Currently, the majority of owners of private homes are at gas heating. However, there are occasions when connected to the central gas pipe is not possible. Then come to the aid solid fuel boilers, Powerful and reliable heaters. Heat with wood or charcoal can be in a private home or at the cottage. At a cost of this type of heating is more expensive in comparison with gas heating. By its technical parameters and technological advanced models of heaters for solid fuels are not inferior to other types of boilers.

Thanks to modern technology producers managed to achieve the long duration of the combustion process in units of a solid fuel. Heating solid fuel boiler long burning at the moment the most economical and efficient type of boiler equipment. The undisputed leader in this class, are the solid shaft type boilers. Such equipment is characterized by simple design, so there are cases when the mine boiler trying to do it yourself.
The principle of operation of shaft-type boiler. design Features
Among boilers shaft type continuous burning units allocated ruggedness fuel quality. Condition is important, given the fact that other heating devices for solid fuel capricious in terms of fuel choice. Technologically it allowed for the boiler furnace firewood, humidity in excess of 40-45%.
Shaft solid fuel boiler can not only digest the raw wood, but also to issue the necessary heat for a long time. Between successive fuel loadings, usually runs 12 hours or more. There are models where these figures are even higher.
The name of the unit has received thanks to its special design. The combustion chamber or firebox in this device has the form of shafts. The units of this type has two mines: the fuel and the heat exchange chamber. In the fuel cell fuel it is not in a horizontal position, and loaded as a well layer by layer. Combustion in such devices is performed from the bottom up, so these devices are called aggregates with lower combustion. Let's see how it looks in practice:
- before the laying on grates create a hearth;
- main tab fits already burning fuel in layers, above.
- constant air mass flow does not ignite the upper layers of the fuel;
- under its own weight, the wood fall down, taking the place of burnt logs;
- wood, located at the top in time behind the boiler operation to dry;
- the fuel at the bottom of the mine, the absence of oxygen pyrolysis takes place, the formation of charcoal (pyrolysis) gas.

The second - the combustion chamber or the heat transfer shaft is the zone where the main combustion process takes place. At the mouth of the second furnace receives the pyrolysis gas which is the main heat source.
For reference: Pyrolysis - a process for generating gaseous substance during the exothermic reaction with the wood fuel. When no oxygen is released during the smoldering volatile gaseous substance, which is only later, when in contact with oxygen intensively allocates heat.
Combustion mine may have different versions. One model heaters have a heat exchanger with a flat shaft. Often, the design of the heater has a hot-water heat exchanger or fire-tube heat exchanger, installed directly in the combustion shaft. This type and location of the heat exchangers is most effective. In order to get a real fancy about how the mine boiler, just look at the drawing - section of the device.

