Kitchen - this is the room, which should combine comfort, aesthetics and functionality. Kitchen space is not limited to a single cooking process, it is usually a place to gather the whole family. To room was comfortable for relaxing and convenient for the work it is necessary to carefully consider all stages of the renovation of the kitchen, from the interior design to the competent arrangement of household appliances.

The kitchen should be comfortable, aesthetic and krsivoy

What would the kitchen was absolutely comfortable, it is worth to consider all the details before the start of repair

If the room is small, use more bright colors, it will expand the room visually
Major renovation of the kitchen
- Major renovation of the kitchen
- Apron Kitchen
- The color combination in a kitchen interior
- modern kitchen
- Redecorating
- Professional advice
- Video: The errors that may be allowed kitchen repairs
- 50 photo kitchen design ideas:
For high-quality repair is necessary to prepare a plan with all the detailed drawings. In the drawn project is important as accurately as possible to consider the placement of furniture, a supply of communications and other interior details. Major renovation of the kitchen always begins with the complete disassembly of the old situation. At the same step, the replacement communications (electricity, wiring, hood). Once the room "beamed" bare walls, it is necessary to determine the order will look like a new building.

To get started is to prepare a settlement plan with all drawings

Currently, there are so many styles and trends to choose suitable is not difficult
Responsible stage renovation of the kitchen is to count the necessary materials. The accuracy will help save money. If necessary, replace the window units, this work is done in the first place. Then subjected to repair the floor, walls and ceiling (alignment, installation of additional partitions, etc.). After the rough work should finish in the style and colors which have been provided in the project. finishing materials are selected depending on the wishes and financial possibilities of the customer.
The final stage - the installation of furniture and household appliances. Furniture must fully match the style and color palette of the kitchen, as well as being convenient and compact (especially the dining area). Very popular common headset, which include most of its design kitchen utensils (washing, gas boiler, washing machine, etc.). Location of household appliances may be arbitrary, but the recommendations of experienced professionals "Kitchen triangle" (washing, stove, refrigerator) must be at a small distance from each other.

Make kitchen measurements and only then go to the store building materials

Finishing materials are selected depending on the wishes and financial possibilities

Furniture in the kitchen should match the style
Apron Kitchen
Apron called a workspace kitchen wall, which is located above the countertop. It is this area is most susceptible to the ingress of moisture and fat. That is why the basic requirements for the apron material are:
resistance to moisture;
a normal reaction to the impact of detergents;
resistance to temperature extremes
mechanical strength;
ease of care and maintenance.

Apron kitchen should be resistant to penetration of moisture, fat, and it can be easily washed

Apron most frequently exposed to pollution
In addition to the functional features of the apron can be a real decoration of the room, a kind of highlight of the interior. To do this, you must determine the materials and colors. The most popular are the following for finishing materials.
Ceramic tile. Demanded embodiment for finishing a working kitchen area. Due to necessary functional quality (strength, resistance to chemical and thermal effects, ease of care) and a wide range of colors is ceramic tile is the most constructive solution to the issue of the kitchen apron.
Mosaic. It has the same positive properties as the tiles, but has a greater value (as the material itself and its installation). Due to the larger number of joints between the mosaic tiles must be carefully and frequently washed. However, this option is considered more aesthetically pleasing and allows not to limit the flight of fancy designer.
Glass. The increasing popularity among users gain kitchen aprons from tempered glass. The options are clear glass, which can be closed by a ready-made wall (for example, Desktop), or glass panels with individual designs and patterns. Operational deficiencies, this material does not, however, is not suitable for every interior design of such a move. Another nuance is the inability to cut tempered glass, so change the size or shape is not feasible.
A natural stone. Rather expensive and stylish material. Due to the porous structure of the natural stones not all are suitable for cladding the working surface. The most popular are granite, granite and basalt. Basically, this technology has no proper distribution due to the high price of the material and a low capacity for repair.
Metal. Not the most popular material because of its appearance. Metallic colors are not suitable for all styles of interior, so in most cases this solution will look gaudy.

