- What can be decorated with flowers from the skin?
- Flowers from the skin with their own hands. What materials and tools are needed? Flower from the skin with your hands. Master class on the pattern of petals
- How to make flowers from the skin with your own hands? How to make flowers from the skin? Examples of colors
Now things "handmade" are popular as never before, and many want to try something to create exclusive by yourself. You can start with small jewelry, for example, make flowers from the skin with your own hands. A handmade rose on a hoop, daisies on sandals, a dahlia on a handbag - it's so exquisite. When you see such things, you want to do it yourself. If you know the secrets of this type of needlework, then everything will necessarily happen, because every woman somewhere in the depths of the closet dusts old leather handbag, unnecessary gloves or a leather jacket that is small, out of fashion, disreputable, and the hand does not rise to throw away, because the skin is the same. Such things need to be given a second life, and such a hobby may well become a small business. Flowers for decoration are now made of satin ribbons, fabric, foyamiran, beads, but those that are made of leather, suede and fur - look elegant and expensive. About how to make flowers from the skin, described in detail in this article.
to the contents ↑What can be decorated with flowers from the skin?
The scope of such decor is very wide: they can decorate hair clips, elastic bands, hair hoops, handbag, cap, suit or dress, shoes. From such a flower you can make an interesting brooch, costume jewelry, and you can create a topiary or an interior composition - everything that fantasy tells you.
to the contents ↑Flowers from the skin with your own hands. What materials and tools are needed?
For this type of work you will need:
- Leather flaps, preferably in different colors.
- Paint suitable for leather( paint for shoes, nitro spray, oil pastel, aniline dyes).
Important! Some craftsmen use decoctions of plants for such purposes: pomegranate, chamomile, walnut, oak bark and others.
- Glue "Moment", PVA or PVS, you can use a super-glue and glue gun.
- Gelatin.
- Candle or Teflon griddle.
- Brush( preferably squirrel);
- Tweezers;
- Needle with threads, awl.
- Thick paper for templates.
- Handle gel( it best draws on the skin).
- Ruler.
- Bunks or some solid object of round shape( possibly a handle of a tool) to shape the petals.
- Tailor's scissors, stationery knife.
- Wire if you make a stem.
- Beads, beads, rhinestones, buttons - to decorate the middle of the flower.
- A pin if the flower is a brooch or simply attached to something.
Important! If you like this kind of needlework, and you want to make flowers from your skin with your own hands often, then in specialized stores you can buy not only pieces of leather of different colors and thickness, but also a special tool.
- silicone mats of different density;
- bulbs of different sizes to give a round shape to the petals;
- special knife for thinning the edges of leaves and stuff.
The simplest flowers from the skin with their own hands for beginners can be done with the help of handy tools.
to the table of contents ↑Flower from the skin with your hands. Master class for the design of petals
What kind of flowers can be made from leather? Yes, almost any. The most popular are roses, chamomiles, carnations and dahlias. Patterns of details of these colors can be found on the Internet. And you can go another way:
- Usually 3-5 pieces of different sizes are made, as the flower has all the petals different. It will be even better to draw them by hand, then each leaf will be individual, as in real life.
- But if your favorite flowers are different, then you can get the patterns as follows: take a live flower, disassemble it into "parts" and circle these petals and leaves in pencil on paper. In this way, you will get a whole life-size pattern of your favorite flower.
Important! Do not forget to carefully consider and sketch all the veins and other features of this miracle of nature.
to the contents ↑How to make flowers from the skin with your own hands? Manufacturing technology
This process consists of several stages. Let's consider each of them in detail.
Workpiece parts:
- To begin with, imagine what kind of flower you would like, what size and for what purpose.
- Find ready-made patterns on the Internet and print them out, you can repaint manually.
Important! As we have already said, you can take a real flower as a model and wrap it around the paper.
- If you want to change the color of the skin, you can paint it with nitro-dyes, skin dyes, aniline or universal dyes. Dye the best with a brush of protein. With oil pastel you can give the light skin shades and color transitions.
Important! For such crafts, a skin thickness of 0.5-1.3 mm is suitable. With thicker material, it will be difficult to work.
- If your future flower has an uncomplicated leaf shape, for example, slightly rounded, slightly curved edges, then you can immediately grease the whole surface of the skin with glue with PVA glue of each sheet. Then the parts will be malleable when heated. To do this:
- Dilute 3 teaspoons of gelatin in 1 glass of water. Allow to swell for 20-30 minutes, put on a small fire and stir until completely dissolved, not leading up to a boil.
- Allow the mixture to cool slightly, then apply a gelatin on the underside of the skin with a quick brush, using a quick brush, making sure that the solution does not get on the front.
