The kitchen is very different from all the other rooms in the house or apartment. Here, not only cook, but also to organize family gatherings or receive visitors. We can say that the kitchen is the heart of the house. That is why it should look nice and neat, and always be clean.

In the kitchen walls, there is one unpleasant feature - they quickly become soiled.
When choosing paint the walls, you can realize all the design fantasies, to make the room brighter and lighter, but at the same time cozy. The great advantage for the hosts will be simplicity and ease of cleaning. Painted surfaces are easy to clean - just wipe with a sponge the stain with a drop of detergent.

Every housewife dreams of easy cleaning kitchen surfaces, and in so doing, it will help washable paint for the kitchen walls, since it is easily amenable to wet cleaning.
It is worth noting that the colored coating after drying is of three kinds:
- glossy;
- matt;
- semigloss.

Washable paint is one of the most popular materials used in the finishing of the kitchen walls.
Pros and cons of the use of paint in the interior of the kitchen
Pros and cons of the use of paint in the interior of the kitchen
- Pros use of colors in the interior
- Cons applying paint in the interior
What paint to paint the walls in the kitchen
- PVA paint
- acrylic paint
- latex paint
- Design painting the walls in the kitchen - how to choose a color
- Combinations of colors for the kitchen
- VIDEO: Kinds of colors for the kitchen.
- The paint for the kitchen - 50 variants of contemporary design:
We painted the walls in the kitchen, there are many advantages, but there are also significant disadvantages.

This type of paint is very easy to put on the wall, and take care of the painted walls simple.
Pros use of colors in the interior
It is easy to find the right shade of color. In stores construction and finishing materials in the moment, given a large selection of callers (pigments), and also often specialists work at these stores, which will help to choose the right color and zakoleruyut paint.

Washable paint is ideal for application to "wallpaper for painting."
- You can periodically refresh the color of the walls, self-tinting them.
- When choosing a high-quality paint, the walls can be washed even aggressive detergents.
- If desired, you can always paint the walls yourself in a different color.
- Good paint withstands temperature extremes, high humidity, which is important for the kitchen.
- Paint the walls much easier than pokleit wallpaper.

Also it can be applied on plaster, concrete, drywall, brick or wood.
If wallpapering have to deal with joints edge, customized drawing.
- In the event of any defects on the surface, just enough tint tainted place. All the walls to repaint it is not necessary.
- Light painting is not only the walls in the kitchen, but the ceiling, as well as sophisticated decorative designs. For example, arches or curved openings.
- If the home has pets, they will not be able to spoil the painted wall, scratched her.

Washable paints, there are many: acrylic, silicone and latex.
Cons applying paint in the interior
- Walls that need painting, must be perfectly flat and smooth. None of the paint does not hide even small flaws, but rather to emphasize them. Before painting the walls, it is best to contact the experts who advance to prepare the surface for painting.
- Almost all kinds of colors are quite strong and unpleasant odor. The room in which the walls are painted, you need to regularly and well ventilated, otherwise the paint fumes may appear headache and dizziness.
- Wash the walls must be done in a timely manner, so as not to give the painted surface to absorb dust, oil droplets and other contaminants.

Paints are able to create different surfaces: glossy, matte, textured.
What paint to paint the walls in the kitchen
What kind of paint to choose for the kitchen? For painting walls in the kitchen is best to use water-dispersible and water-based paints. It is these colors are the most reliable and durable, as well as the different environmental and safety, including fire safety (non-flammable).

Paint can mask small bumps and cracks.
The basis for such paints is water, so to dilute it to the desired consistency is not difficult, and requires no solvents or special tools.

Do not save at the expense of themselves. Too cheap paint may not be as safe as it is written on the label.
Important! After opening the cans of paint, it is necessary to mix well.
Another advantage of working with this paint is the lack of a sharp odor. Drying water-emulsion paint only for two hours, and the lifetime of the coating of about fifteen years. During this time she will not crack, does not peel off or swell.

Determine in advance the type of your future wall: glossy, matte or textured. Select paint according to your desires.
Water dispersion and water-based paints are divided into three types:
- PVA;
- acrylic;
- latex.

When caring for the surface will keep the original appearance for many years.
PVA paint
The so-called paint PVA (polyvinyl acetate) have many advantages, however, have low resistance to moisture, so painting the walls in the kitchen are not suitable.

In today's market the paint represented in large numbers.
acrylic paint
This universal finishing material which can be applied to any surface. Suitable for damp rooms, prevents the formation of mold, so it forms a breathable coating. The walls are covered with acrylic paint, a long time do not lose their attractive appearance, colors are bright and vivid, not crack and are resistant mechanical stress. Its consumption is very economical due to elasticity and good adhesion to the surface.

Very popular paint is ideal for painting wooden surfaces.
latex paint
Made on the basis of latex. It has good strength and moisture resistance. That latex paint in most cases used in damp areas, such as a bathroom or a basement. Paint dries so quickly enough - within 30 minutes.

