Kitchen - one of the most important, frequently used rooms apartments, private homes. Here they prepare, eat, relax over a cup of tea in the evening, even doing homework, if you have well-equipped corner. Kitchen lighting is not limited to a single ceiling fixture, as it was a couple of decades ago, and installed separately for each zone. It is carried out according to certain rules, convenient location of switches, sockets, which will be connected lighting devices, to think at the stage of "rough" finish the room before applying the finishing coatings.
- The basic rules of lighting in the kitchen
- About illumination standards
Light, functional areas - location lighting
- Organization of the total light in the kitchen
- spot lights
- Lighting working zone
- Lighting dining area
- Interior lighting kitchen cabinets
- Decorative lighting
- Light above the bar
Lighting features combined rooms
- Kitchen-living room
- Kitchen-dining room
- Lighting a small kitchen
Choosing the type of lamps, light, color,
- Incandescent lamps
- halogen
- IRC halogen lamps
- fluorescent
- lighting Features
- conclusion
The basic rules of lighting in the kitchen
In each room, regardless of its purpose, when it gets dark, you need artificial light. The main principle of the organization of the kitchen lighting - multilevel. Even in the most cramped kitchen of the "Khrushchev" a chandelier in the middle of the ceiling would not be enough - during the preparation of food, washing dishes, unloading products from the refrigerator working, it is likely to be back to the lighting device, which is very inconvenient because of the incident shadow. Corners where necessary utensils, small household appliances, are products that are almost devoid of light.
The number of fixtures selected depending on the area of the room, its functional purpose, placing the headset, other furniture. In the cramped kitchen, where cooking is done exclusively food alignment light is made otherwise than in spacious room, combined with a living performing, including the role of the dining room, recreation, reception guests.
Also, the kitchen light depends on the style of interior: shining metal chandelier perfect for high-tech, minimalism - subtle built-in stretch ceiling lamps. Baroque decorate mnogorozhkovaya heavy construction, country - many bras in textile lampshades.

About illumination standards
The brightness is not only the convenience of any activity, but also the health of the eyes, emotional human spirit. When calculating the required amount of light, consider what actions are planned to be performed in the room, as they are long. illumination ergonomics is also important - in the room should be comfortable to be.
During the construction of model houses, industrial buildings, educational institutions, guided by current standards SNIP, SanPin. In his own personal kitchen can organize virtually any lighting, guided by simple guidelines:
- illumination is measured in lux, ie one lumen per square meter premises. Kitchen Specialists advise to use the rate of not less than 150 lux;
- if the kitchen space is a place for work with a computer, paper documents, then the zone light of about 300 lux;
- in a recreation area, where it is supposed to read, the recommended light - up to 250 lux.

At each bulb indicates the size of the luminous flux which it provides, as well as color. The number of lamps for specific cuisine is calculated according to the tables.
Light, functional areas - location lighting
Whatever the size or had room in her well-illuminated each functional area:
- top fixture - can be only in a small room (then it hung in the center of the ceiling) or made a few - it is convenient for an asymmetrical space, extended configuration, combined with a hall and etc .;
- work space - for it needs bright light sources are placed directly on the table, near the sink;
- dining area - most often lighted by wall lamps, ceiling lamps, height-adjustable;
- decorative lighting - mounted inside the wall-mounted cabinets, having a transparent door, along the bottom, the top of the headset, ceiling and floor.

If the room is planned for the corner of sleep, homework, it is recommended to buy lights, the brightness of which can be changed if desired.
Organization of the total light in the kitchen
The top, base or the total light to be distributed around the room softly, gently, but in abundance. Modern interiors suggest a more homogeneous or different ceiling lights. The base light bulbs and fit in the roof rail - can be rotated in any direction, illuminating the need at the moment space. Rack devices are mounted to ceilings of the appropriate type, perfectly fitting into the style of high-tech interior, futuristic, minimalist design. Recessed model perfectly mounted on the suspension structures, overhead - only on a solid plane.
See also:What better lighting for suspended ceilings

For large kitchens overhead lighting is split in order to save electricity, including only the required part.
spot lights
Spotlights can neatly complement the basic chandelier, or play the role of the main ceiling light. They are mounted on tensioning, is inserted in a hanging ceiling plasterboard is used with other suitable materials. LEDs do not cast shadows placed across the surface of the ceiling, the walls, at least - along the floor, in a random order. With these light bulbs is easy to adjust the space of a failed form - if the same elements are placed on one side extended kitchen, it will become wider to narrow the room chandeliers are fixed along the middle of the ceiling line. To place seemed more illuminate the top, the bottom corners. The individual spotlights are placed at a distance of not less than 35-45 cm from the wall - 20-25 cm.

