Small bathroom: design photo renovated combined bathroom and toilet in the Khrushchev

Many apartments supposed minimum size of bathrooms, it is assumed to combine the toilet and bathroom. Combining 2 zones in a single bathroom - a necessary measure to save more space for housing the remaining area. One of the most striking examples - bathroom in the Khrushchev.

Green tiles on the floor of a small bathroom

No matter how small bathroom was not, he still should be comfortable and beautiful

Choose the style of interior design


  • Choose the style of interior design
    • Minimalism
    • Classic style
    • Provence
    • Ecostyle
    • Loft
  • What colors suit small apartment sanitary
  • Finishing materials
  • compact plumbing
  • Making a small bathroom: functional furniture and practical accessories
  • Lighting and Decor
  • Video: interior design ideas in a small bathroom
  • Photo: compact bathroom design options

If you are the owner of your own home, then surely you have the opportunity to redevelop the space toilet. In this case, the owner can either combine the toilet with bathroom, and divide the space. Owners of apartments rarely have the opportunity to change the layout of bathrooms, so think through different ways to build harmonious space in their homes.

Design project of shared bathrooms in the Khrushchev

In the full bathroom must be combined type bathtub, a toilet, a sink and a location for storage - locker or shelf

Sophisticated interior for the small bathrooms is quite difficult. Installing the shower saves space, but this is not an option for those who like to lie in a hot bath. It is recommended to plan the space, namely the future of a place for sinks, bathtubs, shelves and other things.

Shower small bathroom combined type

Shower cabin saves space and reduces water consumption

When planning a joint bathroom design Khrushchev can use a little trick: the maximum preservation of free space on the floor. So the room looks much bigger and more spacious. Bathroom interior can be instantly transformed with the installation of bath and sink in the thin elegant stems. As a replacement for the many shelves you can use a compact unit as desired.

small bathroom interior in modern style

Given the small size of the room, consider the design of bathrooms in the Khrushchev is quite difficult

When making the space very small bathrooms are the most common styles are.


This style combines the simplicity of the design, use, comfort, and versatility. When repairing used light pastel colors, and a bulky design favorably replaced by compact design lamps and mirrors. When finishing is better to give preference to natural materials: glass, wood and stone. In a network, a plurality of photo repair combined bath and toilet in Khrushchev in the specified style.

Gray tiles on the bathroom wall in minimalist style

Clean lines, neat shapes and achromatic palette distinguish from other minimalist style trends

Classic style

Opting for this style is appropriate, provided the design of all housing in the direction indicated. If you have a narrow bathroom, it is recommended to avoid the statues, massive chandeliers and luxurious panels. Their advantageous to replace marble flooring, and artificially aged mirror sink in ancient frame.

Diagonal laying tiles on the wall of a bathroom in classic style

Bathroom in a classic style - a perfect choice for true connoisseurs of luxury


Light and airy style involves the use of light shades of finishing materials, as well as air textiles. The decor in the style of Provence suggests decoration small Polotenchik linen, carpet and mosaic. Must attend a floral ornament - this is the main feature for the selected style.

Wooden doors on cabinets in a small bathroom

Soft interior in the style of French Provence will appeal to the romantic natures


This trend is becoming more successful in recent years. Finishing material must emphasize the unique style. It is recommended to choose the wood paneling, natural stone or ceramic tiles. Very design style emphasizes a floral wall panels. Design elements are the flowers. You can also pick up a designer bathroom fixtures, which will emphasize the environmental space.

Surface mounted washbasin on wooden cabinet

Shell can be placed on an overhead cabinet made of wood, and on the wall covered with ceramic panels with green grass


Fashion trend that came from America. Its main features - usability and minimalism. The materials used wood, tile, brick. The main colors of the space: white, gray, brown, brick red. Bright and ultra-modern plumbing in perfect harmony with the rough walls. For decoration, you can pick up a bright little thing.

Wooden wall in the compact bathroom loft style

In a small bathroom does not get involved in the dark surfaces of wood, concrete or brick. one wall in the loft spirit enough to select, and the rest of the surface is better to issue in light colors, including sex

What colors suit small apartment sanitary

Properly selected color smooths out all the shortcomings of the room, highlighting features.

