People visit the bathroom in the morning and evening, and during the day can look several times. In addition, when the house guests come, they often visit the bathroom, so that the correct and harmonious design of this room is very important, as is not the most important role in your home interior.

Modern bathroom design should carefully consider
Bathroom - one of the main places in the house, which can charge a person with positive emotions sutra that later affect the whole day. It can also relax and bring peace of mind after a hard day, filled with pleasant emotions and facilitate easy sinking into sleep.

Bathroom has served us throughout the day
Given the specificity of the place, it is important to correct, harmonious and tasteful necessary furniture, bathroom fixtures and other decorative elements, so that the bathroom line with the general interior of the whole house, not standing out on his background.
Of course, the bathroom interior in a modern style should please the eye and fill the freshness and vigor, because the functionality and practicality of this place It should complement interesting decorative elements, which will also be particularly stable transfer temperature and high humidity of premises.
modern design
- modern design
- wall design
- finishing materials
- Use of mirrors
- Performing lighting
- The interior of a modern bathroom
- Fashion trends 2018
- Bathroom Art Nouveau
- The bathroom in style hi-tech
- Video ideas for the design of a modern bathroom
- See 50 more photos with examples of modern bathroom design:
Recently, many experts in interior design more and more inclined to believe that the style deserves no less attention than the bedroom or living room. In connection with this position has become increasingly developed new and rather bold design concepts to implement the design of the space.

You just need to think about the stylish bathroom design
When it comes to the modern design of the bathroom, which is located in the apartment, then, first of all, it is worth noting that is characterized by the absence of any restrictions on the use of building materials, as well as their shades. Moreover, innovative and exclusive design solutions, on the contrary, are promoted. The emphasis is mostly done on a non-standard lighting facilities, as well as adding to the interior of various new features that will improve the level of comfort of stay in the room.

The choice of materials for finishing the bathroom is practically unlimited
Wondering how to correctly arrange modern bathroom design, first of all, it is worth take into account the time that the current understanding of it is comparable to all the other parts of the house in whole. Consequently, private and should be perceived as a full bathroom, and not just a place where you can wash in the morning and go to work. For her everything is necessary to consider not only the maximum functionality and simplicity operation, but also the aesthetic features of the design that will perfectly fit into the interior the whole house. The main stages of bathroom design can be divided into four points.
- Design.
- finishing materials.
- The use of mirrors.
- Performing lighting.
If we talk about the benefits of modern design, it is certainly worth noting that a new trend has become fashionable to use in the design of non-standard materials, namely:
- All kinds of wood;
- corrosion resistant metal alloys;
- polymer materials;
- concrete.
When implementing a modern bathroom design, one should not forget that, no matter where it is, whether it's a house or apartment is not simply an integral part and extension literally all dwellings, respectively, and should be performed in conjunction with a common interior.

Bathroom design should be combined with the overall design style of your home
wall design
For the bathroom, which has relatively large quadrature, such as in many typical homes, most advantageous embodiment would be to use when placing a different combination tile as in size, and by coloring. Considered valid for this combination with painted walls, a mosaic decorated.

Tiles for walls in the bathroom - the most popular and suitable to all option
Preferred places for laying tiles are considered a surface that are most in contact with water:
- sink or wash basin;
- surface around the bath;
- a place to shower.

Tile bathroom walls to protect from moisture
As an alternative to the tile can be used specialized waterproof paint or decorative plaster, as these materials are fairly resistant to aggressive media.

Use the bathroom a special waterproof plaster
finishing materials
Given the specifics of the use of bathroom and materials for its decoration used only high strength and resistant to temperature changes. So, for example, is used for decoration floors or tiling or wood treated with special water resistant formula.

Paul can be finished with wood floors
For small spaces typical of use in the design of a combination of wood and metal, but only as a small element of the overall decor. More preference, in the modern bathroom design small size, given all the finishing tiles.

Floor bathroom is better to use a tile
Regarding modern finishes confidently be noted that non-standard combination and the combination of various materials and textures will be clear preference, rather than the classic design.

The secret of modern design in a skilful combination of different decorative materials
Use of mirrors
Of course, the main feature of any bathroom is a mirror, especially in the contemporary design of it It is widely used not only on direct to the destination, but also as a profitable design solutions. Modern design mirrors characterized by restraint and brevity in appearance, dominated by a sustained and clear geometric shapes. Also quite popular has become a trend in the absence of frame mirrors, and even better if they were installed as part of a wall or ceiling.

In the bathroom, classic style mirrors can arrange baguette
Quite popular in recent years in the design of steel the size of a huge mirror on the ceiling and to the floor, as they have a tendency to visually expand the space, adding spaciousness. Another feature of the modern use of mirrors in the interior of the bathroom is considered to be a mirror with built-in lighting, though, which is typical for such Interior Features: from the backlight, there are several levels of light brightness control, which in turn creates an incredibly beautiful and romantic setting in room.

