Wallpaper: Paper, non-woven, liquid…. Neither one apartment is complete without this material for walls. Construction market today offers a wide range of different variations Wallpaper both exclusive and inexpensive. However, one of the most practical and popular are vinyl coating. They are more durable, less prone to fading, easy to carry in color, have a number of other advantages. But even the most ideal material can be spoiled if you do not know the technology of applying it to the wall. Editorial HouseChief.ru ready to share the nuances of how to glue vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing to new interior please you for many years without the need for cosmetic treatment.
One of the world's most famous manufacturers of wallpaper is a German brand of Marburg, whose history goes back as many as 160 years
Read article
1 Advantages and disadvantages of vinyl wallcoverings Non-woven
2 What types of vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing presented in catalogs of manufacturers
3 How to choose vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing - recommendations HouseChief.ru edition
4 How to glue vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing - step by step guide
4.1 What are the materials and tools needed for the job
4.2 Preparation of the glue
4.3 Partitioning walls and cutting wallpaper
4.4 As pokleit vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing
4.5 How to glue the meter on flizeline basis in hard to reach places
5 How to paint vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing for painting
6 Consumer reviews on vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing
Advantages and disadvantages of vinyl wallcoverings Non-woven
Nonwoven its structure - something in between the fabric and paper. This elastic cover gives wallpaper durability and unique texture. Wallpapers with such a layer as a base have the ability to easily "fasten" and almost tightly glued to the wall.
Structure of vinyl-based non-woven
Vinyl layer, figuratively speaking - is the outer shell of the wallpaper, the one on which he creates artistic masterpieces.
Tip! Nonwoven is 70% of cellulose and 30 - it from gluing special additives, which - depending on the manufacturer. It is believed that the cheapest wallpaper made using quality raw materials and produce hazardous substances, so before buying a cheap product obviously, require certificates of conformity.
The main advantage of wallpaper before other types - ease the process of working with them. These wallpapers do not require the application glue, It is impregnated with a wall. Moreover, the adhesive must be applied immediately prior to pasting. Special nonwoven fibers provide an instant "dock" and effortlessly fix his canvas at the spot where it is needed. Other advantages of vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing:
suitable for repairs to buildings. Due to its ability to stretch (within permissible, of course), they will hide the consequences of "the shrinkage of the walls."
Not afraid of moisture. Due to the special impregnated cellulose-based substances such wallpaper does not deform at high humidity, they can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
A great variety of textures (including copying tissue or rock dust) and drawings. You can realize your wildest ideas.
Wallpapers have high strength, resistant to fading, not afraid of scratches and abrasions.
"Layering" increases their ability to absorb sound.
Solid foundation allows you to wallpaper volumetric image, which in turn helps to mask the irregularities of the walls.
Among the disadvantages can be isolated nedyschaschy vinyl layer which can sometimes "suffer" presence odor. However, this problem can be solved by regularly airing the room.
Note! More expensive models may be covered by a special breathable vinyl layer. Such coatings have virtually no disadvantages, except, perhaps, the high price.
Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing due to its structure perfectly convey the texture of the fabric or coating. They may look like the tissue sheet or as a monolith, they are easy to combine and find your color.
What types of vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing presented in catalogs of manufacturers
In the Russian market represented a large number of manufacturers of today and a huge variety of textures Wallpaper on a paper basis. The most popular manufacturers in Germany and Italy, as well as companies from Sweden and Belgium. In the domestic market popular company Loymina.
Interesting fact! But his appearance wallpaper as such are required to ancient China. It is about the year 200 before our era was invented rice paper, which is widely used not only for writing but also for decorating the walls.
If we talk about the ideal ratio "price-quality", it is better not to find a German wallpaper. They, like German cars have the highest levels of quality and are considered to be the most convenient to use. Among the most common brands distinguish the following company.
Non-woven wallpaper company Hohenberger. They have an interesting, similar to the texture of the fabric, fit perfectly to classic interior. However, the cost of a roll at the moment close to 4000 rubles. See how gracefully in the photo look vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing of the brand!
