Water on the floor, mold on the walls and high humidity - the main features of what is required of the basement waterproofing from the inside of the groundwater. the right choice waterproofing materials and the formation of high-quality protective layer will allow for a long time to protect your home from external moisture. Familiar with the relevant information that will help you understand this issue.
Waterproofing will win the dampness in the basement
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1 Types of basement waterproofing the inside of groundwater: the existing varieties
1.1 Depending on the operating portion
1.1.1 Waterproofing of the basement floor: important nuances
1.1.2 Waterproofing basement walls from the inside: the main types of
1.2 Depending on the degree of exposure to moisture
1.2.1 Protivonapornaya waterproofing
1.2.2 Protivokapillyarnaya waterproofing
1.2.3 Gravity waterproofing
2 Materials for waterproofing basements from the inside of the groundwater: tradition and modernity
2.1 traditional materials
2.2 modern materials
3 What to consider when cellar waterproofing from the inside of the groundwater: Highlights
4 As a self-seal the basement of the groundwater from the inside: the sequence of works
4.1 Waterproofing cement based
4.2 roll waterproofing
4.3 waterproofing membrane
4.4 Penetrating waterproofing the basement from the inside of the groundwater: detailed instructions
4.5 Injection waterproofing inside the basement of groundwater: a sequence of actions
4.6 Waterproofing liquid glass
5 Review of prices on the basement waterproofing: popular options
Types of basement waterproofing the inside of groundwater: the existing varieties
Planning to carry out waterproofing and basement foundation, Be sure to deal with her views. Which type of protection is preferred, it depends on the spatial position of the protected base, and degree of external moisture. We offer to get acquainted with the main types to help you navigate when choosing the right option.
Waterproofing materials are of different types
Depending on the operating portion
Before you decide how to make waterproofing the basement from the inside, it is necessary to determine the treated surface. Protection can be vertical or horizontal. In the first case we are talking about waterproofing internal basement walls, and in the second - floor. Consider both alternatives in more detail.
The spatial orientation of the base is essential
Waterproofing of the basement floor: important nuances
If the ground floor is flush with the aquifer, necessarily inside the basement will seep water. Correctly done waterproofing basement floor, complemented with a protective layer of 0.3 m in height on the wall, will prevent capillary penetration of moisture inside the room. The choice is usually made in favor of roll materials or casting floor polymer compositions.
To protect the floor actively using roll media types
Waterproofing basement walls from the inside: the main types of
If you want to waterproofing inside the basement walls, preference is given to vertical method. In this case it is possible to prevent ingress of moisture from outside the building through cracks and joints. Vertical waterproofing the basement walls can be:
lubricative. Is performed by applying the bituminous mixture;
plasterFormed using polymeric compositions;
a layer formed by using water glass, rubber.
Vertical waterproofing prevents the penetration of external moisture
Depending on the degree of exposure to moisture
Depending on the degree of moisture on the structural elements waterproofing garage basement the inside of the groundwater can be:
Each species has its specific functionality that should be considered by performing work in a particular area.
To protect against groundwater should be selected waterproofing suitable type
Protivonapornaya waterproofing
Protivonapornaya waterproofing installed mainly outside the house. it is not suitable for interior work. In the operation of such a protective layer substantially groundwater protective material is pressed into the base.
Protivonapornaya waterproofing is done outside
Protivokapillyarnaya waterproofing
With protivokapillyarnoy waterproofing can prevent occurrence of moisture inside the basement and dampness. With it prevents the penetration of ground water through the pores present in the material of the erected basement.
All the pores must be plugged
Gravity waterproofing
Gravity current during heavy rainfall and spring floods. The most affordable option is the application of the mastic. Expensive to cost waterproofing using liquid rubber.
The use of mastic important when a high level groundwater
Materials for waterproofing basements from the inside of the groundwater: tradition and modernity
Characteristics of materials for waterproofing the inside of the basement groundwater largely determine the service life of the formed protective layer. The selection can be made in favor of traditional materials and their modern counterparts. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you should be sure to read before buying.
Waterproofing materials are presented in a large assortment
traditional materials
When the waterproofing cellar with their hands may be preferred or lubricative surfaced insulation. These traditional materials have proven the effectiveness of its use, and thus have an affordable cost. The used cement-polymer composition which may be rigid or flexible as surface waterproofing. The first kind - special dry mixture, a second - a dry mixture is mixed with the emulsion, which was based on polymer.
The coating materials supplied in roll form. There may be a bitumen or a polymer base. The most popular roofing and waterproofing. They tend to be surfaced. However, fixing admissible using a special adhesive mastic.
Attention! Even a relatively small pressure may result in waste of the surface protective layer formed by using conventional materials.
Roofing felt quite popular
modern materials
Such compositions have higher performance as compared with conventional counterparts. These include:
penetrating compositions;
membrane isolation;
liquid glass.
penetrating waterproofing It allows to form a durable layer. The composition penetrates concrete structure at a sufficiently great depth, vapor permeability without compromising the ability of the base and increasing its resistance to negative temperatures. The material is easy to apply to fill all defects on the surface. Subsequent crystallization afforded special reagents creates reliable protective layer.
