Ebb plinth foundation: types and characteristics of installation

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To give the building finished appearance and to protect the base from the rainfall, tides acquired special plinth foundation. The particular configuration of elements and assembling at a certain angle to rule out premature cracking base. We offer to meet with the existing species and the execution order of installation.

Low tide will help protect the base and foundation will give finished appearance
Low tide will help protect the base and foundation will give finished appearance

Read article

  • 1 Appointment timetable for the plinth foundation
  • 2 The apparatus and operating properties tides depending on manufacturing material
    • 2.1 Concrete - qualitative and traditional solution
    • 2.2 Polyvinyl chloride - a budget solution
    • 2.3 Metal - strength and dependability
    • 2.4 Clinker - a clear demonstration of status
  • 3 Decorative quality of castings for the base: fotoprimery
  • 4 Choosing ebb for the cap of the foundation - the recommendations of our editorial
  • 5 Installing low tide plinth foundation
    • 5.1 Preparatory work
    • 5.2 Step by step instructions for mounting tide
      • 5.2.1 To the wall
      • 5.2.2 To guide
  • 6 How much is the tide - price review

Appointment timetable for the plinth foundation

that house foundations able to withstand operational loads, it is made wider walls. The presence of the projection may have a negative effect on the term of the base service. While under the influence of natural moisture, basement of the building gradually begins to break down.

Attention! Properly selected tide will prevent or significantly slow down the destruction of the basement and ground floor to protect from moisture.

Ebb reduces the negative impact on the foundation of the house
Ebb reduces the negative impact on the foundation of the house

The apparatus and operating properties tides depending on manufacturing material

The composition includes the following construction elements:

  • shelf to be mounted at a certain angle to allow the water flow. Its width - 5-40 cm;
  • fixing limb by which the product is attached to the wall;
  • Front limb, through which water flows are directed downwards.

To manufacture flashings plinth foundation used various materials which largely determine the performance characteristics of the product. We offer to meet with the main species and their distinctive features.

Each part of the ebb performs a specific function
Each part of the ebb performs a specific function

Concrete - qualitative and traditional solution

For the construction of the building was used brick or natural stone, for finishing is better to use the foundation of the tide concrete. With a solid appearance, similar products reliably protect the base from the negative effects.

They are made of cement M450 having sufficient strength characteristics and frost. Introduction of a small amount plasticizer It improves flexibility and water resistance, and a certain amount of the dye - to get the desired color. Perhaps staining facade paint, if not in the presence of the desired color scheme.

In the manufacturing process prepared solution is poured into special silicone mold, which length is usually 3.9 or 6 m. The width of the outflow depends on the geometrical parameters of the cap.

Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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"Concrete tides have a lot of weight, so their installation must be provided even at the design stage."

Great weight concrete products limits their possible uses
Great weight concrete products limits their possible uses

Polyvinyl chloride - a budget solution

If the facades vinyl siding, Plastic products will be the best option. Ebb of PVC have a similar texture and coloring.

They have a long service life. Not afraid of the impact of natural factors. Waterproof structure allows to reliably protect the substrate from external moisture. However, they have affordable price.

Attention! Increased fragility of cheap products could cause their premature destruction.

Finishing walls should be appropriate
Finishing walls should be appropriate

Metal - strength and dependability

Metal products have high strength and are distinguished by a long service life. It may be made of steel, copper and aluminum. Recent great demand because they have lower weight compared to steel products. Copper are of limited use because of the high cost.

metal drips are presentable appearance, easy to install and are not afraid of impact. Their length is about 2 m and may have a width of 5-30 cm. For making use of 1 mm thick sheets. May have a different color.

Coloring metal products are selected according to the overall design of house
Coloring metal products are selected according to the overall design of house

Clinker - a clear demonstration of status

If used for facades expensive clinker tiles, Reflux must be made of the same material. That can be purchased together with the base material.

Attention! Due to the greater weight of castings from clinker to plan their installation should be at the stage of designing and assembling to professionals.

