Decorate with artificial flowers can be for any occasion. Masters to create their masterpieces choose convenient material foamiran. Products made from it look very realistic. With plastic suede is easy to operate, you can even make the most miniature details. She is supple, absolutely safe, able to take on any form. Even novice needlewoman after learning workshops will be able to create beautiful bouquets and original jewelry.
- What is foamiran?
- Properties and types of material
Master classes on manufacture of colors
- Lily
- Poppy
- daisies
- the Rose
- Ranunkulyus
- Peony
- Mallow
- Orchid
- crocuses
- tulips
- Chrysanthemum
- Creation of small flowers from scraps
- How to use colors
- conclusion
What is foamiran?
Soft porous rubber for craft named after the Iranian company producer spongy materials - Foamiran. In appearance, it is velvety to the touch, reminiscent of heavy paper. Foamiran - a polymer based on vinyl acetate and ethylene. Are organic basic substances, have a pungent smell. A few minutes after opening the package unpleasant odor disappears.
Apply plastic suede paper can be in different areas of needlework. Among the popular destinations of creative leadership position is floristry. Foamiran is ideal for the manufacture of bulk buds, tiny petals. Due to plasticity, bright colorings it is used in scrapbooking, with interior decoration, in the children's creativity, for the manufacture of pins and collars.

Properties and types of material
Interesting composition, texture foamiran has useful properties for needlework enthusiasts. Material for creativity when heated changes shape, stores it after cooling. For the deformation of the sheet does not require special equipment, heat enough hands, iron, pliers. He is easy to cut, no sharp edges.
Glue items of plastic in a suede finished product, better tinsel applied using Melt adhesive or strong fixation. After hardening foamiran reminds polymer clay. It does not absorb moisture, resistant to prolonged contact with water, it does not crack in winter. It can stretch, painting with crayons or paint.
Foam sold in sheets of various thickness and sizes. In choosing the material necessary to consider the appointment of the finished product. If this part of the bouquet, elegant flower decoration on the hair dressing, it should work with thin sheets, no more than 1.5 millimeters in thickness. Various artifacts on supports, puzzles, applications are obtained from dense fine sheets having a thickness of more than 3 millimeters. There are several types foamirana, each of which has its own meaning:
- Iranian. Fine-porous material is sold in rolls or sheets of thickness from 0.8 to 2 mm. The color palette includes more than 30 colors, mostly pastel, quiet tones;
- Chinese. Rigid, porous sheet 0.8 to 1 mm. The palette consists of 24 bright, saturated colors. Rapidly deformed by heat treatment;
- Chinese "marshmallow". It has different properties depending on their thickness. Up to 1 mm - air, low density, stretched without treatment, well-toned. Up to 2 mm - hardly holds its shape is melted by heat treatment. Use it for a puppet decor, children's crafts;
- Korean. Velvety, "plush" look plastic suede. The main feature - great stretches and breaks at work. It has a standard thickness - 0.6 mm - 0.8 mm - 1 mm. The diverse palette present in the range of bright, pastel colors;
- Turkish. Sold in sheets, rolls 1 mm thick. It has a similarity with the Iranian material in many ways. Color palette less diverse;
- Decorative. Suitable for specific jobs. It has an additional invoice - raised pattern, glitter, embossing. Such vom used to make festive paraphernalia.

Master classes on manufacture of colors
Make flowers out foamirana own hands can be, with no special skills or complex tools. With the malleable material can successfully work needlewoman beginners and even children, following the steps in the study of master classes. Each living flower has its own characteristics. To make artificial analogs of Physalis, dandelion greater realism is required revelyura prepare multicolored sheets, cardboard, pencil, scissors, toothpick, wire, iron, acrylic paints.

The first step creates a pattern. On paper, it is necessary to draw all the details templates. Flower for hairpins will consist of seven lobes, three of which are larger than the others, one strip - 6 cm in length and 1 cm in width, a triangle with sides of 2 cm. Color foamirana can choose any, but it is better to stay on the white.

Templates are putting the material and mark its boundaries. Cut the petals and the start of their treatment at Molde using the iron. If the auxiliary member, you can simply fold them accordion, thin the fingers, apply a texture toothpick. All items must be equally tinted pale pink. You can use paint or dry pastel. Then all the petals are heated, stretched and mounted on the waves produced Lithonia. Pistils can be made from pieces foamirana, glue and ground coffee.
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The final step - collecting petals. Pistils and stamens wrapped with a green ribbon. Then it is necessary to glue the three largest lobe and the rest between them. Lily, narcissus can be supplemented with a green leaf from Thomas treated with the same method.

Starting with the production of poppy necessary boxes. You can use the clay and green oil paint. The polymer material is rolled into balls and make the serifs. At the bottom it is necessary to push a small hole filled with glue and lay a piece of wire. If the production of flower arrangement is meant, it is necessary to prepare multiple boxes. Then all the clay parts sent to the oven for 5 minutes.
For stamens poppy necessary to prepare thin strips of black foamirana a length of 30 cm. Then paint pastel salad one edge on both sides and is often cut in half. To stamens bit spun, they should be heated to warm the surface of the iron.

