The kitchen - the heart of the home, space, equipped for cooking. Here we enjoy the food, communicate with family, guests.

The center of any home kitchen serves.
Fitted kitchen in a private home - a pleasant occupation and responsible. The design is conceived and going, like a puzzle piece to detail, all carefully planned.
How true issue kitchen interior in the house? Since there are features in such works, we consider in more detail.

The room is characterized by large dimensions, households spend a lot of time here.
The kitchen in the country house or cottage: design options
- The kitchen in the country house or cottage: design options
- Design work in the kitchen: matching the style of the facade of the home, especially in the home placement
Design content-dining cuisine in a house outside the city
- Ecostyle and "Scandinavia"
- Provence and country
- Kitchen design in the style of minimalism
- Corner kitchen in a private home: design functional
- Kitchen on the top floor or in the attic
- Disain ideas for the kitchen, which has access to the terrace
- Important considerations when equipment kitchen space
- Color cuisine of the interior in the house
- The kitchen in a private home: a beautiful photo finishes
- VIDEO: The design and layout of the kitchen for a country house.
- 50 kitchen design options in a country house:
"Peace" in this part of the house should be stylish and modern, space - "productive." This place - the center of comfort and warmth in the house.

Developing design of the kitchen in a country house, emphasize his friendliness, ergonomics and beauty.
In this design of the kitchen in a house significantly different compared with the design of kitchen space in buildings with multiple apartments.
What are the differences:
- it happens that space combines kitchen dining room and entrance area. It is important to plan in advance of registration;
- working area can be concentrated in the most convenient location for this;
- window openings are many, therefore, better and more natural light.

There can more than one type of plan, you need to remember only the kitchen in the house required working and dining areas, as well as transit.
The main difference is the following: in the space of the kitchen of a country house or cottage housing localized important communication. Often, the heating furnace is set here.
Repair work should precede the drafting of the design project of the kitchen space, everything you need in advance and consider carefully.

In developing the plan follow the principle of convenience.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION! Equipping the kitchen space in the house outside the city, try out the options that are in a city you do not dare. Think about non-trivial color scheme, different interior styles, decorating techniques, or subjects, you cute, but do not fit into the design of the urban cuisine.
Design work in the kitchen: matching the style of the facade of the home, especially in the home placement
Usually interior style cuisine in a home in the country (as well as other rooms) is formed taking into account the tastes of its residents and the facade of the building directly style. Often the choice is made according to the peculiarities of the location, where the house is built.

Arrangement of paying a lot of time trying to make this place not only comfortable, but also beautiful.
Some tips to help.
- In modern cottages with huge windows, kitchen equip panoramas often in eco style, high-tech, minimalist or Scandinavian.
- The wooden gates are organic style kitchen - eco, Swedish Empire; It looks great olive motifs. Summer Russian style ( "the style" cottages or manors) are also welcome.
- In homes with brick or stone facing organically look styles: American, English, French; logical - eclectic, chinoiserie, Empire style.
- For the kitchen space at home ski chalet style is appropriate.
- Kitchen home by the sea is wonderful in the respective marine and beach style, as an option, suitable Provence.

Kitchen design in a country house can be any person, nothing limits.
Design content-dining cuisine in a house outside the city
Consider the common styles.
Ecostyle and "Scandinavia"
Kitchen in Eco style - practical proposal for the design of the space, where the food is prepared. Ascetic eco kitchen - spacious bright room, where there is a lot of greens in the pot.

Decorations, in this case made from natural materials.
Scandinavian style in the design of the kitchen also features a natural finish, is often used for this precious wood.

Creating a kitchen in a country house, you can give your imagination a free hand.
Provence and country
Provence - it is simplicity and plainness of the village, but in the modern version of it is not devoid of functionality. It is characterized by a living room or dining room, seamlessly "flows" into the kitchen.

Appearance is necessary to think in advance.
In this case, the essential design of lighting and light levels. For such food acceptable wood furniture, antique (ideal - not dark wood).

Consider the life of each person, their preferences.
Kitchen space in the style of the country attracts closeness to the origins and identity. It does not need the glitz and glamor. This is comfort in every detail, romantic notes. But its colorful it is functional. The decoration of this kitchen textiles will be in a cage or with floral patterns.
Kitchen design in the style of minimalism
The interior in minimalist style and is suitable for small spaces and spacious rooms. This embodiment 2 Modern solutions for the optimization of space and visual expansion.