- Allow to dry, after which you can start cutting parts.
- Estimate how many petals you need to cut out( the size of a piece of leather should match).
Important! There will be a lot of petals in the lush flower, and do not forget that they will be different in size. Therefore, there should be 3-4 templates, each of which is slightly smaller than the previous one. There are flowers where it is enough to have 1-2 kinds of sizes, for example, for chamomile.
- Patterns attach to the underside of the skin and circle the handle.
Important! It is necessary to traverse the petals closely to each other to economize the flap of the skin.
- Cut with tailor's scissors - they are easier to cut and they do not deform the edge of the part.
- In addition to the petals, we will need a circle-base on which we will glue our blanks( it should not look, but all the petals should fit).
- If your flower is planned to be fastened to something( for a bag, a suit, it will be a brooch), then you need another circle smaller than the first, to fix the pin on the base of the flower.
- Usually, for a more natural look, the flower head is supplemented with green leaves. If there is no green skin, they can be cut out of a dense tissue of the desired shade, for example felt.
- If you did not impregnate the skin with pre-gelatin, cut the workpieces with PVA glue.
- If your flower is on the stem, then take wire of the desired thickness and wrap it with a narrow long strip of skin, smeared with glue "Moment".
Making workpieces of the desired shape and relief
The petal, which should be wavy and streaky, you should lubricate the PVA, fold it along the accordion, twist it with a flagellum and bend it around, for example, around a stick:
- Allow the workpieces to dry, but not completely.
- Now unfold, trying not to deform the bends and folds.
- Allow parts to dry completely and then tie them to a round base.
The petal, which should be wavy, also grease the inside with PVA glue and leave to dry:
- Without letting it dry completely, pull it in and pull it in all directions.
- When you have achieved the desired shape - leave to dry until the end, and then collect the flower.
You can achieve the convex shape of the petal as follows:
- Cut the desired blanks, heat the clean and dry Teflon pan over a small fire.
- Now you need to put the lobe on the wrong side with a suede on the frying pan and watch carefully - once it has become convex, you need to remove it from the fire immediately.
Important! To keep track of the state of each workpiece, we recommend putting them on the pan no more than 2-3, otherwise - the skin can burn.
The second way of heat treatment is to heat the petal over the candle flame. In this case, too, it is necessary to lubricate the inside of the PVA and dry it a little. It under the action of high temperature arches and slightly bends the tip.
Important! In order not to burn yourself - hold the part with tweezers.
If you have bulbs( a tool with a steel ball on the end), then you can give a domed shape to the petal. Balls on bulbs can be of different sizes. Choose the right one, heat it on the fire and apply it to the part.
Important! To do this, you must have either a special stand with grooves of the desired diameter or an elastic substrate, into which you will press the petals.
If the sheet should have a noticeable streak in the middle, then:
- Use the ruler and the pen to draw the strip in the right place.
- Then match with this glue the glue "Moment", wait a little, fold the sheet in half, press down along the bend with a ruler and put the load.
- Let the glue dry, then carefully spread out the leaf, but do not touch the resulting crease.
- Now grease with PVA glue, dry and shape over the candle.
Important! It is convenient to make small veins on petals not with a sharp cutter. Carefully guide them in the right places, trying not to cut the skin. If the petals are long and narrow, like the dahlias, then they can be bent, passing along them with the tip of the soldering iron with effort.
Assembling a product
Most of the colors are collected in a similar pattern: on a circle-base, using the glue "Moment", begin to collect the head of the flower:
- First glue the lower tier - the largest petals. Mount them so that there are no gaps between them.
- Then a little smaller - higher, and so on, until you reach the middle.
- To decorate the center of the flower from the skin with your own hands, you need to show imagination. It can be a button or a cotton ball, covered with leather. To do this, at the edge of the mug made of leather, stitch the stitch with a strong thread, put a button or cotton wool in the center, and pull the thread. A ball with cotton wool can be threaded on top to get a share.
- Now fix this middle in the right place with the help of an adhesive gun.
- Stamens can be depicted from a piece of skin, cut into thin strips almost to the end, to get a "fringe", fold it into a tube and secure it in the center.
- In addition, the middle can be decorated with beads, rhinestones, beads and other beauty.
- When the main part is ready, fix it. With the help of an adhesive gun, you can fasten the flower on a hoop, shoe, hair clip or hair band.
Important! If you make brooches from the skin with your own hands - buy special pins, they are inexpensive. Unlike the usual, it has a flat base with holes, thanks to which the flower on it is well held and does not rotate.
Pin the pin on the base of the flower with a glue gun and on top glue a second circle of smaller diameter that will cover the pin and give an additional fixation.
to the table of contents ↑How to make flowers from the skin? Examples of colors
Many are interested in specific examples of how to make a flower from the skin. The master class of the most popular products is in our article.
