Who among us has not dreamed as a child of his own house, where you can hide, play with friends, or just sleep? The desire of children to have their little "hole" is often so great that they are trying to build a home on their own from any available scrap materials. In the course are covered, old curtains, cardboard boxes, boards, plywood pieces and even foam. Young builders imagination has no limits. The process of creation of children's house with his own hands is so fascinating that children love even more than the game is already finished structure.
- Children's House: the purpose and benefits
- Buy or build yourself
- What materials are used for construction
- The dimensions of the house
Building a house on summer cottage
- Of timber
- Frame house made of plywood or OSB
- panel house
- House made of polycarbonate
- Children's House of pallets
- Log playhouses
- Stilt house with additional play areas
- Features of the construction of the tree house
Playhouses in the flat materials and solutions
- Small house made of cardboard
- The dwelling of fabric and PVC pipes
- Indian wigwam - the original construction
- House under the dining table
- How to equip a house inside: furnished
- The decoration of the facade
Children's House: the purpose and benefits
Little house - a place for the child privacy, storage dear to his heart gizmos, games with friends. Babe takes care of her home - it puts the furniture, decorate it, dusting. With this form moral qualities, respectful of the things, responsibility, there are the first labor skills. Playing with friends helps socialization, the development of imagination, thinking, memory, speech.

Buy or build yourself
On sale a huge number of ready-made structures. Bright and elegant plastic houses will be a perfect decoration for any nursery. No less colorful, they will look in the yard of a country house. Their advantages - easy assembly, light weight, portability. But such structures are not particularly solidity and durability. Under the influence of rain and direct sunlight, the product quickly lose its brightness and attractiveness, become useless. Therefore, on an ongoing basis to better use in the room. The main advantage of ready-made models - the minimum amount of wasted time and effort.
At the same time it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the creation of the house with his own hands. A joint process of creation as much as possible rallying of children and parents, teaches understanding and mutual assistance. Child receives basic construction knowledge, is familiar with the various tools, learning to use some of them.
If you decide to give children a useful toy, it is better to opt for products made by their own hands.

What materials are used for construction
Options from which you can build a gaming house, abound.
The choice depends on:
- where he will be - on the street or in an apartment;
- age of the child - for kids will have enough cardboard house, and older children need housing and poprochnee poosnovatelnee;
- the financial capacity of parents;
- their level of construction skills.
The most common materials:
- wooden beams;
- plywood, OSB, particleboard, fiberboard;
- polycarbonate;
- building pallets;
- cardboard;
- the cloth.

The dimensions of the house
If the material has been selected, it's time to determine the size. The child should be easy to go into the house, play in it. It is desirable that he could stand up. The more freedom inside the room, so it is safer to play. Of course, in the apartment, our options are limited. But on the plot may well stay in a spacious house 2x2.5 m, which can be several people in comfort. In this space you can freely arrange the furniture and place large toys.

Building a house on summer cottage
Private house - just like this, surely will please your child. Especially, it is possible to build a durable construction at their summer cottage, which will last more than one year. Construction will be an exciting adventure and will stay in your baby's memory for a lifetime. Let him decide for himself - how he would - his first "own" house.
Architecture and design can be completely different. From simple one-storey building to the present palace, a pirate ship, the hut on chicken legs or the tree house. At its summer cottage you have to construct whatever your heart pleases.
If you need temporary shelter, put a tent or hut. For long-lasting buildings is better to choose resistant materials - wooden beams, logs, panel design, polycarbonate. It affects the choice of material of construction technology. To avoid possible errors, it is recommended to do the layout.