This type of paint is considered more durable, so latex paint more often used for painting the kitchen area, although its price is much higher acrylic.
Important! The only drawback of latex paint is that the coating which it creates, quickly fade under direct sunlight.
When choosing a water-dispersed or water-based paint, it is important to consider that their quality depends on the five indicators.

Surface with latex paint can be cleaned with a rag, not only, but also a brush with soft fibers.
- White. The whiter the paint originally, the more intense color obtained by adding color pigment into it (caramel).
- Hiding power, it is the density. This indicator affects the paint consumption. Ideally, 1 liter of paint should weigh 1.5 kg.
- Wearability. This component influences the stability of paint to wet or wet abrasion. There are five classes of abrasion which depend on whether it is possible to wash a colored surface, and whether it has a resistance to soiling. Better to give preference to the first and second class. It is washable paint for the kitchen.
- Resistance to direct sunlight.
- Resistance to mechanical influences.

Many colors allow you to use when cleaning disinfectants that did not degrade the appearance of the surface.
Design painting the walls in the kitchen - how to choose a color
The choice of colors in which to paint the walls in the kitchen, depends on many factors, and plays a huge role. That color creates a cozy and sets the mood of the entire room.

Paint the walls in the kitchen - it is a responsible and time-consuming activity, so that it went off without a hitch, everything you need to advance carefully consider and prepare the necessary materials.
When choosing a color palette of the interior of the future, there are some rules:
- It should take into account the basic style of the interior, furniture;
- color brightness depends on kitchen illumination;
- If the kitchen is small, the bright colors help to visually enlarge the space and expand it;
- in large spaces is undesirable to use a very light shades, they will make the kitchen a boring and impersonal.

Do not forget to take into account the fact that the paint color from the image, and one that will have you on the wall may be different from each other by one or two colors.
Important! Psychologists do not recommend to choose too bright colors to paint the walls, if the room is small, and it spends a lot of time.
In the case of low light dishes should be preferred dim warm colors - yellow, peach, beige. If the room is too light on the contrary, we should not paint the walls in a very saturated colors. Not only that, they can change the tint from an excess of light, but will look even brighter.

Despite the special resistance washable paint, in the first month with the painted surface should be handled very carefully.
Additional information: When choosing the color of the walls in the kitchen, you can give your preference to green or red. For example, light green or light pistachio. will promote good digestion and raise the spirits. Red also stimulates the appetite.
Combinations of colors for the kitchen
Whether a cozy and stylish kitchen is directly dependent on the combination of colors.
Do not rush to choose a paint color for the walls, for a start you need to not only determine the basic, predominant color, but also to choose a few different colors and shades to achieve the fullness image.

This example clearly shows how the paint is perfect the color of the headset.
There are several rules for a successful combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen.
- Combine up to five colors at a time.
Basic, basic, constituent colors cuisine are the color of the floor, walls, kitchen units. These colors will dominate in the interior, and are likely to be natural and close to each other. You can add a couple more bright colors, and the interior will look very different, more stylish and beautiful.
Important! Very bright and dark colors should not exceed ten percent of the total color gamut space.
- The color scheme should be consistent with the overall style of cuisine.
If the overall style of the interior has already been selected, then choose a color palette is much easier.

By properly selected paint directly affects the appearance of the kitchen area and the mood of its occupants.
There are a number of interior styles:
- Classic style. It involves the use of deep muted shades. use bright accents, but allowed the use of contrasts in the classical style for the interior is not peculiar.
- European style. This could include such styles as Provence, Shabby-chic or French style. The interior is European-style pastel, muted colors.
- Scandinavian style. The main colors in this style are bright and natural. There are many bright accents.
- Loft. It involves the use of in the interior of dark muted tones, often with the addition of brick, concrete shades, metal and wood.
- Retro. Direction for those who prefer the bright and vivid colors.
- Minimalistic. This style is based on shades of natural materials, such as the color of sand, grass, stone or wood.

Color - natural and unobtrusive.
- Observe the ambient light level.
If the kitchen is not enough windows, or they go to the north side, make up the lack of light to help fill colors such as yellow, peach, pink. These colors will fill the room is not only light but also heat. It should eliminate the use of cool colors such as blue, blue, gray, purple, as in the dim room, they will look cold and unfriendly.

Choose washable paint on all the rules, stained with special diligence and patience to finally get an ideal dyed wall.
In the bright living room and lots of windows, on the contrary, it is necessary to use cool colors. They will look fresh and interesting. Do not use too bright lit kitchen warm shades, it can create a sense of closeness, as well as to cause migraine attacks.
- Consider the size of the kitchen
If the kitchen is small, it is necessary to give the choice in favor of bright colors. For example, white, light blue or light beige visually increase the space and will add light. To white kitchen does not look boring and impersonal, you can add bright accents.

Consult with your friends, read reviews or trust your intuition, and then you do not have to be sorry about repairs in the kitchen with the help of washable paint.
In choosing a color palette for future kitchen, the main focus on their own preferences and tastes, then the result is bound to be successful, and most importantly, will delight you every day!