Another quite popular representative of Germany - the company Marburg. In addition to traditional strength and quality, as well as scratch resistant and moisture wallpaper this company has a unique and recognizable design.
In addition, if you are interested in other popular German brand, we can consider here the following brands: KT Exclusive, Paravox, Rasch, A.S.Creation.
Paravox - a representative of the classical trend in the world of fashion and design on the wall coveringsDue to the special ad hoc basis, the company Rasch protects the upper layers of wallpaper on vinyl paper basis of humidity to the same so that air circulation is provided and high densityDelicate, unique style infant provide vinyl wallpapers from company KT Exclusive
Refinement and unusual texture isolated and vinyl wallpaper based on non-woven, made from known brands Apennines. They are distinguished by very thin, nearly invisible film of PVC, which just emphasize velvety coating. Italian wallpaperUnlike German more affordable. One roll costs about 1700 rubles. They are able to completely transform interior, It does not require special care.
Wallpapers Estro Malize fill the space with fantastic colors and the warmth of the Italian coast
Exclusive decoration of the walls with wallpaper is possible in a variety of styles. This may be the wallpaper with bright colors for baby, Strict - for the office, soft - Bedroom country style or Provenceto -, catchy teen room.
As the most popular brands of manufacturers of non-woven wallpaper from Italy distinguish the following: Sirpi, Italreflexes, Giardini, Sangiorgio, Angels, Domus Parati, and Limonta. As for the domestic manufacturers, most often heard in the list of preferences wallpaper the following manufacturers: Loymina, ART, Palette, Home Color, Elysium.
Russian factory "Lumina" produces non-woven wallpaper increased strength through the use of nonwoven fabric of European manufacturers
The company, founded in 2008, is now one of the few that produce environmentally clean non-woven wallpaper in the premium segment (Loymina brand) and midrange (brand Milassa). In addition to these brands, specific demand for Swedish and Belgian wallpaperIn particular Duro, Boras Tapeter, ECO, Wellton Fliz, BN, Khroma, Vatos, Atlas, Omexco and many others.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"Some factories perform print wallpaper under the order, for example, the French manufacturer Ahlstrom. When purchasing such wallpaper is necessary to clarify the possibility of such additional services. "
Safety and quality upholstery coverings provided with special guests and the international certificate of quality ISO and CE mark. Typically, a certification mark stands in the embedded instructions within each package.
How to choose vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing - recommendations HouseChief.ru edition
First of all, our editorial staff recommends the room lightingAs well as provide for the possibility of airing. In a small poorly lit room is better to choose lighter shades to expand the space. It allowed a choice in favor of geometric lines, as if the extraction space.
Note dissonant or not the selected color to the ceiling, window frames and door panels
Wallpaper vinyl-based already have a significant advantage - they do not absorb moisture, but at the same time, if the room is constantly "filled" by the sun, it is better to choose light-fast samples.
You may be useful table with a breakdown of schematic images
Consider the location and version of the opening doorsWhat would be durable nor were wallpaper, constant blow doors can damage the finish. Therefore it is better to install special limiters.
Note! Vinyl wallpaper is not afraid of water and mechanical damage. However, abrasives for cleansing their best not to use.
A key role is played by the type of docking. Most often, vinyl wallpaper, because of their thickness are glued joint to joint. Choose wallpaper with the pattern which will be easier to attach. Which affects the speed of work and as a result the quality of repair.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"If you're going to hang wallpaper with a complex pattern, ready to ensure that the flow rate will increase the materials."
How to glue vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing - step by step guide
The first stage - preparation of premises. First of all, you must remove sockets and release switches, previously de-energized room.
The next step - removing old wallpaper, plaster or paint. In order to process is not delayed, it is possible to take advantage of special trains
What are the materials and tools needed for the job
Expensive material or equipment to work is not required. The main task - to simplify the process of work. Be prepared to provide the following tools:
putty knife to remove old wallpaper;
angled spatula for grinding;
roulette for measuring;
Construction knife;
paint roller;
sponge or cloth;
roller to smooth;
narrow brushes promazyvaniya corners.
