High-tech style - it is a design solution that is gaining popularity among the people. In principle, the arrangement of the home always shows the character of its owner. Living in high-tech style - it is self-restraint, multiplied by practicality. All brilliant to be just to the main room in the house has become a comfort zone for the owner and visitors.

Crocheted tablecloths and embroidered napkins are gradually fading into the past, and today the rhythm of the city dictate the rules.
What is a high-tech style?
- What is a high-tech style?
- How to decorate the ceilings?
- decor options walls and floors
- The colors and materials in the style of hi-tech
- Selection of furniture in the style of hi-tech
- VIDEO: Living in hi-tech style.
- 50 designs living in high-tech style:
Some people harbor the illusion that this is the direction in design - the easiest option to equip the living room. It should be remembered that the hi-tech does not mean the use of decorative elements in these species.

Most of the inhabitants of cities exist in a dynamic rhythm.
- Stucco. It is difficult to imagine a room in the Baroque or Rococo without this accessory. Splendor of the royal apartments at Versailles affects the abundance of stucco in the interior. High-tech means minimalist and the maximum number of "air" regulated.
- Floral motifs. Living in the design of high-tech does not allow the use of the elements in a rustic style. On the wooden floor is also worth to forget if you want to try to apply hi-tech design.
- Carpets. Any coating should be chosen with great care. Hi-tech - it is an unambiguous rejection of the rugs in the oriental style. Enough to get coverage with a small pile.
- Old technology. It is time to demonstrate the desire to keep up with the times. New technology does not imply the presence in the living room of the old equipment. It must be of excellent quality, and its number is not limited to the regulated units.

Coming home, people prefer to see in its interior, above all, practicality and functionality.
Important! Hall in hi-tech style has a clear geometric shapes with clean lines all subjects. In a similar severity in outline emphasis using backlight.

For this style is characterized by the lack of spare parts.
How to decorate the ceilings?
Living in high style should be provided with stretch ceiling without any frills. The backlight must be small in the absence of lampshades. It is best to get a built-in lamps round shape.

All of the furnishings are its clear purpose.
The ceiling must be build from metal strips or drywall. Effectively it looks topcoat halls, which is designed on the principle of contrast. It is based on a combination of white matte surface with a base in the form of decoration by a metal or wood.

This ceiling is called the "complex" and requires a significant capital investment.
No need to limit the amount of lighting. However, the direct light should be alternated with dispersed. About chandeliers need to forget, because they do not fit into the interior of the high-tech. The trend at the moment, hidden lights, which you want to use.

The interior is high-tech dominated by regular geometric shapes.
decor options walls and floors
The main condition of the equipment room in a trendy design - the smoothness and flatness of all forms. The walls do not have to have a rough and curved surface.

This is the realm of glass and metal, as a result of such interior seems somewhat unrealistic, even space.
Wallpaper in the style of hi-tech is not forbidden. However it is better to opt for covering the walls matte or glossy paint bright colors. Wall panels will give presentable room, but do not try to adorn the whole room.

commonly used plastic, glass or metal for furniture.
As a bright accent used Mural, provided reasonable their application. They should not be flashy and impressive riot of colors. Unusual composition shown in them to attract more attention than the standard plot photowall.

At the same time she ultramodern furniture, maybe even from the collections of fashion designers.
Windows does not hurt to provide the blinds because the blinds in high-tech style is not welcome. When the desire to soften the strict interior of the living room can be placed on the windows sun protection in the form of thick white cloth.

One could draw a large plasma latest model, home theater with excellent acoustics, as well as all sorts of gadgets.
Sex is recommended to cover or laminate of ceramic tile and vinyl. You can opt for a traditional light-colored linoleum. For added convenience, it is not forbidden to place it on a small carpet gray or sandy color with a short nap.

The peculiarity of this style is that it is equally appropriate in a large townhouse in a small apartment-studio.
Self-leveling floor is suitable for the improvement of not only kitchen and hallway. Drawing on it by using the direction of hi-tech is considered inappropriate overkill. Make a floor heating system will warm.