  1. The most suitable color for a small room - white. White surface freshen the look of the room is increased space. White bathroom looks very spacious. However, you must be careful when choosing this color. To such a limited space did not look strictly, you can buy exclusive designer lamps or install plumbing. It is quite appropriate may be bright textile elements, or even small flower arrangements.
    Gray accents in the bathroom with white walls

    White color can be combined with gray or black with a touch of natural wood

  2. Green and olive shade harmonizes with yellow, pink, gray shades. The combination of 2 delicate flowers creates its own special style and atmosphere. It is not necessary to require additional decorative elements.
    Carrot mat on the floor bathroom with green walls

    The walls, lined with light green tiles in the bathroom create a spring mood, a small rug will add to the brightness of the interior

  3. Coffee color in the finishing of even small bathrooms look quite ornate and elegant. When choosing brown shades should pay attention to the white plumbing. It looks quite distinct elements made of wood and metal.
    Decorating a small bathroom walls in coffee color

    Against the background of the walls color of coffee with milk looks good white sanitary ware and metal fittings

  4. Sky-blue hue looks cool and warm at the same time. It is often used by small tiles for the walls or the owner can focus on the marine theme, which will always be relevant to the bathrooms.
    Ceramic tiles of blue color on the floor WC

    The color of water and sky - one of the most successful design solutions for small bathrooms

  5. Lemon shade can also be used. It is best combined with the sea, snow-white and olive green. When choosing a shade of sand can be embedded LED ribbons.
    Lemon and white interior of a compact bathroom

    Interior lemon color may be glaringly bright or not, depending on the number of "lemon" elements

Dark and deep shades are best avoided. They are very "eat" the precious centimeters of the already small room.

Finishing materials

The basis for a harmonious repair small bathrooms is to comply with recommendations of enhancing the visual space. It is possible to provide on condition harmoniously matched materials.

  1. Decorating the walls. For the walls are perfect panels made of wood or plastic. A good option is glazed tile or decorative stone. You can use bright contrasting combinations, but the main color is best left to pastel. Such an embodiment is often used by designers for zoning space. Such an embodiment may increase the visual space.
    hog tiles in the interior of the small-sized bathrooms

    When choosing ceramic for walls preference should be given to medium-sized and smaller tile size

  2. ceiling clearance. Stretch ceiling - the best idea for a small room. You can choose a glossy, matt, silk and even pearl option. Evaluate all the advantages of PVC film can only be in the presence of high-quality lighting.
    Suspended ceiling in the small bathroom Khrushchev

    Suspended ceiling - a modern solution that allows to organize comfortable lighting with built-in lamps

  3. Flooring. Reserved area may be decorated glossy finish in a single color. The combination of high-gloss shine with organic lighting creates the illusion of extra space. The most effective option is to choose six or octagonal tiles. It is like a self-colored and fine neat pattern. Acceptable combination of adjacent colors. Close toilet ornaments will make less.
    Brown wood floor in a small bathroom

    Stylish and it will be interesting to look floor tiles with imitation wood coating

compact plumbing

Any small bathroom requires competent organization premises. In particular, this topic is relevant in the repair of shared bathrooms in the Khrushchev. It combines a sufficient amount of furniture and sanitary ware.

Buying plumbers custom sizes significantly saves space missing. To date, the sale is a compact shell. They come in square shapes, which allows the most advantageous use of every centimeter of angles.

Corner sink over white bathroom

Corner sink, suspended above the bath - the perfect solution in terms of saving space

Also, the manufacturer took care of the compact toilet. They are wall or corner. Note installation requires wall mount toilet cistern inside the wall. This variant is advantageous to use in the event that on one wall there are many sewer pipes, which is scheduled to close duct. In that situation better to opt for a corner toilet.

Corner toilet in the bathroom Khrushchev

Located in a corner of the toilet will save space for the passage or placement of additional plumbing or furniture

Quite rare, but the functional model of a toilet tank on top of a sink. If the opportunity to acquire such a model is not present, it is possible to consider a similar arrangement of a compact shell above the toilet in a small closet.