Of timber
House from a bar - an excellent choice for durable capital construction. This design will last for many years, will delight more than one generation of kids. But it is necessary to take into account that the tree - flammable material. Besides it is not too friendly with moisture. It can settle bark beetles, which destroy the inside timber. However, all this can be easily avoided. Enough to make the processing of refractory and antiseptic compositions and the house will be protected from such threats. This procedure is necessary before construction. The construction of the house from a bar - the project time-consuming and long-term. The construction of this kind requires an exact observance technology.
See also:How to make a housekeeper on the wall

Frame house made of plywood or OSB
The process can be considerably accelerated if selected as the main material sheets of plywood or OSB. House will not be as thorough as the previous version, but its construction did not take long.
In the first step of constructing a skeleton timber. Initially it is going basis - a shield that sheathe OSB bottom and top - lining. Children often play on the floor, so you need to make sure that they do not sit on a cold surface. Between the outer layer and the boards can be laid a layer of insulation. For this purpose, suitable thick foam width 10 cm. So it does not fall through, provide additional protection - from the bottom, wreck plank basis. Next, the supporting structure is constructed for arrangement of the walls and roof. Ready skeleton is sheathed sheeting externally and internally. On the side of the street will look great both OSB and plywood. The inside is attached insulation and windproof material, and then the walls and ceiling are sewn up with plywood.
Another embodiment is a house plywood constructor of boards with special fasteners - grippers. They are called legs. They are equipped with long house wall, and front and rear slots located. "Paws" must be sent down to inserting into the holes, they can be lowered and securely. Parsing is done in reverse order - long wall mount and slightly lifted easily out of the slot. Such houses are good for the garden - they can be stored in the winter indoors, wrapping with plastic wrap or in special packages.

panel house
This variant of construction is optimal for the gaming house. He's going from a pre-prepared boards. First construct a shield to the ground. The supporting frame made of beams 75 and length 100 mm. Then this design plank floor. The next step - assembling the frame of the porch. Thereafter, the frame is made of the front and back, and then the side walls. At the base of the box is mounted. After this, the roof battens, horse. Next sheathe the walls of the house with sheets of plywood or chipboard, leaving openings for windows and doors. If you do it from the inside and the outside to attach the trims, you can get a house in the German half-timbered style. The next stage - the roof deck. Ideal roofing materials such as shingles, decking, slate colored, waterproof plywood.

House made of polycarbonate
House with transparent walls and ceiling - what could be more bizarre? In the construction of the polycarbonate is always bright, warm and comfortable. This material has many advantages:
- characterized by a low cost;
- good light transmission;
- easy to assemble;
- protects against direct sunlight;
- ductile - allows you to create original compositions rounded shapes.
- a variety of colors;
- not afraid of water;
- It does not support combustion;
- It retains heat well due to its structure - are located within the sheet with air-filled cells.
To create a transparent house is necessary to make a frame made of metal tube, sheathe its polycarbonate sheets, cut out windows and doors. It is better to perform them on the one hand, that in the future there was no draft.

Children's House of pallets
Transport pallets are often used in the creation of designer furniture for the interiors in the loft-style or country. Exactly the same success they can be used in the construction of the house for games.
That will come in handy at a construction site?
- pallets - at least 8 pieces;
- metal connecting plates - 8 pieces;
- metal corners;
- roofing - shingles, evroshifer;
- quick-drying paint;
- screws;
- Nozzle for grinding;
- sandpaper;
- drill or screwdriver.
Sanding, painting pallet and the formation of window and door openings make better prior to the works.

Description of house construction of pallets
- Perform base - connect two pallets using mounting plates.
- Set wall - design with remote central bar and the previously formed openings. Fasten them to the ground with metal corners.
- Form the roof slopes of two pallets. The fastening between them, fixed to the wall by means of metal plates.
- We put the roof.
- Flooring of pallet planks or other suitable material.
- Form a door and window frames and stained.
- Decorate house inside and invite a small tenant.

Log playhouses
Own a house made of logs like any child. After all, he looks like a fabulous attics and huts. They can be supplemented with the composition of the well log, benches, sandboxes. However, to create such buildings require specialized knowledge and skills. It is unlikely that an inexperienced builder will be able to correctly install the frame. It needs a real master.
But do not worry - if you can not install a real chopped house, you can always buy a plastic imitation. Offers a variety of ready-made designs abound.