The hot secondary combustion air is supplied to enhance the combustion rate. The walls of the mouth of the combustion chamber obkladyvayutsya fireclay brick, which achieves a high maximum temperature in the furnace. Fireclay bricks, not only contributes to a better afterburning pyrolysis gas, but also extends the performance of the boiler equipment.
We have already noticed that this type of heating boiler equipment copes with the low-quality fuel. Due to the principle of operation of heating equipment of this kind, the wood time to achieve the required humidity parameters. Characteristic of the classic units such as condensate, secreted in large quantities with wet wood, for mine equipment is not a hindrance. Due to the high efficiency of productivity of such units is 75-80%.
The main advantages and disadvantages of shaft-type boilers
For suburban or country house guest house, this type of heating equipment is a real discovery. It does not always have the opportunity to get the perfect fuel for use. Dry wood in the cold and damp time of year - a phenomenon quite rare. For other heating devices such state firewood can cause low efficiency of heating equipment. Mine heaters such defects do not suffer.
Install on your home heating equipment is, you get the following benefits:
- unit works on virtually any type of solid organic fuel;
- units capable of operating in different modes (broad power range);
- equipment cost. One tab is enough for 12-24 hours;
- long and continuous operation throughout the entire heating season;
- units of this type are characterized by non-volatility;
- design simplicity and ease of maintenance (the ash is removed during operation);
- high security operating unit.
On a note: Assessing the benefits of shaft-type boiler equipment, do not forget that like any other boiler, the unit requires a competent binding. Otherwise, you risk losing all the advantages of this equipment.
Other disadvantages of boiler equipment of this type include simplicity of its design. Here it is necessary to be careful and attentive! Incorrect interpretation of the basic parameters of the equipment and a superficial knowledge about the principles of shaft-type boilers can lead to unpleasant consequences.
At first glance, the design of the heating device is simple and straightforward. Many people try to make such equipment themselves. Attempts are not always successful due to the fact that it is very important to correctly and accurately position the heat exchangers. In the combustion chamber temperature reaches 450-5000C, and if water-tube heat exchanger is low, your pot will boil immediately, leading to tragic consequences.
Depending on the design of the combustion chamber heaters are distinguished into the following types, according to the creators of the names. The main part used in home heating units - it Kholmova boilers and heating devices Efimov.
How should stoke the shaft-type boiler
Like any other type of boiler technology, designed for heating residential buildings, mine has a boiler during operation of its subtleties and nuances. The first and most important for the normal operation of the unit - the quality of fuel, and the manner in which loading firewood fuel chamber. High thermal efficiency of solid fuel boiler silo is achieved by properly stacking the wood. Correctly stacked fuel will not only ensure maximum operational effect, but also reduce the likelihood of smoke premises.
stacking fuel quality determines the duration of combustion and accordingly, the duration of the heating unit.
On a note: lack of skills leads to the fact that the majority of consumers are not able to use the heater correctly. Instead gasification regime mine boilers operate normally. Accordingly, the efficiency of operation of such a unit is extremely low.

To properly use the heater shaft type sufficient to learn a simple sequence of actions.
- Initial ignition of the wood in the traditional way.
- After 15-20 minutes, the boiler can enter the nominal power.
- After exiting the boiler to the operating mode loads in addition to the fuel remaining shaft cleaved and transferred into a pyrolysis operation.
Properly chosen and stacked firewood - a guarantee that the boiler will work for a long time, providing your home with warmth.
As for the fuel itself, there is a lot depends on the imagination and the financial capacity of the house owner. However, despite the fact that the mine type heaters are omnivorous, boiler efficiency depends what you drown boiler.
In the furnace of the boiler are wood pellets, wood waste, wood pellets. Briquettes and pellets are considered an elite type of fuel, but their price is much higher than the cost of conventional wood. Especially if you take into account the simplicity of mine boilers in terms of fuel resources. Wood is the primary fuel for coal boilers pictures. During operation, you need at least half of the tab to make firewood.
On a note: better to use the boiler furnace wood hardwood. Pine and spruce logs have a high resin content, which may lead to the formation and accumulation of tar on walls of the combustion chamber.
Method for laying a wood boiler Shaft
Having dealt with the operation of heating appliances mine type, with the requirements for fuel, it is necessary to pay attention to the methods of the bookmark.
The most frequent cases encountered mine owners solid fuel boilers associated with hanging wood in the fuel chamber. The reason for this phenomenon - the wrong tab. Considering the principle of operation of the boiler silo where the main combustion takes place in the lower part of the device should be cleaved under their own weight fall down smoothly.
Disregarding laying wood in this case is fraught with a sudden interruption of the main process - combustion fuel. Before operating mining units should adhere to the following guidelines:
- logs intended for laying must be smaller, by a few centimeters smaller than the values โโof the fuel shaft perimeter;
- wood must always be laid across the shaft, and in any case along it;
- at the bottom of stacked logs the driest, while the top can be positioned damp wood.
Some simple tips can help you achieve the normal operation of your boiler. One load of firewood, if all the rules tab, should be enough for 12 hours. Boiler all this time to work on their own, without requiring your intervention.

Shaft solid fuel boilers from the entire range of solid-fuel heating appliances are most comfortable, most effective and easy maintenance. For each of us who has a cottage or country house, this type of heating equipment is the best engineering solutions.
Captivates consumers in the choice of heating equipment relatively affordable price of mine boilers, a minimum of complex devices and mechanisms in their design.
For that category of consumers who want a stand-alone home heating, solid fuel boilers shaft type continuous burning time provide free mass, high comfort level house.