Another corner of the room is taken away under the bathroom or shower cubicle. Choice falls on the owner of the house. However, you should note that the shower will take much less space. You can also embed a pallet on the floor and not to buy the cab, and to protect itself only a curtain. This is the most economical idea, both in financial terms and in space. Alternatively, you can make a recess in the floor, which will drain the water. In this case, you need to carefully seal the walls and floor improvised shower. This option is most beneficial if you have a narrow bathroom. If, however, preference is given to a warm and cozy bath, the manufacturer has taken into account the features of various layouts in homes. So, you can buy a more compact version - sitz bath.

Small bath with a shower in the bathroom with red floor

Another option - a symbiosis of showers and a compact bath

Sometimes when repairing a lot of questions that relate to the washing machine. If the room is quite small, some families prefer to install appliances. In this case, sink completely absent. It is not always convenient. Modern technology and design ideas make it possible to fit all, even in confined spaces. Today selling compact cars, as well as the sink can be installed on the shelf. Under the shelf is placed a washing machine.

Making a small bathroom: functional furniture and practical accessories

The lack of space in small bathrooms - is a fairly common problem that can be encountered when thinking about design combined bathroom in the Khrushchev. Such a small space should fit a variety of personal care products, and sometimes washing powders, detergents and even tools for cleaning the apartment. All this is possible if you think about the storage system. In the bathroom, you can combine different storage systems.

Open shelves above the toilet in a combined bath

Even in the smallest space can accommodate everything you need, if you move away from outdated notions of interior bathroom

For example, can be placed over the sink mirrored locker. Very often they are equipped with spotlights. They contain the most popular personal hygiene items. On open shelves you can place small decorative elements, namely flowers. Sometimes neatly folded or rolled towels can also become a design element. It should be noted that this option is ideal for flawless chistyuli, after restoring order on open shelves require daily time allotment from the owner of the apartment.

Vertical cabinet with pull-out shelves in the bathroom

Under cabinets or cupboards need to make maximum use of vertical space

Not a bad option - tall, but narrow pencil case. He contain all the essentials. Current models are equipped with even a laundry basket underneath. Paired to the canisters can pick up a locker under the sink. Note the shelf superfluous never will be, but an extra cupboard or locker will significantly eat away precious space.

If your bathroom equipped with a standard toilet, the space around it can be advantageous to use. Consider a U-shaped rack, similar in thickness to the cistern. Sides can be issued in the form of small boxes, and the top panel is quite wide and comfortable shelf.

Wooden cabinet over the toilet cistern

If desired, above the toilet can be placed virtually complete wardrobe

Magnetic strips, which are often used to store knives in the kitchen can keep nippers, scissors, certain types of combs. Such an option is a perfect design element for high-tech style, loft or minimalism.

Lighting and Decor

Despite the fact that the bathroom area is small it is necessary to think carefully about lighting. The light sources are recommended to be arranged in such a manner that covered all the angles. So the room will look much more comfortable. In recent years, the increasing popularity gain point mini-lights. They can be arranged diagonally or around the perimeter of the room. It is also recommended to place the light sources around the mirrors. Quite original look diode tape embedded in the wall or placed near the floor.

Lighting options compact bathrooms

Even in a small bathroom need to organize multiple lighting scenarios

Decorate the room can be small, but it is original and practical décor. Today the stores represented a wide range of interesting accessories. You can pick up the original organizers of bath accessories, unusual soap dish holder, a mirror of irregular shape, and other pleasant trifles. As a bright and original features may act flower. Stay species that do not require a lot of light. This may be a rubber plant, cactus or tsiperus.

Shelf with mood lighting in a compact bathroom

Decor in a small bathroom should not be a lot, and all parts should be carefully considered

Knowing the basic secrets of repair can consider the original design bathrooms Q4. m. In this room can combine the bathroom, toilet and sink. If the repair is preferred angular plumbing, then you definitely have room for a washing machine and a small locker. Design a beautiful and original, but functional bathrooms may well be the budget. Watch Repair in the bathroom, with WC photo in Khrushchev possible on the Internet. It is on the web, you can view some of the design decisions.

Video: interior design ideas in a small bathroom

Photo: compact bathroom design options