The area is the same, but the price is different: one-story house 12 × 12 and two-story house 9 × 9, benefits, material calculation and approximate amounts

Many will agree that building your own house is much cheaper than buying an apartment. However, before starting construction, it is worth understanding what it will be like - 1 or 2 floors, if the area is the same. Today we will try to figure out the size, number of storeys and benefits during construction. So, given: the area is the same, but the price is different. Cottage 12 × 12 (119 m2) and two-storied 9 × 9 (118 m2). Which one is cheaper to build? The calculation will go according to materials, as well as practicality and convenience.

Read in the article

  • 1 What is included in the calculation of material, convenience and practicality
    • 1.1 Arrangement of high-quality reinforced concrete foundation
    • 1.2 Calculation of the wall area and the difference in material consumption
    • 1.3 Overlap and staircase to the second floor
    • 1.4 House roofing and its cost
    • 1.5 Interim data on cost savings
  • 2 Practicality of houses and ease of use
  • 3 Let's sum up

What is included in the calculation of material, convenience and practicality

For convenience, today we will consider houses from concrete and bricks. And for the roof, we take the most common metal roofing. So what are the best criteria to judge the upcoming costs and practicality of the future home. So, the costs will be calculated according to foundation, walls, stairs, ceilings and roofs. Well, and convenience and practicality - in terms of number of storeys and building area.

The area is the same, but the price is different: one-storey house 12 × 12 and two-storey house 9 × 9
Before starting construction, everything is required to calculate

We will start, of course, with the cost of building materials required for the construction. After all, this is the moment that worries 90% of future homeowners. For a clear calculation, we will take the approximate cost (it may vary depending on the region) for August 2020.

Arrangement of high-quality reinforced concrete foundation

The foundation is the basis of all construction, because it depends on it whether the house will stand at all. That is why it is calculated below the level of freezing of the ground, regardless of the number of storeys. Otherwise, you will need it warming. Also, do not forget about the space under the house, where engineering communications will run (ground floor). Therefore, for both houses, a depth of 1.6 m will be taken into account.

The foundation is the basis of the entire construction process
The foundation is the basis of the entire construction process

One-storey house 12 × 12 has 4 perimeter walls. In this case, the calculation is as follows: (12 × 4) × 1.6 × 0.5 = 38.4 m3. It turns out that with a foundation thickness of half a meter, 38.4 cubic meters of concrete will be required.

Two-story building 9 × 9: (9 × 4) × 1.6 × 0.5 = 28.8 m3. Thus, making simple calculations, you can see that the savings on concrete for the foundation will be more than 11%, which can already be called a significant figure. Adding work to this (almost the same amount), you can get about 20% at the output. This is if you do not take into account the formwork, reinforcement and its binding, as well as digging the earth for the foundation.

Excavation of soil for a foundation is not easy and expensive.PHOTO:
Excavation of soil for a foundation is not easy and expensive.

As a result, at a concrete price of 3,500 rubles. for a cubic meter, we get an approximate cost:

  • one-story building - 134,400 rubles;
  • two-story - 100 800 rubles.

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Calculation of the wall area and the difference in material consumption

For the calculation, you can take the wall thickness of 2 bricks, which will be 51 cm. For a one-story building, the area of ​​all walls will be 166 m2, for two-storey - 218 m2. Then it turns out that a one-story house will require: 166 × 0.51 × 394 (the number of bricks in a cube) = 33,356 bricks, which is 84.7 m3.

Two-storey building: 218 × 0.51 × 394 = 43 805 pcs. = 111.2 m3. In percentage terms, this will be almost 6%.

Bricklaying is a time-consuming process, but here, too, much depends on the thickness of the wall.PHOTO:
Bricklaying is a time-consuming process, but here, too, much depends on the thickness of the wall.

At a cost - at a price of 15 rubles for a brick and 15 rubles for working with it:

  • one floor - 1,000,680 rubles;
  • two floors - 1,314,150 rubles.

Overlap and staircase to the second floor

The most problematic points for a two-story house. You will have to pay about 250,000 rubles for a standard staircase with full finishing. As far as overlap is concerned, the issue is complex. The main overpayment is about 100,000-150,000, taking into account the price difference between the floor and ceiling of a one-story building and the same elements combined with a two-story overlap.

Extra costs for a two-story house - floor installationPHOTO:
Extra costs for a two-story house - floor installation

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The area is the same, but the costs are different: a one-story house 12 × 12 and a two-story house 9 × 9 - which one is cheaper to buildPlans for two-storey houses9 × 9, 10 × 10, 7 × 7, 6 × 8, 6 × 10, 9 × 6, 12 × 12, photo gallery of layouts with a garage and an attic, the advantages and disadvantages of the design, the choice of material for construction - read the publication.

House roofing and its cost

Here the area for a one-story house will be 194 m2 against 123 m2 for a two-story.

If we transfer to funds, we get:

  • one-story building - 271,000 rubles;
  • two-story - 172,000 rubles

The difference is 99,000 rubles. But don't forget about scaffolding. Their cost completely eats up this difference. And this despite the fact that it will be possible to find cheaper ones.

The roof is one of the most difficult elements in the construction of a private house.PHOTO:
The roof is one of the most difficult elements in the construction of a private house.

Interim data on cost savings

If you summarize everything that happened, you can see the following figures:

  • one floor - 134,000 + 1,000,000 + 271,000 = 1,405,000;
  • two - 100 800+ 1,314 150+ 250,000 + 125,000 + 172,000 - 99,000 = 1,862,950.

It is clear that all the numbers are arbitrary, but the overall picture is clear. A two-story building will cost about 25% more.

Having calculated, you can understand which house is more profitable to build, but you must not forget about the land.PHOTO:
Having calculated, you can understand which house is more profitable to build, but you must not forget about the land.

Now it's worth considering the same issue from a practicality point of view.

Practicality of houses and ease of use

Everything is much simpler here. Consider the pros and cons of a two-story house. First, about the compactness. On the site, a one-storey house will occupy 144 squares, while a two-storey house will only occupy 81 m2. It turns out an economy of fifty, which often becomes a decisive factor. But this is where the advantages of a 2-storey building end.

Further disadvantages:

  1. A ladder that is difficult to install can be traumatic for children. Difficulties can also arise for the elderly.
  2. Heating costs in winter due to the larger wall area.
  3. Difficulties during construction - floors, scaffolding.
Ladders can be extremely traumatic and difficult to climbPHOTO:
Ladders can be extremely traumatic and difficult to climb
It is much more difficult to heat a two-story house.PHOTO:
It is much more difficult to heat a two-story house.
Rent or purchase, as well as installation of scaffolding - additional costsPHOTO:
Rent or purchase, as well as installation of scaffolding - additional costs

Let's sum up

One or two floors will be near the house - it is up to the owner to decide. We can only give general figures for comparison. Some will want to save on construction, while others are more important than the amount of land surrounding the house. The main thing is that the home is durable, beautiful and comfortable. But it is worth noting that the majority of the owners of two-story houses are inclined to believe that if a new one is built, it will be only one floor.

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