Apron in the kitchen can you arrange

Most often used for apron ceramic tiles

By the design of the kitchen should be taken seriously with
The color combination in a kitchen interior
Color solutions in the kitchen are important, because often they can not be changed, as unpleasant and annoying colors never create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. Depending on customer requirements and design the rest of the apartment, you can choose a lot of different colors, the most popular of which are as follows.
Bright. Bright colors help to visually enlarge the volume of the kitchen, giving the appearance of additional space and adding a room light. To kitchen does not look boring and monochromatic coloring in the room add an additional two to three shades. It may be light tone of other colors or contrast with the dark light. Quite popular design option is to use light (white or beige) colors for walls in combination with a black top.
Dark. Kitchen, made in dark colors, it looks pretty safe and in style, however, this approach is not for every style of the apartment. Dark colors though and look clearly and beautifully, but visually reduces the space in the room. To mitigate the situation it is recommended to add some light to the interior parts.
Bright. Kitchen made in red, green, blue and other bright colors look impressive and stylish. However, it should be remembered that an excessive obsession with the time of bright colors can be bored, and often change the color gamut of cuisine troublesome and costly.

Color in the interior of the kitchen plays an important role

What would you choose the right color for a room, you can use the color wheel
modern kitchen
Functionality - one of the main qualities of the working space kitchen facilities. To the room was modern and comfortable on the stage, kitchen renovation, consider the maintenance of its equipment, because the essence of current trends is to increase the comfort for the person due to optimization situation. All stationary appliances (washing machine, dishwasher, sink, stove, etc.) must be perfectly mounted in a furniture set. This solution will help to save space. For small kitchen utensils shall be provided in the cabinets and pull-out shelves.

Remember that the kitchen should be functional and comfortable

Most household appliances can easily be integrated in the headset

The combination of white and chocolate color looks beautiful and elegant
All coatings modern cuisine are made of materials that are resistant to moisture, temperature and chemical detergents. The most popular options are linoleum floor covering and tiles. These coatings are moisture resistant and easily washed from contamination. Variant wooden floors (laminate parquet) is less popular because the tree does not possess adequate resistance to moisture.
Modern kitchens often complement the bar. This element increases the functionality of the workspace, but this detail should be added to the large kitchens, without causing damage to the dining area.
An important role in the kitchen space is given coverage, which should be enough, especially in the working space of the room. The most popular spotlights, the number of which may be adjusted depending on individual needs.

Take care of good lighting in the kitchen

For the working areas can install additional lighting
More economical repair option kitchen - cosmetic. Since the kitchen space is often subjected to all sorts of influences, some of the interior parts may fail earlier than others, or simply lose presentable appearance.
If necessary, can be replaced by floor, walls or ceiling trim elements dining area or all of the above together. In contrast to the overhaul, the cosmetic is not made communications replacement.
Often, redecorating can be limited to plywood wallpaper, which is enough to refresh the atmosphere in the room.

When a small budget, you can make cosmetic repairs

replacement of communications are not held with the cosmetic repair

Cosmetic repairs carried out that would just refresh the atmosphere in the room
Professional advice
To repair the kitchen can be approached in two ways - order the repair of "turnkey" in teams of specialists, or do the work yourself. The first option will eliminate the hassle, but it will be expensive for the majority of inhabitants of the purse. For self-repair is enough to have some construction skills and listen to the advice of experienced craftsmen.

If you are not confident in their abilities, it is possible to see a specialist

For self-repair small enough to have skills in construction site
When laying ceramic tiles under it must be mounted system "warm floor". Otherwise, the tile will remain cold, despite higher air temperature.
If the floor covering and an apron made of ceramic tiles, the materials must be distinctly different colors. Similar colors create the effect of the merger, which will lead to associations with bathroom.
Work with electricity are best left to the professionals. With self-assembly is necessary to avoid installing sockets near the places of high humidity (hob, sink).
All kitchen electrician is recommended to derive a separate distribution panel.