The problem, which will be discussed in this article, is familiar to many. Do not know about it firsthand owners Khrushchev, and in the new or private homes is also possible to meet. A small entrance hall often brings a lot of inconvenience: in such a difficult to disperse several family members have nowhere to store things, and in general plan and zoning space is extremely difficult.

This room, as non-residential, should have a certain functionality: to have a stand for shoes, hangers, mirrors.
This article summarizes the main features of the design planning of the corridor, the rules and recommendations of the experts, as well as the most popular mistakes in design, which should be avoided.

Most often hallway is long and narrow corridor, with very small size.
A narrow corridor in the panel house: real design options premises
- A narrow corridor in the panel house: real design options premises
- Making the ceiling in a narrow corridor
Lighting a narrow corridor
- Features light narrow corridor interior
The best color scheme for the walls
- How to visually expand the space
- Common errors during design creation
- VIDEO: A narrow corridor - 7 decor ideas.
- Interior corridor: the most interesting ideas:
To make sure that even in a narrow space is possible to realize an interesting project, you can see the photo selection. This article contains a photo design of narrow hallways in flats of panel houses.

Options to convert the interior of the corridor in the flat panel house can be a great variety.
Making the ceiling in a narrow corridor
Check out the ceiling in one of the following methods: design:
- coating suspension;

If you do not resort to radical re-planning, and only use methods of visual expansion, the room will look quite decent.
- drywall;

For the modernization of the narrow corridor of space and a hall in the panel house acceptable reconstruction with varying degrees of transformation.
- tensioning the canvas.

The degree of modernization depends on the financial capacity and the degree of "neglect" of the premises.
Each variant has its own characteristics, which determine the appearance and the ceiling and the cost of repairs. Let us consider each of them separately.
- Plasterboard. The material is very popular for its low cost. Suitable for almost any space. Among the shortcomings can be identified by the fact that the construction of plasterboard take part of the height, making the ceiling below. This may negatively affect the visual perception of the already narrow room.
To understand how it is important to carry out its finish, should define the purpose of this part of the apartment.
- Suspended ceiling. If the panel is applied cross pattern, it can help visually expand the space. Also, this method can help to effectively delineate the space if mounted with duct composition, which will be located along the walls or the ceiling to divide the plane transverse volumes.
Furniture at competent installation can perfectly decorate the hall in the apartment prefabricated house and become an integral part of the corridor.
- Suspended ceiling. Glossy coating certainly can visually enlarge the space, but the room is too close, it will likely backfire. In order not to risk, experts recommend to prefer a matte film. Also, this option gives you a wide choice of color palette and optimal price.
For corridors better not to buy furniture made of expensive wood, which is very quickly lose its presentation here.
Lighting a narrow corridor
Lighting plays an important role in any space and in a narrow - even more so. The main task of the world in this case - to visually make the space wider and not clutter it.

Huge selection of finishing materials, in combination with mirrors and original lighting - a great opportunity to create a special design of a small hallway in an apartment in the panel house.
Features light narrow corridor interior
- It is not necessary to give preference to large and bulky chandeliers. It flooded the space and "take away" space, make the corridor more compact. The smaller is the lighting unit, the better.

Mirrored surfaces are not only exquisitely decorate the hall, but also significantly expand its borders.
- You can consider the option of a combined lighting. In this case, you can set and wall lamps and ceiling lamps. This technique allows you to visually alienate opposite walls from each other. For the best visual effect can be separately illuminate different in the functional areas as well as individual elements such as shelves, mirrors, wall hangers.

Seriously help save space in wardrobes with sliding doors ( "compartment").
- If the corridor was set glossy ceiling, you can install lighting along the corridor at ground level. This will create the visual illusion of a wide space due to the reflection of light on a glossy surface.

Often, it is for his state is determined by the level of security of the residents, their ideas, habits, tastes and preferences.
The best color scheme for the walls
Immediately it should dismiss the option of using a dark palette. It will narrow the space and pile it. But correctly chosen palette is contrary to visually increase the number of square meters. It is for this reason that the most suitable color is white to increase the space. He can become the basis of the color palette to which you can add accents of the other two or three shades.

Perfectly suited pale purple, green colors, the color of coffee with milk.
However, many scares soiled white coats. In that case, there is an alternative in the form of any other light and pastel shades.
Additional Information: The floor and the ceiling is not necessary to register in a single color. Between them should be a difference of several tones.
How to visually expand the space
The narrow space is always in need of visual expansion. Next will be listed several ways in which this can be done.
- The floor covering can be made in a light color and make the surface gloss. The ceiling is to be reflective. Enhance the effect of this procedure will allow the design of the ceiling and the floor in a single color.

Practical materials should be selected which are resistant to frequent cleaning, cleaning with the use of special materials.
- Mirror align and make a narrow space can stretch wider two-level ceiling. For this it is necessary that the same level of the ceiling of a square or rectangular shape was equipped with concealed lighting. Because of this light is reflected on a glossy surface, and it would seem that the corridor is wider than it actually is.

Properly selected colors in the design corridor design in panel houses the apartment provides the first and most significant visual impact.
- Help create the illusion of expanding outdoor pattern in the form of transverse bands. It is important to bear in mind that the longitudinal strips will give the opposite effect.

Materials should be not only cheaper, but also easy to clean.
- Without mirrors is not enough. If you place on one wall, two mirrors, the space visually expand. Hide void will effect artistic modeling or painting, which will be reflected in the mirrors.

Add a unique ambiance and are large built-in mirror furniture.
Common errors during design creation
As a rule, those who take up the independent planning home design space, without the help of experts, allow the same mistakes. These errors are visually reduce the space, overload it, disturb the harmony and cozy atmosphere. We list, which should be avoided in the process of designing the interior of a narrow corridor.
- The acquisition of large and bulky lighting elements.
With skillful lighting design size of a small hallway in the panel house apartment will optically look bigger.
- Choosing dark colors.
To correct a defect in the form of a low ceiling, you can just dye it brown paint.
- Cluttering the space of massive furniture.
The main thing - the light does not dazzle, which is sometimes the equipment is located at a height of over two meters.
- The use of large prints and patterns on the wallpaper.
The best solution is the installation of "portholes" built into the ceiling plane of the two rows along its entire length. This will create a unique comfort and mysterious atmosphere.
- The choice of finishing materials pretentious.
As for the wall lighting, it is perfect for almost any type of hallways.
- The restriction area for the passage of an incorrectly matched furniture.
Furniture need to choose light colors or with an original combination of several colors.
- Strong contrast to the design of the corridor from the style of the entire apartment or house.
Choosing a specific style should follow the color combinations, structure of the surface of products, able to create the finish on a high aesthetic level.
VIDEO: A narrow corridor - 7 decor ideas.
Interior corridor: the most interesting ideas:
It would seem, with a narrow corridor is impossible to do something interesting or embody any original idea. However, designers prove otherwise. If you follow the guidelines, you will be able to realize any ideas each.