Leaves, shamrocks, petals should be carefully cut templates, apply textures. Shamrock concave structure can be imparted by pushing the center of the finger. Serrated petals obtained if the handle edge of red scissors blanks with jagged edges. Curved to Molde or hand parts are assembled as follows to mount the box:
- Black stripes foamirana stamens concave outward;
- Four small lobe;
- The large lobes;
- shamrocks;
- Green sheets.

For the manufacture of a summer flower will need to squeeze foamirane 25 petals of pattern. Size you can choose any, but it is better not to make them long enough to 5 cm long and 2 cm wide. The ends of the cut parts for plausibility treat curly scissors.
For the middle of the flower need a yellow strip of plastic material, cut fringe. Coated with adhesive tape, twist the tube slightly offset. The tips of violence and become bulky, they should be a bit of heat and fluff with your fingers.

The texture on the pitch can be easily applied with heating toothpick or universal mold. After treatment the major parts of the flower can proceed to production of a base. For this purpose it is necessary to cut green foamirana circle diameter of 6 cm, to mark its edge at a distance of 0.5 cm and a triangular cut nicks. Then heat the sepal and slightly stretch the middle, giving it a convex shape.
chamomile assembly starts with gluing the seven petals to the yellow center. Subsequent attach staggered. The final stage - pasting sepals.

the Rose
Collect from foamirana luxurious flower in several ways. Of pliable material can create a delicate bud, lush tea rose, wreath of tiny flowers. Novice needle women better to learn how to make a simple flower with the activation of a minimum of elements.
Stencilled patterns necessary to prepare three petals of different size diameters of 10, 8 and 6 centimeters. Circles should be divided into five equal parts and form an oval petals. Then transfer the pattern on the outline revelyur any color and cut out of the workpiece.

To look natural flower, petal edges can be colored with pastels on a paler tone of the base color of the material. Prepared elements lean against iron and pushes the middle of each of its parts. The edges of the convex lobes need a little twist.

Bud forming of a ball of foil and toothpicks. Brilliant Center can be hidden under pieces foamirana. The assembly passes through pushed on rose petals on the wand alternately via one of gluing. Flower shape can be given any. Bottom cover green buds blossoming substrate with curly leaves. Wooden base replace bent wire.

Varieties ranunkulyusa lot and each is unique. From beautiful artificial flowers often make wedding bouquets, decorate their crowns, pins and clips. Each flower has its own pattern and master class:
- Asian ranunkulyus. For work using white and olive material. From it are prepared three kinds of petals and lemon and pink toned pastels. After warm and impart the desired shape Bulka, strung on the wire pitch. The base of the ball of foil glued overlapping small olive details. Shift down to 2 mm glued parts slightly larger. Subsequent rows are placed at the same level. Completes the product sticking sepals.
- African ranunkulyus. Red foamirana cut four types of squares - 2x2 cm - 21 pieces, 3x3 cm. - 24 pcs, 3,5h3,5 cm - 18 pcs., 4x4 cm. - 24 pcs. Then of them are forming droplets, petals, violet toning paint. The workpiece to be heated and process Bulka. On the base of the prepared foil sticking overlap all the petals, starting with the youngest. Create the effect of a blossoming flower can be by heating the finished bud. From green supple suede make flat leaves and form a beautiful sprig, decorate glitter.
- Persian ranunkulyus. Thomas cook white petal circles of different sizes. The smallest toning green pastel over the entire surface, large - pink. When toothpicks help plot the texture to the leaves. Petals warm up and pushes Bulka, leaves simply pull the ends and twists. Collect flower start with small green petals tight buds. The next following preform fastened ascending their size and sepal. Form a branch.
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For the manufacture of bulk flower will need to prepare as much as possible patterns petals of different sizes, small skills-based paints. Foamiran better to use a dense, not less than 2 millimeters thick. The material for the rough sketches serve as cardboard. From it cut patterns are superimposed on revelyur and do the petals of the four series of 10 pieces each.

The next job is to be painted with acrylic blanks, heat, giving volume and cupped the future pions. core role will be played foamiranom wrapped bead. To the prepared and painted in green stalk should be glued alternately petals, starting with the youngest. If you want to create a bouquet unblown flower petals glue bead to tightly glue promazyvaya half parts.
To artificial flower was more like a natural, I had a solid view, further from the center of the petals painted in a dark color, with each round by making lighter tone.

To make your own flower of mallow foamirana, require a minimum of time and materials. The pattern in the form of an elongated heart should be cut 5 - 7 petals. The longer the workpiece, the greater will be the flower. Now it is necessary to paint the colorless elements and give the maximum similarity to the plant. Top petal paint red shallow, and the bottom - yellow. Rub the paint thoroughly with a sponge or cloth.
For the manufacture of the pistil need cotton swab, PVA and colored sand. Future core mallows dipped in glue and sprinkle yellow powder. While it dries, you can do the petals processing. Create a texture by placing the item between two sheets of corrugated paper and a good warm up. Preventing cooling, the sheets need to squeeze the whole area. Now mallow petals have characteristic stripes.
For the formation of the petal curves need to heat the lower part of his first - make a hollow, then the top - a good stretch in the side. Stick to the elements stamens necessary promazyvaya most edge of the base. Each subsequent lobe should lie down in the middle of the previous, the last start up for the first. Place glue on the back side can be hidden under a green leaf.