To make a poppy you will need:
- red skin and green;
- is a little cotton wool;
- black thread;
- needle;
- scissors;
- mango;
- black paint;
- glue PVA and "Moment";
- pen and paper;
- if the flower is on the stem - wire.
- We print and cut out ready-made patterns of petals and green leaves or draw on paper ourselves. It can be 4-5 petals larger, with a rounded edge and 4-5 by 0.5 cm less, the edge can be made slightly wavy( see the image of a live flowering poppy and try to repeat the shapes).
- Cut 2 green leaves with a serrated edge, 2 circles for the base and 1 for the middle.
- Mix water with PVA in a ratio of 1: 1, apply this mixture on the petals with a brush or simply dip them into the solution( after dipping - wring out and remove the excess adhesive with a tissue).
- Fingers stretch the petal in all directions.
- Next, fold the accordion, twist the flagellum and curl the arc. Allow to dry, but not until the end.
- Now turn the workpiece, give it the right shape and let it dry completely.
- While they reach their readiness, we'll deal with the middle. To do this, wrap the pellet of cotton wool with a mug of leather, along the edge of which a marked seam is laid with a strong thread. Now remove the thread and fix it. The ball should be small.
- Make a string of 2-3 waistbands so that the lobules come out.
- For stamens - wrap a finger on the fingers or ruler, connect at one end, and cut the other.
- Dip in the glue, and then dunk in the manga.
- When this structure dries - color semolina with black paint( gouache, for example).
- If desired, stamens can be made from black beads.
- When everything is dry, collect the elements according to the known scheme: on the circle of the base, glue the first series of large petals to the base, then the smaller ones, and then the middle. Under the bottom, glue the green leaves so that they look out from under the head of the flower.
- If it is a brooch, then fasten the pin( see above).
- If this is for an interior composition - wrap a wire strip around the green skin, fix it with glue, add leaves, and then strengthen the flower head on this stem.
Chamomile is generally not difficult to do, this will require:
- flap is not thick white skin;
- scissors;
- adhesive;
- button;
- mango;
- yellow paint( yellow beads);
- handle;
- green skin, if you plan to add leaves;
- wire if you need a stem.
- On paper, draw a rim of the corolla from 10-12 petals, put on the skin, circle and then cut.
Important! If the chamomile is magnificent, then you can cut 2 corollas.
- We melt the workpiece with glue PVA and let it dry out a little.
- If you need green leaves, then cut them out using a pattern of green skin.
- Now we need to give the petals a relief. For this you can use a spoke or a soldering iron. We put a whisk on an elastic substrate and carry out with force on the outer side in the center, and on the purl - along the edge.
- Now we'll deal with the middle. We take a button with two holes( 1-1.5 cm in diameter).
- If the chamomile is on the stem - we pass the wire through the button.
- If this is an ornament - thread a thread or a short wire so that it would be more convenient to manipulate the button.
- We dip it into the glue, and then into the manga.
- When dry, you need to dye the rump in yellow.
- If your chamomile is on a stem, then in the coronet in the center you make a hole in the auger and pass the wire with the middle, wrap and glue a green leather tape to the wire, add the leaves.
- If it is a hair clip or brooch - paste the yellow center in the center and the pin from behind.
How to make a rose from the skin?
- Take the skin of the desired shade, glue, scissors, a pearl or a candle.
- Prepare 3 templates of different sizes and cut 5-6 petals on them. You can remove the curves from the real rose petals.
Important! You can not strongly adhere to the sample, the less the same petals, the more natural will be the rose.
- Next, as usual - lubricate their PVA, dry and give them a curved shape with a bullet, a frying pan or a candle( see the instructions above).
- Now it's time to assemble the rose. This can be done in two ways:
- Twist one sheet into a tube and slightly bend the edge. Then you take turns "Post" with the "Moment" petal behind the petal( each next finds the previous one) from the smallest to the largest. The edges slightly bend. All that hinders and protrudes from behind, cut with a stationery knife.
- On the circle-bottom tiers glue the petals from large to smaller, forming the head of the flower. In the middle, glue a twisted and bent piece of skin.
- Add green leaflets at the end.
- Stick the pin from the back, decorate with rhinestones.
Now, knowing how to make a rose from the skin with your own hands, as well as other flowers, you can make original and beautiful jewelry for any accessory, be it clothing or a brooch. Understanding the principles of creating jewelry from the skin, you can do not only the products described in the article, but also any other flowers to your taste - orchids, violets, a branch of jasmine and so on. The main thing in this is your desire and imagination.