Photographs - store a variety of moments. They store the life itself. That is why always, even in the digital age, people are put on the table, placed on the walls of the photo associated with this or that event or person. To conclude in the same template frame cherished memories do not want to. Therefore, decor picture frames has always been, is and will be in demand. Decorating frames with their hands feasibly almost everyone, it is fun, makes you feel like a real creator.
Basis for the work you can take a cheap purchase framed or cut yourself out of cardboard.
- Types of photo frames decor
glued decor
- buttons
- Beads, rhinestones
natural materials
- Coffee beans, lentils, acorns
- shells
- Paper
- Salty dough
- entourage childhood
- Decoupage
- Safely and non-trivial
Types of photo frames decor
- the first most common way to decorate photo frames: something on her stick. And this "something" - a boundless sea;
- okleit in decoupage style;
- original color using a variety of media;

- the frame can be made out of soft materials;
- obtyanut knitted fabric;
- decorate cloth;
- pictorial twine wrap, different yarns, braid, lace;
- made from wood branches;
- it can even bake (from salt dough).
The list could go on indefinitely, limit it can only limit granted to fancy you.

glued decor
Glue on the frame can be very much, everything depends on the taste and imagination of the master.

Originally will look picture frames, decorated with buttons, especially if you pick them up the same color. However, it is not required. Desired color uniformity can be obtained using acrylic paint. For example, buttons, covered in gold paint, transformed beyond recognition by a fluke not had time to get into the trash an old picture frame.

Beads, rhinestones
Over time, these things in abundance accumulate every woman. All this may be a unique collection of materials for the decoration of their own hands graceful frame with your favorite photo, worth glue them to a pre-planned pattern, ornament.

Tip: You can use whole brooches, beads, beads, pearls and interesting pieces of glass, pieces of broken pottery, mosaic elements.
natural materials
The tastefully decorated frames in a natural style, always attracts attention. After all, we all - children of nature.

Coffee beans, lentils, acorns
Anything can go into business and create unique compositions.
Coffee beans come in handy not only to make a refreshing drink, they prove to be an excellent material for decorating photo frames with their hands: they have a wonderful smell, the texture of the original, noble color, they do not spoil. Much time will not take work, too: not so difficult with the help of glue gun or glue PVA tightly oblitsevat coffee beans standard picture frame that is guaranteed to be the new face will be the leading accessory interior.
See also:Flowers of the tapes with their own hands
Such can be done by replacing the coffee beans lentils, pumpkin seeds, acorns, plugs and just sticks.
Creative craftsmen not overlook ordinary pine cones: clippers separates each flake and paste the frame. Time-consuming, of course, the case, but worth it - very nice work. Work can be varnished.

Tip: To make a frame with your hands fragrant, buy Stars of anise and star anise and find their place in the overall decor.
This is one of the grateful materials to decorate their own hands the photographic frame. For registration need seashells of different shapes and sizes. But the kitchen sink in the inlay is appropriate to use the interesting slides, sea stones and other finds from the sea or river bank.

The move to create their own hands the exclusive scope can go to the paper, which in the normal scenario facing the sad fate of waste paper. Very original picture frames, decorated tubes from paper co-served with his business newspapers and magazines.

They may be short (pasted end) and oblong - use in a horizontal position.
Another idea decor: elm - a very effective form of natural materials. Cut a piece of bark into five bands. Four will be the actual frame, the fifth can make a stand.

Salty dough
Transform an ordinary picture frame in a design as possible, using salt dough. Ideas at everyone: someone will decorate its flowers, and someone the child's name, shown in the picture, the blind. But first it is necessary to make it the most dough: knead it from the salt cup, two cups of flour and water. Achieving consistency of clay, begins to sculpt conceived decorations right on the corner photo frames - so the dough will take the desired shape at the base, and no problem can be stuck on Right place. On 20 minutes, put it in the oven. Let cool, we are glued to the frame and begin to paint any color. You can even one of the aerosol can confine. The final step is coating lacquer (it is better to make two layers) and dried.
See also:Decor doors with their hands
entourage childhood
If a family has a daughter, the number of decorative pins and rubber bands grows exponentially. Cute trinkets decorated, such as flowers, in the incarnation of this idea can get a second life. Flowers from annoying rubber bands cut. Those that grow larger, attach to the upper corner of the frame below the smaller place copies.

The result will be a true flower stage. You can glue the flowers only at the top, leaving the bottom of the frame intact. After completing this process, put the job for a few hours under the load. When the flowers are white, the rest free from decoration of the frame should cover the silver paint, but you can and green if they evoke the spring meadow.
For the boys needed, of course, a different style of design. How do you like the idea of design photo frames in the room boy toy cars, preferably one series? Little master will certainly appreciate this delicacy.

Prior to joining the cook:
- frame (not necessarily a new one, you can just get bored);
- a sheet of sandpaper;
- adhesive (if not Decoupage, dilute PVA glue equal amount of water);
- brush;
- decoupage swipe card.

After that, proceed to the process of decoupage:
- Old photo frame pre-sanding. New, if it is not lacquered, do not need to handle.
- First you need to cut out of napkins or cards desired area, pre-measuring the frame itself, not forgetting the margin required for processing the edges.
- Brush (sponge can be) carefully apply glue to the front of the frame. Then place in the right place the prepared image and flatten it, making sure from the fragment Bonded out any air bubbles. Do this from the center, gradually moving to the edges.
- Then, just two minutes to put the frame underneath something heavy, such as a massive book.
- To remove excess tissue paper pieces, nail file swipe edge Frames (pressure angle should be 45). In the same way, remove the remains from the central part.
- Finally apply another layer of adhesive to dry and set the frame.
See also:Decor butterflies with their own hands 60 photo

A wide range of decoupage napkins necessarily allow you to choose the means of realizing the idea and create a unique piece.
Another option decoupage photo frames
To add the previous set of materials paint and varnish.

- All prime the wooden surface frame in several layers with drying of each, white acrylic paint.
- Of decoupage napkins you need to cut out the contours of the image you liked. Do this carefully - fragile material is easily damaged.
- Separate the layers of paper, of which the napkin leaving the top, with a pattern desired for further work.
- Apply glue on the frame, place the prepared drawing. Brush with glue smoothing movements go over the image. So did all the other fragments of tissues, which decided to decorate the frame.
- Mix the paint to the desired shade and color of the composition strengthen. Do not forget that because you have to adjust all sides.
- To consolidate the results, apply several layers of clear lacquer.
Safely and non-trivial
- As a framework for photos of people who appreciate originality, can become even end-of-century bicycle wheel: Collect pictures of general subjects, thought-out plot, snap a photo or lock between the spokes clothespins - original decor ready.
- It is not necessary to guess, how to react to a lover of hunting given him a portrait in a frame of spent cartridges. Of course, with sincere gratitude.
- Option for anglers: attach fishing rod hooks or brackets, using twine or thick rope with the original marine nodes hang them on the frame with a photo, add a couple of floats.
- Creative frame for photo may even become an ordinary glass jar: the appropriate size of the photo, place the selected container is empty space therein zadekoriruyte sand, shells, starfish, LED garlands or any other entourage close plot picture.

Describe all the ways of decorating their own hands photo frame can not be every day join the ranks of fans of this democratic type of needlework, new ideas, which, in turn, become a stimulus for further ideas. The creative process never stops.