Dirt in tile space make every woman to think about how to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom. This is done with the involvement of various compositions. Editorial HouseChief.ru prepared detailed instructions on how to clean hard to reach places correctly.
Tile space necessarily pay attention
Read article
1 Why wash the tile joints: it must know every woman
2 Cleaning tile joints of household chemistry
3 The clean up the seams between the tiles in the bathroom: resort to the popular recipes
3.1 Cleaning joints between tile soda
3.2 Cleaning tile joints with ammonia
3.3 How to clean up the seams between the tiles in the bathroom bleach
3.4 The combination of tools to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom
4 Cleaning tile joints ferry
5 Cleaning seams tile mechanical method
6 How to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom by special coloring compositions
7 How to clean the joints between the tiles on the floor with a pencil for bleaching
8 How to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom, if the mold has penetrated deep
9 How to clean the joints between the tiles on the floor - additional recommendations
Why wash the tile joints: it must know every woman
Cleaning joints between tile dictated not only by aesthetic considerations. Timely disposal of the contaminants will protect households from possible health problems. The tile spaces create optimal conditions for bacterial growth and the emergence of black mold. We offer below to find out how to clean the grout between the tiles, in order to achieve quality results.
Mud - a serious cause for concern
Cleaning tile joints of household chemistry
Before cleaning tile joints should be defined with a suitable composition. Manufacturers offer a large enough range, among which it is difficult to find a suitable option.
Many variants purification
Among the most popular tools for cleaning tile joints should be distinguished:
«BOZO». The composition is effective in combating limescale deposits and rust. Base disinfects and removes odor. On the packaging, you can read how to clean the joints between the tiles on the floor to achieve the best effect;
«HG». It does not contain bleach, so it is suitable for cleaning surfaces of all colors;
Review of HG means
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_1903272.html
IVIclean «proTECt». Spray can effectively cope with various impurities;
ECO MIST. It contains natural ingredients. Effectively cope with the task.
Review ECO MIST facility
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2722781.html
To clean tile joints required as late as possible, pay attention to the "Atlas of the Dolphin". Tool allows you to protect the surface due to the formation of dense impenetrable film. Applied immediately after purification tile space.
Review tool "Atlas Delfin"
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5256730.html
The clean up the seams between the tiles in the bathroom: resort to the popular recipes
The use of household chemicals is associated with certain difficulties: suitable drug may not be available or the cost may be excessive for a particular family. In such a situation, deciding what to wash the joints between the tiles in the bathroom, you should use improvised means. Often, traditional recipes are effective drugs purchased. We offer to meet with them.
Ways plurality purification
Cleaning joints between tile soda
If we talk about what to clean the joints between tiles on the floor, Should immediately pay attention to the soda. This material has a good disinfectant properties and help to cope with a variety of contaminants in the home. Just add a little water and the resulting paste to clean the dirt.
Cooking soda, water and the brush
Cleaning tile joints with ammonia
If you want not only to clean tile joints, but also add luster tiles, pay attention to the ammonia. This material quickly cope with the task. Now, how to whiten your joints between the tiles in the bathroom:
preparing a solution by mixing 2 L of water Art. l. ammonia;
sprayed on the cleaned surface using the spray bottle;
wait 20 minutes;
wipe the walls with a cloth moistened.
Rub the surface carefully
How to clean up the seams between the tiles in the bathroom bleach
If necessary household chemicals at hand is not present, look at how to clean up the seams between the tiles in the bathroom an oxygen bleach. It should be diluted with water in equal ratio, and then spread over the entire sponge surface. Dwell time - 1.5 h. The remnants of dirt can be removed rigid sponge.
Bleach copes well with mud
The combination of tools to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom
If these options have proven ineffective when deciding what to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom, you should pay attention to the combined structure. It is sufficiently effective paste consisting of a powder containing bleach and soda. This composition cleans and disinfects the surface. Is applied to the contaminated lot, await its complete drying, and then rinsed.
Composition of the combined agent can vary
Attention! Such a composition should not be used for disinfection of non-ferrous surfaces.
The composition of the first worth checking out on an inconspicuous area
A solution consisting of vinegar, baking soda and citric acid also will remove mold.
Cleaning tile joints ferry
If the use of corrosive substances is not possible, and the question of how to clean tile joints relevant. It is worth paying attention to steam generator. Such a device is not only capable of creating a jet of steam and release it at a sufficiently high pressure.
As a result, the dirt is first softened and then knocked out of the tile area. Sufficiently high temperature (150-170 ° C) makes it possible to cope with disease-causing bacteria and fungus. Available question than to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom, not worth it. For them, the steam generator - the only effective tool that they can use in their own apartment.
Attention! When using the pair should observe all safety precautions.
The steam is effective enough
Cleaning seams tile mechanical method
If dirt does not have time to penetrate deep enough, you can resort to cleaning the tile joints by mechanical action. This will require a paper containing abrasive. With it, you will need to treat all joints. After the treatment, the entire surface is simply washed with water. Instead nazhdachki sometimes used rigid sponge.
Attention! Deciding to resort to manual cleaning, should work very carefully so as not to damage the liner.
Mechanical cleaning requires caution
How to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom by special coloring compositions
If dirt is not fully obtained, they can just paint. To this composition is chosen with characteristics suitable and desired color. The most popular is attributed:
Edding 8200It has a marker shape with a tip thickness of 2-4 mm. It allows you to paint white base;
When selecting the marker should consider the distance between adjacent tiles
Pufas Frische Fuge Komplettset. Coloring composition with low resistance and cost. Available in white color, but allows for tinting;
fuga Fresca. Available wide range of colors.
Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
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«Formed by coating may have a color different from what stated by the manufacturer, if it is applied to a dark grout. "
How to clean the joints between the tiles on the floor with a pencil for bleaching
Tiles on the floor polluted much faster than on the walls. To maintain the purity of the flooring, offer to find out how to clean up the seams between the tiles on the floor with a special whitening pencil "Snowball". Part of the pencil ingredients contribute to deeper penetration into the ground. One pencil enough for painting 500m base. By using it necessary to resort to if the mold has not penetrated deeply into the concrete.
Whitening has limitations
How to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom, if the mold has penetrated deep
If the mold in the bathroom is still there, and it has penetrated deep enough, we offer to find out how to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom. Use drugs will not work listed above. They will not give a good effect.
In such a situation we will have to use a scraper to completely remove all of the grout, and better and all the decorative coating. Although the latest version of resort is very rare. For softening grout can be used vinegar solution. The cleaned tile is treated with an antifungal solution space, and then applied grout.
Attention! Remove grout should always be wearing a mask and goggles.
Grout will have to be removed
How to clean the joints between the tiles on the floor - additional recommendations
When deciding what to wash the joints between the tiles on the floor, you should definitely consider its appearance and features that can have a significant impact on the choice of:
glazed glazed surface can not be processed compositions containing acid;
matte coating after processing should use mastic having barrier properties;
with substances containing abrasive particles must be treated very carefully;
buying grout, prefer agent based on epoxy. It would be better to resist the appearance of dirt and be able to resist the formation of mold and mildew.
Choose structure should be right!
Knowing how to clean up the seams between the tiles on the floor, you can safely get to work. Share in the comments, which way you liked the most, and what results you achieved.