Take into account the whole room and kitchen area separately.
The peculiarity of the style - accentuated the emptiness, a sense of freedom from everyday items. Suitable for large open spaces. The interior is not replete with an abundance of items. On a kitchen there is nothing that is associated with luxury: gourmet dishes, crystal chandeliers, household appliances, an abundance of furniture.

If a small room is not worth saving space too.
Corner kitchen in a private home: design functional
Since the surface for cooking in a kitchen are arranged at 2 or even 3 sides, it is the best option placement sets in the space of the room. Here, everything is convenient. Such a method of organizing accelerates cooking process as shelves, cabinets, work surfaces are close.

Remember that you need to move about freely in it, make it as comfortable as possible.
NOTE! Corner kitchen look aesthetically pleasing. If the size of the kitchen space allows, stop the choice on models with a rounded or chamfered corner: they will serve as a full-fledged area for cooking.
Corner kitchen saves space, it is rational: leaves room for Your dining area and provides the ability to maintain conditions for high-grade technology process.

To save space, you can use functional furniture.
Kitchen on the top floor or in the attic
In this case you should fully or partially abandon the hanging lockers. If the roof slopes hanging very low, replace such cabinets to open shelves. The interior is not cluttered wall under the ramps will be used with advantage.

Side tables at the bottom of select with retractable drawers: they are clearly more spacious, convenient, than the cabinets.
Disain ideas for the kitchen, which has access to the terrace
If the kitchen is located, so arrange the functional point so that the passage was free. It is important.

Country house has a huge advantage over the apartment - a wide variety of layouts.
If the kitchen is the entrance, and it is aligned with the corridor, opening onto a terrace, the working area (The space occupied by the sink, stove and refrigerator) plan so that she did not have the intersection with pass. In this case, the inevitable movement of households back and forth will not interfere with the hostess to engage in cooking or leave.

It looks very nice and prepare to be comfortable.
NOTE! Great idea - to use in the kitchen entrance as space divider island (about this - below), the bar or the peninsula.
Important considerations when equipment kitchen space
IMPORTANT! Planning the design of the kitchen, so she get comfortable, functional, keep in mind the principle of "work triangle". What is it?
3 important areas - a refrigerator, stove, washer form a triangle, lying next to one another. Thus, a plate-washing: this distance should not be more than 1.8 m and not less than 0.6 m.

Between them optimally placed preparation zone products.
Refrigerator-washing: in this case the ideal would be a distance of from 0.5 m to 2. Span - an excellent option for placement zone "handling", auxiliary cooking equipment harvester, toaster, electric, etc...
Your kitchen area of 18 square meters. m? Set the table-island to work. He superfunktsionalen and can serve as a training area of products, a place to store kitchen items, groceries or play the role of the bar, where you can snack and breakfast.

There is also possible to build a wardrobe to accommodate the wine, dishwasher, sink, oven or small refrigerator.
If the kitchen is less than 18 square meters. m, functional installation of the peninsula. Due to the end that rests on the set or the wall, it is compact.
Color cuisine of the interior in the house
If the kitchen in a house outside the city area is small, pay attention to the choice of colors of the room. Prefer bright colors, let it be a warm palette - these colors visually increase the room.

Choose a style based on personal preferences.
You can apply the shiny surface: gloss due to glare and reflections visually increase the space of the kitchen. the same thing from the ceiling. Do you want to give the impression of spaciousness in the room? Stop the choice to stretch a glossy finish for ceilings.

IMPORTANT! Impractical and can be called facades apron furniture, and countertops and flooring made in dark brown or black.
On such surfaces immediately apparent dust, water droplets, even tiny crumbs. Therefore Make the most polluted area kitchen - flooring, countertop, apron - in bright colors.

Natural texture is able to add sophistication.
The kitchen in a private home: a beautiful photo finishes
Please find design tips for arranging a private home cuisine. Draw design ideas from the photo collection of beautiful interiors.

Necessary to issue the kitchen, depending on their tastes.
Bring your own design dreams, draws a multifunctional, convenient, comfortable and aesthetically attractive space where guests can cook, eat, and enjoy socializing with family and guests.

It is interesting to add a lot of decoration, just make sure that it does not disturb you.