Wide mirror embedded in the walls backlit determine the appearance of the modern bathroom

Such mirrors are well fit into the classical style bathroom interior
Performing lighting
In this context, design is quite simple and requires no extra frills or intricate designs. Modern trends are more inclined to use a modest and the same type of chandelier, it is desirable in the geometric design or mounted on the ceiling and mirrors and adjustable backlight. The main thing - it's simple and sleek design, without unnecessary decorative load.

The classic way is to install lighting fixtures around the perimeter of the bathroom

The second option involves the placement of lighting on the ceiling
The interior of a modern bathroom
Recently, in the design of living spaces is increasingly dominated by modernist and minimalist, and this means that the modern bathroom is also directly affected. Since this room is now also considered to be a full part of the housing, trying to give her maximum functionality, which can manifest itself in the form of straddling the furniture that seems to be not the case for such premises:
- footstools;
- chests of drawers;
- sunbeds;
- chairs;
- cabinets.

Hanging cabinets and shelves solve the problem of storage of all sorts of useful things
In addition to such unusual things in the interior of a bathroom is also becoming popular to add elements of nature as a variety of plants, and sometimes miniature hanging gardens. If the bathroom provides for both a bathtub and shower, in this case, it is preferred to use glass partitions or curtains.

In a modern style fits the traditional Japanese bathroom furniture
Perhaps the basic rule of a competent modern bathroom interior can be called self-restraint in the use of accessories and decorative elements.

Modern bathroom can be designed in a rustic style and furnish from an array
Tip! The main thing is to visually enlarge the space of the room, not giving it a feeling of flatulence and litter should not be present absolutely nothing extra.
Fashion trends 2018
Of course, everyone is trying to arrange a bathroom, based primarily on their taste preferences, also based on the overall style of the entire house, so that there was no fundamental differences and discord between different design rooms. However, it is worth noting that in the design of utilitarian rooms here more than a year apply styles such as classical, ethnic, modern and hi-tech. These four areas are considered to be generally accepted standards that can be applied to the design. And if in the case of the first two styles, their use is only possible under certain conditions, the modernist and high-tech can be used in almost any modern design of the residential premises. Therefore, utilitarian room will not drop out of the total number of stylist.

Minimalist style prefers thin and narrow hinged furniture, liberating valuable space
Note! All of these styles are the trend for 2017, except that unlike their popularity lies in the fact that the ethnic and classic styles design are more common in the design of the bathrooms, wooden or simple suburban homes, where there is more space and freedom actions. In other cases, the preferred use of the Art Nouveau style and high-tech.

Bathroom design in Mediterranean style
Bathroom Art Nouveau
Modern highly unusual and offbeat style of not only the bathroom, but for the whole house as a whole, and because of its more inclined to choose creative people. It combines exceptional natural subjects, both in the forms and colors in the interior. Accordingly Nouveau style characteristic of these colors:
- gray;
- brown;
- green;
- beige.

Nouveau style combines the tiles in imitation of marble with floral ornament on the walls
The bathtub is recommended to choose soft and soothing colors, as close as possible to the color of the water, namely, pearl-gray and blue-gray color.
Regarding the design of the walls also need to adhere to the maximum proximity to naturalness, and therefore the best option may be to use a tile from the tile or panel, that it mimics. Nice look europanel walls, since the main purpose of their application is to obtain a remarkable textural patterns which will have outstanding bends and curves geometric lines. If, however, as a finishing material selected tile, preference should be given to floral designs.
Floors in a bathroom should also draw maximum matching the general style (or motifs of curved lines or vegetable image). As for the material, the floor can be made as of the floor tiles, and covered with mosaics, still have the option to make it self-leveling.
The overall finish in a modern style is performed preferably from natural materials, such as:
- ceramics;
- gypsum;
- wood;
- a rock;
- crystal.

Bath should be pure white, and fit into the interior design
The mirror in this room have to match the subject and not allocated on the general background, and therefore he should not be a direct, strict angles. It will look even better if you apply it to an asymmetry in the form of non-standard frames, as in the form of asymmetric mirror.
Furniture used light and "unobtrusive", which can be well combined with the natural patterns of the ceiling, walls and non-standard fittings. The material is preferred to use natural, and can be supplemented with the interior carpet, resembling grass.

Bathroom furniture should not hamper your movements
The bathroom in style hi-tech
This style is the absolute opposite of not only Art Nouveau style, because it is dominated by self-restraint and rigor in the interior. It is designed for maximum functionality, but because it is well combined metal and glass, the presence of all kinds of equipment needed for the bathroom, and minimal decor of the room.

High-tech style is made up of straight lines and modern materials
Of course, comfort and warmth of home then there is much less than in other styles, but this is offset by a high-tech utilitarian functionality of the room and use it directly for its intended purpose, ie to carry out hygiene procedures. Colors monotonous preferably close to minimalism, mainly dominated by gray and beige shades, but sometimes general, monochrome design can be diluted with some bright detail, for example, a poisonous red or green shelf, locker.