Lighting working zone
Working zone - a place that in the space of the kitchen is illuminated most brightly. It is important to properly illuminate the countertop, which is produced cutting products, kneading, presentation of meals, and other similar manipulations. The most common lamps, LED tape, mounted to the bottom of the hanging locker, located above the desk. Lighting gas cooker hob by means of lights embedded in the hood - they are normally included in a standard kit. The oven also has a small lamp inside, like a refrigerator.
Cooking is inseparable from the washing of many foods, because should illuminate the sink - it is important to place the unit so that it did not get a drop of water. It looks interesting kitchen apron made of transparent glass, inside which the LEDs are embedded.
Modern fashion trend - removal of the working area in the center of the room, which is especially important for large kitchens. Lighting of this island portion is made by means of elements on the long rails or decorative cords.

Lighting dining area
Zoning space receiving the warm light of food creates an optimal atmosphere stimulates appetite. There are several options for the location: about a meter above the table, facing the wall, hang one or two lights on spot, with a long design foldable bracket on clothespin, fasten the edge nearest countertop or shelves.
For a table in the middle of the room is a great idea - hanging ceiling fixture. Have it so that was lit entirely whole countertop. Optimal placement height - 120-150 cm above the surface. For the comfort of people sitting at the table, selected matt, good bounce adapter.

For an elongated long dining table uses three or more identical outboard member disposable arbitrarily.
Interior lighting kitchen cabinets
Illumination remote corners of the lower pedestals, facades upper cabinets, open shelves made from deep space. It can be flat overhead, inlaid lights, LED ribbon, textured imitation candles, torches, fire.
This light is divided into:
- Function - allows you to quickly find the necessary items in the back of the cabinet, is triggered when the door is opened (in the refrigerator);
- decorative - brightly lit cabinets will expand the space, add to it lightness. Activated manually.

To give greater decorativeness headset, all light sources mounted inside a specially designed for this profile.
Decorative lighting
Decorative lighting is made of LED strip that runs white or color. These elements emit the picture, wall panels, beautiful floor compositions, large potted plants, fine porcelain figurines on the shelf, and others. For these purposes, used lamp on clothespins - when changing scenery light easy arrange differently. LEDs are placed under the edge of the countertop, on the perimeter of the lower pedestals, creating the effect of "floating" above the floor level of the headset.

For decoration, the expansion of space with too small a window, the light used false windows that mimic real ones, with beautiful scenery or imitating a fireplace, an aquarium.
Light above the bar
Bar table may be a fixed or hinged, equipped with bottle holders, with or without glasses. When you want to create an environment in this bar on top of the surface mounted Halogen lamps, light scattering, which will be nice to cover not only the stand but also the surrounding space. Fixtures are mounted at the holder for glasses, if it is missing, fit the lamp on the ropes - it is desirable to design the height can be adjusted. For a small U-shaped or U-shaped rack is usually only one large lamp.
See also:Decorative lighting: types and methods

The bar counter is often zoned element between the kitchen and the dining room because lights should optimally suited to the style of both spaces.
Lighting features combined rooms
In the kitchen-studio is located two or three or more logical zones, each of which is illuminated individually, do not forget to maintain a uniform style interior, selected initially. When a clear separation strips (pieces of furniture, screens, podium, highlighting, etc.) At the boundary between a kitchen and a living room is not scheduled, it also creates with light or its absence.

Lamps, chandeliers in any kitchen area is placed so that the risk of snagging their hand or head is minimized.
Kitchen-living room
The original lighting design open plan kitchen living room, with a few exceptions, it is desirable to think, arrange in advance - even before the room "Finish" will be coated are placed furniture. Provision for major appliances is completely hidden - only a few interior stylistics welcomed the large number of wires on the most prominent places.
Kitchen-living room space implies that the room will be located place to rest and sleep. Such a zone is illuminated with the help of floor lamps, wall sconces, lamps on the clothespin. In areas relating to the kitchen and living room belonging to, the base light is made separately.

Kitchen-dining room
Combined dining-kitchen - less broader concept than the living room-kitchen, as there are only a spacious room for cooking food, its consumption. At least - a dining area, among other features, is designed for the reception, their sleep, if other suitable areas in the apartment are not provided. Because light is adjusted to the brightness here kitchen area is also emitted light level.
In the space of the dining table is placed, and the height of the lamp above it is easy to change a light hand movement - up and down or switch with the remote. Alternatively - high lamp with a curved leg positioned either side of a small table is mounted "floating" coverage on special tires.

If the devices are installed, the brightness of which can be varied within wide limits in the room is easy to set up as a vibrant atmosphere for a celebratory dinner and gloom for an intimate dinner for two.
Lighting a small kitchen
Tight spaces, particularly placed in the bay window (which is particularly important for miniature kvartirok studios) do not require a large number of powerful lamps - such coverage is too bright. Volumetric lighting is often located on a multi-level ceiling, well out of place - they clutter up the already small area. Ideal for small room - built into the ceiling ICE lamps, miniature lamps on the walls, instruments on the spot. To maximize the use of space scattered light of each illumination area and a locker to "raise" the low ceiling of the lamp is directed upwards. When the ceiling is too high, a large, impressive chandelier is suspended from a long cord.