Capacity for glue and the tray;
screwdriver to release the socket;
glue - a special non-woven wallpaper base.
Preparation of the glue
Clay usually take special. The fact is that these wallpapers are quite heavy. That is why they created a special adhesive that can easily penetrate the non-woven backing.
Tip! If the stand proportions precisely does not work, it allowed the addition of adhesive.
A feature of gluing non-woven wallpaper is that they do not necessarily require the application to the web, but only on the wall. The structure of special adhesive bases include a viscous substance methylcellulose. Sometimes the glue add special substances that prevent rotting. This is especially true of water resistant models. Typically, the wallpaper with vlies use all known brand adhesive:
"Methyl Fleece Premium";
«Kleo Extra»;
«Quelyd special non-woven."
The process of preparing the adhesive is simple - you are just doing everything that specified in the instructions.
There are special adhesives that become transparent after application, it makes it easier to control the process of unpainted parts of the walls
Partitioning walls and cutting wallpaper
Partitioning walls - a mandatory step, which is often simply ignored, however, in the case of non-woven wallpaper - necessity. Typically, these paintings quite heavy and overall. Align them without a guide is very hard. Most often this type of fabric produced in rolls having a width of from 0.7 cm to 1.06 m.
Start papering the walls must be of the window opening
It is up to the window with the help of a plumb line we carry out the first line - a landmark. By the way, if you have level (Electron beam is capable of drawing a laser line), then the work will go much faster.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"Cutting blades for gluing necessarily carried out with a reserve. And if the details need to combine, the first piece is cut from a single roll, and then aligns the pair from the other. This will avoid unnecessary waste of material. "
As pokleit vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing
Let us consider in detail the sequence of work. The main thing, remember, non-woven wallpaper is not necessary to apply the adhesive, they cover a section of the wall, where it will be a piece of cloth.
Description of the action
We start preparing the walls. Apply glue on the corner of the window to the door.
We combine the vertical edge of the wallpaper with the starting line mark. Sidewall equate the line, slightly pulling the canvas. Do not be afraid, interlining - strong enough material.
Smoothes fabric, removing excess glue and air. This should be done in that direction, which is not pasted wallpaper.
With a sharp knife with a spatula remove the extra "tails" of the top and sides.
Wallpapers can be cut no earlier than 40 minutes after application.
Connect the edge of the new blade butt. We make sure that there are no gaps or overlaps.
Smoothing the joint first with a spatula, then check with your finger if there bulges and bumps.
When you come to the difficult areas, also use the spatula. He will play the role of a ruler to help accurately and precisely mark the difficult part.
Tip! Remove the excess tissue can be a damp sponge. However, much to rub wallpaper is not worth it. The adhesive can leave stains.
How to glue the meter on flizeline basis in hard to reach places
Considered difficult to reach corners, projections place the output sockets and switches, as well as communications. For pasting wallpaper paste in corners must angle the one hand, the "capturing" 1-1.5 cm. The label band goes to the next projecting portion, the edge of the blade must abut the corner.
Rules wallpaper trim in tight spacesAs wallpaper glue at the site where the radiator battery
If you want to know, how to apply wallpaper in the corners, watch this video.
Tip! During wallpapering on flizeline basis in hard to reach places not save the glue, use a fine brush.
How to paint vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing for painting
Ready to paint Wallpaper It should be only after complete drying. Cost of wallpaper above the traditional due to more dense absorbent coating.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
Ask a Question
"Non-woven wallpaper is best to paint with acrylic paints. In this case, these wallpapers can withstand up to 10 repainting. "
Correct to the date of the beginning to try to paint a small section of the web and wait until it dries. Only in this case it is possible to estimate the outcome. The paint in the bank may not look like wallpaper.
Consumer reviews on vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing
At the end of our material, we offer to meet with consumer feedback on identified above grade non-woven wallpaper manufacturers.
Review on vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing Loymina
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4620942.html
Review on vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing Moscow factory
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5085394.html
Review on vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing Marburg
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_3925525.html
Review on vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing Ambiente
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/reviews/oboi_vinilovie_na_flizelinovoy_osnove_ambiente/
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