Stilt house with additional play areas
Alternative log buildings can become a stilt house. This intermediate stage between Malyshkovym doll house and one in the tree. Kids love to climb the stairs to their "nest", and for "reactive" descent can attach this slide, fireman's pole to install or attach the rope. It is possible to build a two-storey spacious gaming complex with horizontal bars, swings and sandbox. For the construction of such a structure does not require flat ground. Most importantly, well-align columns vertically, horizontally and accurately set the foundation for the floor and roof.
See also:Ways to create and decoration boxes for storage
Piles are set to a depth of 20 cm and concreted. In areas with severe winters on the depth to which the soil freezes. It does not work without the concrete. Poles very quickly come into disrepair.
Next piles tied beam, placed on them boards - joists and plywood on top plank. For walls made wooden frame, sheathed with plywood sheets. They immediately left openings for windows and doors. Ready to raise the shields on the base and collect frame.
If working alone, it is better to sheathe frame only from the outside, and the interior trim to perform after the frame will be brought to the site. So they will be easier to raise.
The next stage - the formation of the ridge beams, installation and laying of cross gable roof.
Stilt house is very similar to the hut on chicken legs. Build it for your baby, you give him a particle of a fairy tale.

Features of the construction of the tree house
Treehouse - an indispensable attribute of the majority of American children's movies. Guys love their shelter and are ready to be a real good boy, if only they were not forbidden to play there. Can you think of a better place to listen to the birds singing, watch the stars, or just to read outdoors. To build such a house, you need to find the right tree. It should not be an old, moth pests. Ideally, this tall plant with smooth solid stem and spreading branches. Alternatively, the barrel may be bifurcated. To subsequently have problems, you need to find out - whether a tree in your garden relates to plants protected by the state, it required to obtain permission to carry out such work.
The first thing on the tree secured platform - the base lodge. This process can be carried out in three different ways:
- The beams supporting the platform, attached directly to the tree.
- The base is suspended with ropes.
- The platform supports the supporting pillars, dug into the ground.

Do not forget to consider the recovery options. Children should be easy to climb into the house. In addition, the rise should be as secure as possible. The following options are ladders:
- rope;
- addl wooden;
- steady march.
The platform will certainly need to be equipped with a handrail, and under the tree to pour sawdust - they soften the blow in case of a fall. The design of such a house may be any - with walls and a roof or a tent in the form of A-shaped.

Playhouses in the flat materials and solutions
House in the garden of a private house - that's fine. But unfortunately, he can please the children only during the warmer months. In winter it is cold, and climb on icy stairs dangerous. It is justified only if the house is part of the roller coaster. But not everyone has a private area for children's playground equipment. Therefore, the optimal solution would be to build it directly into the apartment of light scrap materials - fabric, cardboard and plastic. Such a structure is easy to install, disassemble, store and transport. Therefore, when moving it is possible to take with them.

Small house made of cardboard
The easiest way to make a home out of cardboard - cut out the windows and the door to the box volume of the refrigerator, washing machine or other large appliances. The product is decorated, whereupon the game can begin. Another option - a little more complicated. Scheme house drawn on the sheets of corrugated cardboard, cut and collected by a staple gun or adhesive. The surface of the carton construction can be left in its original form, and it is possible to paint or wallpaper paste over. Interior wall suitable as a one-color design, and options with drawings. When choosing colors and the prints need to build on the child's sex. Exterior walls can be covered with wallpaper imitating wood, brick, but not necessarily. It all depends on the preferences of the owner of a small - maybe he wants his house resembling a castle of the Snow Queen, Nyusha house or palace of the candy country.

