Where and how to fill the powder in the washing machine, the types of compartments

The compartments in the washing machine for powderIn this age of modern technology appliances firmly established in human life. And we do not even think that was when it was not. Everyone always wash your things, whether clothes or linens. But before this process takes a lot of time and effort. And what is more significant - the port health and appearance. Pain from the half-bent posture, red, dry, swollen hands from prolonged contact with water and detergent... Someone still remembers those days. But now everything has changed abruptly, and a washing machine, no doubt, considered a great invention.


  1. Features a washing machine work
  2. Description and identification of the compartments
  3. Main
  4. Average
  5. Compartment air conditioning
  6. Models of washing machines

Features a washing machine work

Choosing a washing equipment in storeIn supermarkets and retail stores a huge range of this miracle of technology. Each of them has its own characteristics, which are not only in the download mode, but also in design.

Naturally, with the acquisition of a home assistant buyer receives complete instructions for use. But, as everyone knows, the instruction is usually read in two cases: when there is nothing to do or when it all went wrong. But if we ignore the jokes, the situation is not very cheerful. Because regulations often describes some of the little things that are not considered to be important, but in reality - without them it is very difficult to understand. And one of the main is the place to download the cleaners called tray. Which, in turn, consists of compartments.

Yes, of course, people understand that these boxes are designed to:

  • washing powder;
  • air conditioning;
  • bleach.

That's just sometimes themselves compartments written or drawn such abracadabra that person in their right mind is not easy to understand that a container of the powder.

To begin, let's deal with arrangement of the trays in the machine with different types of laundry load. There are two types of downloads:

  • Front - hatch lay the laundry located at the front of the unit.
  • Vertical - manhole (cover) is on top.

Different load in the car - vertical and horizontalIn the first case a tray for backfilling of detergent is also in the front portion of the hatch. In the second - to be fixed on the cover (inside).

Tray for loading cleaning agents usually consists of three compartments. One of them, the largest, is intended for the main wash. The smallest - for rinses, conditioners and various additives (not powder). The average size is used for pre-washing or washing with soaking.

Description and identification of the compartments

How is it that does not get lost in the compartments and to determine where to pour the powder? In the washing machine all the compartments have their own symbols.


The compartments in the washing machineThis compartment is used in all cases, for any form of washing if it will be a preliminary, main wash or soak. It is usually denoted by a Roman numeral II, Arabic 2 or the Latin letter AT. In most cases be in the tray on the left side.


This compartment also intended to fall asleep and the powder used in the cycle with prewash for particularly soiled items. designated I, 1 or letter BUT and usually it is in the third tray.

Compartment air conditioning

In many machines, it is located in the middle of the tray between the primary and secondary compartment. And, as the name implies, it added various liquid additives for softening the laundry and flavor. Often, it is worth the plastic stopper for the air conditioner. Designations this compartment can be in the form of stars, snowflakes, flowersAnd, in some cases, cup.

If you can not find on the tray panel, it is likely that they are inside, just before the bay. Enough to push the tray and see.

But some people do not particularly puzzling compartments and prefer to fill the powder directly into the drum, which is not recommended. First, because when loading the powder into the compartment he gradually washed off with water, and it promotes better dissolution and the laundry will not stay white spots. Secondly, the washing cycle usually begins with the operation of the pump, drain the remaining water, which contributes in drain wash powder.

All this, of course, does not apply to funds specifically designed to be loaded into the drum. For example, the washing capsules which consist of a hard shell and are filled with gel, dissolving uniformly even at low temperatures. Manufacturers recommend putting them exactly in the drum.

Try not to rub detergents directly into the drum of the washing machine, unless they are specifically designed for this purpose. An exception may be outside of the container in the state machine, which makes it impossible to load the powder into it. But in this case it is recommended all the same repair technique.

Models of washing machines

Currently, manufacturers are trying to interest a potential buyer not only technical characteristics, but also a pleasant, unusual design, which in some cases puts the consumer in dead end. Take, for example, the same tray for washing powder.

In most models, such as LG, Bosch and Samsung, the main compartment is left in the tray, namely it should pour detergent. But let's say, in the Indesit washing machine the same compartment is in the middle.