Clay finishes to be costly
Clay finishes to be costly

Decorative quality of castings for the base: fotoprimery

So you can appreciate the decorative qualities of such products, we offer to see photos:

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Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundation
Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundation
Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundation
Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundation
Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundation
Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundation

Choosing ebb for the cap of the foundation - the recommendations of our editorial

Installation of low tide is performed at the final stage of finishing the foundation. It allows you to visually separate the wall from the carrier side of the building. When choosing a suitable option, be aware that the tides have not only protective, but also decorative. On this basis, they should be the same color as the walls or basement at home. It is also possible choice of contrasting products.

Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundationEbb - decoration and protection for the base foundation

Attention! At home from a bar it is preferable to install metal products. For plinth foundation structures of the blocks and bricks can use any low tides.

When considering one, pay attention to:

  • the thickness of the material from which the product is made;
  • structure homogeneity;
  • maintainability;
  • weight elements;
  • geometric parameters of the product, pre-defining the length and width of ebb tide. To the estimated length necessary to add 10%, which is lost when forming angles;
  • product configuration, which should follow the shape of the cap;
  • state of the protective and / or decorative coating, if any;
  • the installation requirements.
The model chosen should be uniform
The model chosen should be uniform

Attention! If ebb for the cap has a low cost, most likely, his life is limited.

Under the influence of adverse factors of cheap products will last very long.
Under the influence of adverse factors of cheap products will last very long.

Installing low tide plinth foundation

If you decide to perform the installation on their own, are kindly requested to meet with the order of execution of works. Following our recommendations, you will be able to securely attach the ebb and protect the basement foundation from external influences.

Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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"Installation of ebbs performed before finishing or thermal insulation of walls, but after your cap."

Preparatory work

At the preparatory stage, the geometric parameters of the product, as well as the condition of the substrate is tested, to which it is attached. Existing defects should be completely removed prior to installation. Wooden base should be treated with antiseptic.

If facade Building wet or without lining, should eliminate irregularities, and then recapture via horizontal filaments impregnated with a coloring composition. In ventilated facade battens must be installed racks, which is carried out corresponding to the horizontal line.

Attention! Horizontal should match the highest point of the cap.

Disadvantages are eliminated on the plinth surface. Cracks and seams are sealed using a building sealant or mastic. Projecting the foundation portion is given a bias in the 10-15 °.

Attention should be paid and the plinth, and the wall
Attention should be paid and the plinth, and the wall

To perform the installation work should be prepared:

  • silicone sealant;
  • grinders or tin snips;
  • measuring tool;
  • Drill or punch. The first tool is relevant for wooden structures, The second - for brick and concrete;
  • fastener, suitable for a particular base.

Step by step instructions for mounting tide

The wall or guide can act as a reference plane for reflux foundation plinth. Consider the steps how to perform the installation in both cases.

Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundation
With the installation of features worth reading in advance

To the wall

If the supporting surface protrudes house wall, installation work is performed in the following sequence:

Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundationPrepare elements of the future timetable for the foundation plinth, cutting them to size and cutting excess fragments.
Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundationPutting a trained elements to the installation place to ensure compliance geometric parameters.
Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundationHandle the ends of the horizontal element and silicone sealant. The composition can also be applied on top of the shelf member.
Ebb - decoration and protection for the base foundationFasten with screws protection. Sealant from the front straps must always be removed.

To guide

If the support surface are the guides of a ventilated facade, the order of the installation work is somewhat different.

When fixing to the guide, there are some nuances
When fixing to the guide, there are some nuances

We offer watch the video to better understand the intricacies of the process:

How much is the tide - price review

Cost tide dependent on its configuration, size and material which is used in the manufacture. We offer to meet with the average prices, so you can roughly estimate your costs:

Reflux Docke 3,05 × 0.1m creamPolyvinyl chloride. Width 10 cm. The length of one member - 3.05 m. Weight - 0.83 kg.

Ebb Docke Sundae-3.05

Reflux PVC cherry 2000 × 90 mmPolyvinyl chloride. Width - 9 cm. The length of one member - 2 m.

Reflux PVC cherry 2000 × 90 mm

Reflux 2000 × 50mm RAL 8017Galvanized metal. Width - 5 cm. The length of one member - 2 m.

Reflux metal, width 50mm length 2m, brown color RAL 8017

Ebb universal PVCPolyvinyl chloride. Width - 14 cm. Length - 6 m.

Ebb universal PVC

Share in the comments, if you had to install the ebb and what type you choose for your home base.