learn not only about Ahaz, but also non-standard solutions and approaches that will help to create an unusual and functional interior.

For those who are in the subject line: a selection of the most useful YouTube-channel of the construction site
The most important thing - along with canal authors, you will learn about the new technologies of finishing and repair
Go to the painter TV channel

New technologies and equipment for repair: Channel Shayter Andrey

And finally, the real YouTube-bomb! The channel for new and unusual technology of repair and decoration - Shayter Andrey. Here you can see the artists with an extraordinary mind, unusual accessories, as well as new, fresh ideas.

The channel you will not find ordinary tools and the traditional use of their work, there is only unusual ideas and options for their voploscheniyaFOTO:
The channel you will not find ordinary tools and the traditional use of their work, there is only unusual ideas and options for their implementation
Go to channel Shayter Andrey

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