You must first prepare the cardboard templates of all the details crafts. Orchid from foamirana can be made as a single flower as decoration headbands, barrettes, or in the form of the original decoration in a pot. Average petals made of a material a few shades darker than the extreme. Using pencils plot the characteristic streaks and texture, warmed in the hands and stretch, giving all parts of a certain shape.

As the stem can use a solid wire. Stringing a heavy bead and twist the ends of it. First attach the greatest - double petals, then triple and middle. To create a complete picture of a few colors.
Supplemented composition may be several unopened buds. The role of the middle in this case plays a rolled foil. We paste it foamiranom and attach small identical petals. The stems of the wire wrap can be a green tape or crepe paper. All parts are put together and place on a spike. Decorative orchid looks great in a clay pot.

The first spring flowers please with the beauty long as blooming a few weeks. To preserve the beauty of colorful crocuses can make your own hands is almost an exact copy of the plants foamirana. The ideal pattern size - 5 centimeters high and 3 centimeters wide. We put it to plastic suede and encircle pointed object basis of one flower - 6 petals.
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First, on the elements to create texture veining. To do this, heat them and pressed against the corrugated paper. The next step - toning and design green, blue pastel. Pestle can be made of a cotton swab and glue or yellow pieces revelyura, cut into small fringe. Prepared by the central leg is pasted over six petals in the chess technique. It stems from the bud wrapped with green ribbon and fastened with two thin leaf near the base of the flower. Crocuses look better team in a vase or basket.

To make a true symbol of spring foamirana several ways. For the simplest need to be reserved by two blanks, cut out the drawing in the shape of the propeller blades. The size of the initial parts of the flower depends on the volume. Core tulip, snowdrop can be made from any dense oblong object the size of apricot pits. Increasingly using foil. To stem suit wooden skewers, wire.

Make a tulip from plastic suede can be any color, but it is better to choose pastel colors. They are easier to tone pastel art. The edges can be treated with a pink color, and the bottom petal green. After painting parts of future buds have to give waviness - hold near the iron a few seconds and squeeze into a spiral.
Attach the flower should be cautious. The edges should not be fixed to the center. Connects the upper petals should be by the middle previous to hack dissolves. Nondescript envelop the stem must be green stripe foamirana and supplement oblong leaves.

For multi-layer flower pattern takes a few stencils. Paper 10 square centimeters must be folded in half several times, cut off the end of a semicircle. This is the first scheme, which should circle on another sheet. Previous sample also add up, but cut off from the curvature of 1 cm more. We perform the manipulation of 4 more times. A total of 6 turns of flowers of different sizes.

Carved elements chrysanthemum, gerbera can be a little touch up acrylic paint on the edges. Any colour. After drying, the workpiece must be moved to iron unpainted side down. Signal availability details will be bending the edges inward. Then they should be to stretch and straighten. For the core use is curled into a tube with a strip cut fringe. Collect chrysanthemum by gluing the middle of the petals, moving from the largest element to the core. Sheets are added last.

Creation of small flowers from scraps
Working with foamiranom inevitably remain small crop. But do not rush to throw them away. Bright pieces can be reused for the manufacture of small parts of floral arrangements, ornaments for gifts. You can make original prints with metal pins, buttons, or use a variety of silhouettes shaped punch. There are many types of tiny punches that can enhance creative activity aspiring needlewoman or professional designer.
Small flowers, butterflies, bells of revelyura trimmings - the original decoration for greeting cards, frames, vases, various jewelry. To create these require a minimum of materials and time. From a narrow cut may turn out a dozen beautiful young nezabudok. Making a punch of colors takes place in several stages:
- Preparation tools (ruler, hole punch, trimming foamirana, glue);
- Comparison of size with cropping shape hole punch flower;
- Production of composition elements;
- Tinting preparations;
- Heat treatment of the petals;
- Production and stamens of flowers formation;
- Adding the fastening parts (wire, thread, ribbon fabric);
- Preparation of the leaves (iron, Mold);
- Collect the final composition.
If puncher picking flowers edge, pushes the bad products under foamiran should put a sheet of paper. This will greatly enhance the quality of cutting.

How to use colors
The main area of application of the decorative plastic material - floral design. Due to its properties as realistic transmission it is used to make colorful floral compositions of exquisite roses, spring crocuses and tulips, field daisies, photo zone decor and more another.
Colors of foamirana decorate hats and umbrellas are hand-made dolls, fridge magnets, all kinds of products for special and everyday hairstyles, rims for adults and children. An old brooch can be updated by decorating her camellia flower from revelyura. Admire gum bored again, if they will show off the original arrangement of roses.

Flowers from foamirana have a lot of advantages compared with other materials for creativity. They are very light, so do not make heavier hair clips, headbands and other decorations. Decorative bouquets and single flowers as similar to the natural living original, so they will give a good mood regardless of the season.