Choosing the type of lamps, light, color,
Kitchen specialists recommend lamps that mimic the neutral white or warm light. Flow temperature is measured in Kelvin. Bluish cold, lifeless white light is permissible only if there is a working mini-cabinet - it is capable of cause anxiety, especially in unbalanced people distort the natural color of food, making it visually unappetizing. Warm white version will help to relax, relax over a cup of tea or your family.
The configuration of the bulb itself is also different: pear, Candle, tube-shaped, spiral, mushroom, spots, and others. Best efficiency, durability, environmental friendliness, have LED lights, but prices are relatively high. The cheapest option - conventional incandescent bulbs, the price of such a device is minimal, but the consumption of electricity for their power is considerable.

Whatever type of lamp is chosen, the light does not dazzle.
LED bulbs can significantly save the budget, especially if the lamp is integrated motion sensor that produces inclusion, if someone walked into the kitchen, turn off after a few minutes after any operation mechanism Lockable terminated. Setting touch switches allow the system to adjust the light level.

Incandescent lamps
This type of bulbs used in lamps directed at the ceiling, wall, piece of furniture, but the human eye is caught only reflected light. These bulbs are heated strongly, because the premises are decorated in black and brown and violet tones almost completely absorbing light, their use is ineffective. When close contact with textile, plastic, paper lamp shades high risk of fire. Conventional incandescent lamps 40-100 W have a light temperature of 2600-2900 K.
See also:How to organize the lighting design

This type of design is also an incandescent lamp, but is used in the manufacture of thin tungsten Wire certain mark, the very same flask filled with oxygen mixture, supplemented by volatile compounds of iodine and bromine. Halogen lamps have a color temperature of 3000-3200 K, serve much longer than incandescent, although their sizes are slightly smaller. It is believed that the device gives a luminous flux, as close as possible to the natural spectrum, reducing the fatigue of eyes. This type of device is divided into four types:
- linear;
- finger;
- the outer bulb;
- Reflector.

When installing halogen lights, specialized transformers, change to a new unit blown recommended wearing gloves.
IRC halogen lamps
device name indicates a lamp with infrared coating which is applied in the production of the surface of the flask to visible light penetrated outwards and most of the heat is reflected back. The service life of the bulb at the same time twice as much as energy consumption - is much smaller, which allows significant savings in financial terms.
Any halogen elements should be kept spotlessly clean - in areas of minimal pollution device quickly burns, breaks down.

Such lighting devices differ even warm-white light, if the color temperature of 2700-3300 K, neutral white at 3400-4500 K, cold day at 4600-6500 K. They do not need a special power supply, but only plugged in after fixing in the right place. Fluorescent lamps are divided into two types:
- having the form of long, straight, semicircular, U-shaped tubes equipped with inner ballast;
- energy-saving devices of the usual form, often equipped with a light sensor.
Both configurations are durable, economical, expensive options since the lights as much as possible bright, close to natural light, cheap - distort the spectrum. The variety of design solutions allows you to choose the right tool for any kitchen interior.

lighting Features
The choice of light bulbs for temperature directly affects vision, color perception of the interior. Warm colors to help relax, cool - tone perfectly. The device is fully imitating sunlight, has not yet been established, although the work in this direction is under way for a long time.
Properly organize kitchen lighting, as a basic and an additional, you can use lamps that give different shades of light. Experts distinguish between three main options:
- warm white - 2500-3500 K;
- White neutral, close to the natural - 3600-5000 K;
- White cool - 5100-5600 K.
Dining room kitchen area allowed the various options: If the duration of gatherings are held here with friends, the daily family meals, recommended warm lighting, when the place is meant for quick meals two or three times a day, it is best to use cool white light bulbs.
Kitchen space is combined with a living room, typically illuminated with warm light, which allows to create the most relaxed atmosphere, especially when combined with a chandelier, softly diffusing light flow. Warm options are recommended for interior, designed in a "soft", pastel colors - cold shades of objects here are blurry, blue, purple, green, gray Colera - slightly distorted.
Natural white leaves all Colera almost without change, because such devices are installed over the kitchen work area, and the presence in the room of mirrors - around them, too, but so that the reflected light does not dazzle present.
Cool white hue similar to the pale winter sun, but the human eye is perceived as having the highest intensity. His most useful in conjunction with natural light, with its lack. Cold runs accent lighting to highlight certain elements of decor, to divide the space into zones, to create a light border between the kitchen and adjacent bathroom.

Modern kitchen lighting is the most convenient way for the hosts. Separate lights mounted in each logical zone, select it, decorative, on the contrary - combines the space, making it subordinate to the general idea. All lighting devices, with sufficient experience in the field of electrical work, set their own hands. Otherwise, get help from professionals who make up the detailed project portraying conceived in 3D format will adjust the lighting in accordance with the wishes of the customer.