The dwelling of fabric and PVC pipes
If you want to create a more substantial structure, get your house out of ordinary water pipes. Using different adapters and hubs can be connected in a light but sturdy construction. Plus this option - the house can be easily dismantled. Just a few minutes and the structure is ready for transport. Due to this it is possible to bring to the nature of the sea, to the country and even to visit. Pipes act as frame members on which cover is tensioned. It is necessary to make the size of the house, but with small increments to make it easier to pull the fabric to the design. Inside should provide fastening for fixing tissue using Velcro or drawstrings. Within the walls is necessary to provide openings for windows and doors. It is desirable that, if necessary, the windows were covered with a thick film or a fabric with lacing shutters and door - with the help of lightning. So you can protect your child from the wind and cold.
See also:How to make a Christmas wreath with his hands

Indian wigwam - the original construction
Wigwam - home of "real Indian." But do not think that it would be relevant only in a boy's bedroom. The girls will play it with no less pleasure. This is an unusual and stylish solution will make a bold exotic touch to the interior of any nursery. This is not just a shelter and a small corner for privacy. Wigwam is able to inspire to conduct interesting games, reading books about Indians, watching movies. How exciting to ride on the flat or shoot at a target, wearing a headdress of feathers and paint the face, and after a rest in the shade of a tent on soft cushions.
Available cooking lodges. But the "real" Indian should be able to build a house on their own. To do this he will need:
- wooden sticks with a round or square cross-section - 6 pcs. The length of the boards - 2 m, thickness - 4.2 cm;
- rope or elastic band;
- drill;
- tent cloth;
- eyelets;
- lace.

Step-by-step instruction
- Drill holes in the poles receded from the edge of 20-25 cm.
- Tie the sticks together.
- Place the frame on the floor and open the support, so as to form regular intervals. One of them - the next entry, you need to do more.
- Carve out the tent in the form of polusolntsa.
- We wrap the cloth frame and outline the space for sewing fasteners.
- Treat the edges of the product, sew ribbons for fixing tent on poles.
- At the top of the edges and set the threaded lace eyelets.
- Fasten the tent to the frame.
Decorate a makeshift tepee a variety of ways - what have the patience and imagination. In the course can go special paints and markers, labels, jewelery, buttons, appliqués. Inside stands sew pockets for different things. On the floor of the stele blanket and a couple of pillows and welcome the future tenants. Of course, you can make him a surprise, but it is much more useful would be if he will take an active part in the creation and arrangement of his "refuge."

House under the dining table
The easiest and most affordable way to build a playhouse in the apartment - just cover with a blanket or sheet dining table. However, such a construction is suitable only in order to play hide and seek. Get semi-dark space in which the lamp will not manage without. How do you do that in a house of light penetrated? Excellent way out - a special case, the upper bound of which will exactly match the size of the countertops. Fabric design is stretched on the table and limits the entire space underneath. The "walls" cover can be provided several openings - windows, door, and thus to ensure access of light and air flow. Paul in such a house can serve as a small rug or mat. The walls inside and outside can be decorated with a variety of applications, featuring paintings, decor, furniture, sew small pockets to store children's treasures. Doors are closed in a house via zippers, buttons or drawstrings. A useful tool for the development of fine motor skills.

How to equip a house inside: furnished
The interior of the house is selected depending on:
- preferences of small holder;
- Built size;
- design type.
The walls and floor of the house it is best to paint waterproof paint or varnish, and can be left as it is, simply process antiseptic.
The windows can be framed by small curtains, and on the floor lay a soft carpet. Small pictures, posters, stickers perfectly decorate the walls.
If in a small tent there is a place only for a couple blankets and pillows in the street a wooden house can be set furniture - a dining group, a toy kitchen or a small crib. Miniature shelves and hooks allow for outdoor clothes and favorite crafts.
To evening could continue playing or reading, it is necessary to consider lighting. Best fit small LED sources or tape.

The decoration of the facade
Numerous design options facade. You can just sheathe his wooden clapboard or shingles, but you can paint with your child, stick plastic or wooden figurines, flowers. It looks great lighting design, when evening comes on the set of lights, and the house looks like a fairy-tale palace. It can be arranged facade in certain subjects. For example, to fix it on hooks for climbing, to turn one of the walls in sports equipment or hang lifeline, compass, ropes and other attributes of the present life "sea dog." The choice of design depends on your imagination and preferences.

Construction playhouses - the process fascinating and not too complicated. And the result will love your child.