Once inside, the composition crystallizes
Injectable formulations are a special case of penetrating waterproofing. Have a gel form based on acrylate, mikrotsementnoy, polyurethane or epoxy putty. Application injection compositions is carried out by a special tool technology, which greatly complicates its application in self-performing work.
Injectable compositions are introduced into the holes
Membrane waterproofing materials are improved roll protection. They have a longer life. May be applied to various substrates, including wet. membrane used for dewatering.
The membrane can be attached to the outer wall at the stage of building a house
The composition includes soda waterglass, powdered sand and sodium silicate. To the mixture is added a certain amount of water, the manufacturer of a particular composition.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«Liquid glass is true only for the protection of the concrete base. "
The formed protective layer is repairable and has very good anticorrosive properties. When breakage waterproofing covering the damaged portion may be replaced by a new one.
Tip! Liquid glass should stir in small portions, as prepared formulation quickly grasped.
The liquid rubber may be used inside and outside the cellar. It allows you to create high-quality moisture protection barrier to groundwater. It does not rot. It has high adhesion to the substrate. Material affordable and durable, can withstand water pressure, UV exposure and temperature variations. The rubber coating maintainability and fireproof.
A continuous layer - guarantee long-term protection
What to consider when cellar waterproofing from the inside of the groundwater: Highlights
It must take into account when choosing the right material:
the appointment of the basement;
presence or absence drainage system around foundation houses;
the location of the structure, which requires waterproofing cellars from the inside of the groundwater. On this depends the intensity and amount of precipitation, as well as the groundwater level;
type foundation of the house, as well as the characteristics of the material that was used for its construction.
When selecting the composition should be taken into account many factors
As a self-seal the basement of the groundwater from the inside: the sequence of works
If you choose to perform a full range of work with your hands, you should first become familiar with the order of execution of works. As can be waterproofed from the basement groundwater within, it depends on the type of waterproofing material. Please find an algorithm of actions.
The procedure depends on the type and characteristics of the material used
Waterproofing cement based
Consider how to make a waterproof cellar using special formulations cement-base.
Prepared base. Deletes all existing pollution and weak hold the elements, which could affect the adhesion of the applied composition. Aligned surface. The rounding corners performed 3-4 cm using cement plaster.
The purified base is primed. It is desirable to use the composition recommended by the manufacturer of waterproofing.
Before actually applying the waterproofing composition base thoroughly moistened.
Preparing a composition by means of which will be hydroprotection basement. Specified amount of water added depends on the packing and the tool by which waterproofing is applied to a substrate. Possible to use hard brush or spatula. Pour into a bucket of water. The composition is thoroughly mixed. Biding 5 minutes. The formulation is then stirred again.
Waterproofing originally applied to the areas where the probability of occurrence of a leak. The corners of the room is further enhanced by a waterproof tape, which utaplivajut composed. Apply the first coat. All movements must be performed in the same direction. After one day, the second layer is applied perpendicular to the direction of formation of the first layer. To protect the layer formed by rapid drying, wrap it film.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«The composition is applied in the absence of a leak at an optimum temperature and humidity level. "
roll waterproofing
Roll materials an affordable cost that significantly reduces the cost of execution of waterproofing works.
Application of roll materials has certain nuances
We offer watch a thematic video, which will help to better understand the technological features, if you decide to perform the work with his own hands.
waterproofing membrane
Technology installation work involves sequential fastening basic elements "cake" in accordance with the diagram. When working, be sure to consider the recommendations of the manufacturer.
Scheme attachment to the walls of the basement membrane
Penetrating waterproofing the basement from the inside of the groundwater: detailed instructions
Before waterproofing the basement inside Penetron to protect against groundwater pre-prepares the base with the mandatory purification of existing contamination.
Tip! To improve the adhesion characteristics of the metal base can use the brush.
Then, a solution for penetrating basement waterproofing the inside of the groundwater. The base is moistened. Applied solution. After 2-3 hours of operation is repeated.
The solution should be spread evenly across the base
For more details on the formation of the waterproofing layer can be found in the following video.
Injection waterproofing inside the basement of groundwater: a sequence of actions
To perform the injection waterproofing the basement from the inside of the groundwater should be:
at a distance of 0.5 m drill hole depth of 2 cm;
pumped into the prepared holes injectable composition;
undertake steps to prevent mold growth;
plaster base.
The solution was introduced to a depth of 2 cm
Waterproofing liquid glass
If you decide to perform a basement waterproofing with liquid glass, offer to watch the video in which the technological features of the process are described in detail.
Review of prices on the basement waterproofing: popular options
When the basement waterproofing cost of the material used has a significant influence on the final cost of the work. If you decide to purchase a suitable composition, such as a waterproof plaster for basement or web material, pay attention to:
Akvaschit. Surface waterproofing. When the layer thickness of 1 mm on each square require 1,2-1,4 kg composition;
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_3925688.html
Plitonit GidroElast. High-quality sealant that can be used not only for the waterproofing of the basement, but also for bathroom;
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5210483.html
Bolars HydroWALL. cement-based composition, to create a seamless coating thickness of 2-4 mm;
GLIMS water stop. The cement mixture is suitable for substrates of all types;
TechnoNikol fiberglass. Blanket designed to protect underground structures.
If you have already performed waterproofing the basement with their hands or plan to do so in the near future, share in the comments, what material and method you choose to prefer and why.