Despite its modest size, the apartment must be crammed with all sorts of fashionable technological innovations.
Podium with light - a spectacular component of the interior decor. It is possible to arrange a sofa bed and a table made of glass or bed.

Living in high-tech style can be finished, for example, decorative panels with simulated natural stone or brick.
Note! The biggest demand is polystyrene mirror panels. their value can not be considered excessive, so they are ideal for the improvement of the living room.
The colors and materials in the style of hi-tech
Metal, plastic and glass - the main attributes of the fashionable trends in design. We can restrict a cheap imitation of these materials, but in the hi- tech is not considered necessary to save.

If you prefer to wallpaper the walls, it is best if they are monophonic - gray or white.
The biggest demand is glass, from which should be made the main interior. Effectively will look glass shelves, tables and shelves.

The walls must be perfectly smooth and free of irregularities - gloss mercilessly will display the slightest flaws.
High-tech décor can not be called in screaming colors. Beige, sand, white, black and gray - the main colors of this style. Consider actual tone of "metallic", which can often be seen in the office premises.

As for sex, the high-tech style does not include any coatings with a long nap.
Cool sophistication of the interior it is desirable to dilute the emphasis in the form of red, purple, blue or orange object. This may be a regiment of plastic or cushions. It is not necessary yet forget about minimalism in hi-tech style with choice of bright things.

Modern industry offers a wide variety of materials for finishing.
Selection of furniture in the style of hi-tech
Functional fitness and modularity should be a priority when there was a desire to furnish the living room in interior design of hi-tech. Furniture should not be much, which is confirmed by the numerous photos of the hall in the style of hi-tech. Ideally you should buy transformers to release as much as possible the living room area.

Properly chosen lighting can completely change the perception of interior room.
Built-in furniture - an ideal solution if you want to create an environment in Art Nouveau style. Before the visit to the store for purchasing best to seek expert advice. Built-in furniture will require redesign of the hall, but these changes are worth it.

The light may be present not only as a chandelier, but also as an illumination of furniture and various interior items.
Fireplace actually replaced by bio-model, which is an excellent substitute for the original. This classic detail of the interior will add comfort in cold style of hi-tech. The fireplace can have the most various forms, but it must be immediately evident to visitors and the owner of the house.

To your living room corresponded to a given design direction, it is necessary that the furniture is also combined with the overall decor.
It should be remembered that the skin - the best option in the selection of upholstery for furniture. It is not recommended to replace it on the leatherette, which does not have a presentable appearance. Skimp on this important material can not. It is not forbidden to replace skin on monotonous synthetic fabric.

The main condition for imitation - it must be of excellent quality.
After selecting the furniture and repair work it is time to decorate your home.

Since all of the space in the high-tech should be couched in soft colors, it is possible to slightly dilute the interior, adding some bright accents.
As a basis we can take the following recommendations from the designers:
- Decorating the walls. If minimalism hi-tech style allows you to put them on the author's photos. Ideally it should be a black-and-white photos in simple iron framework.
- Equipment shelves. They will look great glass souvenirs. A win-win - the placing on the shelves of metal statues.
- Selection of pillows. This is an important emphasis on creating an environment in high-tech style. Pillows in soft pastel colors must alternate with bright textiles.
- Imitation plants. About the usual colors in pots should be forgotten. It is necessary to replace them with glass, iron or plastic imitations. It can be placed in the living room, dry plant, which will also look colorful.
- Using spectacular attribute. Cool high-tech style can create an atmosphere of Arctic ice. Emotional people who love wildlife, you should get a large aquarium with colorful fish and the presence of an LED backlight. If you would not take care of them can be replaced by the aquarium on its electronic imitation.
- Purchase of equipment. Save on this point is not recommended. Expensive equipment is as prestigious and lasts a long time. In addition, it can be taken in installments, to living acquired presentable. It is better to stop the choice on the current model of small size.

However, home cinema impressive size to buy is not forbidden.
Important! Lean decor does not mean lack of taste and material resources from the home owner. Minimizing often involves solid waste and designer fees.
high-tech style is a fashionable trend, and always will be in demand. Minimalism in interior - evidence of taste and practicality of the home owner.

Any interior can be cozy, if a creative approach to the issue.